View Full Version : Ranger Ranger build question

06-14-2012, 08:13 AM
I am looking to advice on a good ranger build for a TR (2nd life)

Go Pure or go home, no desire to splash.

I will have 34 points to play with and just am unsure where to assign them.

The theme for the build will be Archer.
The guy should be focused on taking things out from a distance, not worrying too much about melee.

Past Life is Sor.

+2 tomes locked in across the board.

Not interesting in divine spells aside from the occasional buff, its an extra I am not that bothered about.

Like the idea of Arcane archer, the arrow options look cool so would rather do that then go with Kensei fighter.

WIS : Not essential, just bare minimum.
CON : Going to be ranged mostly so a minimum of 14 base (before Tome)
INT : Say 10 as not worried about skills too much, aside from a bit of jump, balance and some move/hide, not that worried
CHA : Not focusing on UMD so can leave CHA as dump

STR : Unsure what to start this with... some say leave it mid-high, some say max
DEX : Unsure what to start this with... again some say almost at max, some say go max

I don't know where I will stick my heroic stat bumps, unsure if to focus on STR bumps or DEX ones.
I know both are important, just don't know how important one is over the other end game.

Any advice?

06-14-2012, 09:57 AM
I am looking to advice on a good ranger build for a TR... (2nd life)

Start here, and read it all the way through... ;)

06-14-2012, 11:55 AM
I have been playing my ranger and thinking about builds for awhile (on my 3rd life) and I have never found a pure ranger build that I would consider good.

Even for a ranged based char capstone is not worth it compared to what monk lvls (10k star, extra feats), fighter (extra feats, kensai), or rogue splash can add (some sneak attack, umd, trap skills).

If you do want to stay pure, you should branch out and do a little of everything because its the only way rangers shine. Design the build to melee for when manyshot is down and your in a situation where kiting is bad, and remember that strength is more important than dex, as long as you can consistently hit the enemy.

For a pure ranger(archer focused) id go human or half elf you lose out on some damage but get more utility.
Stat Wise:
Str 16
Dex 16
Con 16
Int 10
Wis 10
Chr 8
Perhaps dropping con to 15(made up with enhancements) for wis or int at 12. And all level ups in strength for more damage.

06-14-2012, 12:08 PM
For a pure build Arcane Archer I would go elf. How much str, dex, con will depend on if you have any end game items that will give +exception bonuses or profane etc... However, as a general rule, you want to end up with around 38 dex so you can hit things without much missing, then as much strength as you can get without sacrificing too much con. Feel free to myddo my AA ranger superkluege. My tod rings are +2 con and +2 str.

Also, grind out an elemental longbow of earth and max it to tier 3. It is the easiest top tier bow to get.

If you plan on keeping the AA for longer than 1 life, you will want to TR 3x ranger (possibly monk and fighter too if so inclined) to get the ranged bonuses from past lives.