View Full Version : Will the "heavy fort" bug be fixed on live?

06-20-2012, 04:00 PM
As it is now whenever you change a weapon "style" - like going TWFing to a bow or handwraps - the effects of all your worn gear cease to function until they are dequiped and re-equipped. it's particularly annoying and borderline game-breaking.

Will this be fixed for live?

06-20-2012, 04:04 PM
Wow, really?

That is like game over for monkcher and helves angel type builds.

06-20-2012, 04:27 PM
Oh, that must be why I kept losing all my healing amp. Yeah very annoying bug.

06-20-2012, 04:31 PM
Borderline? I'd say it's well over that particular border for melees.

DQ2 in particular comes to mind.

06-20-2012, 04:38 PM

Temporary loss of CON, reducing your HP total that doesn't come back when requipped.
Loss of Turns on a Cleric/Pali.
Loss of SP.

All I can do is shake my head.

06-20-2012, 04:42 PM
hmm. that's not good.

first i've heard of it, too. :-/

reaaaaaaly hope this one don't go live...

06-20-2012, 04:44 PM
Ahh, I wondered what was causing my FvS to keep losing her heavy fort. Now I know.

Indeed, I would certainly hope this bug would be fixed before going live.

06-20-2012, 04:47 PM
Ahh, I wondered what was causing my FvS to keep losing her heavy fort. Now I know.

Indeed, I would certainly hope this bug would be fixed before going live.

Wanna take bets? :)

I'm betting it DOES go live with this bug and it'll be glorious.

And on the 8th day Lolth sayeth "let there be d0000000000mmmmmm!!!!!!!!"

06-20-2012, 04:53 PM
They will continue to shove out this half-baked ball of mud...

I have said time and again. The choices being made in the last couple updates and this expansion almost scream that they want the entire player base to just stop playing. It makes no sense, but then again neither does any of Turbines other decisions.

06-20-2012, 04:59 PM
They will continue to shove out this half-baked ball of mud...

I have said time and again. The choices being made in the last couple updates and this expansion almost scream that they want the entire player base to just stop playing. It makes no sense, but then again neither does any of Turbines other decisions.

Just the same, they get pinched and get caught on a slippery slope if they start allowing delays because x feature still has y bug that has not been fixed.

The course they have selected is to hold themselves to their date, and bust their asses accordingly. Bugs are getting prioritization from those steering the ship, and they will band-aid up as much as they can before shipping.

After shipping, they'll take a very short, well-deserved breather, and then they'll do damage control against the bugs that they weren't able to mop up before ship, and the new ones that THEY didn't find and WE didn't find on Lamannia.

There is no DoooOOOooom to see here. Move along. (It will all be okay!) :D

06-20-2012, 05:01 PM
How come this bug wasn't mentioned before now? Did it just start with the last build?

06-20-2012, 05:21 PM
I know this bug has been around since the first closed beta build because I've seen a couple people comment about it, unfortunately I cannot find the thread now.

Edit:found at least 2 threads commenting on this issue and related ones near the end of this thread.

06-20-2012, 06:32 PM
There is no DoooOOOooom to see here. Move along. (It will all be okay!) :D

I disagree. This update has high level mobs and content. Add in the fact that heavy fort doesn't ALWAYS prevent sneak attacks(hello Drow), ANY bug that effects a characters fort score is a HUGE priority and should be addressed immediately.

06-21-2012, 01:51 AM
bump to say... i *really* hope this does not go live. this is really reeeally gamebreakingly bad.

would like acknowledgement of this issue

06-21-2012, 04:54 AM
Wanna take bets? :)

I'm betting it DOES go live with this bug and it'll be glorious.

Whelp, next week is as good a time as any to start building my deck.

06-21-2012, 04:57 AM
Yea this applies to not just heavy fort.

But every thing in the game. EVen effects from EDs that should be permanent can be lost.

Very frusterating bug that makes the game seem so random and unplayable at times.

The "re-calcuate a millon things everytime you swap something" never made any snese and causes so much lag. That code needs to be deleted and re-written to be fast and simple.

06-21-2012, 05:12 AM
Yea this applies to not just heavy fort.

But every thing in the game. EVen effects from EDs that should be permanent can be lost.

Very frusterating bug that makes the game seem so random and unplayable at times.

Soooo I can add a water feature to my deck project then? By the time Turbine gets this all get sorted out my yard will look amazing.

06-21-2012, 09:25 AM
Soooo I can add a water feature to my deck project then? By the time Turbine gets this all get sorted out my yard will look amazing.

You could build a small water amusement park by the time they get the MotU bugs fixed...

