View Full Version : Bards in PvP...
06-03-2012, 04:58 PM
I don't think Bards songs should be aloud in PvP. You can dance a lower level forever with a high level bard, and I don't think its quite fair. You can't log or /death so basically your stuck untill someone kills you or it wears off.
06-03-2012, 05:02 PM
It's PvP.. what does it matter?
06-03-2012, 05:18 PM
I don't think Bards songs should be aloud in PvP. You can dance a lower level forever with a high level bard, and I don't think its quite fair. You can't log or /death so basically your stuck untill someone kills you or it wears off.
You may not be able to log, but I'm sure Alt+F4 should still work and in the rare case that they have that disabled, you could always unplug your computer to get out of the situation. In all seriousness, the entire concept of "balancing" pvp is something much larger than bard dances. They can't even get player balance right in PvM right now. As a more practical answer to your immediate problem, I'd think they should make /death work while dancing if it currently does not.
06-03-2012, 07:35 PM
It's pvp. Why can't a player utilize all his resources. If you don't like it increase your saves.
06-03-2012, 07:37 PM
Isn't that considered griefing? Can't you actually report that person?
06-04-2012, 04:31 AM
I don't think Bards songs should be aloud in PvP. You can dance a lower level forever with a high level bard, and I don't think its quite fair. You can't log or /death so basically your stuck untill someone kills you or it wears off.
Then next you will want all cc spells from all classes to be disallowed.
Everything that can be used to beat me is a cheap tactic and should be nerfed.
Everything I built onto my PVP toon is legit.
Usually what happens is the person who wants bards nerfed then builds one, and they get owned by someone else. Then they are on the boards complaining that whatever ability that owns their bard is OP.
The slayer arrow debacle of 2011 is a good example. People screaming ZOMG NERF SLAYER ARROWS built AAs, then would carry on about stunning and other CC being a "cheap tactic" when they found out that AAs werent as immortal as they thought in PVP.
06-04-2012, 08:06 AM
It's pvp. Why can't a player utilize all his resources. If you don't like it increase your saves.
You need about a 60 or 70 will save then; pretty much impossible! A better way to beat bards is by using the shield from house Phiarlan; it absorbs enchantment spells, including songs.
I do agree that making people dance for minutes is griefing; minutes of dancing seems a bit much for pvp, 10-20 seconds is already long in such a fast paced environment.
06-11-2012, 09:36 AM
I don't think Bards songs should be aloud
I see what you did there.
06-11-2012, 10:02 AM
This is a funny thread. So most threads about bards complain they are so weak compared to other classes and are useless. Yet you are posting that the mean bards are kicking your butt.
So what kinda alt are you running that the class nerd is beating you up on the playground and stealing your lunch money?
if they cant do that then casters shouldnt be able to cast and melee's should be allowed to use any weapons:rolleyes:
and your not allowed to fasinate or dance without trying to kill them as its considered griefing.
06-11-2012, 03:02 PM
This is a funny thread. So most threads about bards complain they are so weak compared to other classes and are useless. Yet you are posting that the mean bards are kicking your butt.
So what kinda alt are you running that the class nerd is beating you up on the playground and stealing your lunch money?
Bard capering: DC = 80 will save, failed save: dance 3 minutes
If you don't have the house P shield virtuoso's will kick yer ass
06-11-2012, 11:32 PM
over the years i felt greifed if i was left there dancing, now i find it a perfect time to get up and get somethign to drink and bio, etc, etc.
The trick is to kill the bard or get far enough away fast enough to avoid it, then kill him. The Philaran shield is nice to ahev as well, and if there noobish they will be scratchign there heads for a minute or two while you get the last laugh.
06-12-2012, 02:31 AM
Everything that can be used to beat me is a cheap tactic and should be nerfed.
Everything I built onto my PVP toon is legit.
Quote of the day. +100
06-19-2012, 02:32 PM
If I see a guitar pop out I pop on my House P shield. I stay near the ladder and watch the charges. He jumps down and starts playing I take away his guitar and perform on his skull :) You will find the Bard will soon leave or log to his caster :) I consider most of the things in pvp a rock paper scissors situation. {Example} I started hitting this guy and went blind *drinks pot swing hit blind again drink pot jump up ladder *scratch head hmmmm run to bank get my blindness immune ring pop it on. Run back and begin the fight again. I dont believe in forever dancing but you should learn to deal with some things ask around look up items figure out how to beat it.
