View Full Version : Just saying bye
07-07-2012, 05:40 AM
Havent logged in game for 3 weeks, this whole expansion looked to me awful, and when I read how badly it was executed and is yet another boring grind that has fixed almost nothing and came out as a half ass work I really dont think Ill be coming back anymore.
Game was being dead as it is before that, we used to shortman everything endgame just because you couldnt get full party in a short acceptable amount of time. As I heard from guildie, its the same ole story now. I really have no desire to play this anymore or even get the game updated just to see how it looks.
Just posting a goodbye to my guildies and all the cool guys Ive run with (you know who you are channel gang). As for Stijene, Framsi will have main command and keep it up just so all the guys that are in can benefit from hard work we all have put, untill the last core member is playing this which will follow disband.
To all you guys, zerg on ;)
07-07-2012, 06:38 AM
If you've got the expansion I'd recommend logging in just to see the artwork.
If not, yeah, the new destinies are kinda grindy, the offer a huge power boost, but until people start playing epic elite, the boost trivializes everything else.
People are running quests a lot in my experience atm, but i'm pugging as opposed to setting up groups in channel, A cause content is that easy. B cause everyone in channel wants different things right now.
Was nice running with ya though brko, goodluck with life.
što sisao na zerging.
07-07-2012, 06:39 AM
Brko! nooo I miss you :( very sad to see this post, I hope life away from DDO is treating you well.
For what it is worth, I enjoy the new content, its given me a whole bunch of new end game stuff to play with.
Take care!
07-07-2012, 07:49 AM
Sve najbolje!
07-08-2012, 11:17 AM
Uzivaj stari, i zelim ti sve najbolje. :)
07-08-2012, 12:01 PM
Not sure what sarlona is like but the LFGs on argo are probably 10x what they were b4 the expansion. Tons of lower levels due to people TRing and making druids. And a lot of epic groups running the new stuff and farming scrolls which have been appearing way more often.
07-09-2012, 12:54 PM
Oh goodie, another "look at me I'm gonna ragequit now and be back in a few weeks" thread.
There's tons of LFM's, the new quests are excellent, the destinies are good, the new loot is really interesting.
I'd like to shine some light on the subject, but that would be against the forum rules.
If you're serious about ragequitting, give all your stuff away in the market.
07-09-2012, 01:12 PM
Oh goodie, another "look at me I'm gonna ragequit now and be back in a few weeks" thread.
There's tons of LFM's, the new quests are excellent, the destinies are good, the new loot is really interesting.
I'd like to shine some light on the subject, but that would be against the forum rules.
If you're serious about ragequitting, give all your stuff away in the market.
This. 10x the LFMs, groups fill fast... too fast... I see a group doing a quest I want to do on my FvS, I go to switch characters, and it's already filled.
The new quests are loads of fun.. Epic Destinies means you're gaining new abilities every night... Not just grinding for a week to get 1/3 of an epic item.
Quitting without even trying the new stuff? Weak. But good luck to you.
Oh goodie, another "look at me I'm gonna ragequit now and be back in a few weeks" thread.
There's tons of LFM's, the new quests are excellent, the destinies are good, the new loot is really interesting.
I'd like to shine some light on the subject, but that would be against the forum rules.
If you're serious about ragequitting, give all your stuff away in the market.
I didn't see much raging by the op ....
Hmm so you couldnt log into guild and say goodbye?
you had too come too the forums?
yea .. kk bye bye.
Oh can i have your stuffs
07-09-2012, 01:55 PM
If you're serious about ragequitting, give all your stuff away in the market.
Or to me, that would be fine too.
07-09-2012, 02:16 PM
Or to me, that would be fine too.
Would have thought you'd have two of everything by now. BTW Ilindith only wants items with a "Race Absolutely Excluded: Warforged" tag, right? :p
07-09-2012, 02:17 PM
Would have thought you'd have two of everything by now. BTW Ilindith only wants items with a "Race Absolutely Excluded: Warforged" tag, right? :p
I've been running on **** gear for all my lives.
07-09-2012, 02:20 PM
07-10-2012, 03:26 AM
Well man, was always a pleasure. Hope to see ya in the future sometime brother. Take care and maybe I'll visit Crotia someday. :)
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