View Full Version : Sorcerer WF Air Savant gear/build questions
04-09-2012, 11:00 PM
My air savant is level 18 atm and I won't be taking 19 until I take 20 of course. I am new to sorcs but pretty experienced at building casters in general. I just have a few questions about end game gear, and my last 2 levels...
I have access to the Air Savant ToD set as well as the 3 piece abishai set. It is likely that I will be wearing the Helm of frost and Envenomed cloak either way. Are either of these sets worth their weight on an air savant?
I've heard that the extra evocation caster levels from the Abishai set are not really that great. I'd love some info on this.
I was also wondering if the 5 piece abishai set would be worth getting. Do the 3 conjuration DCs stack with a Spell focus Item?
I personally don't like the sorcerer capstone as much as I like most others. 20% damage is misleading and I think it sounds better than it is. I very well might be wrong on this.
Is it worth giving up for Shield Mastery/Improved Shield Mastery? I have seen a few fighter splashes on earth savants and I must admit, I have been very impressed with the well geared ones.
If a Sorc splashes 2 levels of fighter, the feats most likely look like this:
1 Maximize
2 Empower
3 Heighten
4 Quicken
5 SF: Evoc/Conjuration
6 Toughness
7 Wiz PL / GSF / Extend
1f Shield Mastery
2f Improved Shield Mastery
I wonder if a 1fighter/1monk splash would be better?
1 Maximize
2 Empower
3 Heighten
4 Quicken
5 SF: Evoc/Conjuration
6 Wiz PL / GSF / Extend
7 Improved Shield Mastery
1f Shield Mastery
2m Toughness
The Monk instead of fighter loses 2 Hp but gains 2 to all saves and opens up the use of stances(I have a full set of useful Kamas. Fire absorb, Cold absorb, Conc ops, Superior Potency VI)
The only stance I considered was earth for the 5% damage absorb and 20 extra HP.
Anyways just a thought. I happily admit that I am very new to sorcs but don't see them as being very survivable for my tanky playstyle.
Any info is welcome. Thanks in advance.
PS. I have decided to bring my current sorc to pure 20 to see how great the capstone is. I'll probably get a few more sorc lives before everything is said and done so I'm still interested to hear everybody's response.
04-10-2012, 10:13 PM
well one thing you'll need is dc. I mean a real good dc. Cause all those lightning spells save mayhaps one or 2 are all subject to reflex saves.
Gear wise the abashi set is nice mainly because 2 of the stats are 2 of your mains at +7 (con and cha.) Not to sure on the evocation caster levels though. Hey it couldn't hurt AND +3 str. str never hurts to have some of. I'd never spend points on it but in gear and with something benefiting my spells oh ya, nice to be light in weight.
Ok for a robe or docent thing the chrono epic one. Gives a +3 to conjuration. And web is your thing. Even if the dc sucks it still does the job in epic.
Next as your an air savent and luckily so as your wf, get yourself a lv 20 tier 3 bracers of the wind from the challenges. It'll take a bit to farm it all but you cannot beat a superior lightning lore item. that is +12%
As for splashes I don't think I would. Then again I like to stack dmg every which way using spells for defense. I'm only happy when polar ray is going off for at least close to 2k on base.
Now I did see a splash that I did find worth while once. Saw a guy splash a lv of barb and a lv of bard. Basically it gave him a high umd to successfully use higher scrolls of 44 45 46 with either no fail or a failure of a 1 or 2. The barb level netted a bit more hp and meat. And he worked it very well in lob on hard. As well as epic von6. Still good dmg and the survival factor.
Feat wise id ditch quicken. Casting is more then fast enough on a sorc I always find. I'd use it as a spell focus. Then take the greater spell focus evo (ur really gonna want to jack that dc up) Then take the wizard PL.
Extend is nice but not needed. It's main function is haste and rage. Don't need to be hasted 24/7 in epic and rage lasts for 3 minutes time. unextended. If other have a problem odds are they never made any clickies, they have no pots and theirfore YOU the cleric and probably at least one experiened melee in the party are carrying them and they have no reason to even be their. Their 2 hit prolly sucks to,
Oh and weapons wise. I'm not sure when but cove with return and when it does make weapons. Their is a dagger that makes maximize free for 10 seconds or so I believe. That will save you a very great deal of sp when hamming into a raid boss. Make them apply them.
