View Full Version : Really, Sarlona?

07-05-2012, 03:39 PM
So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons(with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does. In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there. This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it. Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex). I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere! It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places. I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3). But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs? Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck? Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.


07-05-2012, 03:44 PM
There's lots of people that like a challenge.

Few of us post lfms.

07-05-2012, 03:49 PM
Sorry, I failed my save against Wall of Text.

07-05-2012, 03:50 PM
Sarlona is all about user channels.
And many xp/minute TR people don't even advertise in those, they prefer to just solo or duo.

Also, many of our guilds have been around forever, and people just group in those.

07-05-2012, 03:50 PM
There's lots of people that like a challenge.

Few of us post lfms.

Hmm, I suppose I've found the problem then

07-05-2012, 03:52 PM
Sorry, I failed my save against Wall of Text.

Srry, had to make sure that only red names could reply to the post.

07-05-2012, 03:52 PM
So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons(with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does. In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there. This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it. Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex). I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere! It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places. I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3). But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs? Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck? Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.


I would say that your boredom has nothing to do with what server you are on, and more to do with how you are choosing to play the game

Are you sure you are looking for a challenge? It sounds more like you are rushing through the game as fast as you can, in hopes of getting bored with it again.

Here's something that is guaranteed to breath some new life into your game - share your wealth of knowledge with those who need it most.

07-05-2012, 03:53 PM
(Combat): You were critically hit by Th3ThirdFall3n's Wall of Text.
(Combat): You move on.

07-05-2012, 03:56 PM
(Combat): You were critically hit by Th3ThirdFall3n's Wall of Text.
(Combat): You move on.

If you periodically swap out your Heavy Fort item and swap it back in, you should be fine.

07-05-2012, 03:56 PM
I would say that your boredom has nothing to do with what server you are on, and more to do with how you are choosing to play the game

Are you sure you are looking for a challenge? It sounds more like you are rushing through the game as fast as you can, in hopes of getting bored with it again.

Here's something that is guaranteed to breath some new life into your game - share your wealth of knowledge with those who need it most.

To the Red text: I'm not saying my playstyle has anything to do with the server, I'm saying the server seems pretty meager regardless.(Then again that problem and the way i see the server was solved/changed when informed of the player channels, so i suppose you can disregard that)

To the Green: Wanting to cap out is another thing entirely than rushing the game. I prefer endgame, I prefer the slow but sure grind to better gear, and am in no form or fashion going to repeat the TR process on a server I have nothing on, I have Cannith and it's boredom to me for that :)

To the Blue: Don't die in wild areas? I mean, that's literally like running through a casual dungeon and dying. Except you're trying to make it to a quest in most cases lol

07-05-2012, 04:09 PM
Srry, had to make sure that only red names could reply to the post.

So, calling me trash? Well isn't that nice.

07-05-2012, 04:14 PM
Hmm, I suppose I've found the problem then

It's not at all a problem from this end.

07-05-2012, 05:06 PM
You have to remember that the forum users don't represent the majority of players, at least not in Sarlona. And for us to still have all of those sorts of inefficient LFMs is a visible sign that we're still flooding with incoming newbies every single day, the very crowd certain veteran players avoid and neglect. Be thankful they're even around to ignorantly throw their money at Turbine. Instead of being a prick whining about how bored you are with your own server and how bad our server is, you could either help us out by training newcomers or forfeit your assumptions on a server you're partially oblivious about.

Newbies aside, don't forget that experience gain has become so slap-in-the-face easy that, at least for a first and second life, even with -99% xp penalty you can still hit 20 without a problem. If you're running a first life hitting up Bravery Bonuses you will either be forced to run quests above level or skip them entirely due to XP Cap.

I could continue on ranting but I'll just end by stating that in Sarlona, to each his own.

07-05-2012, 05:15 PM
Twitter was invented for people like the OP. You can't post a wall of unreadable pointless text on twitter, it's just pointless.

07-05-2012, 05:26 PM
Wall of Text hurt, bad. Please fix.

A lot of people on Sarlona (Myself included), as has been noted, like/tend to solo or duo when we're farming for xp. Otherwise, we tend to run with a channel or guildies.