06-21-2012, 09:42 AM
still waiting for/hoping for acknowledgement of this issue.

06-21-2012, 09:52 AM
Bump, a dev's word on this would be nice

06-21-2012, 10:08 AM
How come this bug wasn't mentioned before now? Did it just start with the last build?

I posted about that AND bug reported it.

06-21-2012, 10:09 AM
The "re-calcuate a millon things everytime you swap something" never made any snese and causes so much lag. That code needs to be deleted and re-written to be fast and simple.


06-21-2012, 10:10 AM
Bump, a dev's word on this would be nice

LOL - ain't gonna happen. They're too busy trying to convince people that the new raid and challenge loot is worth pursuing :)

06-21-2012, 10:10 AM
Yea this applies to not just heavy fort.

But every thing in the game. EVen effects from EDs that should be permanent can be lost.

Very frusterating bug that makes the game seem so random and unplayable at times.

The "re-calcuate a millon things everytime you swap something" never made any snese and causes so much lag. That code needs to be deleted and re-written to be fast and simple.

Then why in the world are you all guys talking about any other bugs at all? Why isn't this issue a 1000 post thread?

This is a game-breaking bug. One spell being nerfed is not.

06-21-2012, 10:12 AM
Then why in the world are you all guys talking about any other bugs at all? Why isn't this issue a 1000 post thread?

This is a game-breaking bug. One spell being nerfed is not.

I and others posted about this and bug reported it in the private beta.

Why was this not made a big deal? because it's so game-breakingly obviously terrible everyone assumed it'd be fixed.

06-21-2012, 10:12 AM
I believe I read somewhere that it's not working properly...

They are aware of it....

But it won't be fixed June 25th.

They have too many other cute adorable useless pets to develope and sell.

I guess my $198 for 2 VIP subs (myself and GF) and $80 for CE XPAC isn't enough...

They have to sell Furbies, Tickle me Elmos, and Baby Alives to make up for what the CONTENT doesn't bring in.

06-21-2012, 10:16 AM
I believe I read somewhere that it's not working properly...

They are aware of it....

But it won't be fixed June 25th.

They have too many other cute adorable useless pets to develope and sell.

I guess my $198 for 2 VIP subs (myself and GF) and $80 for CE XPAC isn't enough...

They have to sell Furbies, Tickle me Elmos, and Baby Alives to make up for what the CONTENT doesn't bring in.

In all fairness I doubt the same people who make the useless fluff in this game (which I myself have spent too much money on) are the same people who would fix something like this. Turbine has a few hundred employee so I'm sure they have multiple people addressing different things.

And this is extremely annoying but you can work around it. I am in no way defending Turbine's lack of action on this but you can still function.

06-21-2012, 10:19 AM
As it is now whenever you change a weapon "style" - like going TWFing to a bow or handwraps - the effects of all your worn gear cease to function until they are dequiped and re-equipped. it's particularly annoying and borderline game-breaking.

Will this be fixed for live?


Having all your equipped gear effects just vanish is indeed borderline game breaking.
I'd venture to say you could drop the word borderline off there and just go with "game breaking".
Sure, you might be able to work around it, but re-equipping all your gear and/or just not playing your character well don't seem like very good options to me.

I don't remember reading this anywhere in known issues, which is pretty scary.
And we're 4 days away.

06-21-2012, 10:22 AM
i finally got a chance to do some testing:

on my paladin/monk:
swapping between different bladed weapons - no changes
swapping between different handwraps - no changes
swapping from handwraps to shuriken and back - no changes
swapping from blade to handwraps/shuriken or back - fort and whatnot went screwy

on my cleric/monk/wiz (with zen archery):
swapping between all bows - no changes
swapping between all staffs/wands/scrolls - no changes
swapping between staff, handwraps, and bows - no changes
equipped throwing dagger to test on/off centeredness - fort and whatnot went screwy

on my bard/barb/rogue:
all weapon swaps (THF/TWF/S&B/bow/thrown) resulted in no change whatsoever

conclusion: it's something to do with changing status between centered and off-centered that is making fort and whatnot go screwy.

secondary conclusion: monks and monk splashes are gonna be ****ed if this goes live.

edit: submitted a bug listing my findings.

