View Full Version : In since '06, level 20, NEVER done a Shroud run....

06-15-2012, 01:52 PM
..... never done any greensteel crafting... ach....

Ok, here's my reasons; my Guild is small and really has no interest in running raids. It's all close friends and there's a theory that once everyone gets a level 20 toon, we can go back and do the raids. I know this is bunk, but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.

Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party? Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----

06-15-2012, 01:57 PM
Don't be afraid to tell them it is your first Shroud. It is worse if you don't. Some parties might not want you in there, but many people will be happy to take you through it and tell you what to do and what not to do. The biggest thing to learn about beforehand is how to solve the puzzle in part three to let you out of your cell. There are puzzle solver programs to help you learn. Everything else you can learn on the fly if you just follow directions.

06-15-2012, 01:58 PM
Shroud is probably the most puggable raid. Just let the leader know it is your first time in a tell. You could learn the puzzles in part 3, but I'd suggest just reading up on it on the wiki.

Which server are you on?

06-15-2012, 02:01 PM
just do it :)
just don't do anything unless you know what you're doing
and follow other ppl's leads

just the basic rule of thumb to not make yourself look like a jackass noob will get you through :)

06-15-2012, 02:03 PM
Join a normal shroud run but send a tell explaining to them its your first time. Arcane archer is pretty easy to not worry about for a normal run. Just don't many shot untill others have established agro and you should be fine. Also load resist spells for part five, you will need to hand out fire resistance to everyone to save mana for others if they want you to. Other than that, shroud is fairly decent and on Kyber there are a lot of really good shroud leaders. If you are on Kyber look for a DOA member (dragon order of arcanix) and we can help you out. Ask for Dorrito (like the chip) :)

06-15-2012, 02:08 PM
Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party? Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----

Put the bow away while on the manyshot timer. find some construct banes to beat portals and a dr breaker for the boss and your good to go. Listen and follow directions.

06-15-2012, 02:10 PM
1. Get your hp up as much over 300 as you can, 400 is better.

2. If you dont already have one, get either a holy of pure good, shocking burst of pg or something like a holy of evil outsider bane bow and use house d silver arrows for Harry.

3. A smiting bow is great for the portals, with slayer arrows when you roll a 20 you do 600 damage.

4. If you also have decent melee ability, thats a plus, but if you have few hp, dont even think about it.

5. Practice doing the puzzles for part 3.... you should at least be able to do the 3x3 and 4x4 without a solver, they arent that hard to learn, I hate puzzles and with a little practice I learned how (still have trouble on 5x5 though).
If you cant do a puzzle, say so in party chat, just dont stand there, ppl will gladly help. Youre on a timer for the dreaded wall to come out.

6. Dont be afraid to say youre a first timer. If ppl don't want a first timer, you probably dont want to play with them anyways, and carry some cure curse potions in case you need em.

7. If you're not gonna melee in parts 4 and 5, then stay back against the wall and range Harry... and keep out of the blades...

That should cover most of it, its not that hard of a raid and you'll get used to it...

06-15-2012, 02:13 PM

*head asplodes*

06-15-2012, 02:14 PM

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.


If you've experienced the typical chaos of a Tempest Spine PUG, then Shroud won't be a problem - especially if you go in on a non caster your first time.

Pt 1 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: beat on portals

Pt2 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: run to the end of the maze and beat on mobs until someone tells you to stop.

Pt 3 - stand by the door and type "need help with my puzzle" in party chat. Then follow the group to the fountain and wait around until the water fairies magically cleanse the fountains in each room.

Pt 4 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: stand to the side, buff, then attack the big pit fiend until you die or he dies.

Pt 5 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: attack the mobs until someone yells "STOP! NEED TO GET MANA BACK!" When the big pit fiend reappears follow the group and do what everyone else does: attack him until you die or he dies.

Pt 6 - Profit.

Joking aside, it is basically that easy for a first time melee. You can't cause this raid to wipe, and as long as you don't try to be the hero (grab aggro from the mini-bosses) you can even provide a slight bit of assistance. Read the wiki, play with a puzzle tool before the raid, get a DR breaker for the pit fiend, and just mimic everyone else.

If you are really lucky, you might get someone actually providing direction. Either way, you'll be fine.

06-15-2012, 02:22 PM
just do it! Don't think too much!

06-15-2012, 02:23 PM
After doing some research, looks like you are on Sarlona. I'm hosting a run Sunday, hit me up, I promise big fun!