Most of the lfms on Sarlona are either people that are REALLY bored and need pugs for entertainment, are newer to the game and are actually looking for people to help them, or are people that are just so kind as to let you in the run because they know they could solo it anyhow. Slayers are common because they're easily pikeable ;D

If you -know- someone on the server, it'll be much easier to drag them along to help you. Otherwise, have fun with the pugs, or soloing. Your choice.

07-05-2012, 06:14 PM
Not a bad troll attempt, I give it a 6 out of 10 stars.

If this is a recent move for you then you need to realize
that since new content is out guild/channel people who
do high end stuff are not using the LFM panel.

If you've been on Sarlona for longer than the new content
has been out, you need to realize that guild/channel people
who do high end stuff are not using the LFM panel.

The high end community is also pretty small, and many groups
don't play with each other, causing a further "silo" effect.

Learning Chinese couldn't hurt you either.

Side note...

While I often play alone, I rarely feel lonely or bored.

Just something you might want to consider.

07-05-2012, 11:06 PM
Side note...

While I often play alone, I rarely feel lonely or bored.

Just something you might want to consider.

I don't consider playing with a sheep in your lap as "playing alone".

07-05-2012, 11:14 PM
There's lots of people that like a challenge.

Few of us post lfms.

Some would argue that posting a LFM and running with a PUG group is a challenge.

07-05-2012, 11:20 PM
So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons(with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does. In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there. This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it. Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex). I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere! It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places. I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3). But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs? Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck? Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.


I honestly am confused by your impression of Sarlona, as practically none of it is in agreement with what I see it as. The vast majority of the players that I group with are all experienced veterans that know what they are doing and like to have a fun time, while those who are less experienced learn quickly; I never run anything other than PUGs, so this is not coming from someone that only quests with capable friends and guilders. There are some exceptions, but is this not always the case?

07-05-2012, 11:27 PM



07-05-2012, 11:29 PM
Sarlona is all about user channels.
And many xp/minute TR people don't even advertise in those, they prefer to just solo or duo.

Also, many of our guilds have been around forever, and people just group in those.

This. I havent really joined many LFM's in about 2 years. Ever since I joined my guild, I've been happy. Most of the time we try and group up. If not, I also enjoy soloing. Only reason for me to join a pug is to run a shroud or some other raid when the guild hasnt scheduled it and the timer can go away by the time the guild does run it. (ingredients only, guild runs mostly end on completion) and for explorer areas. (Despite what the original post said, the reason people run a lot of explorers in sarlona is well, because the xp in there is quite good. And sometimes dungeon zerging gets boring, and our toons need the fresh air)

07-06-2012, 09:47 AM
Wait, what?

There is a LFM panel on Sarlona?

When did we get that?!?!?

Is that a Favor reward? What house? shrplz!

07-06-2012, 09:53 AM
Wait, what?

There is a LFM panel on Sarlona?

When did we get that?!?!?

Is that a Favor reward? What house? shrplz!

ok, shared! :p

07-06-2012, 09:54 AM

ok, shared! :p

Somebody loves me!


07-06-2012, 09:59 AM
Somebody loves me!


07-06-2012, 10:08 AM
Wait, what?

There is a LFM panel on Sarlona?

When did we get that?!?!?

Is that a Favor reward? What house? shrplz!

That would be house Q favor good sir.

Unfortunately I can't share, you have to talk to the guy.

07-06-2012, 10:10 AM
Uhm. With Cannith and Sarlona as my primary servers, and playing both at all hours of the day, I can assure you that Sarlona pugs tend to run more content for BB than Cannith pugs, on a per-percent of LFMs basis. Of course, Cannith is a larger population server- or at least, used to be, I couldn't possibly verify that now- and every server has their low activity spots.
Playing the day after the fourth probably wasn't your best bet, either.


07-06-2012, 10:22 AM
This is it, first time to do it I think, here we go...


I just love all the people that come to the forums crabbing "there's no one posting decent lfms!" but won't post one themselves.

My guildies generally refuse to pug. I don't get it, but fine. Raids excluded. When I DO pug, it will almost always be for a trapper... especially with the borked elite traps atm. Don't pug healers, don't pug casters, don't pug dps. If you're one of those, you won't be needed. Trappers=exp bonus even with a 10-percent death bonus loss (I had to be careful there to avoid the "it's a bonus" police).

