View Full Version : Artificer Returning to game, new to arty class

06-16-2012, 12:11 AM
Well im returning to ddo from a long break, about 3years'ish so im pretty much a newb again. The artiy class has really grabbed my attention and seems to be perfect for my playstyle. This is a fresh toon, no TR from before, starting over with a friend. That said one thing im really interested in is the trapmonkey side of the artys. I want to be a good dps that can get pretty much every trap. Ive read that to do this im gonna need to splash into rogue for evasion, which im fine with. My question is should i stop at 2rogue or go to 6rogue for the added trapmonkeying skills, im trying to get the max dps/support i can out of my toon while being able to get every trap im gonna come up against....any advice or maybe someone has a sample build they could share for this, cause im still unsure about what feats i 'need' for this as well.

06-16-2012, 02:14 PM
As long as you keep fairly current in gear, you shouldn't need the additional trap skills of a level 6 rogue. Artificers have enhancements that boost the relevant skills as well.
You don't gain much else out of it: The Artificer already has proficiency in all crossbows and the mechanic's intelligence to damage benefit does not stack with the artificer spell.

Artificers have a lot of party support spells, and taking so many levels in Rogue is going to delay or prevent aquisition of some of them as well.

06-16-2012, 04:35 PM
i am by no means an arti expert.
having said that, I would splash two levels of monk for evasion before rogue.
if your priority is skill points, rogue is the way to go. but otherwise, i'll take the
extra feat in a heartbeat.