View Full Version : Favored Soul Melee Soul

06-02-2012, 02:33 PM
Hopefully with the upcoming changes in the update I was wondering if a TWF melee FVS would be viable at end game. If I TR it would be with 2 Rogue PL and I would want to go drow (not ideal i know but I have a nice selection of SS and rapiers).
Quite a few years ago there were a few builds floating around but i've seen nothing for ages, and perhaps their viability is the reason why you dont see any Drow TWF FVS anymore.
I was just thinking the DPS wouldnt be to shabby using the full TWF line and with perhaps max and quicken could be a pretty decent back up healer. Leaving room for toughness / IC and...?

Starting stats and tomes avaliable:

STR 18 (+3 Tome) lvls up here
DEX 14 (+3 Tome)
CON 14 (+3 Tome)
INT 10 (+2 Tome)
WIS 8 (+2 Tome)
CHA 12 (+2 Tome)

Anyway I am ready to be shot down but I just wanted an opinion on something a bit different from the normal builds you see. Pure preferred but always willing to look at a multi.


06-02-2012, 04:03 PM
There are many discussions of strength versus wisdom FVS type builds. I have made two strength and working on my first wisdom focus build. So far I am happy with the wisdom build (only level 12 at the moment) but will have a better opinion when he reaches 20.

The use of +3 tomes works well with your stat layout.

This build is fun to play. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=243539

I understand you are interested in drow so if you have a minute, I recommend looking here http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=370115 for a few build ideas that are still viable.

06-03-2012, 09:18 PM
IDK if you have any greatswords, but the Soul Survivor is an amazing melee DPS FvS
Here is the link: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=268346

How about trying a ranger 6/monk 2/FvS 12?
Ranger tempest II, FvS AoV II, monk for evasion+2 feats.
A Drow FvS12/ranger6/monk2 would work, take 2 toughnesses, you get twf/itwf from ranger, take gtwf, take dodge, mobility and spring attack, take empower, and Weapon Finesse. any other feats are gravy.
str: 8, dex: 20, con: 12, int: 10, wis: 8, Cha: 14. idk if those are real base numbers or something, just use something along those lines.

Thanks for reading,

CJ out!