07-06-2012, 10:40 AM
If I weren't so lazy, I would go to the Cannith Forum to make a "Really, Cannith?" thread telling them to stop their 3lit3 play3rs lik3 th3 Th3ThirdFall3n from 3xporting walls of t3xt to Salrona.

Salrona is already special enough, we've reached our special quota. If your cup floweth over on Cannith, please dump your refuse in Khyber. Nobody likes them anyways.

07-06-2012, 10:41 AM
So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons (with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does.

In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there.

This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it.

Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex).

I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere!
It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places.

I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3).

But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol.

Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs?
Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck?

Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.


while this is not improving quality of text, the basic formatting makes it little easier to read.

07-06-2012, 11:15 AM
I was expecting a shroud thread.

Instead I got an op who's afraid to start his own lfm.

Not sure what's worse.

07-06-2012, 12:30 PM
I was expecting a shroud thread.

Instead I got an op who's afraid to start his own lfm.

Not sure what's worse.

LFM's are hard. That's probably why we don't use them on Sarlona.

07-06-2012, 12:55 PM
If your cup floweth over on Cannith, please dump your refuse in Khyber. Nobody likes them anyways.

/sad gawna

I made a new monk on Sarlona and noticed that there weren't many LFM's up. I put one up of my own and had a couple people join and had fun times. If you're so awesome and uberz, put up an LFM and lead people through a quest.

07-06-2012, 01:36 PM
/sad gawna

I made a new monk on Sarlona and noticed that there weren't many LFM's up. I put one up of my own and had a couple people join and had fun times. If you're so awesome and uberz, put up an LFM and lead people through a quest.

You play gawnapunch on Sarlona? When was that?

07-06-2012, 02:18 PM
LFM's are hard. That's probably why we don't use them on Sarlona.

And when we do post some, people can't even read them.

07-06-2012, 02:20 PM
/sad gawna

I made a new monk on Sarlona and noticed that there weren't many LFM's up. I put one up of my own and had a couple people join and had fun times. If you're so awesome and uberz, put up an LFM and lead people through a quest.

Sorry, I just didn't want to catch any Khyber cooties.

07-06-2012, 02:21 PM
LFM's are hard. That's probably why we don't use them on Sarlona.

lfms ar 4 teh week!

07-06-2012, 02:33 PM
Yeah, LFMs are just scary. We join guilds instead.

And that wall of text was really scary too.

07-09-2012, 02:39 AM
What's this lfm you talking about?

07-09-2012, 08:23 AM
Here's what I've been doing, when no one in my guild/static group is in level range, not being part of any of those fancy-pants tr-focused channels, and what I suggest you do: just put your own bravery/farming lfms up. Change the part of the server that just does slayers by example.

It kind of surprised me, but I tended to get a much greater number of competent people than fivefivefive-ish idiots like that. And even some of the more inexperienced people were fun to run with and learned fast.

07-11-2012, 10:48 AM
I don't have a guild on Sarlona, and I dont really care about 'social' channels tbh. But I've been trying to PUG on all servers in order to estabilish myself in one. And so far, got more luck on Sarlona (went from level 6 to 11 trough creating and joining PUGs), perhaps because I am a rogue and I am always needed in those Elite bravery streak groups. I've playing much more on Sarlona because of the PUG activity here. So, keep the pug's on!

07-11-2012, 11:41 AM
And when we do post some, people can't even read them.

What Quest? What House? shrplz! Ship invite.

07-13-2012, 10:01 AM
So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons(with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does. In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there. This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it. Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex). I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere! It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places. I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3). But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs? Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck? Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.


Dude your beating a dead horse. Sarlona's end-game has a good scene but leveling up pug style is EXTREMELY painful. The #1 reason why i will never TR again, that 3rd life was bad.

