View Full Version : What would be the worst mob combination to come across?

06-10-2012, 03:21 PM
What, in your opinion, would be the worst mob combination to encounter? Might be most coherent if we limit the mob type count to 3.

After going through In the Flesh on elite, the Beholder/Render combo is quite impressive and I would have put that quite high on the list, but I've learned a couple of stunning monks can greatly reduce the complexity of that encounter. So, we'd need to counter the monks in this encounter. Maybe add air elementals? Yep, that'd work quite nicely.

Now, the Renders don't add anything unique that I can think of, so let's go with something else. Ah, Eladrin Ghaele's. Non-mitigated Light damage for everyone and the ability to heal his cohorts.

I think that'd be quite the equalizer: Beholder/Ghaele/Air Elemental. Interestingly, two thirds of which is Running with the Devils.

I'm sure you'll come up with something better.

06-10-2012, 03:23 PM
Three doomspheres. Good luck with that ;)

Three air elementals are possibly worse but only becuase of thier stupidly overpowered trip effect.

06-10-2012, 03:41 PM
Beholders and air or earth eles

Air eles for the joy of being helplessly tossed around like a rag doll while being level drained and decinegrated

Earth eles for the joy of being held while experiencing the same, plus the super fun chance to be telekenessed through the air while being simultaniously earthgrabed, since earth grab doesnt depend on silly thing like there acutally being earth anywhere near you

06-10-2012, 03:46 PM

The Stormreaver guarding Velah in GH Tor EPIC...
once they're both down to 40%, Arraetrikos fly's over and splashes down....
~GL :D

06-10-2012, 03:47 PM
Tarrasque and gnome.

06-10-2012, 05:47 PM
What, in your opinion, would be the worst mob combination to encounter?

Red dragons and Pit fiends. Never invite them to the same party. They'll wind up in the kitchen drinking all your beer and breaking all your fine china.

06-10-2012, 05:50 PM
dancing baby kobolds
you'll die from the sheer adorable-ness >___<

06-10-2012, 06:31 PM
Anything that spams sleet storm. Make that 3 of them

06-10-2012, 06:40 PM
I have a personal vendetta against the gianthold hobgoblin casters with their displacement/glittering dust/self healing combo, grrrr....

06-10-2012, 07:03 PM
If named, the dead beholder in "In the Flesh", coupled with the mind flayer boss in there, and some air elementals, all in the room you fight the mind flayer boss in.

06-10-2012, 07:09 PM
I think just the combination they already have in In the Flesh of Beholders, Mind Flayers and Renders is enough.

Between the beholders anti-magic and neg levels and the flayers mind blast it is almost impossible to do at level on elite.

06-10-2012, 07:44 PM
Red dragons and Pit fiends. Never invite them to the same party. They'll wind up in the kitchen drinking all your beer and breaking all your fine china.

Chipping glasses, cracking plates... everything that halfings hate.

06-10-2012, 07:46 PM
ozzes + A.N Other mob.


06-10-2012, 07:51 PM
I'd go with arcane oozes, a doomsphere, and red name air ellies. DEATH TO THE CASTERS!

06-10-2012, 08:08 PM
are we going for tuff or just plain tick u off

cause if it's the later, then i say scorp's
my arty can bring to bare enough firepower
to level a small city, yet this buggers can tunnel
even while paralyzed/stunned/etc pop up attack
and be gone before i can land anything expect
maybe one shot from a three round burst


06-10-2012, 08:09 PM
cats, air ele's, earth ele's

06-10-2012, 08:20 PM
A couple of red names that spam dispels, some living meteor swarms and firestorms, and let's throw in some fire elementals just for more fire damage everywhere.

Or how about a red name with binding chains, an air elemental, and trapped floors that do huge damage and give a healing curse (not really a mob, but still).

06-10-2012, 08:25 PM
Add quells to the list if you play a paladin or cleric or favored soul. It throws out annoying negative levels and stuff just like beholders, I can't remember if they get insta kills or not...and then its intercession says it blocks divine "spells" but it also blocks turn undead, anything that uses turn undead, also lay on hands...

Succubi can be annoying too, with so many helpless effects and finger of death.

Also 3 living spells in the subterrane entrance screws over most people.

