View Full Version : Yugo Pot & Mark of much saved before I TR
03-22-2012, 05:12 AM
What's a good amount to have stashed away before I start my first Legend.
I was going to get 500 each Cunning and Desire, and about 200 Marks.....but the plat grind seems daunting as I am only holding out for my 20th Shroud which will be in a little less than three days and then I was gonna TR.
You think those totals are overkill or not enough LOL
Oh btw yes I am a PM and TR'ing into the same....that's why those potions....
I also have pretty high bound shard crafting levels 87/81/81...which is why I want the Marks.
03-22-2012, 05:17 AM
Well on my freshly TRed Legend I found myself using quite a few Marks at first. There is some nice stuff that you can change to level 1, then to 3, then to get the picture. So every time you go up 2 levels you need to upgrade.
I would think that 200 or less should get you through it since eventually you can craft the best you can or else start using other items that are better.
03-22-2012, 05:19 AM
on the yugo pots normally i buy around 100 or so since im always broke and those 100 will last me till i'm 20 on multiple occasians.. i always end up running out of them when im 20 for a while.. so yea.. thats my 0.02$
03-22-2012, 05:25 AM
100 cannith marks has lasted me through 2 tr's
03-22-2012, 05:38 AM
1000 yugo pots seems a bit a 20 I only use them on raids (and, for example, never bother on Shroud runs)..then again, for levelling they would be nice...
During last years' cove I made 500 of the elemental gems...since then I've capped 2 toons, and I've nearly run out-down to my last 30- but I would have thought 300 apiece of the pots will get your tr back up to yugo favour land.
03-22-2012, 05:55 AM
Awesome...thanks for the replies everyone :D
03-22-2012, 06:38 AM
100 marks should be enough, btw they are BtA so if you have another high lvl character and you really run out of them you can restock with some effort.
For what concern Yugo i usually buy 100 of all relevant stats and i never ran out of them (by far).
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