Edit: And join Tobril's "Defense" channel. It's a training channel with great players who know this is just a game.

06-15-2012, 02:24 PM
Come to Cannith we'll be gentle... I promise >;}

06-15-2012, 02:28 PM
but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

I present to you, sir, Exhibit A:

http://itemwiki.cubicleninja.com/images/icons/icon_593.png (http://ddowiki.com/page/The_Blood_Stone)

:p :D

It's just Shroud. :D Really, there aren't too many PUGs that get their panties in a bunch over it. It's not really that big of a deal. People that run it run it all the time, and it's often pretty automatic.

Just let them know that you're knew, and ask for some instruction. Most decent raid leaders don't mind helping the new guy out some.

For any raid, it's best to let the leader know that it's your first time in the raid, or that you're unfamiliar with the role you'll need to play. Good luck!! :D

06-15-2012, 02:29 PM
If you've experienced the typical chaos of a Tempest Spine PUG, then Shroud won't be a problem - especially if you go in on a non caster your first time.

Pt 1 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: beat on portals

Pt2 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: run to the end of the maze and beat on mobs until someone tells you to stop.

Pt 3 - stand by the door and type "need help with my puzzle" in party chat. Then follow the group to the fountain and wait around until the water fairies magically cleanse the fountains in each room.

Pt 4 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: stand to the side, buff, then attack the big pit fiend until you die or he dies.

Pt 5 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: attack the mobs until someone yells "STOP! NEED TO GET MANA BACK!" When the big pit fiend reappears follow the group and do what everyone else does: attack him until you die or he dies.

Pt 6 - Profit.

Joking aside, it is basically that easy for a first time melee. You can't cause this raid to wipe, and as long as you don't try to be the hero (grab aggro from the mini-bosses) you can even provide a slight bit of assistance. Read the wiki, play with a puzzle tool before the raid, get a DR breaker for the pit fiend, and just mimic everyone else.

If you are really lucky, you might get someone actually providing direction. Either way, you'll be fine.

This, pretty much is it in Shroud.

Are you a pure Ranger AA or a mongrel like mine. (Ranger/Rogue) in which case in Part 3 you can run around unlocking doors to let others out of rooms with puzzles they can't solve. Only part that can be tricky is part 2, just be sure to follow whatever plan the group is doing.

As for a Bow, never forget something simple like the good old Silver Bow with Silver Arrows in the quiver. That served me well for a long time in there. Extra Crit chances are real nice. Metalline of Pure Good Bows are also convenient too, to avoid all the arrow material DR issues.

06-15-2012, 02:31 PM
I have absolutly no problem with 1st timers in quests, if they tell it so can be given some basic instructions about critical behavior. Like "Dont shoot the Crystals.", "Dont pull the lever untill ...", "Wait till he finished doing this and that,then do ...", "Dont pick up The Voice.". In most quests there are no such things, but in raids there are many situations in which one wrong move can screw up a party, or at least wil cause a major hussle to correct.

I hate it when 1st timers conceal their status and then screw up the quest or cause a wipe. This is the behavior that leads people to being reluctant to accept 1st timers into their partys. They simply remember all the times a deceitful sneaky one didnt tell and then screwed up.

06-15-2012, 02:44 PM
If you've experienced the typical chaos of a Tempest Spine PUG, then Shroud won't be a problem - especially if you go in on a non caster your first time.

Pt 1 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: beat on portals

Pt2 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: run to the end of the maze and beat on mobs until someone tells you to stop.

Pt 3 - stand by the door and type "need help with my puzzle" in party chat. Then follow the group to the fountain and wait around until the water fairies magically cleanse the fountains in each room.

Pt 4 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: stand to the side, buff, then attack the big pit fiend until you die or he dies.

Pt 5 - follow the group and do what everyone else does: attack the mobs until someone yells "STOP! NEED TO GET MANA BACK!" When the big pit fiend reappears follow the group and do what everyone else does: attack him until you die or he dies.

Pt 6 - Profit.

Joking aside, it is basically that easy for a first time melee. You can't cause this raid to wipe, and as long as you don't try to be the hero (grab aggro from the mini-bosses) you can even provide a slight bit of assistance. Read the wiki, play with a puzzle tool before the raid, get a DR breaker for the pit fiend, and just mimic everyone else.

If you are really lucky, you might get someone actually providing direction. Either way, you'll be fine.