06-22-2012, 12:37 AM
It's pvp. Why can't a player utilize all his resources. If you don't like it increase your saves.
I think he's talking about Song of Capering, where the preform skill determines the save dc, where you'll need a will save of at least... according to my calculations, a will save of at least 264 to save on a roll of 19. :D
06-22-2012, 05:00 PM
against song of capering theres always a 5% chance you will save .. is it possible to stunlock people in pvp.. sure is but then again.. what do you think enervation + stone to flesh does.. ? its the same thing and can be utilized by many classes .. or enervation command.. or whatever floats your boat..
bards in general are a weak pvp class tho.. unless you roll virtuoso.. then its a strong pvp class.. but virts suck in pve.. and because this game is mainly 99% pve.. only a select few who either take pvp seriously.. (lol ;) ) or find solid cc in epics needed..
if you are talking about fascinate.. fascinate has been nerfed down tremendously.. i know its lame but i rolled a lot of bards.. and have been known to stunlock at least 10 peopel at a time in pvp.. since bards cant do meaningfull damage compared to melee or casters this was the only fun i could have in pvp..
fascinate has been nerfed a few patched ago tho.. now you get saves every 3 seconds.. its not half as powerful as it used to be.. when fascinate could mean you be locked down there for 5+ minutes lol...
06-24-2012, 03:29 PM
I just found it hilarious that the OP thinks that PVP is a thing in DDO, oh lols, thats adorable .
06-24-2012, 09:15 PM
It always makes me laugh when every pvp thread in the pvp forum is populated mainly by people who hate pvp. As for bards, you know 9 out of 10 bards can't do anything else but dance you. They'll whack you for 0 damage or chuck low dc sb's or shouts or whatever. I'm not exaggerating either, it's amazing how terrible most bards are...
Let them have their dance. If they chain it, feel free to report, I guess...they'll occassionally temp ban players for it but at the very least, gm's will tele you out of the pit.
It always makes me laugh when every pvp thread in the pvp forum is populated mainly by people who hate pvp. As for bards, you know 9 out of 10 bards can't do anything else but dance you. They'll whack you for 0 damage or chuck low dc sb's or shouts or whatever. I'm not exaggerating either, it's amazing how terrible most bards are...
Let them have their dance. If they chain it, feel free to report, I guess...they'll occassionally temp ban players for it but at the very least, gm's will tele you out of the pit.
It always makes me laugh when every pvp thread in the pvp forum is populated mainly by people who are concerned only with what goes on in the pit, dont use 90% of all PVP features, and are harping about nerfing someone elses class and reporting the player if the other guy wins. Chaining dance is not against PVP rules as long as the other player is killing your toon. Its only against the rules if they chain it and dont kill.
Its even more hilarious when the people labeled "haters" know more about the other PVP features in the game than some people who claim to like PVP and want more of it.
Amazing how terrible most bards are? Amazing how terrible 98% of the build options are. The minute I try to engage anyone else in some good ol fashioned PVP, regardless of class, and win, people have to run off and log their 18 [caster] 2 [evasion] build on and clown everyone else who is participating. If I win they are either reporting due to some presupposed cheap tactic used (definition of "cheap" being something they cant counter), or logging their epiced out caster on and taking over. This is the single biggest reason why its not as fun as alot of you think it could be. Some people cant handle loss and they will try to go as far as getting your class nerfed or getting you banned for somehow breaking the rules (rule broken = zomg you beat me!!!! /report) if you win too often using the same tactic.
06-25-2012, 01:48 PM
It always makes me laugh when every pvp thread in the pvp forum is populated mainly by people who are concerned only with what goes on in the pit, dont use 90% of all PVP features, and are harping about nerfing someone elses class and reporting the player if the other guy wins. Chaining dance is not against PVP rules as long as the other player is killing your toon. Its only against the rules if they chain it and dont kill.
Its even more hilarious when the people labeled "haters" know more about the other PVP features in the game than some people who claim to like PVP and want more of it.
