View Full Version : Cleric Gear advice for lvl 17 1st life

06-02-2012, 07:26 AM

My cleric is lvl 17 - first life - and I havent raided yet. I have the gear listed below. I am looking for advice on anything that I might upgrade short of raiding. I dont really melee.

Head: Minos +20hp, heavy fort
Googles: Blindness + 5 charge Neutralize Poison
Neck: +6 wis
Cloak: +6 cha
Bracers: GSF necro (for Destruction)
Gloves: +6 str (for carrying loot mostly - considering swapping for +6 dex for slightly better reflex save)
Belt: +6 con
Boots: +25% striding (want +30% but short on plat for now)
Ring 1: FF + some concentration
Ring 2: Disease Immunity + Wizardry V
Armor: Deathblock + Improved False Life (I need to farm the parts to make GFL, and I like Deathblock as a safety plus I dont know what else to but in that slot)
Shield: GSF Evoc (for BB + Implosion) + Superior Stability
Weapon: Sup Potency VI
Trinket: +1 luck +5% xp

Apart from the worn gear I have:
- several DW clickies
- one GH clicky (want more but too lasy)
- three Sup Ardor VI clickies
I dont have a teleport mask but my wiz alt is hoping to farm one if lady luck is with me.

Any advice on gear I should try to get from non-raids would be most welcome. Raid wise Demon Queen (for Torc) and Shroud (for GS) comes to mind but I will worry about that when I hit 20.

06-02-2012, 07:55 AM
Destruction is a necromancy spell.
I like Life Shield as a prefix on armour, deathward should be plenty for most things (swap in deathblock for beholders - preferably a silver flame necklace).
I like (Greater/Major) Healing Lore for healing and would put that as a Prefix on your Shield if possible and then move superior stability to your armour.
Perhaps a GFL Ring instead?

Just grab wands of disease/poison/blindness/lesser resto rather than trying to equip items for them as you need to carry them (or slot the spells) for other people anyway (they should carry them but no use failing a quest over it if they don't and you can run out or whatever).

06-02-2012, 09:17 AM
Destruction is a necromancy spell.
I like Life Shield as a prefix on armour, deathward should be plenty for most things (swap in deathblock for beholders - preferably a silver flame necklace).
I like (Greater/Major) Healing Lore for healing and would put that as a Prefix on your Shield if possible and then move superior stability to your armour.
Perhaps a GFL Ring instead?

Just grab wands of disease/poison/blindness/lesser resto rather than trying to equip items for them as you need to carry them (or slot the spells) for other people anyway (they should carry them but no use failing a quest over it if they don't and you can run out or whatever).

Thanks for the reply.

I have GSF necro - twas a mistake writing conj. Life Shield could be usefull instead of DW - I will consider that. I do have the Silver Flame Neck for beholders though only tier 2 as Tormented is presently unavailable.

Healing Lore as well as Stability are suffixes but I get your point.

06-02-2012, 09:41 AM
Superior Brilliance V click. Shards at Auction House from crafters.

Green Blade (while you get Torc) or Skiver

Conop 45 HP. I like to live, but many will say to get spell points.

Ioun Stones for Spell Pen and SP.

Eardweller from Dreaming Dark

What weapons do you have for melee??
Paralyze or Improved Curse Spewing. Terror.

Divine Power items to click. Saves sp

06-02-2012, 10:15 AM
I would say your gear as of now is good enough to start raiding. Your HP should be sufficient in the role of healer/caster. You have the gear to help both of those fairly well. Personally lore items for healing aren't that important as crit heals just mean you double or triple over heal and you can't count on crits to keep people up. If you have it fine but don't grind just for that.

I would focus on 3 or 4 raids and one other quest set.......and the gear from them as follows:

Shroud - GS - 3 items - One ConOp SP item, One HP item (smoke if you have the mats otherwise single shard), Possibly an exceptional Wis stick....in that order

Reavers Fate - Eternity gloves (upgraded) - Madstone Shield (just for DR when you are sheild block aura healing) - Madstone is easier to get since hardly anyone else will want it.