Let the leader know you are new to the raid. Follow directions and ASK QUESTIONS if it is not clear. Most leaders rather repeat the instructions again rather than having a wipe. If you have less than 300 hp, DO NOT MELEE. Give the healers a break, please.

Extra bits, proabaly repeated above:
resist, barkskin, poison immune should be loaded.
PART TWO: do NOT, and I repeat, DO NOT run to the (or through) the center. THis is the most direction heavy so follow the group and listen up!

PART THREE: DO NOT shoot the crystals. Let the others do it and ask. I'd recommend trying the puzzle, but after 30 seconds ASK FOR HELP. I have to all the time.

PART FOUR: WATCH THE BLADES & METEOR STORM. Try not to stay in one place. If the big guy takes to the sky, go where all the others go. There's a reason. Be prepared to heal yourself as the healers will be stingy on the heals in this section and melee will get priority on this.

Also...it's the CENTER of the portal. Just sayin'.

PART FIVE: IF not meleeing DON'T STAND NEXT TO THE HEALERS. Pass out poison immunity here and barkskin.

Finally, there's a shrine after each part, and some parts even have a minor (running back and forth...you'll see) mana/health regen. Use those spell point to buff. Some sections it's not required or you will be told not to, but don't be afraid to buff.

It's been awhile for me but I think that covers everything.

06-15-2012, 02:47 PM
You haven't really played DDO until you've done a Shroud. Pretty much everything the game has to offer can be found in that one raid. The vast majority of Shrouds I've done have been fun, everyone jokes around, and everyone welcomes the new player(s). Start with a Normal, tell everyone up front that it's your first time, and you'll have no problems at all. Remember - you can get 12 chests (13 if things go JUST right) from that one raid on normal, and they drop all kinds of goodies (including +2 tomes every now and then.)


06-15-2012, 02:49 PM
How many times over the course of playing DDO will you get to participate in normal, smooth Shroud runs where you know every last twist and turn and everything runs like a Swiss clock? Probably hundreds.

How many times will you get to jump into a Shroud run that's exciting, dynamic and where you're at least a little overwhelmed, but it's a hell of a ride because everything's new to you? Once.

Don't waste that opportunity. Sign up, dive in, and as long as you don't do anything that wrecks the raid for everyone else, you'll be fine.*

* Things you can do to spoil the raid for other people. Don't read if you want the full "deep end of the pool" experience.
- Shooting crystals in part 3. (Shooting crystals means no bonus chests).
- Bringing pets in part 3. (Crystals look like bad guys to pets. See #1.)
- Killing any of the bosses in part 2. (Go ahead and attack them. Let someone else land the killing blow.)
- Walking through the middle in part 2. (Stick to the edge of the maze, follow someone.)
- Killing the Last Devil Standing in part 4. (Again, let someone else take the killing shot.)
- Not telling people that you're new. Wear it proud!

06-15-2012, 02:53 PM
Excellent advice all! Thank you!

To respond to a few:

-Got a Bloodstone in the bar. Default when not wearing the Nightforge Gorget...

-Pure Arcane

-Been armed with the best I can find for bows; Metalline of Smiting, Banishing of Pure Good, Paralyzing of Pure Good, Holy of Greater Undead Bane, and a standard knock-around Shocking Burst of Pure Good. With those to choose from, I've got most everything covered in spades.

-I tend to conjure +5 arrows and throw force on them, as fewer baddies have resistance to force (and it adds Ghost Touch for that extra bit if needed).

-HP over 300, check

-Both Resist and Protection for elements in the bar ready to go.

-I've actually had a Shroud Puzzle solver app on my Droid for a bit, so I should be good to go in part 3

-Madmax, I plan on being up on Sunday, I'll look you up!

Thank again everyone, I really appreciate the advice!

06-15-2012, 02:56 PM
one other key point. Be sure to have a full backpack page empty before you start because with all the chests in there you can reap a boatload of booty. Even if most of it will be vendor fodder, it can be a big chunk of change for just an hours play. Also you can run around the various areas after the run is completed using the portals to get back to various portions to become more familiar with the layout (not that any of the maps are that complicated) but it can be something to do at least once to get a better feel for things.

06-15-2012, 03:00 PM
-Got a Bloodstone in the bar. Default when not wearing the Silver Flame Talisman...