Amazing how terrible most bards are? Amazing how terrible 98% of the build options are. The minute I try to engage anyone else in some good ol fashioned PVP, regardless of class, and win, people have to run off and log their 18 [caster] 2 [evasion] build on and clown everyone else who is participating. If I win they are either reporting due to some presupposed cheap tactic used (definition of "cheap" being something they cant counter), or logging their epiced out caster on and taking over. This is the single biggest reason why its not as fun as alot of you think it could be. Some people cant handle loss and they will try to go as far as getting your class nerfed or getting you banned for somehow breaking the rules (rule broken = zomg you beat me!!!! /report) if you win too often using the same tactic.
What in the world are you yapping about now? You spouted so much hyperbole from your random soapbox, there is no logical reply other than ":eek:"
What in the world are you yapping about now? You spouted so much hyperbole from your random soapbox, there is no logical reply other than ":eek:"
What I am referring to is pretty easy to deduce. There is no logical rebuttal, but there are plenty of logical replies.
One example would be: Yes, you are absolutely right, we should stop calling everyone with a different opinion than our own haters and then expect them to behave in our threads afterwards. We clearly see now that respect isnt a one way street. Thanks for the heads up.
Another example: Yes, I see what you are saying about PVP being more attractive to outsiders when we arent on the boards calling for nerfs of everything about everyone elses class we cant counter on our own builds, or reporting everyone that beats us in game because we were crowd controlled for longer than 5 seconds on the dot.
06-28-2012, 04:03 PM
against song of capering theres always a 5% chance you will save .. is it possible to stunlock people in pvp.. sure is but then again.. what do you think enervation + stone to flesh does.. ? its the same thing and can be utilized by many classes .. or enervation command.. or whatever floats your boat..
bards in general are a weak pvp class tho.. unless you roll virtuoso.. then its a strong pvp class.. but virts suck in pve.. and because this game is mainly 99% pve.. only a select few who either take pvp seriously.. (lol ;) ) or find solid cc in epics needed..
if you are talking about fascinate.. fascinate has been nerfed down tremendously.. i know its lame but i rolled a lot of bards.. and have been known to stunlock at least 10 peopel at a time in pvp.. since bards cant do meaningfull damage compared to melee or casters this was the only fun i could have in pvp..
fascinate has been nerfed a few patched ago tho.. now you get saves every 3 seconds.. its not half as powerful as it used to be.. when fascinate could mean you be locked down there for 5+ minutes lol...
I have a 20 bard virt with full AA, 76 perform, and while he doesn't do the damage of a barbarian, he can out CC any other class in the game, and when he does throw down with a bow, usually just for boss fights or a little pvp, he can be quite deadly to any class in the pit.....
08-07-2012, 09:26 AM
Fine do so then however, then all Ottos apart from the mass spell must have longer timeouts. High level wizards just use it repeatedly on low levels and they can never get away. The Otto spell should then also be considered griefing. Bards must be able to use it!!! Because they are a mix between magic and mellee, they cant do alot of damage in either or rather: a bard cant do as much DPS as a fighter and he cant do the same damage as a sorc or wizard. So getting close to either of those in PVP will prove to be deadly for the bard. Let them have their fascinate.
08-07-2012, 09:34 AM
I don't think Bards songs should be aloud in PvP. You can dance a lower level forever with a high level bard, and I don't think its quite fair. You can't log or /death so basically your stuck untill someone kills you or it wears off.
I dont think you should be allowed in pvp. Seems you cant take it.
08-07-2012, 11:54 AM
I think he's talking about Song of Capering, where the preform skill determines the save dc, where you'll need a will save of at least... according to my calculations, a will save of at least 264 to save on a roll of 19. :D
Haha .... ya thats a fun one for sure !
08-07-2012, 03:30 PM
I love how most of these people would never consider having a bard in a party or play one as they are viewed as weak, but when put up against one in PvP they ae all of a sudden OP.
LOL. Priceless
08-07-2012, 03:44 PM
I just wish disjunction was allowed in pvp. If nukes gear, only players have gear, but it cant be used on players even in pvp... Kinda messed up.