07-13-2012, 02:01 PM
So I get bored from time to time on Cannith, having multiple TR toons and great gear on relatively all my toons(with the exceptions being farming toons, bank toons, etc), and being the kind of person I am, leaving DDO entirely for another game isn't all that hard to do. I do play other MMO's but nothing really suites my fancy the way DDO does. In any case recently I tried the Sarlona server for sh*ts and giggles; figured I'd make a wizzie, stone him and cap him out with relative ease, then see what's up with the raid/end game scene out there. This all went off with out a hitch(I have yet to cap the toon, but it's in the process), the only problem is, that everytime I open the LFM I find myself repeatedly wishing for something to say to all these people who post up on it. Groups of people running quests way under their level asking for heals or DPS or something of the sort. Hardly any farming runs of good xp/min quests, a bucket load of wilderness farming runs(slayer/rare/ex). I mean come on, I'll forgive you for Orchard, the Minos is probably the only reason to ever run slayers on any wild area, but it's everywhere! It's like the server is full of people who would prefer to run content 5 levels under them than be presented with the challenge of running quests at level. And I don't even know what to think of people who max out slayers lol, it's like they keep themselves oblivious to the beautiful experience to be gained from certain places. I mean you can LITERALLY gain 100k from certain quests(Sane Asylum) through farming, MORE if the quest is filled with good optionals and you've kept a streak up(VoN3). But REALLY, REALLY, Sarlona? Do you really have nothing more to offer a bored player than people who probably have more trouble making it alive on the way TO the quest than they would piking at the start of it? And who knows, judging by what I've seen, even THAT might be a little hard for them lol. Anyway, I was just wondering, is there even a solid group of farmers out there on Sarlona? A nice group of people to run with regardless of the general lack of motivation im getting time after time by looking into the LFM tabs? Or should I just give up hope, and go off to the next server to try my luck? Just wondering, I mean this server(by the look of the amount of forum threads) looks to be fairly sizable, but if everyone here is fine with posting such sad things on their lfms... I suppose I should just stop there.


Sarlona is the home of role-players, slow players, casual players who enjoy every bit of game. So, random PUGs there will definitely disappoint anyone with fast running zerging mindset. On the other hand getting in to a good channels is also not easy, obviously no good channel is going to pick a player who just stoned to 16 and those free starter items are his/her best items.

07-13-2012, 02:34 PM
I primarily run with guildies. If no guildies are on, i usually go and do a quest by myself. I really only join pugs if its a raid and i need a completion or if another quest is being run that i may want to do. Otherwise i will just go do some challenges.

As far as the lfm's you see. That is not the cream of the crop. Most people run with well established grps and group via private channels.

There are a few guilds who still are adamant on using lfm's for guild runs only which is just a waste space on the LFM board when they can use their guild list to invite or just by typing something in guild chat flr quick invite.

Sarlona is alot better than what you see on the LFM's.

07-13-2012, 03:46 PM
Woo, wait a minute. This thread has opened my eyes. There is more to sarlona than bad pugs and slow mindsets? I am fascinated by this concept and must pug at once! To the rulette tables I go.

07-16-2012, 12:04 PM
WOW; Yep now I am inspired to go PUG more often in Sarlona! I had some bad experiences and started to solo more often, but it was encounters with some pretty arrogant sorts I looked at changing to Canninth but did not want to pay for that. Maybe the OP was in one of those groups?

Well I will try Pugging again as soon as I can. Is turbine still having their staff party?

07-16-2012, 01:31 PM
I was expecting a shroud thread.

Instead I got an op who's afraid to start his own lfm.

Not sure what's worse.

lol you too? well at least is was about a wall...

Woo, wait a minute. This thread has opened my eyes. There is more to sarlona than bad pugs and slow mindsets? I am fascinated by this concept and must pug at once! To the rulette tables I go.

only Russian will do....

07-17-2012, 02:19 AM
<----waiting patiently to see your reaction to a lv 20 posting a loot run of tempest spine....

07-17-2012, 06:14 AM
Sarlona is alot better than what you see on the LFM's.

It is? ;)

07-17-2012, 10:16 AM
Dude your beating a dead horse. Sarlona's end-game has a good scene but leveling up pug style is EXTREMELY painful. The #1 reason why i will never TR again, that 3rd life was bad.

No, your just bad at DDO.


07-18-2012, 09:25 AM
No, your just bad at DDO.

Amen sister!

07-18-2012, 09:58 AM
Amen sister!


