View Full Version : mitral

07-10-2012, 04:58 AM
Ive just noticed something when i was looking for my new set of armor.

the new armor rating depends on the typ of armor. the heavier the better ac rating.
so is mitral considered a bad thing nowadays for damage resistance / ac goers? ;o

07-10-2012, 05:24 AM
Mithral/Adamantium/Darkleaf etc will not appear on the "new" armor types so while it WOULD be great to use mithral medium armor on an evasion specialist (such as parasitic breastplate) Aside from a handful of upgraded named items mithral is almost non existent now.

Your PRR will be determined by light/med/hvy which is affected by mithral so, if maximising prr, heavy > mithral heavy.