So, you DID get blood from a stone, contrary to what you stated previously... :p :D

You'll be great! Just practice your jumping, and make sure that your aim is true. :D

06-15-2012, 03:08 PM
*snip* -Madmax, I plan on being up on Sunday, I'll look you up!


06-15-2012, 03:13 PM
I hate it when 1st timers conceal their status and then screw up the quest or cause a wipe. This is the behavior that leads people to being reluctant to accept 1st timers into their partys. They simply remember all the times a deceitful sneaky one didnt tell and then screwed up.

I don't understand how can a single person cause a wipe, especially on a normal shroud! The worst thing they can do is die a lot or break the crystal and cause the party to miss two chests..not a big deal!

06-15-2012, 03:46 PM
I really enjoy running new people through a shroud. Once you start running it regularly, it gets stale, and showing someone the ropes is a nice change of pace.

Just speak up and let the group know it's your first (especially if you're a healer- you'll want a few things explained at the right time), most people will be more than willing to show you stuff. And ask questions too- a lot of players tend to be on autopilot for the first few parts.

06-15-2012, 04:56 PM
Also...it's the CENTER of the portal. Just sayin'.

Just make sure to ask for a jump spell before you go for the center. People forget sometimes. If they dont do it ask.

06-15-2012, 05:03 PM
Go at it and have fun. Just let the group know it is your first time, I am sure they'll be gentle.

Except for a few 'ol buzzards, groups love first timers for the extra chest they can get at the end of part 4. Only 1st time players can get it. Nice loot too.

Have your party explain it to you and gl!


06-15-2012, 05:40 PM
..... never done any greensteel crafting... ach....

Ok, here's my reasons; my Guild is small and really has no interest in running raids. It's all close friends and there's a theory that once everyone gets a level 20 toon, we can go back and do the raids. I know this is bunk, but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.

Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party? Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----

On my server, Shroud is one of the most noob-friendly runs, when they run it on normal (which is most of the time).

The least-friendly is Abbot.

I wouldn't be so worried about running a shroud, especially with an AA. With the exception of doing the puzzle (you just speak-up that you don't know the puzzle, or use one of the puzzle solvers), you just stand around and shoot at enemies. It's really rather easy.

The only thing you need to avoid is a) breaking down the barrier or shooting the crystals in the puzzle phase, b) stepping through the yellow rune circles on the floor for the same phase when running to the fountain. Breaking the crystals denies eveyone those two extra chests, and the yellow circles cast horrid wilting on everyone if you run across them.

Otherwise it's pew pew pew, pew pew pew, loot, shrine, repeat.

06-15-2012, 05:43 PM
I don't understand how can a single person cause a wipe, especially on a normal shroud! The worst thing they can do is die a lot or break the crystal and cause the party to miss two chests..not a big deal!

Your assumption is that it is a noob running with a group of decent players...

06-15-2012, 05:49 PM
First timers in the shroud can get a +1 to the end chests loot level if they can click every portal in the center portion. You also have to be the first one to enter, make sure your party understands this before running the shroud.

06-15-2012, 05:50 PM
If you are on Sarlona, hit me up whenever and I'll take you thru. Just TR'ed Paletwigz so I'll be on him most of the night.

Or Tobril's channel is great for newcomers.

06-15-2012, 06:54 PM
Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

Actually, for Shroud in particular, many leaders love to have a first timer, due to the chest thing.
The time of super deadly blades that scared newbies away is over too.

If you're nervous send a tell to the leader before applying, otherwise announce it clearly after joining, whatever, just make sure they know it's your first time. It's very likely you'll get someone keen on explaining the trickier parts as they come up - make sure to listen to what they say - there are a couple things that may make winning harder.

As for the puzzles, a solver is ok. Though, you may want to learn how to do them manually. For example from my guide (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=374644).

Oh, and you probably shouldn't bother rolling on the shards of power - they're not much use without other ingredients, just take up room in your bank.

06-15-2012, 07:17 PM
First timers are welcome in Shroud since there is a chance to get an extra chest.

06-15-2012, 07:28 PM
My guild runs shroud every Sat night, around 10 pm EST. I used to regularly run training shrouds for guildies, but ran out of newbies. Look for my LFM, send me a tell, if we have a spare slot, you get in. If not, afterwards, I will grab an alt and run another with you.

Before then, check out: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=376993

on how to solve the shroud puzzles without a solver. By far, to me the puzzle was the most difficult part to do as a new person.

Toons: Kaptainkaos, Warthogg, Torlocc, Buuick. I should be the one with the LFM up. If not, just search those names and shoot me a tell.

