View Full Version : After a few shots of Patron, a word from Thrannypoo Klemmslover

06-23-2012, 01:32 AM
Web though life interfered and I only played DDO for a few years, I got to meet some cool people and I want to say thank you and that I hope I'll make more time to play later on. I miss you Morfie, Ben, Sloot, Brandon, Joelzy, Thrann, Klemm, Hargrave, Kurnel, Supremacy, Soulless and Nerdrage. Special shout out to Guilly, you so dope.

From the bottom of my heart, the people I discovered DDO with Nukerkiller, Baaldon, Hellaangle and Aldarious.
I forgot some people, but my bad im drunk.
;-)) fat girl smily for the win

06-23-2012, 05:37 AM
Aw, no love for Iplaye I see how it is. /cry

06-23-2012, 09:57 AM
i love you too babe. enjoy your threesome tonight bro!

and guilly so dope!

06-24-2012, 09:17 PM
Good thing I have your new forum pic to fap to.

I mean, I'll miss you babe. Have fun irl.

06-25-2012, 04:33 PM
Take care dude!