06-21-2012, 10:27 AM
i finally got a chance to do some testing:

on my paladin/monk:
swapping between different bladed weapons - no changes
swapping between different handwraps - no changes
swapping from handwraps to shuriken and back - no changes
swapping from blade to handwraps/shuriken or back - fort and whatnot went screwy

on my cleric/monk/wiz (with zen archery):
swapping between all bows - no changes
swapping between all staffs/wands/scrolls - no changes
swapping between staff, handwraps, and bows - no changes
equipped throwing dagger to test on/off centeredness - fort and whatnot went screwy

on my bard/barb/rogue:
all weapon swaps (THF/TWF/S&B/bow/thrown) resulted in no change whatsoever

conclusion: it's something to do with changing status between centered and off-centered that is making fort and whatnot go screwy.

secondary conclusion: monks and monk splashes are gonna be ****ed if this goes live.

Nod, my guildy was testing this on Lammania for us last night with his 18 fighter/2 pali/whatever epic destiny and was not seeing this pop up with bow to S&B conversion.

Makes sense that this is a centered thing then or perhaps a intermittent issue with the others?

06-21-2012, 10:38 AM
I pity the poor Clonks out there. Can you imagine the fun of getting hit with something like ray of enfeeblement and having their GS SP items suddenly dump their SP?

Abbot should be...even more "appealing" for divines

06-21-2012, 10:42 AM
i finally got a chance to do some testing:

on my paladin/monk:
swapping between different bladed weapons - no changes
swapping between different handwraps - no changes
swapping from handwraps to shuriken and back - no changes
swapping from blade to handwraps/shuriken or back - fort and whatnot went screwy

on my cleric/monk/wiz (with zen archery):
swapping between all bows - no changes
swapping between all staffs/wands/scrolls - no changes
swapping between staff, handwraps, and bows - no changes
equipped throwing dagger to test on/off centeredness - fort and whatnot went screwy

on my bard/barb/rogue:
all weapon swaps (THF/TWF/S&B/bow/thrown) resulted in no change whatsoever

conclusion: it's something to do with changing status between centered and off-centered that is making fort and whatnot go screwy.

secondary conclusion: monks and monk splashes are gonna be ****ed if this goes live.

Yup. It also happens when you equip a bow and vice versa.

06-21-2012, 10:52 AM
As it is now whenever you change a weapon "style" - like going TWFing to a bow or handwraps - the effects of all your worn gear cease to function until they are dequiped and re-equipped. it's particularly annoying and borderline game-breaking.

Will this be fixed for live?

Sorry, all features are now locked and bugs will be fixed throughout the summer. Enjoy the new feature!

06-21-2012, 10:57 AM
Sorry, all features are now locked and bugs will be fixed throughout the summer. Enjoy the new feature!

On the plus side my AA is a pure Ranger. Lets see the Monkchers tell me how I should have splashed monk now. :P

06-21-2012, 11:11 AM
equipping a bow IF YOU HAVE ZEN ARCHERY has no effect. i tested that on my AA clonk.

so similar abilities like ninja spy + short swords and whirling steel strike + longswords should have similar results (ei: no change)

equipping a bow on my bard resulted in no change

06-21-2012, 11:22 AM
In all fairness I doubt the same people who make the useless fluff in this game (which I myself have spent too much money on) are the same people who would fix something like this. Turbine has a few hundred employee so I'm sure they have multiple people addressing different things.

Maybe, but if you were to cut the people designing the useless puppies, they would have more budget for more programmers that can actually fix stuff.

secondary conclusion: monks and monk splashes are gonna be ****ed if this goes live.

That we already knew, half the stuff don't work for monks... Everyone knows monks are always buggy but instead of double checking to prevent said bugs, it feels like Turbine employees are covered their eyes and ears screaming "If I don't see the bug it's not my problem!"

06-21-2012, 11:28 AM

06-21-2012, 11:40 AM
I have this feeling the xpac will go live on Monday, then 5 minutes later all the servers will come down for 5 days of emergency "fixes". That way, they get to technically meet the deadline and then get an extra week to work on it as well.

06-21-2012, 11:43 AM
Maybe, but if you were to cut the people designing the useless puppies, they would have more budget for more programmers that can actually fix stuff.

You know how much money the useless "puppies" brings in? i'd say it's the opposite, the useless puppies pays for more programers.

06-21-2012, 11:58 AM
You know how much money the useless "puppies" brings in? i'd say it's the opposite, the useless puppies pays for more programers.

I'm afraid you're right (for once! ;) j/k)

Btw what happened to your DoOm level ? it looks like it's not updating anymore, this leads me to think there's another bug hiding somewhere, you caught it and won't share until it goes live just to have a good laugh... amirite ?

06-21-2012, 12:07 PM
Btw what happened to your DoOm level ? it looks like it's not updating anymore, this leads me to think there's another bug hiding somewhere, you caught it and won't share until it goes live just to have a good laugh... amirite ?

I agree. Your doom level should be well in the 50s by now. Come on banana boy, don't let us down!

