View Full Version : Spot DC's in elite quests

07-12-2012, 02:45 PM
Were the spot DC's required in the eilte quests increased recently?

I was running a my level 7 arty in an elite Tear yesterday and I could not spot any traps. My spot was a 26. I was using a +10 spot item, heroism, +4 wis item, and ship buffs along with maxed spot skill and I could still not get my spot high enough to find the traps.

I do not recall ever having issues on my arty's past lives when it came to spotting traps. Any idea if this is WAI or it may be an error?


07-12-2012, 06:32 PM
From the latest Lam Release Notes for Update 14 Patch 2 (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=376774). Intended or not the trap DC's in heroic elite quests were increased with U14. U14.2 will lower them "a bit", whether a bit is back to where they were or not is yet to be scene.

Traps on Heroic Elite difficulty have been toned down a bit, and should be easier to detect and deal reduced damage. All other difficulties are unchanged.

07-15-2012, 09:43 AM
it seemed before the patch that heroic elite traps were requiring 52 search/spot.

Know it for sure, since a 51 search wasnt enough for elite sins of atrition and monastery of the scorpion, while a 52+ did sufice. Post u14.2 patch i have no idea of how the search/spot values could have changed