View Full Version : New epic levels and content going to make current epics easier?

03-15-2012, 07:44 PM
I'm personally all in favor of turning the end-game epic content into a more accessible thing, opening it for a couple more players with toon types that might not be able or comfortable playing them as is. I don't exactly support turning the game into yet another child's play product for the brain dead, but I think that a good amount of the fun of DDO is being able to create all sorts of different builds of characters, based on roleplay, practical, or fun-related reasons, yet the end-game doesn't exactly accomodate to this mechanic. Being able to outright gimp and castrate your characters with a bad build gives challenge to the process, but I think there should be a little more room for error.

I just want to know if Turbine plans on upscaling the current epic dungeons to the new level 25, or if they will stay as is, giving level 25's an easier time? If it's the latter, I believe the implications are that we will get a lot more content later down the line in that level range, since Turbine essentially needs to create a new layer of end game content, otherwise the people who prefer things as they are today (hard and unforgiving epics, for one thing), will be disappointed.

03-15-2012, 07:48 PM
I remember a few months ago someone saying that they wanted to have epics scale with a choice of level 21-25, like the challenges. I can see this happening to most/all of the epic content with epic xp scaling with difficulty.

03-15-2012, 07:54 PM
I remember a few months ago someone saying that they wanted to have epics scale with a choice of level 21-25, like the challenges. I can see this happening to most/all of the epic content with epic xp scaling with difficulty.

If scaling were introduced, I'd prefer something like lower level content, say Carnival for example, would stay the usual Epic, while higher level content, such as the new F2P quests, would be scaled up to level 24, so as to spread it out a little. I'm not really a fan of the whole Challenges-like scaling. Can't put my finger on it, but something about it doesn't feel right to me.

03-15-2012, 07:58 PM
I expect higher player stats will make present Epic content pretty easy. A couple of things will still kill you if you don't know what you are doing (Velah breath, etc).

Just like Madstone Elite is a joke now with our higher stats (even at level) but was not trivial when 14 was the cap.