06-21-2012, 02:05 PM
This is actually happening on Live right now under some circumstances. My GF saw it with her Skiver and Glacier Bracers. She would unequip the skiver and lose 200 SP as if the bracers were not on. It required unequipping and reequipping the bracers to fix it. I saw it with Rakir's ring after leveling. i looked at my Charcater sheet and my Int was wrong had to reequip to fix it.

06-21-2012, 02:14 PM
I'm afraid you're right (for once! ;) j/k)

Btw what happened to your DoOm level ? it looks like it's not updating anymore, this leads me to think there's another bug hiding somewhere, you caught it and won't share until it goes live just to have a good laugh... amirite ?

My philosophy regarding d000m is "d000m early and d000m often."

When you d000m early you can get it out of your system faster, after your initial irrational flipping out you can then look at things calmly and evaluate them rationally.

There were some "shiny happy people" who are completely freaking out about this stuff right now. I freaked out early and now I'm okay with all the changes even the ones I don't like.

Don't get me wrong, i think the raid looks like a stinker as does the loot but I'm actually relieved by this. if the raid sucks and has lousy loot I won't feel "obliged" to run it like I am ELOB.

If this bug was fixed we might see the d000m! level drop into single digits.

06-21-2012, 02:24 PM
This is actually happening on Live right now under some circumstances.

I don't know if it is the same thing, but something is definitely screwy on live.

My STR was 6 points off last night as well. The character sheet was not showing any Enhancement bonus. Took my +6 STR armor off and put it back on and poof, it showed back up properly.

06-21-2012, 02:25 PM
Acknowledgement received from MajMal on Lamma. Know issue discovered too late to make it into x-pack. Will be included in first patch. First patch will be anywhere between 2 days to 2 weeks later depending. Will include more info when im not @ work

06-21-2012, 03:01 PM
... Know issue discovered too late to make it into x-pack. ...

What? You are kidding right? This bug is known for more than a month.
Another -1 for turbine.

06-21-2012, 03:03 PM
Acknowledgement received from MajMal on Lamma. Know issue discovered too late to make it into x-pack. Will be included in first patch. First patch will be anywhere between 2 days to 2 weeks later depending. Will include more info when im not @ work

Good to hear. Still, will be a big annoyance for those 2 days/weeks.

06-21-2012, 03:13 PM
Sorry this is a minor bug... U-17.... :D

06-21-2012, 03:23 PM
What? You are kidding right? This bug is known for more than a month.
It really wasn't until Katz's comments (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4535072&postcount=29) that we saw the monk connection and that it had to do with becoming uncentered.

Some earlier reports were suggesting that it was stance related, but that's not the case.

Still looking into it.

06-21-2012, 03:28 PM
It really wasn't until Katz's comments (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4535072&postcount=29) that we saw the monk connection and that it had to do with becoming uncentered.

Some earlier reports were suggesting that it was stance related, but that's not the case.

Still looking into it.

here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4479636&postcount=3)

06-21-2012, 03:43 PM
here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4479636&postcount=3)

Posting bugs in the bug discussion forum? Might as well write it on paper, wad it up and toss it in the trash...

06-21-2012, 03:47 PM
Funny thing even though this bug or one very like it helps my sorc, (I wear fleshshaper, and if I put it on and off enough I do not lose the 60 sp) I would still rather have it fixed.

06-21-2012, 04:00 PM
Funny thing even though this bug or one very like it helps my sorc, (I wear fleshshaper, and if I put it on and off enough I do not lose the 60 sp) I would still rather have it fixed.

sweet it helps players it will be fixed quickly does the same work for the mindsunder runearm?

06-21-2012, 11:29 PM
Posting bugs in the bug discussion forum? Might as well write it on paper, wad it up and toss it in the trash...

I learned my lesson. I was too naive I guess.

We've also opened up a bug forum on Lamannia. This is because we continuously see posts to the effect "this was reported on Lam and it STILL went live". Having a bug mentioned somewhere in a thread is dicey. Hopefully the separate forum will help.

well it didn't help...

06-21-2012, 11:41 PM
Acknowledgement received from MajMal on Lamma. Know issue discovered too late to make it into x-pack. Will be included in first patch. First patch will be anywhere between 2 days to 2 weeks later depending. Will include more info when im not @ work


glad to hear they know about it. kinda sad it's still making it in, but glad they have it slated for patch 1.

my paladin and my ranger won't be seeing any playtime till this is fixed.

