View Full Version : Upcoming Changes to Cannith Crafting Recipes

06-16-2012, 03:09 PM
As most are probably aware by now, there are a lot of recipe changes & additions coming in with the update on the 25th. Unfortunately, due to a lot of junk going on in my personal life currently I haven't had time to go through the recipes and update the back-end for http://cannith.cubicleninja.com (or to even play in about a month and a half sadly).

The initial source for the data I used when I started it was from the Cannith Spreadsheet shared with the community by Merrill_Greenshade, but I'm not sure if that one plans to be updated come June 25th.

In order to keep the site up to date and useful for everyone I need to ask for help. I've converted the spreadsheet I currently have in my source control to a Google Doc and gave it open edit permissions. I would be very appreciative of anyone that can help add / update recipes in the link at the bottom of this post.

Hopefully, I'll get everything situated in my personal life and will have time to log in to the game and get the data recorded, but I'm not too proud to ask for help since it looks like I might not make it in time for the release of the expansion.

https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0ArC5dQjXPFAVdFNpRTZMdnViSWtwekl6SlM4bmp6Y lE

Thank you,


06-16-2012, 07:09 PM

I use that craft aid all the time. I will be glad to help keep it alive. Thank you for being so willing.

**edit** it may be helpful to give us a list of the headers...so we know for certain what each field represents.

06-16-2012, 08:13 PM
Somehow the header row got shifted down to the bottom, it's back at the top now.

I went ahead and set the row as frozen at the top as well to hopefully help with things.


06-17-2012, 04:37 AM
Does your website (which I love, btw, nice job!) pull data directly from that google doc or will you need to update it as changes are made?

I'm not sure how much updating of the google doc I'll be doing, but I'll certainly post the changes I discover here to this thread as I come across them when I update Crafting Recipes by Gear (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=318331).

06-17-2012, 02:57 PM
It does not pull directly from the Google doc, I do a little massaging of it into an XML data format for quicker loading of the recipes.

Once the expansion launches I'll pull the data down from the Google doc and export it to the XML format I need to update on the site.


06-17-2012, 03:15 PM
This is cut and paste from a post on our guild forums.

The crafting potential of many shards will go up in the XPAC. That means the ML of many of your crafted items will increase, in some cases quite substantially.

NOTE: The hard cap ML on Cannith crafted gear remains ML20. In the past, this limit was unintentionally lifted, resulting in MLs over 20. Even with the introduction of Epic Levels, the cap seems to still be set at 20.

Notable Examples

Attack Shards
..............on Live......on Beta.....to ML

This mean no more ML5 Attack +4 Goggles for leveling. They will be ML13 with Mastercraft. ML15 with Blindness Ward (IMO best prefix available).

SPECIAL NOTE: If you are an Artificer, I strongly suggest you craft Attack +4 on your Toven's Hammer and Lucid Dreams, as you will not be able to do so after the XPAC. On Lam, mine are +18 Potential total on equipment exam window, but remain ML20. I might craft an additional +1 trinket feature before XPAC, but haven't decided what would be best. (ADDENDUM: Mobility is the best +1 prefix.)

SP = Spell Power

Potency (like Sup Pot 4)
..............on Live......on Beta.....to ML
+36 SP....+3............+5............+4

This has further consequences. Currently, an ML3 Sup Pot 4 or an ML5 Pea Shooter with Sup Pot 3 is very handy as it gives +50% damage to spells while leveling. These will not be as useful since they have no enhancement bonus, therefore no Implement bonus to SP.

NOTE: Only Cannith crafted weapons (not armor/shield) get an Implement bonus to SP. Of course, this adds a lot to the ML.

Elemental Specific Shard (like Sup Combustion 5)
..............on Live......on Beta.....to ML
+66 SP....+2............+7............+10

Elemental Specific Clickie Shard (like Gtr/Sup Inferno 7)
..............on Live......on Beta.....to ML
+15 SP....+3............+7............+8

Elemental Lore
Remains unchanged: Lesser/Regular/Major Lore potentials are +3/+4/+5 respectively.

Altogether, this means something pretty awesome on live:
ML13 Superior Ardor 7 Kama of Major Healing Lore (+7)
+75% Healing, +9% Crits, +0.5 Crit Multiplier
... will have to be replaced with two weapons in the XPAC:
ML20 +5 (+15 SP) Superior Devotion (+66 SP) Kama (+12)
ML20 Ardor (+15 SP) Kama of Major Healing Lore (+12)

Obviously, you can substitute any element/void/etc above. If you want two or more effects running at once (Ice/Electric/Void/Impulse), it will be FAR more complicated even with Alchemical Weapons and bonuses on non-weapon slots.