08-09-2012, 08:25 AM
against song of capering theres always a 5% chance you will save .. is it possible to stunlock people in pvp.. sure is but then again.. what do you think enervation + stone to flesh does.. ? its the same thing and can be utilized by many classes .. or enervation command.. or whatever floats your boat..
bards in general are a weak pvp class tho.. unless you roll virtuoso.. then its a strong pvp class.. but virts suck in pve.. and because this game is mainly 99% pve.. only a select few who either take pvp seriously.. (lol ;) ) or find solid cc in epics needed..
if you are talking about fascinate.. fascinate has been nerfed down tremendously.. i know its lame but i rolled a lot of bards.. and have been known to stunlock at least 10 peopel at a time in pvp.. since bards cant do meaningfull damage compared to melee or casters this was the only fun i could have in pvp..
fascinate has been nerfed a few patched ago tho.. now you get saves every 3 seconds.. its not half as powerful as it used to be.. when fascinate could mean you be locked down there for 5+ minutes lol...
Your blatantly mistaken my dear friend, Virtuoso not good in PVE ? He is not CC?
Have you heard about Otto's and Entrall, Suggestion and Perform that is maxed out on a Virtuoso?
They are most wanted in Epics, cause they can give 3 min regeneration songs, which will not be debuffed by any Beholders or whatever spells. Who needs a spellsinger for the casters anyways. Let them use a stinkin pot.
They have the highest CC in the game, they annihilate wizards with their entrall and can control 10's upon 10's of mobs.
Clearly man, you have no clue about the game, really amazing to read your post.
Come to Ghallanda, NP, I'll teach you a thing or two, inside pvp, or outside.
Bards Virtuoso's bad in PVE hjahahahahahhaahhahahaha hilarious man! hilarious !!!!
08-14-2012, 03:57 PM
I don’t believe that a Bard using his/her given talents to kill a foe in PvP is the problem, the problem is when they use said talents so simply incapacitate another player...without killing them.
Make me dance and then kill me, I have no problem with that. Make me dance for minutes on end, with no intention of otherwise damaging me...well that is just grieving.
08-14-2012, 04:06 PM
Apparently, the OP never PVP'ed in NWN1.
Bigby spells anyone? Talk about frustrating.
08-16-2012, 06:05 PM
a bard cant do as much DPS as a fighter and he cant do the same damage as a sorc or wizard.
Actually there are some different ways to achieve dps on a bard. 1) You can deal up to ~600 dmg with Greater Shout spell + a bit less dmg from other sonic spells. 2) You can get Manyshot and AA PrE and deal even more dmg. 3) You can even mix both of those to do Manyshot+Slayers and meanwhile damaging with spells 4) Melee bards can also Caper you and melee you to death. Please do not underestimate bards, there is always a way to achieve dps, cheers.
08-17-2012, 03:25 AM
It always makes me laugh when every pvp thread in the pvp forum is populated mainly by people who are concerned only with what goes on in the pit, dont use 90% of all PVP features, and are harping about nerfing someone elses class and reporting the player if the other guy wins. Chaining dance is not against PVP rules as long as the other player is killing your toon. Its only against the rules if they chain it and dont kill.
Its even more hilarious when the people labeled "haters" know more about the other PVP features in the game than some people who claim to like PVP and want more of it.
Amazing how terrible most bards are? Amazing how terrible 98% of the build options are. The minute I try to engage anyone else in some good ol fashioned PVP, regardless of class, and win, people have to run off and log their 18 [caster] 2 [evasion] build on and clown everyone else who is participating. If I win they are either reporting due to some presupposed cheap tactic used (definition of "cheap" being something they cant counter), or logging their epiced out caster on and taking over. This is the single biggest reason why its not as fun as alot of you think it could be. Some people cant handle loss and they will try to go as far as getting your class nerfed or getting you banned for somehow breaking the rules (rule broken = zomg you beat me!!!! /report) if you win too often using the same tactic.
Yeah, like getting on a Monk, charging up EIN then jumping into the pit and clearing the room. Now that's fun and very well balanced.
08-19-2012, 03:18 PM
Yeah, like getting on a Monk, charging up EIN then jumping into the pit and clearing the room. Now that's fun and very well balanced.Or fatesinger, and jumping into the pit using siren's song to stun the target, no save or breaking (and I can't name anyone who would be immune...not even pale masters who would be immune to other songs like fascinate), and 12 seconds later taking a huge amount of sonic damage from chord of disruption
08-20-2012, 11:29 AM
Yeah, like getting on a Monk, charging up EIN then jumping into the pit and clearing the room. Now that's fun and very well balanced.