06-22-2012, 01:32 PM
I learned my lesson. I was too naive I guess.

well it didn't help...

bummer your short post in someone else's thread got missed. i assume you bug reported it also, right? and then tracked down a dev in game during one of the events to make sure they knew about a game-breaker like that, right? like i did?

if it's that important that it's game breaking like that, it's worth the extra effort to MAKE SURE it's known, and not just assume it will be caught in the massive tide of other stuff they're working on, large and small.

06-22-2012, 07:38 PM
bummer your short post in someone else's thread got missed. i assume you bug reported it also, right? and then tracked down a dev in game during one of the events to make sure they knew about a game-breaker like that, right? like i did?

if it's that important that it's game breaking like that, it's worth the extra effort to MAKE SURE it's known, and not just assume it will be caught in the massive tide of other stuff they're working on, large and small.

Just trying to give people the benefit of the doubt in this case Algulcz.

Perhaps the bug reporting tool wasn't working at that point in time which has been known to happen from time to time no?

As well perhaps Algulcz was not able to log onto Lama maybe algulcz had tech problems & was not able to participate in the beta to "track" a dev down.

Anywhoo *just* saying couple things to think about/ponder katz/Pointless! :P! :)! Cheers!

06-22-2012, 11:50 PM
Just trying to give people the benefit of the doubt in this case Algulcz.

Perhaps the bug reporting tool wasn't working at that point in time which has been known to happen from time to time no?

As well perhaps Algulcz was not able to log onto Lama maybe algulcz had tech problems & was not able to participate in the beta to "track" a dev down.

Anywhoo *just* saying couple things to think about/ponder katz/Pointless! :P! :)! Cheers!

valid points. i'll give ya that. ^_^

BUT... i'm surprised he only mentioned it once over the course of a month. something that game breaking... i'd have a few posts on it.... checking the status as often as i could. heck, i have somewhere between 2-4 posts in this thread just in 2-3 days looking for updates before i managed to log in and do some testing myself.

ah well. they know now. and are working to fix it. good.

06-23-2012, 03:52 AM
I hope you are hot implying that it's my fault that this bug has been unnoticed for so long. I posted about it once because I honestly thought it's all that's needed. After that I stopped caring about it. Yes it's game breaking bug but not for me personally. I rarely play my clonk so it was nowhere near the top on my list, there were more important issues for me than that.

06-23-2012, 08:23 AM
I hope you are hot implying that it's my fault that this bug has been unnoticed for so long. I posted about it once because I honestly thought it's all that's needed. After that I stopped caring about it. Yes it's game breaking bug but not for me personally. I rarely play my clonk so it was nowhere near the top on my list, there were more important issues for me than that.

not playing the blame game at all. you posted it. technically, that's all that *should* have been required. i'm just a bit surprised it wasn't pursued more... BUT as you said... it wasn't all that important to you.

06-23-2012, 09:44 AM
bummer your short post in someone else's thread got missed. i assume you bug reported it also, right? and then tracked down a dev in game during one of the events to make sure they knew about a game-breaker like that, right? like i did?

if it's that important that it's game breaking like that, it's worth the extra effort to MAKE SURE it's known, and not just assume it will be caught in the massive tide of other stuff they're working on, large and small.

That thread only had five comments in it, it's not like it could have got lost amongst pages and pages of posts.

06-23-2012, 04:23 PM
it got lost in pages and pages of threads instead. it's a catch-22: a thread with few posts risking sliding off the first page fast and being missed... or a post buried somewhere in a 30 page front-page thread. :-/

06-23-2012, 10:58 PM
So then even if that comment was the OP in a brand new thread, there's no guarantee it would have been noticed anyway.

06-24-2012, 10:37 PM
I develop software and also look after several internet connected servers for clients.

I find that in the majority of bug reports given to me that either the description provided is too brief, or incorrectly described or is not a bug at all but a problem with their own system/network.

So here is a few tips for providing bug reports:

- Be accurate and clear about what you are describing as much as possible
- Try to be concise but descriptive
- Provide factual information, try to avoid making guesses or speculating about the cause
- If you are able to test the problem then provide information about the tests (eg like Katz did)
- No big wall of text, use paragraphs
- Capitalize and punctuate your sentences appropiately

If you provide a bug report on the forums itself and the bug report is clear, then others are more likely to identify with having the same issue (if they are) and will be able to respond informatively. If you are going to respond to someones bug report then adding a description of your experiences is far more productive than just replying 'yeah me too'.

In my personal experience about 90% of bug reports submitted to me get disregarded because of either lack of information or false information. I do not disregard them just for the heck of it, it is just there isn't much to work from. If a bug report is accurate and descriptive it means it becomes far easier and far quicker for the fixer to track down and fix it.