View Full Version : Fatesinger Happy bard

06-28-2012, 07:52 AM
Hi everyone!
I don't often post to forums since i'm mainly happy to read what other people have to say and see whats new in the DDO world forums.

But i feel the need to say that this epic destinies advancement has made my bard a very happy bard.

Yes it has been hell to lvl a drow bard spellsinger and make it work (when I say work I mean something other than buff party at start and pike if your assistance with heals or buffs is not needed - which how most ppl who play bards see it)

A little warning though my bard is my fun outlet since i have 8 characters and almost every I play actively on weekly basis. And when it comes to bards I'm a terrible elitist! I frown upon splashes ppl make with fighters and barbarians. Booooooooo
Make note that this is my personal opinion and I have never tried to put someone down with it nor have i tried to impose it on anyone - this is a fun game and i like it that way FUN being the key word.

And now onto the real reason i'm making this post :)

I find fatesinger destiny to be awesome for my bard.
Curently im lvl22 with 4 fatesinger.
I maxed out Dirge and i can see huge improvement in my kill count - where used to be every other party member, misadventure and then the bard (if i get lucky) on the kill count list...

I know most people think that shout , greater shout and all sonic dmg spells are ****** but i disagree. Sure the cooldown is a bit of bummer but if you work at it and get some nice gear it can actually be pretty awesome :)

I'm very happy i can say that i can solo high lvl quests, even the ones that require killing stuff - as a spellsinger!

Aside my sonic spells I have Epic Cacophonic Verge which deals 120-170 sonic dmg on non critical combined with maxed out Dirge that deals up to 60 neg dmg + 80 sonic dmg / 3 sec and when i need it i can dual hack stuff with Epic Elyd Edges (those crit up to 400 a piece and they do it often )

I also LOVE the fact that FINALLY we get to see purple numbers for sonic damage in this game.

I've already decided to try out all the options that Fatesinger has to offer in many combinations and spice it up a bit with Magister and Draconic incarnation.

so far my playing buddies are thrilled with Masked ball buffs as am I

Cheers from one happy bard :)

06-29-2012, 04:40 AM
Another future bard/fatesinger here!

Well, I'm planning 2 rogue/18 bard and maxing to evocation when I finish this reincarnation. I did some numbers and I think I can stand for the mid 50s in Greater Shout DC (not bad at all with an aoe stun) with twists from magister and draconic.

Breca did a very good work with this Epic Destiny. :)

07-03-2012, 09:46 AM
If you already hadn't crunched down epic feat may i suggest you take best from them all:
Inspire excellence

Its party friendly and its awesome!

07-03-2012, 01:23 PM
Yeah , I maxxed out my Fatesinger tree and I'm a Spellsinger bard as well. I'm currently traveling to Exaulted Angel to max out that tree because that tree has a ton abilties I could twist. I plan on making use of that one Fatesinger ability to change twists at a shrine!

07-03-2012, 01:30 PM
Yeah , I maxxed out my Fatesinger tree and I'm a Spellsinger bard as well. I'm currently traveling to Exaulted Angel to max out that tree because that tree has a ton abilties I could twist. I plan on making use of that one Fatesinger ability to change twists at a shrine!

Gratz :)

I took my Frankenstein bard to 4 yesterday finally. So far I am liking the changes bardwise. I'm just posting here to say that even a melee bard/rogue bard/frakenstein bard can benefit in the increases in utility from these new changes. I am still ambivalent regarding the displacement stuff though, heh. So far, so good.

07-03-2012, 01:42 PM
I havent played yet with Fatesinger coz as soon as I reach lvl 20 (pure warchanter) I expect to TR into a bard again.

I'm still waiting though because I would have liked to see a complete build oriented toward those sonic damages, and because I want to max out my main which is a pure Dext-Intel Rogue/Shadow"kungfucrazyassassinateDC"dancer.

Can anyone post one if they have? I'm especially interested in seeing the required items and enhancement to maximize sonic damage.

Bard love is always good to see!

Keep on rockin!

07-03-2012, 02:24 PM
May I add my voice to the happy bards?
Love purple sonic damage. I can hurt stuff! I used to get so excited to see one set of skulls with my spellsinger, and now I am able to actually get more than one "accident" kill per quest. I hit stuff with my Elyd Edge until I see those purple sonic numbers, then shout at them until they die :) Awesome. Wait till you unlock "turn the tide." It makes you uber DPS- only for 20 seconds, but for those 20 seconds you are a god :) Bound Fate/Grim Fate is also great and works on red names as well. Chain those suckers! Hooray!
Also, OP, if you enjoy the cacophonic verge, I would recommend grinding out the Winter's Wrath and Brimstone verge as well, the damage from those things got a huge boost, and it is a blast destroying stuff with them.

@Hidalgo Hm, I have 3 bards, and none of them focused on pure sonic damage, but my greater shouts on my spellsinger hit pretty hard, especially after you make them weak to sonic damage by hitting the mobs a couple of times (one of the destiny autogrants makes them weak when you hit them, stacks 3 times I think, lasts 20 seconds.). Before the update, the highest I saw from my shout was 780 sonic damage, and that number has gone up :) I would recommend getting yourself an epic blasting chime- Evo +2, superior sonic lore, Superior Resonance IX, Epic Resonance VI and some other goodies.

Happy rock-starring-it-up everyone :)

07-03-2012, 04:41 PM
Yes epic blasting chime is wonderfull I actually maxed it to tier 3 and slotted con 6 and heavy fort into it for good measure

In my rewards for new quests i got Planar focus of erudition with +8 cha and when you combine 2 items for set you also get Spell Penetration IX, +250 Spell Points, +15 Psionic Universal Spell Power


Bards just have to many nice toys to play with its hard to choose from :/

I find Siren song awesome for bosses!
Cooldown is pretty fast and its nice to see 1000+ dmg - I maxed it :)

Turn the tide is indeed cool - so much that i miss having cleave when in large groups of mobs.

So far im a third life drow bard (having been one life bard and one wizard for the past life feats) and i have 500+ hp self buffed and 55 cha without yugo pots or +8 cha item.....

I'm actually reluctant to take on other ED since im one dot away from finishing Fatesinger - tried with fate twisting draconic incarnaton and the energy sheath tier one - 3 points and i got really cool looking electric 50% absorption and ele dmg to attacking mobs - but the thought of giving up all those nice abilities fatesinger has just tears me up

Dont know how i lived without them o.o

still happy fatesinger bard :)