It is a lot of fun, and is no different than a caster that sits across the pit and nukes every target that dares jump down from the platform. Melee cannot compete 1 vs 1 with ranged attacks and magic users in a large open room.
When a monk uses this ability to kill those that would normally just run and jump in circles around the pit, shooting and DoT'ing him...they deserve it. Those that are collateral damage can take solace in the fact that PvP means nothing in this game, outside the brawling pit, and they now have the perk of walking around invisible for a while, from the bug that occurs after having been erased from the multiverse.
08-20-2012, 01:38 PM
It always makes me laugh when every pvp thread in the pvp forum is populated mainly by people who hate pvp...
Actually, it's the GAME that is populated by people that hate pvp, the forums just accurately reflect that.
Anyway... to the OP...
That's just stupid. There should be NO RULES in PvP, and there should be no class balance towards PvP either.
If you thinks it's OP, build a virtuoso bard. See how much fun they are (hint, not so much).
Then try to pwn PvP (hint, you won't).
Get a PLIS, Mantle, and Phiarlan Shield, you'll be fine. Or range. Or play DDO. Or if you MUST PvP, get a private instance and post an LFM. Hell, if you really want, your LFM can even leave out bards.
08-20-2012, 01:41 PM
Isn't that considered griefing? Can't you actually report that person?
NO! This is NOT griefing, it is playing PvP. I wish that GMs had enough balls to ban anyone who reports others for PvPing using the tools given them.
08-22-2012, 11:05 AM
NO! This is NOT griefing, it is playing PvP. I wish that GMs had enough balls to ban anyone who reports others for PvPing using the tools given them.
Sorry pal but if could certainly be greifing.
If he's just getting danced continuously and not attacked then this is 100% griefing. There is no Verses happening, the bard isn't trying to "win" the fight.
If he's getting danced and beat down continuously by the Bard or others then certainly this would not be griefing. He's just getting beaten.
From the posts it sounds like #1 is what is happening. If that is the case then report the guy doing it. You may be surprised to find out that the GM's will agree and give the warning / ban to the Bard, but really you shouldn't be.
08-24-2012, 08:54 AM
I don't think Bards songs should be aloud in PvP. You can dance a lower level forever with a high level bard, and I don't think its quite fair. You can't log or /death so basically your stuck untill someone kills you or it wears off.
Hehe, I 'worked hard' to get my song DCs to 108! If you want to counter that, 'work hard' to get your saves up to 80+, invest in magical earplugs, or stay out of the pit.
08-24-2012, 08:59 AM
against song of capering theres always a 5% chance you will save .. is it possible to stunlock people in pvp.. sure is but then again.. what do you think enervation + stone to flesh does.. ? its the same thing and can be utilized by many classes .. or enervation command.. or whatever floats your boat..
bards in general are a weak pvp class tho.. unless you roll virtuoso.. then its a strong pvp class.. but virts suck in pve.. and because this game is mainly 99% pve.. only a select few who either take pvp seriously.. (lol ;) ) or find solid cc in epics needed..
if you are talking about fascinate.. fascinate has been nerfed down tremendously.. i know its lame but i rolled a lot of bards.. and have been known to stunlock at least 10 peopel at a time in pvp.. since bards cant do meaningfull damage compared to melee or casters this was the only fun i could have in pvp..
fascinate has been nerfed a few patched ago tho.. now you get saves every 3 seconds.. its not half as powerful as it used to be.. when fascinate could mean you be locked down there for 5+ minutes lol...
Don't play a Virt do you?
A Virt can attain THE highest DCs for CC in the whole game! Sucks in PvE?!? I think not - but maybe true with the Virts you have ran with. The ONLY thing that holds a Virt down is the 5 others in party.
10-17-2012, 03:38 PM
I just randomly came by, you know I don't comment here but I have some example:
As always, I like to mess around in the brawling area when I'm waiting for my parties to fill up.
