View Full Version : LR + 1 Issue - Stuck at level 2 - 4 hours and counting!

05-29-2012, 12:54 AM
I used an LR +1 heart tonight to remove the one level of barbarian on my cleric. The cleric is level 11, capped at 13. I am aware you can not LR with held levels - so I level to 12 and then turn in the heart. (Toon was originally 11 cleric/1 barb, with the barb level taken at level two.)

Logged out and back in, following the appropriate steps. Get to the boat and take my second level as cleric - effectively using the +1 portion of the heart to switch out the barbarian.

And that's where it ends. I have no options to level up the rest of the way to 12. I have been standing on the Heart of Wind for *four* hours now, with no response from a GM on the ticket filed. My toon, which should be at level 12, with xp nearly to 13, is instead idling on the boat for *four* hours waiting for some kind of GM response.

05-29-2012, 01:53 PM
Next day with no response or action from Turbine. Any kind of word from a GM would be greatly appreciated at this point.