View Full Version : Draconic Incarnation White Dragon Wizard
07-04-2012, 10:15 AM
I swapped my pale masters destiny from Magister to Draconic Incarnation, and I dont regret the change. After hitting lvl 4 and having enough fate points to twist in +3 necro DCs, my DCs are back up, the only thing slightly lower than before is spell penetration (which can be worked on).
I really like the abilities that Draconic Incarnation adds to my build
-Flyby Attack is just great, helps avoiding traps and is convenient in many other places. Havent used the knockdown effect much yet but will try for sure.
-Dragonbreath is a (currently) 1300 damage cheap AoE nuke
-20-30 extra cold spell power and 2-3 max cold spell levels help nuking deathwarded mobs
-Energy Sheath is basically a fire shield against a third element (currently acid for green dragons)
Magister doesnt seem to have any impressive abilities that can compare to these, there is no going back for me.
about the other destiny abilities:
Unfortunately, I cant fit in conjuration bonus due to lack of a conjuration focus feat. Maybe I should try to fit one in for +3 conjuration skills? PWK and web. Is the dragons roar good? It sounds interesting but my wizard already has decent cc... maybe id be better off investing the point in damage or spell penetration. I havent spent any points into a secondary element. Im short on points and dont use my other elements (acid/lightning) that much. Dragon Breath augmentation and the spell augmentation adding effects dont seem to be useful enough to spend points in them, since the breath is only 5 uses per rest and the chance for side effects (5% for 3d6 sonic) on cold spells seems too low. The tier 6 abilities dont seem worth the trouble, Id rather just get more +int or +spell power from lower tiers.
What are your thoughts about Draconic Incarnation for wizards? Any good pointers for further improvement and further tips to my destiny build are appreciated. Maybe twists from other destinies? Light resistance looks great for a pale master but its very hard to get there. Ill definitely try fatesinger for extra fate points/twist slots
07-04-2012, 10:36 AM
I swapped my pale masters destiny from Magister to Draconic Incarnation, and I dont regret the change. After hitting lvl 4 and having enough fate points to twist in +3 necro DCs, my DCs are back up, the only thing slightly lower than before is spell penetration (which can be worked on).
I really like the abilities that Draconic Incarnation adds to my build
-Flyby Attack is just great, helps avoiding traps and is convenient in many other places. Havent used the knockdown effect much yet but will try for sure.
-Dragonbreath is a (currently) 1300 damage cheap AoE nuke
-20-30 extra cold spell power and 2-3 max cold spell levels help nuking deathwarded mobs
-Energy Sheath is basically a fire shield against a third element (currently acid for green dragons)
Magister doesnt seem to have any impressive abilities that can compare to these, there is no going back for me.
about the other destiny abilities:
Unfortunately, I cant fit in conjuration bonus due to lack of a conjuration focus feat. Maybe I should try to fit one in for +3 conjuration skills? PWK and web. Is the dragons roar good? It sounds interesting but my wizard already has decent cc... maybe id be better off investing the point in damage or spell penetration. I havent spent any points into a secondary element. Im short on points and dont use my other elements (acid/lightning) that much. Dragon Breath augmentation and the spell augmentation adding effects dont seem to be useful enough to spend points in them, since the breath is only 5 uses per rest and the chance for side effects (5% for 3d6 sonic) on cold spells seems too low. The tier 6 abilities dont seem worth the trouble, Id rather just get more +int or +spell power from lower tiers.
What are your thoughts about Draconic Incarnation for wizards? Any good pointers for further improvement and further tips to my destiny build are appreciated. Maybe twists from other destinies? Light resistance looks great for a pale master but its very hard to get there. Ill definitely try fatesinger for extra fate points/twist slots
I actually started in Draconic on my PM, before I realized that I should have started Magistar to get the twists I wanted, then switch over. I am actually liking it. Haven't quite made it to get the dragon breath, but I did take the elemental ed's that run along the left side(cant remember names right now) The energy sheath is great(acid as well, since cold/fire can be cast if needed). Don't really care for the "feign death" on the 2nd tier, but must take it for the third tier ed, which at the moment i love.
Don't remember exact stats right now, but ?d6 per caster level of(acid) elemental burst damage, every 30 seconds for 20 sp? Yes please! It has really helped when soloing in the Underdark. Get mobbed by 4 or 5 drow that I didn't see?? Pop the blast for a 700-1600(rough numbers that i have noticed) blast of acid to those around me.
And the Dragon's Roar?? Works well in my experience. Run into a group, pop the roar, 50%+ of the mobs are now "feared" and stand in place, pop the (acid) elemental blast to kill off a couple, and drastically weaken the rest. Then just start taking them out one by one, or drop another AOE to finish all off.