One time it was just me and a bard. The bard constantly kept using song of capering and fascinate on me, not even trying to kill me. He did it for about good 40 minues regardless to how many times I asked him to stop.
I have no idea how to report such behavior, I only know how to report something directly from the chat...
I tried logging out, you can't.
I tried killing myself, you can't.
I exit the game, logged back in, the guy was still there dancing me.
I suggested before a system where you could "ignore" other player's action in the pit, like for you and him you are in the street rather than in the pit, you can't harm him in any way and vice versa. Obviously it didn't take and will never too.
I think this kind of griefing is the worst, if some level 20 constantly kills a level 1 then the level 1 can leave and come back another time. If a bard comes and dances you around, you're helpless.
I come into the pit to pass my time around and have a good time, test some things and fight people hoping they will enjoy it too (same level rage at least)
If you're going to say: "It's PvP, what did you expect?" Well sorry, but I expected to have good time and not being griefed. Also, people of high level killing people of low level, that's almost as lame as a bard abusing everyone around.
If you're going to say: "Then log on another character"- You seriously want me to log on another character (Assuming I have one) because some jacka@@ is abusing the game mechanics on me?
01-15-2013, 03:35 PM
Best thing to do against a bard who's blatantly abusing their power to harrass you is to engage them in dialogue, get them to admit to their actions inadvertently, that way the Mod who sees the report has more to go off of rather than sifting through pages and pages of combat reports.. You'd be surprised, most of them don't know how to stop typing for their own good.
I, personally, love playing my 14/6/6 virt/radiant/paladin in pvp/pve.. I've found that all you need to compete with a bard is a high damaging guard, house P shield, and an Ioun stone, boom you've just filtered out 9/10ths of all bards from being a challenge.
01-15-2013, 04:18 PM
I've been owned by a bard in PVP, I'm not ashamed to admit it. It's happend with my arcanes and it's happened with my melees. There are ways to circumvent the never ending dancing as previously mentioned. Most bards I have encountered if addressed will stop causing grief if you simply ask. Other than that, if I am not having fun then I won't stay around or I will find a different bar to play in. I am not going to say what should and shouldn't be allowed. What's the point of PvP if you can't highlight your better qualities. Take away a bards song, then you take away a fighters great sword, etc... It's a game and there are going to be trolls you can either let them make the game less enjoyable or you can find away around the irritation and not let it effect you at all. The control is yours regardless, no sense in stripping away peoples abilities.
01-17-2013, 09:52 AM
ESC > Help > Report* > Fill in details.
* Can't remember exact name of the button.
01-19-2013, 02:26 PM
I just randomly came by, you know I don't comment here but I have some example:
As always, I like to mess around in the brawling area when I'm waiting for my parties to fill up.
One time it was just me and a bard. The bard constantly kept using song of capering and fascinate on me, not even trying to kill me. He did it for about good 40 minues regardless to how many times I asked him to stop.
I have no idea how to report such behavior, I only know how to report something directly from the chat...
I tried logging out, you can't.
I tried killing myself, you can't.
I exit the game, logged back in, the guy was still there dancing me.
I suggested before a system where you could "ignore" other player's action in the pit, like for you and him you are in the street rather than in the pit, you can't harm him in any way and vice versa. Obviously it didn't take and will never too.
I think this kind of griefing is the worst, if some level 20 constantly kills a level 1 then the level 1 can leave and come back another time. If a bard comes and dances you around, you're helpless.
I come into the pit to pass my time around and have a good time, test some things and fight people hoping they will enjoy it too (same level rage at least)
If you're going to say: "It's PvP, what did you expect?" Well sorry, but I expected to have good time and not being griefed. Also, people of high level killing people of low level, that's almost as lame as a bard abusing everyone around.
If you're going to say: "Then log on another character"- You seriously want me to log on another character (Assuming I have one) because some jacka@@ is abusing the game mechanics on me?
bwahahaha pawnage on the highest scale
01-19-2013, 03:10 PM
Lol, silly OP, that little pvp you find in game is nothing.
The true pvp of DDO is held on theese forums.
