View Full Version : Double TR in 28 Hours 55 Minutes

06-03-2012, 05:06 PM

TR'd Mcnoob at around 12:15 this morning EST and finished a full 4.3 mill xp double TR around 5 pm.

This resulted in me staying up and leveling for 28 hours and 55 minutes with little to no breaks.

I will post more details later and commentary and stuff but right now I am a little tired.

-Zin, Ghallanda Server, Captain's Crew

06-03-2012, 06:17 PM
Another grinder has earned his bragging rights.......
And with only 29.7fps showing in screenshot looks like the server is catching up to your speed....

Makes me really wonder how much time would be shaved off by the Prebravery bonus, pregreater tome of learning, pre30% XP, per 200k XP in 23min from 4 easy challenges, and pre 10% build your guild event would shave off his 38hr 3rd life time only using 20% pots on a 10% weekend.

06-03-2012, 07:31 PM
Very nice, congrats!

06-04-2012, 09:50 AM
Did you duo / trio in a static group or just solo and group only if beneficial to your time?

Very impressive regardless!

06-04-2012, 10:58 AM
Grats Zin....

Now go change your diaper... It's got to be REALLY messy after 28 hours.. Or did you switch to the sitting on a bucket method?

28 hours seriously? I know the XP bonuses are insane... But still..... That's some crazy stuff man.. :D

06-04-2012, 11:12 AM
Nice job Zin :)

06-04-2012, 11:55 AM
Congrats, now go pickup dog **** and mow the lawn!

06-04-2012, 06:00 PM

Makes me really wonder how much time would be shaved off by the Prebravery bonus, pregreater tome of learning, pre30% XP, per 200k XP in 23min from 4 easy challenges, and pre 10% build your guild event would shave off his 38hr 3rd life time only using 20% pots on a 10% weekend.


Did you duo / trio in a static group or just solo and group only if beneficial to your time?

Very impressive regardless!

Duo'd most of it with a third popping in and out until my partner went to sleep at level 17 or so. I think we would have gone faster with a full group, ideally 4 arcanes 1 divine (blade barrier!) and a high AC/reflex save monk/rogue or whatever to pull levers uberly lol

Grats Zin....

Now go change your diaper... It's got to be REALLY messy after 28 hours.. Or did you switch to the sitting on a bucket method?

28 hours seriously? I know the XP bonuses are insane... But still..... That's some crazy stuff man.. :D

Hehe, luckily the bathroom is only 15 feet or so from my setup. When I gotta go I just pull off my headset and sprint in and back. Full trip only takes 30 seconds or so xD