View Full Version : Need Help Buying Packs

03-13-2012, 01:05 PM
Hey I'm a level 14 light monk and im going to buy 1600 points what packs can get me from level 14 - 20 cause there are 10 F2P quests in level 14 - 20

I Only Have Delera's and chrono from favor

03-13-2012, 01:09 PM
Vale,gh and/or devils of shavarath.

03-13-2012, 01:19 PM
Vale of Twilight: 850pts
Path of Inspiration: 450pts

This leaves you with 300 points, if you can manage to sum up 50 more you can get Reavers Reach (350pts), or if you get 150 The Dreaming Dark (450pts)...

Good Loot, GS factory, Mindsunder, did i mention good loot?

03-13-2012, 01:37 PM
Wait till they go on sale.

03-13-2012, 01:40 PM
Gianthold, Vale and Devils of Shavarath or the IQ are excellent choices. As was suggested, get them on sale.

03-13-2012, 01:48 PM
If you ever have extra you should look into the Madness quest lines, some of the most enjoyable quests I've done in DDO (IMO). The loot isn't bad either, just usually comes with some minor drawbacks. I think each quest line is 450 TP.

03-13-2012, 01:52 PM
I don't see why so many are hot-to-trot on gh still. If you only have first life toons, the loot isn't that great there (The xp is phenomenal) but there are much better choices unless you plan on tr'ing in the near future. Vale for sure, Amrath, IQ, DD, madness, secrets of the artificers and reavers refuge will offer much better loot and still great xp (more than enough even for a second life)

03-13-2012, 02:30 PM
Well Reaver's fate loot is still very good and it has the big plus of low mlvl, for example:

Madstone boots, still best in slot for a vast majority of melees.
Cloudburst, if you manage to upgrade it's a cheap lit2.
Napkin is still quite good for a first life wizard, not going to be replaced until eChrono prolly.
Very first place to drop +3 tomes albeit with a small chance.

All in all i would not say that GH loot is bad.

I do agree that vale should come first but after that GH, Amrath, secret of artificer (the good loot here require a moderate well geared toon) all offer great loot and GH is way more 'affordable' equip wise on a first lifer.

03-13-2012, 02:37 PM
as a monk i would recomend:-
Vale, for gs and also thaarak wraps from hound

Shavarath, tod rings on a monk are a must have as there is no greensteel handwraps and you can craft burst on them, also the shintao monk set (ammy and ring) will help you no end

Assault on summerfield for the enlightened robes or
Reavers refuge for dragontouched robes

Also for later on would strongley reccomend vision of night, red fens and sentinals packs as some of the epic items out of there will help gear you char no end

03-13-2012, 02:41 PM
The GH xp is very good, so if you have very few packs, it makes that gap up to Vale easier. The favor and favor rewards (10 hp and Portable Hole or Siberys of your choice) are excellent, too, especially if you don't have a lot of twink supply.

I don't have Secrets of the Artificers right now. I expected more debate between that and Shavarath. What makes Shavarath better?

03-13-2012, 03:07 PM
Imho the picks are:
Vale of Twilight 850tp (totally must have)
Devils of Shavarath 650

VoT gives your HP items, some haste/displacment clikies. No handwraps here thou.
But it unlocks Subterrain raids, and there are nice handwraps.

Devils of Shavarath means cool rings, and also from flag quest good belts/neckle.

From the others:
Secret of the Artificer, Attack on Stormreach, Sentinels of Stormreach has a nice stuff for monks.

You my start to collect challenges tokens, and at some point craft frozen tunic or spare hand.

How to save some tp:
You need a time, maybe even start some other toon to experience the other type of play and wait a second.
In each 2 months there generally is: double bonus TP from buy in, 25% packs discount.
So you can get some tp if you wait a while. (but if translate it into time it will end with some minimal $ saving).

However it may be good idea, to buy just VoT now, and wait with devils once on sale.

03-13-2012, 03:13 PM
Before you go off to buy a pack there are a couple of things you might think about first!

First, you should realize that with the Expansion coming up, you have a lot of great deals to grab hold of. Check them out at this link - http://underdark.ddo.com/. The Collectors Edition and Standards Edition Includes some Adventure Packs. Some notable ones are the Attack on Stormreach, the Path of Inspiration, and the Dreaming Dark. If you are alright for paying money then the Standard Edition and Collectors Edition Sales are something you should look into.

Besides those listed in the deals there are other good Packs to consider. Gianthold is of course a big one for leveling and and acquiring a few good loot items, Vale of Twilight offers 3 Raids in one purchase along with the ability for you to make Greensteel items. Besides those, Reaver's Reach and Devils of Shaverath are good bets to helping you level.

To learn more about all the adventure packs, DDOWiki has some good information: http://ddowiki.com/page/Adventure_Packs


The Secrets of the Artificer really suffers because while there is a lot of nice loot you can pick up from it, it more or less competes with a lot of other loot. Cannith Boots of Propulsion are nice but not a must have and moreso just a swap in when you have Madstone for example, Bard's Cloak in VoD isn't that much worse then Magewrights Cloak, etc. The Alchemical Weapons aren't better then Greensteel, they don't really even match them.

All in all, it is just a pack that doesn't compare to others loot wise and more purchased for House C Favor, the Raids, and because there isn't a whole lot of endgame oriented content like that pack yet (that's at least P2P since Lords of Dust is Free).

03-13-2012, 04:33 PM
Well Reaver's fate loot is still very good and it has the big plus of low mlvl, for example:

Madstone boots, still best in slot for a vast majority of melees.
Cloudburst, if you manage to upgrade it's a cheap lit2.
Napkin is still quite good for a first life wizard, not going to be replaced until eChrono prolly.
Very first place to drop +3 tomes albeit with a small chance.

All in all i would not say that GH loot is bad.

I do agree that vale should come first but after that GH, Amrath, secret of artificer (the good loot here require a moderate well geared toon) all offer great loot and GH is way more 'affordable' equip wise on a first lifer.

Last 2 reaver runs saw +3 con and +3 int tomes drop in chest.
Did you do 100 favor runs on other servers?