ADQ - Torq - Seal of Earth - Torc for more ConOp - Seal for a stoneskin clickie - maybe thornguard bracers (Bramblecasters?) for lower damage Torcing off archers

Hound - Lorricks stuff - necklace and shield - not absolutely necessary but if you get the shield you don't need to get madstone shield and if you get the shield you may as well get the necklace if you get the Torc you will likely want to have it on all the time so you will need to slot wisdom somewhere else (ie. not wear lorricks - OR only put on torq when actively torcing)

Reavers Refuge - DT armor - can get Resist 5, Potency and GFL all on one equipment slot - or any nearly other combination that fills in your gaps.

Oh - one other item - Cannith Boots of Propulsion - farm those from Schemes (I think) Just go to the first red named - if not in chest release - wait 5 min and start again. (Jump, FF and 30% striders - ML18 so wait a bit for that)

Lastly - consider some Challenge gear - Rock boots (for when you are shield blocking in melee - stonegaurd procs will be helpful to the melee in the group).

06-02-2012, 10:29 AM
Any advice on gear I should try to get from non-raids would be most welcome. Raid wise Demon Queen (for Torc) and Shroud (for GS) comes to mind but I will worry about that when I hit 20.

You can work on these at lvl15 as long as there are some 20s in the group it will be quick. ADQ is usually 14-20 and Shroud 16-20.

Greater Arcane lore affects every damage and heal spell BB,DP, Auras, cures, heals. So does Eardweller for 100% instead of 75% from Ardor/Brill or Potency 50%. Really boosts your BB and DP. Great for boss fights.

Dreaming Dark on Casual with a good group you can prob do at lvl16. For Ioun Stones.

At lvl18 with good group or lvl20 with Hires you can do Dreaming Dark on Elite for just the optional chest and get Eardweller.

While you do Torc if a Green Blade pops up ask for it.

06-02-2012, 11:06 AM
Since you stated that you are not a melee-type cleric I'd say farm yourself the Scepter of Healing in invaders quest(F2P quest). The scepter of healing will benefit your healing numbers. Also even though you're not a melee healer, sometimes you will need to switch weapons to do a little combat, I would say get Terror if you can or a heavy mace type with Pure Good.

06-02-2012, 12:00 PM
Thanks for the advice. I think I will try working on the boots first and see how that goes.

06-02-2012, 12:14 PM
I used the upgraded Sora Kell set from the Lordsmarch quests on my Cleric up until I capped and got the Alchemist's Set from House C (My Cleric is my 3rd main and was lower on the gear farming totem pole).

Wrath of Sora Kell (http://ddowiki.com/page/Named_item_sets#Wrath_of_Sora_Kell) set gives +6 WIS, STR, CHA, Greater Potency VI, and +2 to-hit and damage in the Helm, Gloves, and Ring slots at ML13.

Alchemist's Lore (http://ddowiki.com/page/Named_item_sets#Alchemist.27s_Lore) set (Alchemist's Pendant - Necklace: Constitution +6, Alchemical Conservation, Greater Elemental Energy and Alchemist's Crown - Helm: Wisdom +6, Superior Devotion VI, Superior Radiance VI) replaced those. Set bonus reduces the cost of Empower, Empower Heal, and Maximize by 2 SP. Spells costs 10%/20%/30% less when you're below 50%/25%/10% HP. Those are ML18 so you're not far off.

Tharaak Bracelet (http://ddowiki.com/page/Thaarak_Bracelet) made up for the loss of Toughness by not having Minos, with Heavy Fortification in the belt slot, which will soon be filled with a +300SP Con-Opp Green Steel belt, with a +45HP MinII Green Steel goggles taking up that slot.

Cannith Boots of Propulsion (http://ddowiki.com/page/Cannith_Boots_of_Propulsion), also ML18, gives 30% striding, feather falling, +15 jump (+10 and +5 enhanced), and a really cool clicky in the boot slot.

06-02-2012, 09:03 PM
Well ADQ can be run every three days. It takes about 30 minutes for the pre raid and raid. About 20 minutes for the pre raid and forming then 5-10 minutes for the raid on elite. While the raid is forming some are doing the pre raid on casual in 2 seperate groups. By the time that is done it is usually formed with levels 14-20. With some high lvl you don't even need a full raid group. 6-9 toons depending on the lvl and types that join for the raid. A full group is better for drops unless they want the same thing as you.