Edit: I also made a wall of text on a basic overview of the shroud, let me know if you are interested in seeing it. A BIG wall of text...

06-15-2012, 07:45 PM
Excellent advice all! Thank you!

To respond to a few:

-Got a Bloodstone in the bar. Default when not wearing the Nightforge Gorget...

-Pure Arcane

-Been armed with the best I can find for bows; Metalline of Smiting, Banishing of Pure Good, Paralyzing of Pure Good, Holy of Greater Undead Bane, and a standard knock-around Shocking Burst of Pure Good. With those to choose from, I've got most everything covered in spades.

-I tend to conjure +5 arrows and throw force on them, as fewer baddies have resistance to force (and it adds Ghost Touch for that extra bit if needed).

-HP over 300, check

-Both Resist and Protection for elements in the bar ready to go.

-I've actually had a Shroud Puzzle solver app on my Droid for a bit, so I should be good to go in part 3

-Madmax, I plan on being up on Sunday, I'll look you up!

Thank again everyone, I really appreciate the advice!

Metalline (or silver) of pure good will break harry's DR, none of the rest of your weapons you linked will, unless you have an arti to cast silver on you. Might be a good idea to pick one up since you will be hooked on shroud, methinks.

Also, Anarchic of smiting is best for portals, metalline won't give the extra dmg anarchic will. Might want to pick one of those up after your first few runs.

My advice, do the run and don't be nervous about doing it. The first shroud run is the most fun I have ever had in this game. Even if you don't understand everythig that happened, your second run will make a bit more sense, then the third....etc

Have fun!

06-15-2012, 10:17 PM
..... never done any greensteel crafting... ach....

Ok, here's my reasons; my Guild is small and really has no interest in running raids. It's all close friends and there's a theory that once everyone gets a level 20 toon, we can go back and do the raids. I know this is bunk, but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.

Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party? Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----

You know, it could be worse. You could have been here almost as long, and be on your 5th life, and still never run Shroud... :D

From what I hear (no first hand experience), you don't really have a whole lot to worry about. Just make sure to be honest, and accept that it might get you kicked. If it does, well, that's a good thing, since they wouldn't have actually taught you anything anyway. Once you find one, I'm sure people will be fine with your lack of experience.

06-15-2012, 10:40 PM
Anarchic of smiting is best for portals, metalline won't give the extra dmg anarchic will.

Holy of Smiting works too. Portals are Lawful Evil. Anarchic/Holy Burst of Smiting is better, but they are rare and you will only get up to +2 (at least until the new content comes out). +1 is ML18. I guess if you really lucked out and found a RR one it would go up to +3.

06-18-2012, 08:36 AM
Had a great first run with MadMaxHunter this weekend! Went smooth and without too many issues at all, and got great loot. With 12, it's easy to sit back and watch what others are doing so as not to hose up the run.

Many thanks to all who offered some excellent advice, especially to MadMax and his guildies! :D

06-18-2012, 09:06 AM
Had a great first run with MadMaxHunter this weekend! Went smooth and without too many issues at all, and got great loot. With 12, it's easy to sit back and watch what others are doing so as not to hose up the run.

Many thanks to all who offered some excellent advice, especially to MadMax and his guildies! :D

Gratz on your first run. I hope you enjoy it hundreds of times. I think it's a great raid.

And good job Max for hosting the raid.

06-18-2012, 09:13 AM
..... never done any greensteel crafting... ach....

Ok, here's my reasons; my Guild is small and really has no interest in running raids. It's all close friends and there's a theory that once everyone gets a level 20 toon, we can go back and do the raids. I know this is bunk, but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.

Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party? Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----

I always welcome noobs to my Shouds. Now I won't take an entire party of noobs, but a couple are always ok by me. As long as they say so first. :eek: If you don't understand what to do in each part I can talk you through it first time to learn. Which is always much better than just blindly swinging a big stick and such.

Bottom line is don't be afraid to join up. If the party leader doesn't want noobs in his party then screw him/her and join another one. you're probably much better off.

06-18-2012, 09:36 AM
I don't understand how can a single person cause a wipe, especially on a normal shroud! The worst thing they can do is die a lot or break the crystal and cause the party to miss two chests..not a big deal!

This was a general explanation, and not targeted to be Shroud-specific.

But as you asked, killing a Miniboss too early in part 2 and part 5 can get a mediocre party into trouble.