06-10-2012, 08:42 PM
beholder, caster with disjunct, and an instakill caster.

beholder antimagic means you lose all your buffs such as DW and the neg lvls lower your saves, disjunct caster removes all magic effects lowering DPS spellcasting HP saves and your deathblock item, instakill caster kills you.

06-10-2012, 08:52 PM
Deadheart and/or Hazidell, a gh hobgoblin arcane, and a doomsphere

What a Pita lol

06-10-2012, 08:54 PM
A Beholder, and a caster with Sleetstorm, Burning Blood and Meteor Swarm.

06-10-2012, 09:02 PM
On my Monk: An Air Elemental, another Air Elemental, and a third Air Elemental.

I'll be able to beat them down, but it will be the most annoying fight I face all day.

On my Wizard, it's a WF with good saves. WF means no negative levels, so most of my cheap and easy debuffs won't work on them. That means it's straight up damage spells until they die and it's usually not worth putting that many spell points into just three enemies in a quest.

06-10-2012, 09:56 PM
I never found anything hard in ddo, it was the players who made it hard. None of the dungeon mobs have any kind of mechanics to them, oh wait we can say the same for most of the raid bosses to. Harry is just beat the pinata, same for ToD, if it wasn't for the rooms and floor puzzle Abbot is there to. Hound, VoD same deal. I think the best DDO devs can offer as far as raid challenge is switching between trash mobs and boss but the bosses themselves do nothing special.

06-10-2012, 09:57 PM
On my Monk: An Air Elemental, another Air Elemental, and a third Air Elemental.

I'll be able to beat them down, but it will be the most annoying fight I face all day.

Air Ele's by themselves -are- quite annoying but are easily handled by casters as evidenced by the Reaver's Fate. What I'm looking for is a combination that would challenge a party regardless of its makeup.

So we have to have a beholder to bring its antimagic field, but beholders can be taken care of when they're by themselves. Am I missing any other mob type that can neutralize divines and arcanes? The arcane ooze is a nice idea but they don't keep a caster from damaging the other mob types.

So we have to have something to slow down or neutralize the melees and that's where the air ele's come in.

The third mob type is a bit of a wild card. Mobs that trip are certainly tempting as are mobs that teleport. But I'm looking for what would be the hardest to counteract when teamed with the other two. The "blinding" mobs mentioned earlier are a nice touch: Glitterdust spammers, Sleetstorm spammers and of course, our friends the air/dust/salt mephits.

Now this encounter wouldn't be just one of each, it'd be a number - obviously not on a level of Weapons Shipment, more on a Devils Assault level.

06-10-2012, 10:11 PM
Deadheart and/or Hazidell, a gh hobgoblin arcane, and a doomsphere

What a Pita lol

Heh...and you give me a hard time for playing and forum perusing while at "work". :D

On topic- In the Flesh on elite has the perfect trifecta of DDOOOoooOOOMM, imho....

06-10-2012, 11:58 PM
Invulnerable Minion - Mortar - Fast - Jailer - Extra Health

That one is always tough to deal with.

Oh... wait a sec... never mind... wrong forum. :o

06-11-2012, 01:25 AM
Doomsphere, Marilith and a bunch of reavers spamming meteor swarm in a place with no columns or other sort of safe spot.

Could spice up with something that eats weapons... oozes, rust monsters or that thing on dreaming dark... The fight also could be done over a bunch of broken pipes hanging above a lava pit of instadeath with some air jets.

06-11-2012, 01:27 AM
An air elemental, a selfhealing caster with sleet storm and level drain(warforged mage?) and a beholder(doom sphere for extra fun) to dispell your buffs so your freedom and deathward goes away..

06-11-2012, 01:37 AM
Doomsphere, Hobgoblin Archer, Marilith. (for added fun, they are in an area with an icy floor that is partially in the plane of Dolurrh.)

the Archer is obviously weaker than the others, but hamstring is is THAT annoying to me.


Edit: if the icy floor is in play, maybe you could replace the archer with a Lich.

06-11-2012, 02:39 AM
The worst thing I can imagine would be to defend Coyle from an army of oozes, rust monsters and air ellies.

06-11-2012, 03:17 AM
Horoth and sulo in tod summoning air-ooze elementals with cursed wounds, which duplicate themselves each 1d6 seconds.
Of course, bosses would got no cooldown and this spell would got no casting time.
edit: and give them dispel magic + grease (with huge DC btw) combo.

