07-02-2012, 06:39 PM
Hey all,
I mostly play LOTRO, but actually first played DDO. I'm used to D&D on paper but haven't played DDO in over two years.
I've done research on the wiki and put together a primarily Ranger build with some Fighter. He'll focus on dual-wielding and bow use with high Dexterity.
I'd appreciate it if you could review this build and let me know if it would work.
BTW, I'm Premium but not VIP.
Class: Ranger Main / Fighter Second
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral (or Neutral Good?)
.:: Stats ::.
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 8
.:: Level Progression ::.
1st Ranger 1st Favored Enemy, Wild Empathy, Bow Strength, Wilderness Lore
2nd Ranger Rapid Shot, Two Weapon Fighting
3rd Ranger Diehard
4th Ranger Precise Shot
5th Ranger 2nd Favored Enemy
6th Ranger Manyshot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
7th Ranger Improved Wild Empathy, Wilderness Lore
8th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
9th Ranger Evasion
10th Ranger 3rd Favored Enemy
11th Ranger Improved Precise Shot, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
12th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
13th Ranger --
14th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
15th Ranger 4th Favored Enemy
16th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
17th Ranger Hide In Plain Sight
18th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
19th Ranger --
20th Ranger 5th Favored Enemy
I'm not too familiar with multiclassing, so did I figure this out right? If so I should come out with a total of 13 open feats (1 base, 1 Human, 6 from every 3rd level, and 5 from Fighter levels).
I should have roughly 245 Ranger Spell points, is this good?
I should also let you know I'm primarily going to Solo and use a hireling when I can. Schedule is too random to play with many people.
I previously had a Dual wielding Elven Rogue and a Human Paladin(maybe Cleric). Would they still be alive after 2 years? If so could I mail some gear from them to my new guy for a small boost?
Again, I'm familiar with almost all of D&D and these types of games, just not DDO itself(that is, my DDO memory is two years old and only level 6).
Thanks in advance.
I mostly play LOTRO, but actually first played DDO. I'm used to D&D on paper but haven't played DDO in over two years.
I've done research on the wiki and put together a primarily Ranger build with some Fighter. He'll focus on dual-wielding and bow use with high Dexterity.
I'd appreciate it if you could review this build and let me know if it would work.
BTW, I'm Premium but not VIP.
Class: Ranger Main / Fighter Second
Race: Human
Alignment: True Neutral (or Neutral Good?)
.:: Stats ::.
Strength: 15
Dexterity: 15
Constitution: 14
Intelligence: 12
Wisdom: 10
Charisma: 8
.:: Level Progression ::.
1st Ranger 1st Favored Enemy, Wild Empathy, Bow Strength, Wilderness Lore
2nd Ranger Rapid Shot, Two Weapon Fighting
3rd Ranger Diehard
4th Ranger Precise Shot
5th Ranger 2nd Favored Enemy
6th Ranger Manyshot, Improved Two Weapon Fighting
7th Ranger Improved Wild Empathy, Wilderness Lore
8th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
9th Ranger Evasion
10th Ranger 3rd Favored Enemy
11th Ranger Improved Precise Shot, Greater Two Weapon Fighting
12th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
13th Ranger --
14th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
15th Ranger 4th Favored Enemy
16th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
17th Ranger Hide In Plain Sight
18th Fighter Fighter bonus feats
19th Ranger --
20th Ranger 5th Favored Enemy
I'm not too familiar with multiclassing, so did I figure this out right? If so I should come out with a total of 13 open feats (1 base, 1 Human, 6 from every 3rd level, and 5 from Fighter levels).
I should have roughly 245 Ranger Spell points, is this good?
I should also let you know I'm primarily going to Solo and use a hireling when I can. Schedule is too random to play with many people.
I previously had a Dual wielding Elven Rogue and a Human Paladin(maybe Cleric). Would they still be alive after 2 years? If so could I mail some gear from them to my new guy for a small boost?
Again, I'm familiar with almost all of D&D and these types of games, just not DDO itself(that is, my DDO memory is two years old and only level 6).
Thanks in advance.