Good you're finally here, you can join the REAL pvp fun!
a while back, i participated in a group PvP in the challenge arenas... and there were only 2 people i didn't kill at least once... a WF sorc, and a rogue. i complained about being in the wrong destiny, which i was. the rogue LOLed and promised a rematch.
fast forward several months... the rogue has TRed and leveled back to 22. we head to the private challenge arena for the rematch. i open with Siren's Song... run over and start beating on him. few seconds later... Chord of Reprisals... dead rogue. he says "that was cheap" i agree, but amend it with "if i really wanted to be cheap, i'd do this" and sang a song of capering. i didn't take advantage of my unfair edge, tho, and waited for him to come out swinging.
he paralyzed me with his eMidnight's Greetings... i paralyzed him back with my epic elemental khopesh of water. then the freezing ice proced on him. i bobbed, i weaved, i ran... and with 2 levels of barb and barb sprint boost, i run very fast. he complained that i was relying on procs and running around to win. so i stopped running and broke out my eAGA. the clock ticked down with him running, heal scroll in hand, with me hot on his tail, swinging.
i am a bard. i am a virt, i used to be a warchanter, but i specced out of it. and i do more damage in a single cleave than the above quoted "500 damage from a greater shout" and i don't need to blow my limited spell bar to do it. i can stop everything in the room, and i don't need to blow my spell bar on that either... but its more fun to cleave cleave cleave then count the dead bodies around me.
i am a bard, and i am awesome. :D
08-22-2013, 09:19 AM
Bard songs don't really bother me in pvp.
I have been perma danced and perma CC from other calsses but when you jump down you cant complain when you don't have to pvp.
09-19-2013, 03:32 AM
Well the Devs must hate Bards as much as you all because I hopped in to the tavern with my bard and fascinate now bounces back at the bard. I tried it several times to be sure, and yup fascinate now affects opponents and singer the same.
Good job cry babies.
09-21-2013, 11:55 AM
Well the Devs must hate Bards as much as you all because I hopped in to the tavern with my bard and fascinate now bounces back at the bard. I tried it several times to be sure, and yup fascinate now affects opponents and singer the same.
Good job cry babies.
Song of capering , sirens song .... All work just as well
10-22-2013, 12:34 PM
why should Bards be excluded from the fun?(songs bounce back anyway in there)....Perform is their highest skill....My bard uses breath whepon in PVP after makin u dance...2k hit pts dam:)
10-22-2013, 12:42 PM
a while back, i participated in a group PvP in the challenge arenas... and there were only 2 people i didn't kill at least once... a WF sorc, and a rogue. i complained about being in the wrong destiny, which i was. the rogue LOLed and promised a rematch.
fast forward several months... the rogue has TRed and leveled back to 22. we head to the private challenge arena for the rematch. i open with Siren's Song... run over and start beating on him. few seconds later... Chord of Reprisals... dead rogue. he says "that was cheap" i agree, but amend it with "if i really wanted to be cheap, i'd do this" and sang a song of capering. i didn't take advantage of my unfair edge, tho, and waited for him to come out swinging.
he paralyzed me with his eMidnight's Greetings... i paralyzed him back with my epic elemental khopesh of water. then the freezing ice proced on him. i bobbed, i weaved, i ran... and with 2 levels of barb and barb sprint boost, i run very fast. he complained that i was relying on procs and running around to win. so i stopped running and broke out my eAGA. the clock ticked down with him running, heal scroll in hand, with me hot on his tail, swinging.
i am a bard. i am a virt, i used to be a warchanter, but i specced out of it. and i do more damage in a single cleave than the above quoted "500 damage from a greater shout" and i don't need to blow my limited spell bar to do it. i can stop everything in the room, and i don't need to blow my spell bar on that either... but its more fun to cleave cleave cleave then count the dead bodies around me.
i am a bard, and i am awesome. :D
Bards are awsome! I just maxed my dread destiny....CLEAVE,CLEAVE,CLEAVE..yes indeed
10-23-2013, 08:49 AM
I have a bard and they aren't really meant for pvp, I usually ledge hop with sirens song and hope it hits. Its kinda cheap but easily avoidable with some ok gear. Bards aren't much of a threat in pvp
With a 130+ DC to my Songs, I am a very big threat.
You have a 110 Saving Throw?
12-14-2013, 08:42 PM
I think /death should always work. I demand that Turbine give me my right to die!
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