Now, just to give you some perspective as well. Most of my knowledge comes from playing solo, in the explorer areas(Forest, underdark, ssch???) And running the quests on Epic Normal solo with my panther and a level 20 cleric hireling to keep the panther alive. So, scaling can be a factor as well.
Maybe someone who runs in groups, and runs on harder difficulties can add their experience as well. Hope that answered some of what you where asking. :cool:
07-05-2012, 09:44 PM
Deadmanet is right on the money when talking about Energy Burst (the ability after Out with a Bang on the far left column). It's fantastic DPS every 30 seconds, and it's easier to target than Dragon Breath. Just gather up a bunch of mobs and BOOM. I hit for around 1300-1700 on a non-crit with it.
Just take one rank in Out With A Bang to qualify for Energy Burst, since Out With A Bang is lame because of the long cooldown and the 50% health requirement.
Energy Vortex, the Tier 6 ability on the far left, can be nice. It hits for around 200 per tick on any mobs around, which isn't devastating, but adds up if you're patient. 45 seconds is a nice long duration too, especially considering that the cooldown is only two minutes.
Note: Energy Vortex is currently bugged where it damages party member Pale Masters. I do not know if this will affect a PM casting it.
The 'Epic Moment' ability Fearsome Invulnerability is okay. It's not wonderful, simply because of the long cooldown, and I have never been able to get the Intimidate effect to trigger. It's essentially 30 seconds of immortality though, which can be nice if you're in a really tight spot or drew too much aggro.
I agree with you on the breath effect boosts. Just not worth it for such low percentages to inflict effects, when Breath is five shots with a minute cooldown.
Conclusion: Energy Burst is amazing. If you like Dragonbreath, get it. Out With A Bang is lame. Energy Vortex is okay. Fearsome Invulnerability is situationally awesome.
07-06-2012, 08:09 AM
I'm on a sorc so keep that in mind.
I'm almost maxed out on DI. Ice with acid secondary. The breath hits often for over 3k and quite often crits for 4200. It has a very low cost, but it is amazing. I did max out caster levels and dmg in my two elements. I don't think it is worth spending points in the secondary effects but meh. I haven't been tempted to get the vortex left side cause the boosts to ice spells and the breath are just that powerful. Since I am used to otiluke, I find breath very easy to aim and you can move while using it to hit more (just be fast). I use fly by through the enemies, turn around, breath.. If any still standing, wait for them to gather coming towards me the otiluke. Huge fast damage for not much more sp than one otiluke.
07-06-2012, 06:34 PM
Just take one rank in Out With A Bang to qualify for Energy Burst, since Out With A Bang is lame because of the long cooldown and the 50% health requirement.
Dont you need to have 3 ranks in out with a bang to get 3 ranks of energy burst? or do you only put in 1 point for energy burst
07-07-2012, 02:51 PM
Dont you need to have 3 ranks in out with a bang to get 3 ranks of energy burst? or do you only put in 1 point for energy burst
Yes, but it's my opinion that just one rank in Energy Burst is great, especially since there's speculation that the second and third ranks may not be correctly applying their damage. With the good power in even one rank, it's worth it. Having to buy two more ranks in Out With A Bang makes it more questionable in value.
In my opinion draconic incarnation is by far, way superior to magister.
They get massive dps at virtually no cost.
There's one ability that Magisters have, which one would assume gives them an extra edge. The 15% chance to give mobs -5 fortitude saves for 30 seconds.
However, if you read carefully you'll notice that if you choose black dragon heritage you get the exact SAME ability.
Not only that, but you can spam 4sp acid sprays/15 sp acid rain, cloudkill, etc and without much effort give every mob in the room -5 to fortitude saves.
Which make landing instakills that much easier.
Not to mention the combination of mass hold + burst + dragon breath. It can, virtually 1 hit epic elite mobs if you land a critical hit, which is not hard at all nowadays.
And if they survive, instakills make short work of mobs with -5 fort saves.
I'm not saying draconic is overpowered (ok maybe a little bit), those burst would give the old wail a run for it's money.
What I'm saying is that magister needs a revamp, as it is, it's amongst the most useless destinies for casters. Their main ability can be easily twisted, the cooldowns at best gives you 6 seconds, the sigiles take forever and are useless.
Arcane tempest takes forever to cast, by the time it lands the mobs moved away and has an eternal cooldown for the damage it does (akin to 1 draconic burst).
