06-30-2012, 08:00 AM
So, my Mnk12/Rgr6/Ftr2 HElf archer just got a free feat, since Rangers now get Precise Shot at 4 instead of 11 (yay! Thanks, Turbine!) So, before I take my free LR, what is my best use here?
My current feats are:
Point Blank Shot
WF: Ranged
Mental Toughness (for AA)
Dodge (for Ninja Spy)
Stunning Fist
Zen Archery
IC: Ranged
IC: Bludgeoning
Improved Precise Shot
GTWF (get TWF and ITWF from Ranger)
I am a high-Wisdom, mostly ranged build, though with a 38 Stunning Fist DC (45 when I cap), I also get in and mix it up a bit. However,
My possibilities are:
- Power Attack - with a 24 STR, I have enough trouble hitting things w/ the new AC changes. For portals/dummies? :)
- Another Toughness - I am stitting @ 492 HP at lvl 18 w/ ship buffs only, so looking to cap at around 520, not sure what the benefit of another 23 HP would be.
- Extend - I guess taking Ram's Might from 6:00 to 12:00 would be nice, but seems meh.
- Quickdraw - I switch weapons all the time, so perhaps to reduce that delay?
- Luck of Heroes
I would welcome helpful suggestions!
My current feats are:
Point Blank Shot
WF: Ranged
Mental Toughness (for AA)
Dodge (for Ninja Spy)
Stunning Fist
Zen Archery
IC: Ranged
IC: Bludgeoning
Improved Precise Shot
GTWF (get TWF and ITWF from Ranger)
I am a high-Wisdom, mostly ranged build, though with a 38 Stunning Fist DC (45 when I cap), I also get in and mix it up a bit. However,
My possibilities are:
- Power Attack - with a 24 STR, I have enough trouble hitting things w/ the new AC changes. For portals/dummies? :)
- Another Toughness - I am stitting @ 492 HP at lvl 18 w/ ship buffs only, so looking to cap at around 520, not sure what the benefit of another 23 HP would be.
- Extend - I guess taking Ram's Might from 6:00 to 12:00 would be nice, but seems meh.
- Quickdraw - I switch weapons all the time, so perhaps to reduce that delay?
- Luck of Heroes
I would welcome helpful suggestions!