06-11-2012, 04:17 AM
I think just the combination they already have in In the Flesh of Beholders, Mind Flayers and Renders is enough.

Between the beholders anti-magic and neg levels and the flayers mind blast it is almost impossible to do at level on elite.

Replace beholders with doomspheres, replace renders with dream reavers for cursed wound.

06-11-2012, 05:32 AM
I'd have to say doomsphere, air elly & (surprised no-one mentioned yet) bladesworn artificer - thrown around, level drained & then knocked down/stunned by arty spells

06-11-2012, 05:36 AM
Italian political class always inventing new taxes to drain your platinum :D

06-11-2012, 05:37 AM
Also, group of casters, each spamming mordedakin's disjunction, and afterwards, circle of death, wail, fod, PK, implosion, undeath to death, and PWK. Of course, no cooldowns, quicken, enlarge and infinite mana for mobs ;)

06-11-2012, 05:49 AM
Beholder - Marilith - Eladrin Ghaele

06-11-2012, 09:12 AM
Challenges with all elementals present and buff bossing.

06-11-2012, 09:22 AM
1 doomsphere 2 air elementals a caster with sleetstorm and niacs biting cold or eladars and 1 cleric mob that has learned to apply quicken to mass heal and mass harm and throw in a lich with mass harm and quick for good measure who knows how to heal himself and doomsphere or just harm you.. you are now doomed

06-11-2012, 09:24 AM
Noobs on full zerg mode, Devs casting nerf spells on everyone, and Forum Trolls.


06-11-2012, 09:42 AM
Pride Leader Xilic & Whirling Ozann at lvl 12-ish

06-11-2012, 10:19 AM
Glitterdust + Displacement + Heal = Loremasters from GH.

Worst combo ever. Literally their only job is to make melee lives living hell. Actually now that I think about it... Any, and I mean any, NPC that has access to Heal + Blur or Displacement. Healers are NOT supposed to have these spells and to make matters worse DDO gives them infinite SP.

Unreachable Archers + Healers + Mages is also a massive pain. You have to have really good ranged DPS or the fight will take forever. Ritual Sacrifice of a perfect example of this.

06-11-2012, 09:57 PM
Three doomspheres. Good luck with that ;)

Three air elementals are possibly worse but only becuase of thier stupidly overpowered trip effect.

if by doomspheres you mean what i call chaos orbs (those black balls that roll around and casts random spells upon touch)
they wouldn't matter to me, for some reason they always buff me ^^ (really, i ran invaders, and i walked into every single one i could find. those buffs helped me big time :p)

imo, worst mob ever: dragons, beholders, and medusas

06-11-2012, 10:08 PM
if by doomspheres you mean what i call chaos orbs (those black balls that roll around and casts random spells upon touch)
they wouldn't matter to me, for some reason they always buff me ^^ (really, i ran invaders, and i walked into every single one i could find. those buffs helped me big time :p)

imo, worst mob ever: dragons, beholders, and medusas

Ummm, no.

Doomsphere....in Ghosts of Perdition. An undead beholder.

06-11-2012, 10:19 PM
Ummm, no.

Doomsphere....in Ghosts of Perdition. An undead beholder.

so... we can all agree that 3 named epic doomspheres would be a PItA to deal with? :D:D:D

06-12-2012, 12:45 AM
if by doomspheres you mean what i call chaos orbs (those black balls that roll around and casts random spells upon touch)
they wouldn't matter to me, for some reason they always buff me ^^ (really, i ran invaders, and i walked into every single one i could find. those buffs helped me big time :p)

imo, worst mob ever: dragons, beholders, and medusas

ignorance is bliss :D

06-12-2012, 12:57 AM
cats, air ele's, earth ele's

more or less my answer. Jariliths, Air Ellies, and some Kobold Shaman for good measure.

06-12-2012, 01:11 AM
Fight them all in the DQ2 room.

Start with an epic named Marilith like DQ

Add 4 red named doomspheres to the outer platforms.

Add in 5 perma-respawing red named air elementals.

Toss in some of those giant rust monsters for arrogant WF casters ;)

On top where the archers normally would be, instead there are red named respawing earth elementals.

On the bottom where the lava normally would be is just a big hole that goes on forever.

Litter the field with disjunction balls from epic dq... like 15 of them.

A few invisible stalkers with vorpal weapons for random kills from nowhere.