Nullmagic wont proc on red/orange named monsters, which makes building up stacks for the aura that much harder on boss fights.
As of now, my pale master can steal aggro from rogues and insane hate paladins for 20 sp!.
07-09-2012, 01:25 AM
the one thing i like for magister is nullmagic strike which i believe dispels deathward and you can easily dispel with magic missile/arcane initiate.
charges in general seem kinda broken, resting and zoning in to different area (in the same dungeon) wipe charges that are kind of annoying to build up in the first place. I like that energy burst and draconic hunger seem very useful so i dont even feel tempted to use the epic moment.
07-09-2012, 01:40 AM
the one thing i like for magister is nullmagic strike which i believe dispels deathward and you can easily dispel with magic missile/arcane initiate.
charges in general seem kinda broken, resting and zoning in to different area (in the same dungeon) wipe charges that are kind of annoying to build up in the first place. I like that energy burst and draconic hunger seem very useful so i dont even feel tempted to use the epic moment.
Nice. I hadn't thought to take nullmagic strike for that. Most enemy buffs aren't even worth dispelling, but Deathward is a big pain in slowing me down.
Thanks for the tip.
I'm still working my way through Magister and I look forward to twisting in the Variable Resistance (and I also look forward to Variable Resistance actually working since it doesn't currently seem to) and being essentially immune to all elemental damage while in the Draconic ED.
the one thing i like for magister is nullmagic strike which i believe dispels deathward and you can easily dispel with magic missile/arcane initiate.
charges in general seem kinda broken, resting and zoning in to different area (in the same dungeon) wipe charges that are kind of annoying to build up in the first place. I like that energy burst and draconic hunger seem very useful so i dont even feel tempted to use the epic moment.
I have to admit that null-magic strike can be very convenient, specially with those **** drow priestesses. You can proc it easily with magic missiles, even the past life ones.
But the damage output of draconic makes up for this by a lot, if you land a flesh to stone on a priestess, it's death ward wont matter with the +50% damage boost.
By the way draconic hunger is actually quite awful. It gives +15 NON-stacking hp and (+15) yes a (+15) appears in your sp bar, NON-stacking sp. Meaning it only discounts 15 sp from your next spell.
It's nothing even remotely similar to torc or conc opp.
11-30-2012, 08:23 AM
The Dragon breath comes in extremely handy. Especially if you just did a fly by over a nice tight group of critters and they are all laying down, then hit them with some dragon breath to take lots of damage. Pretty much every thing is dead, or dying, or will die on your next spell.
Biggest Dragon breath I have done was a 12,358 point damage and this was against the Abishai Devastator in Chrono. It was quite fun to see his health bar go down a chunk.
11-30-2012, 02:07 PM
Yeah I have a recently epicced PM and was planning to go Magister, so I saved it for last and started with DI.
I was floored by the damage potential in this destiny! Energy Burst and Flyby Attack are amazing! The knockdown on Flyby works pretty well for me. I think I was making my guild group jealous at how much I was jonesing all night after I finally got EB. Who needs to take the extra time and effort (and SP, potentially) to dispel Death Ward when you just hit Energy Burst? Actually I like being able to mix EB and Wail at will, lets me feel like less of a one trick pony.
I'll have to try out the Roar and see if it works for me. CC that uses an ED formula for DCs sounds good to me, since my normal DCs always seem way below the curve even though I can't imagine how to get any higher.
Anyway now my ED plan is all messed up since I ended up starting in my now-final destiny. Sigh.
I can't decide whether to twist Necro Mastery, Piercing Spellcraft, and the light resistance one or the int/spell pen stance from Fatesinger.
11-30-2012, 04:47 PM
Pay more attention to the post date...
12-05-2012, 10:38 PM
My sorc just made DI tier 6, lvl 5.
Energy burst-3k at least, pops up to 7k crits(T3
Bang- only does 300
Energy sheath-6 min to acid :D fir/cold , air savant.
I carry roar. it helps make my bursts hit 10k crits.
dragon breath, preeetty weak seeing as though i can match it with a chain lightning. which i can cast for only 50 sp.
flyby, really fun seeing that you run ppl. over. if mobs immune to roar, i run them over then gather and burst.
of course, it IS fun when you have an implosion scroll and you cast vortex and implosion then zerg run through the underdark with wind dance. ain't it? hehe.
I love draconic ED, i took some CHA jsut to pop it 50. CC is fair, i can go to round 3 usually in DA.
Wail sucks, i hate it in the sense it will only kill or neg. lvl the target, up to 2 times. no damage? but thats a diff. subject, as i am a sorc! yes, max damage HAS reached more than 50k...
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