NOTE: The +5 Enhancement must be on the Potency weapon to gain the +15 SP (Implement). That precludes any other combo if using two Cannith crafted weapons to boost spell of specific type.

Finally, as noted in my other post about the Spell Power pass, you need to be running all available Spell Power boosts to be near the effective level you are today with one +75% click.

06-17-2012, 03:49 PM
If you have an attack+4 item with a large guild slot that you plan to change later, I suggest adding shards of potential now. My bta trinket on lammania has a potential of +5 with a +8 shard equipped, so the crafting device wont let me apply potential shards to add a new prefix :(

06-17-2012, 05:15 PM
A little OT, but I don't understand why they would spend all that effort to implement a system in one update and spend the next 5 doing their level best to ruin it.

06-18-2012, 07:17 PM
I have to say I am a little irritated about the +4 attack bonus shards being dramatically raised. For one, you need substantial access to several packs and lots of favor in each to even make them. Second, it was one of the unique TR-ing benefits to have spent hours in that dumb crafting hall grinding essences and crafting (mostly) useless shards. Finally, it is especially irritating considering that the recent physics "improvements" are resulting in having to use the stuck command almost daily now. But a fix has not been announced for this and they DO have time to keep players power in check. I never even bother to run the high level Madness chain sine they changed the rings from no ML (too powerful) to ML 11 (worthless). Get a smaller nerf bat with more finesse please.

06-19-2012, 01:37 PM
If you have an attack+4 item with a large guild slot that you plan to change later, I suggest adding shards of potential now. My bta trinket on lammania has a potential of +5 with a +8 shard equipped, so the crafting device wont let me apply potential shards to add a new prefix :(

This is big. I have lots of items that I planned to "grow" as the character levels, for example a +5 holy burst silver item that is getting a bane suffix when the char hits 20. So unless I stack them all with shards of potential, they will be stuck as they are now?

Aaaaaaarrr! How will I get all the lesser essences in time?

06-19-2012, 06:32 PM
This is cut and paste from a post on our guild forums.


Finally, as noted in my other post about the Spell Power pass, you need to be running all available Spell Power boosts to be near the effective level you are today with one +75% click.

06-25-2012, 09:45 AM
I'll be going through the data that you guys have helped update (as well as the other threads with some data to make sure it's all in there) and getting it added to the site tonight after work.

Thank you all


06-25-2012, 12:59 PM
if they kept it the same from the latest Lama build, here's a couple more

reinforced plating +1, +2, +3 all got replaced with Construct Fortification (+10%)

Stability shards gets changed for the upper 2 tiers
now they're +1/+4/+6 for the ML =\

also, Proof against Poison Shards: +2/4/6/8/10, lvl 1/11/21/33/42 in arcane
interestingly, there're 2 +6 versions in divine at lvl 23 and 102 with 102 being flexible version

as for Proof against Disease shards, only 2 +6 versions in divine exist at lvl 16/101 with 101 being flexible version

06-27-2012, 12:21 AM
All changes that I came across updating my thread for flexible recipes are documented here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4546754&postcount=157). Any future corrections I need to make will get added to that post.

06-27-2012, 03:44 AM
The update 14 changes to clickies have impacted me somewhat. I used to use superior clickies a lot for all my blue bars. For example my lvl7 arty cannot use his crafted superior mending clicky anymore, since it has become min level 13, and it's become a lot less powerful anyway.

Here's a summary of what the clickies (temporary enhancements) now do.

Bound spell power clicky shards:

Name Cost (greater/lesser/dragonshards) Alchemical SP bonus Item potential
Lesser clicky -/4/1 +5 +1
clicky 3/12/4 +10 +4
improved clicky 10/80/16 +15 +7

I'm not sure how useful these are anymore. Having previously obtained +75% from a clicky makes the +15 bonus (15%) for a min level 13 item look pretty small.

By comparison here are the fixed (continous) item bonus shards, which are now give much higher spell power bonus values than the clickies. Talk about a reversal!

Bound equipment spell power shards:

Equipment SP bonus Cost (greater/lesser/dragonshards) Item potential
+30 -/4/1 +1
+36 3/12/4 +2
+42 6/32/9 +3
+48 10/80/16 +4
+54 15/192/25 +5
+60 21/224/36 +6*
+66 21/224/-/2 purified ebb. frgs. +7*

*I couldn't test the +60 and +66 shards, so the potential is just a guess for those.

Note: be careful when crafting. The old recipes are still there with old costs but new effects, so you could end up spending more ingredients than you need to for an effect. I tried to find the cheapest recipe to make the item bonus shards when testing.

I understand that all of this may change in any future patch or update.

For reference, here is a list of the enhancement names (http://ddowiki.com/page/Weapon_enchantment_summary#Spell_Boost_Enchantment s).