That's probably a pretty tough encounter.

06-12-2012, 01:11 AM
Worst combo I can think of would be Boxing Day Walmart Shoppers. (Or perhaps Black Friday)
You've seen the e-mails...
If you do not have your Holy ugly stick to beat them back you would be in huge trouble.

06-12-2012, 01:50 AM
the boss from monastary of the scorpian, some orange named earth eles, some air eles, and a doomsphere.

06-12-2012, 01:55 AM
The Abbot and Horoth and Velah at Velah's place.

06-12-2012, 08:37 AM
Ummm, no.

Doomsphere....in Ghosts of Perdition. An undead beholder.

oh, whoops :p haven't run that yet

06-12-2012, 09:02 AM
One of the monsters would be a beholder to neutralize the spellcasters and drain levels at will.

The other would be a rare creature known as a melee beholder, which has an Anti Melee Zone, which prevents any weapons from being swung/fired while within the zone.

Enjoy :D

06-12-2012, 09:06 AM
Keeping named bosses out of it...

Fighting: Armored skellies, oozes (or rust monsters), and regenerating caster trolls all at the same time.

06-12-2012, 09:18 AM
Surprised no one mentioned quells yet.

06-12-2012, 09:31 AM
not 1, not 2 but 3 Coyles. escorted into a full party elite weapons shipment.

06-12-2012, 09:37 AM
If bosses:
Leilat (fast, incredible damage, knockdown)
Red named Air elemental (knockdown, more knockdown and pushback for Marilith)
Cholthulzz, the doomsphere (debuff, neg level, etc...)

If non named mobs:
Air ele


06-12-2012, 09:39 AM
Surprised no one mentioned quells yet.

They were, but FvS's are immune to the Intercession effect so that Quell's aren't as obnoxious as they could be.

06-12-2012, 09:40 AM
probably 5 thousand of every creature in the game, each epic'd and fully buffed.

06-12-2012, 09:53 AM
It depends a lot on the class, so I can only go by what I have played.

For a Cleric, I would say a combination of extremely high HP Quells, a red-named Beholder (Doomspheres can be blasted by Bursts), and Air Elementals in a room with Disjunction traps. The Disjunction to disable your Atonement.

For a Paladin, it would be casters like those in Gianthold as mentioned earlier (Glitterdust, lots of CC and self healing, and make them neutral rather than evil so Smites don't work), Quells (Intercession prevents LoH), and a Doomsphere if you are not HotD. If you're HotD, then Air Eles. Place it into a Disjunction trap room to disable your ghost touch if not HotD.

For a Bard, make sure they're all orange or red named (to be immune to song based CC). Probably then the "standard" assortment of Air Ele, Doomsphere, and something with high damage like a Marilith (preferably a heavier caster one like the boss of Bastion).

For a FvS, things to reduce mobility. Air Eles, red named evasive trip-cats (Jariliths would be good for the fear effect), and Earth eles.

For Sorc or Wizard (my Wizard was a pre-u9 spell change one, spec'ed as an Enchantment Archmage), all red-named to prevent CC and instakills from working. Doomsphere, something that spam's Severe Bewildering Blow like some eClaw scorpions to prevent spellcasting if SLA's are affected by Severe Bewildering Blow (I can't remember whether it does or not), and either Air or Earth eles (Earth works much more effectively on Sorcs because of the lack of Insightful Reflexes). For PM wizards, might want to toss in an extremely high caster level Deathward casting divine, with maximized/empowered Searing Light and Divine Punishment (and they know how to stack it).

06-12-2012, 10:15 AM
I'm going to go with the ooze that killed me for 520 points of falling damage in the Pit last night.

So, Turbine physics is the worst mob encounter in the game.

06-12-2012, 10:22 AM
If bosses:
Leilat (fast, incredible damage, knockdown)
Red named Air elemental (knockdown, more knockdown and pushback for Marilith)
Cholthulzz, the doomsphere (debuff, neg level, etc...)

If non named mobs:
Air ele


Switch Leilat with....

Abbott on his platform(inferno...add Red named Quori(end of eLOB) instead of ghosts).
Cholthulzz, the doomsphere (debuff, neg level, etc...)
Red named Air elemental (knockdown, more knockdown, thrown into water)

06-12-2012, 01:36 PM
Everything at once.