View Full Version : Healers friend STILL broken again

06-16-2012, 01:44 AM
I re-bugged reported this... And it is getting irritating that its not working.

06-16-2012, 09:29 AM
I should have 131%* with the math, I am receiving 115ish. A net lost of 15% ish. During phase 2 we localized the lost to the Healing amp issues of WF and their enchantments. I have talked to devs in games at every phase saying "it is being worked on"..... But another comment showing that it IS being worked on would be grand. It makes Melee warforged nearly as unplayable as Palemasters (during the whole "aura kill me please" phase).

06-16-2012, 10:25 AM
The best way to preserve your sanity and enhance your enjoyment in the game is to simply lower your expectations. Don't just report the bugs, plan your build around them, 'cause the odds are very good that it'll be here a while.

Unless, of course, it somehow benefits the player base. Perhaps you could work out a way to take advantage of it? It'd be fixed if you can...

06-16-2012, 12:59 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

06-16-2012, 01:23 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

gah ... The few warforged melees left collectively groan in unison.

06-16-2012, 01:29 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

Seriously? Can we just remove the wf healing penalty till you get this bug fixed?

06-16-2012, 05:39 PM
Wow this seriously hurts every wf melee that's still played and the wf soul survivor builds, this needs to be fixed asap and not released to live.

06-16-2012, 05:57 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

So an already bad problem made worse and instead of some kind of temporary buff we have to live in pain for months?

06-16-2012, 06:15 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

Ah.... well..... Luckly my WF has enough healing amp with this bug to survive... barerly... BUT THIS HAS BEEN REPORTED SINCE ROUND 2! your telling me it couldnt get fixed? but you could screw with everything else *pouts*

I guess its time to TR.

06-17-2012, 01:24 AM
let me make sure i understand, warforged benifits gone. turbine might fix later?

le sigh.

my warforged monks grow sadder.

06-17-2012, 10:00 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

Why has this bug been allowed to persist since Phase 2 of Closed Beta? More importantly, how soon can it be fixed after launch (and I am hoping the answer will be among the first patches that come out [preferably, the very first hotfix post U14])? >.>

This is something that needs to be fixed... ASAP, and hopefully, it will be fixed before MoTU launches (otherwise, the second question still stands).

06-17-2012, 10:03 PM
With my only level 20 being a WF I am very dismayed by this. I do not have the healing amp gear and so the little bit of healing I recieve from divines is going to significantly decrease. With the significant nerfing to the immunities of a warforged, the double negative stats cancel out with the level drain immunity. It is time to just remove the healing penalty, especially if you can not fix the enhancement.

06-18-2012, 01:43 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

So, maybe sometime before the fall I will be able to play my WF characters? Good to know. :rolleyes:

06-18-2012, 02:01 PM
It is being worked on, but not every issue will be fixed with launch. Will will be shaking things like this out throughout the summer.
Thanks for your patience.

Ruh roh!
The scariest parts of this quote are "things like this" and "throughout the summer".

Sounds like siege plans.. "Hunker down, there's a lot of broken goin on, and it'll be a while son. Hey, how about a nice white fluffy puppy to distract you?"

06-18-2012, 02:13 PM
Hope you guys didn't use your Stone of Experience to get your WF melees capped before MotU! I think it's time to take the week off from work and start TRing those bad boys.

06-18-2012, 04:35 PM
but i did use my stone on my wf, lol I guess just another time turbine shows us how much they care.