Next a GS dagger. Im sure at some point when you create an alchemical weapon after a year or so of finding groups to run lob on all diffs it will be amazing, but until then I'd make a quick gs with say 10% heal amp or some 10% resistance, then a +1 and +2 exceptional charisma. Also save you the annoying time of praying and trading your soul to get the ring and the stuff to make the +2 from tod.
Other then that I'm drawing a blank on anything else besides of course your GS sp item, and hp item, and of course the item with archmagi (also makeable in cove) to switch on and off for an extra 100 sp for starting dungeon buffs before you switch back to the mino's or helm of frost at 20. (Also guild slot items. medium or large depending on ur guild. Medium is 60 sp doubled on a favored or sorc so that's another 120. 160 if large and guild lv 70+)
Ah and of course the most important thing. Clickies. +75% dmg for 3 minutes time with 3 clicks per rest. That superior potency is ****. Ur losing a whole 25% dmg. I always keep 3 superiors of VI (water mage for mine) that way I've always got em for the long haul. Also those bracers will give you epic mag for 60% to all electric spells lv 9 and lower. Not 75% but sadly they don't make those yet, except maybe fire.
04-11-2012, 11:27 PM
Thanks for the info
Not sure what you mean by this
The barb level netted a bit more hp and meat.
04-11-2012, 11:37 PM
My air savant is level 18 atm and I won't be taking 19 until I take 20 of course. I am new to sorcs but pretty experienced at building casters in general. I just have a few questions about end game gear, and my last 2 levels...
I have access to the Air Savant ToD set as well as the 3 piece abishai set. It is likely that I will be wearing the Helm of frost and Envenomed cloak either way. Are either of these sets worth their weight on an air savant?
I've heard that the extra evocation caster levels from the Abishai set are not really that great. I'd love some info on this.
I was also wondering if the 5 piece abishai set would be worth getting. Do the 3 conjuration DCs stack with a Spell focus Item?
I personally don't like the sorcerer capstone as much as I like most others. 20% damage is misleading and I think it sounds better than it is. I very well might be wrong on this.
Is it worth giving up for Shield Mastery/Improved Shield Mastery? I have seen a few fighter splashes on earth savants and I must admit, I have been very impressed with the well geared ones.
If a Sorc splashes 2 levels of fighter, the feats most likely look like this:
1 Maximize
2 Empower
3 Heighten
4 Quicken
5 SF: Evoc/Conjuration
6 Toughness
7 Wiz PL / GSF / Extend
1f Shield Mastery
2f Improved Shield Mastery
I wonder if a 1fighter/1monk splash would be better?
1 Maximize
2 Empower
3 Heighten
4 Quicken
5 SF: Evoc/Conjuration
6 Wiz PL / GSF / Extend
7 Improved Shield Mastery
1f Shield Mastery
2m Toughness
The Monk instead of fighter loses 2 Hp but gains 2 to all saves and opens up the use of stances(I have a full set of useful Kamas. Fire absorb, Cold absorb, Conc ops, Superior Potency VI)
The only stance I considered was earth for the 5% damage absorb and 20 extra HP.
Anyways just a thought. I happily admit that I am very new to sorcs but don't see them as being very survivable for my tanky playstyle.
Any info is welcome. Thanks in advance.
PS. I have decided to bring my current sorc to pure 20 to see how great the capstone is. I'll probably get a few more sorc lives before everything is said and done so I'm still interested to hear everybody's response.
Both sets are worth it on an air sorc, the TOD set for raising CL cap, and the abishai set for raising CL.
The sorc capstone is one of the best and most powerful, and 20% extra damage is very much worth it.
I'd go pure for the extra caster levels, spell penetration, and spell selection.
04-11-2012, 11:45 PM
Both sets are worth it on an air sorc, the TOD set for raising CL cap, and the abishai set for raising CL.
The sorc capstone is one of the best and most powerful, and 20% extra damage is very much worth it.
I'd go pure for the extra caster levels, spell penetration, and spell selection.
I think you're right. At least for this life.
04-12-2012, 05:18 AM
Even though the sorcerer capstone is probably one of the worst capstones. It is a very poor idea to splash a sorcerer with anything (unless you are very very experienced and have a particular end game situational use in mind). You loose too much in spite of this poor capstone.
If you need to choose another feat. Dump quicken followed by toughness (I would say both are better choices, however, than extend). Both can be useful depending on how you intend to play. If it was me, I would definitely drop quicken and pick up another evocation focus. But I am a hyper aggressive offensive player always on the move. When I tank bosses, I dont always remain stationary (which can irritate the melee, but, f-em, the game is changing now to be a more mobile thing and less stationary melee oriented).
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