I told you that was a KILT and not a dress and it was liberating!


07-18-2012, 10:01 AM

I told you that was a KILT and not a dress and it was liberating!


07-18-2012, 10:19 AM

Just jealous that I look better?

In a kilt, in a dress.

Face it, your just a mess.

I have more, you have less.

Now go kiss my ***.


07-18-2012, 11:12 AM
Just jealous that I look better?

In a kilt, in a dress.

Face it, your just a mess.

I have more, you have less.

Now go kiss my ***.

Horrible Rhyme Bro.


07-18-2012, 11:46 AM
Horrible Rhyme Bro.


What do you expect for on the spot?


07-18-2012, 11:51 AM
What do you expect for on the spot?

This wasn't bad.

My mind is a place that speaks of starvation when lit by a stone of possible frustration I think to myself as I do what I can to be slightly confused as to what I really am. Do not be scared for I think what I am is the thing that desires the fruits of the damned and before you think twice do think of the second that you where involved in the life of yourself. Fear the patience that goes unnoticed and stay awake so you can be known but unspoken. Silence is the answer to everything within and to squelch you at all means you are noticed again. Speak this to no one for a secret it may be or a substantial lie given unto you and to me. Pathological response from a person unknown as of so far it is habitually satisfied and correctly postponed.

07-18-2012, 03:05 PM

07-18-2012, 03:07 PM
lol nice, I see what you did there. Covert, yet still hurtful.

07-18-2012, 04:58 PM
I suppose I should just stop there.


07-19-2012, 12:21 PM
To OP.

This hasn't been my experience at all, but what's to keep you from putting up your own lfm. I don't put up LFMs often, but when I do they are filled quickly.

07-19-2012, 01:50 PM
To OP.

This hasn't been my experience at all, but what's to keep you from putting up your own lfm. I don't put up LFMs often, but when I do they are filled quickly.

Can we get a complimentary dos equis meme pic?

07-19-2012, 02:03 PM

Admittedly not quite what you were asking for but liked it better. Say slaying friends. :P

07-19-2012, 02:21 PM
Can we get a complimentary dos equis meme pic?


07-20-2012, 08:28 AM
:) welcome to sarlona. have a boring stay.

and wash behind your ears.

07-30-2012, 04:15 AM
I was thinking about moving from Cannith to Sarlona.
But after reading all the messages in this forum I decided to stay in Cannith.
In Cannith there are a lot of lfm of quests with bravery bonus (and there are also many players who solo quests).

Wall of Text hurt, bad. Please fix.

A lot of people on Sarlona (Myself included), as has been noted, like/tend to solo or duo when we're farming for xp. Otherwise, we tend to run with a channel or guildies.

Most of the lfms on Sarlona are either people that are REALLY bored and need pugs for entertainment, are newer to the game and are actually looking for people to help them, or are people that are just so kind as to let you in the run because they know they could solo it anyhow. Slayers are common because they're easily pikeable ;D

If you -know- someone on the server, it'll be much easier to drag them along to help you. Otherwise, have fun with the pugs, or soloing. Your choice.

07-30-2012, 04:19 AM
man, I don't join a Server to play "alone".

While I often play alone, I rarely feel lonely or bored.

Just something you might want to consider.

07-30-2012, 07:31 AM

08-17-2012, 04:56 PM
I was thinking about moving from Cannith to Sarlona.
But after reading all the messages in this forum I decided to stay in Cannith.
In Cannith there are a lot of lfm of quests with bravery bonus (and there are also many players who solo quests).

That is about all you see in Sarlona for both heroic and epic levels - quests for bravery bonus. The OP must have been playing at an odd time or just flat out wrong. For every wilderness LFM I see many more elite quest LFMs. On epic I see mostly hard but I see more elite than normal and I've never seen an LFM for casual.

08-17-2012, 05:37 PM
Don't suppose the wilderness lfms have anything to do with the bug that makes private go public...

Nah, couldn't be.

We all suck down here.

08-17-2012, 07:27 PM
Welcome to sarlona, where putting up lfms for anything you feel like running does not cause a social stigma. Also where people actually feel like running more the the L33T approved list of quests. Have fun or go away, no one cares which.