06-18-2012, 10:19 AM
Had a great first run with MadMaxHunter this weekend! Went smooth and without too many issues at all, and got great loot. With 12, it's easy to sit back and watch what others are doing so as not to hose up the run.

Many thanks to all who offered some excellent advice, especially to MadMax and his guildies! :D

Thank you very much, it was a pleasure.

Spoilers ahead

A little break-down of the run. Make-up was: Bridge Burners and Armies of Heleman making up 8 spots. The Rev, a healer friend and one pugger. We decided to short-man it to prevent the possibility of a zerging nOOb joining (nOOb means a player who doesn't care about anyone else NOT a new player).

Phase one: Well, phase one is phase one (trainer note: Auto-pilot phase, but you should explain the fail mechanic)

Phase two: Lieutenant make-up was orthon, fire elly, gnoll and orc. Plan was take to zero in south-central then seperate, orthon first, fire last. Unfortunately the louies weren't all in south-central and orthon went down before the rest had made it into the fight. Thankfully the orthon's gimpy leg gave us plenty of time to take the rest out. I had the Rev go north with me to see/many-shot the crystal (trainer note: Do that please, I ran umpteen Shrouds never knowing where that "dangerous place" is, especially if the first-timer can cover crystal duties)

Phase three: Puzzle's finished quickly, as normal (trainer note: Explain about crystals above door, standing by door if unable to solve, yellow patterns on floor and death wave)

Phase four: On my AA life, stayed in with melee to many shot at point-blank range, Rev did same, with three healers melee stayed in through the blades, 3/4 rounder (trainer note: Most important is to not split unless told to. Also, after killing a devil, get away from group until blade dissipates)

Bonus chest portal: He almost got it, I think he lagged the jump from the altar. Sooo close!

Phase five: Went like phase four, Rev was our only evader, he took the fire elly kiting duties (trainer note: Just stay away from the altar until everyone who is leaving is out)

Regulars said that it was by far the smoothest Shroud we've ever run. Zero non-quest-mechanic deaths. For those who are still apprehensive to run Shroud, do it! It's nothing but fun (at least the first 50 runs)

06-18-2012, 11:59 AM
Thank you very much, it was a pleasure.

Spoilers ahead

A little break-down of the run. Make-up was: Bridge Burners and Armies of Heleman making up 8 spots. The Rev, a healer friend and one pugger. We decided to short-man it to prevent the possibility of a zerging nOOb joining (nOOb means a player who doesn't care about anyone else NOT a new player).

Phase one: Well, phase one is phase one (trainer point, auto-pilot phase, but you shoud explain the fail mechanic)

Phase two: Lieutenant make-up was orthon, fire elly, gnoll and orc. Plan was take to zero in south-central then seperate, orthon first, fire last. Unfortunately the louies weren't all in south-central and orthon went down before the rest had made it into the fight. Thankfully the orthon's gimpy leg gave us plenty of time to take the rest out. I had the Rev go north with me to see/many-shot the crystal (trainer note: Do that please, I ran umpteen Shrouds never knowing where that "dangerous place" is, especially if the first-timer can cover crystal duties)

Phase three: Puzzle's finished quickly, as normal (trainer note: Explain about crystals above door, standing by door if unable to solve, yellow patterns on floor and death wave)

Phase four: On my AA life, stayed in with melee to many shot at point-blank range, Rev did same, with three healers melee stayed in through the blades, 3/4 rounder (trainer note: Most important is to not split unless told to. Also, after killing a devil, get away from group until blade dissipates)

Bonus chest portal: He almost got it, I think he lagged the jump from the altar. Sooo close!

Phase five: Went like phase four, Rev was our only evader, he took the fire elly kiting duties (trainer note: Just stay away from the altar until everyone who is leaving is out)

Regulars said that it was by far the smoothest Shroud we've ever run. Zero non-quest-mechanic deaths. For those who are still apprehensive to run Shroud, do it! It's nothing but fun (at least the first 50 runs)

Nice write-up, and great trainer points Madmaxhunter!

Congrats on your first Shroud, The Rev! :D

06-18-2012, 03:11 PM
..... never done any greensteel crafting... ach....

Ok, here's my reasons; my Guild is small and really has no interest in running raids. It's all close friends and there's a theory that once everyone gets a level 20 toon, we can go back and do the raids. I know this is bunk, but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.

Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party?

I was all read to offer you tons of advice and tell you not to worry about anything....

.......until I read this:

Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----


06-18-2012, 03:20 PM

That is a MUST! A lot of people running shroud pugs will ask if anyone is new to it. Even if you just send the leader a tell. (if they boot you for it and you're on Thelanis, send me a tell - list of toons in the sig) 99.9% of the time, they will go over what to do. Find a shroud puzzle solver and PRACTICE! especially the 3x3. I've seen more disasters over 3x3s than anything else.

Other than that, just stick with the main Melees and you'll be fine. The majority of the group sticks together while specialists do a couple of side things like draw bosses. Other than that- you better have fun or the gloom police will send a circus clown to your door... *shivers remembering the clown*

06-18-2012, 04:00 PM
This thread has been very cool to read. I'm in a similar boat as the OP. I've been playing since launch, although I stopped playing not too long after Gianthold hit.

So now coming back to the game, there's a LOT of content I haven't seen. I was a pretty hardcore player back in the day but I feel like a total newb again: no greensteel items, no Shroud runs (in the process of getting flagged), no TRed characters (just hit 19).

The guild I'm in is very small and I was apprehensive about pugging again but got into a great group over the weekend and knocked out some Vale quests on elite. The players really knew what they were doing so I just tried to keep up. :)

Anyway, I feel like I probably should have done some more pugging before this point. Would have made these last few levels go quicker. I'm getting ready to TR so I'll keep pugging and letting the groups know I'm still learning.

06-18-2012, 04:32 PM
Next: Other raiding, and beyond!

Check out
Vision of Destruction
Against the Demon Queen
The Reaver's Fate

They're all pretty straightforward for a dps character like your Arcane Archer to run. When you're feeling brave, hit up a Tower of Despair group. As scary as the current top-level non-epic raid can sound, it's really very simple for a normal DPS character. It's a bit of a different story for casters, healers, or tanks, but for your AA it should be a cinch.

06-19-2012, 01:10 PM
Next: Other raiding, and beyond!

Check out
Vision of Destruction
Against the Demon Queen
The Reaver's Fate

They're all pretty straightforward for a dps character like your Arcane Archer to run. When you're feeling brave, hit up a Tower of Despair group. As scary as the current top-level non-epic raid can sound, it's really very simple for a normal DPS character. It's a bit of a different story for casters, healers, or tanks, but for your AA it should be a cinch.

All flagged up for ADQ and working on Reaver. Really looking forward to the awesome named loot ahead. Again, thanks everyone for the great replies! :D

06-20-2012, 10:11 PM
Now, what you do if it's your first time. Send a tell to the party leader: "Hi, 20 Ranger AA, I haven't run this before, is that fine?" They will do one of two things.

1. Pretend they missed your tell and ignore you
2. Ask something like "Can you follow directions?"

People are pretty understanding when it comes to first time Shroud, ToD, etc.

06-21-2012, 02:36 AM
Grats on your first Shroud The_Rev and a job well done.

I was the non-guild healer on that run, Zandrine. Have had the fortune of running a few Shrouds now with madmaxhunter leading (the first one I recall solo healing) and his runs are probably the most well-lead I've been on.

Having a blast running with Bridge Burners and Heleman and looking forward to doing more of the same.

06-21-2012, 02:49 AM
..... never done any greensteel crafting... ach....

Ok, here's my reasons; my Guild is small and really has no interest in running raids. It's all close friends and there's a theory that once everyone gets a level 20 toon, we can go back and do the raids. I know this is bunk, but hey, you can't get blood from a stone.

Now, the other reason is that I fear the label of n00b! I see so many LFMs for Shroud runs but am afraid to join because I'd have to tell them It'll be my first. No one wants to be your first.....

I'm flagged for just about every raid, the highest I've done is Tempest Spine.

Anyway, what are some things I can do to prepare for my first Shroud run and NOT be a burden on the party? Level 20 Arcane Archer <-----

Hehe yea i know the feeling never did one till last year either. But my friend wanted me along and her and her family are kewl so i went. But your not alone took me 4 years to go in lol

06-21-2012, 03:02 AM
I don't understand how can a single person cause a wipe, especially on a normal shroud! The worst thing they can do is die a lot or break the crystal and cause the party to miss two chests..not a big deal!

Phase 3, jumping around on a 5x5 until the wall comes, or until someone notices that they are having problems. Not every PUG party can recover from the wall... esp. when a 5x5 needs doing.