View Full Version : New Player Raid Training - Vision of Destruction (revisited)

03-09-2012, 01:14 PM
This will be done on ELITE. If you have interest post here or find me in game. Toons in Sig.
Please include Toon name, Class, and Levels when registering.

This run will be the closest to easy as I can put together with only 1 or 2 roles reserved. The tank will either be me or a trusted friend so that SP consumption can atleast be minimized for the purposes of this training excersize.

Thursday, March 15th, 2012 - 19:00 MST (That means 7:00 P.M. Mountain Time, 8 Central, 9 Eastern, etc)

1 - Tegor / Valask (Tempest / Light Monk)
2 - Phlor (Pali)
3 - Zyear / Orberon (FvS / Ranger)
4 - Cerussite / Ekkehart (FvS / Wizard)
5 - Thug (Pali)
6 - Dhavia (Arti)
7 - Nekrahn (Fleshy Wizard)
8 - Zenisch / Zereck / Zestrata (Monk / Arti / Rogue)
9 - Bolo_Grubb;4359765
11 - Tobril
12 - Kages

Bojutsu - Wf Acrobat/Light Monk

Mandatory Things to Bring: (I will ask you to link items when joining, you don’t get in without them)

All characters
Voice Chat is a requirement for these runs.
30+ remove curse potions (must be guild versions if you plan to use barbarian rage or madstone boots)
100% Fortification or Better
Featherfall (Spell or clicky is fine, only needed twice.)

A weapon with some combination of silver and good for the boss. (If an arti is not in group you will need both silver and good on the same weapon, be prepaired for this. If an arti is in group then one or the other will be fine.)
(see http://ddowiki.com/page/Damage_reduction (http://ddowiki.com/page/Damage_reduction) or ask if your weapon will work)

Greater Heroism
Resist Energy
Fire Shield (cold version is what you will use)
Reconstruct Scroll - (A Warforged tank will not be used unless he has HP's and or AC high enough to be worth it.)

Mass Deathward
Mass Heal
Mass Cure
Blade Barrier
Mass Protection from Elements
Resist Energy
Resurrection or True Resurrection (don’t use raise dead)
Scrolls – Heal, Resurrection or True Resurrection (these save on SP consumption, again do not use raise dead.)

Silver Weapons spell
Aligned Weapons spell
(These allow people who have a weapon that only bypasses Silver or Good damage types, this increases the toons ability to do a lot more damage on account of bypassing Damage Reductions.)
Curative Admixture – Remove Curse (Not required as everyone should have their own pots before joining.)
Scrolls – Heal, Resurrection, True Resurrection (To help preserve healer SP, not a requirement exactly, just nice to have incase the fat gets hit with brown stuff.)

Thief Tools, Search and Disable Items

If you are a DPS build then you are required to do DPS.
If you are not a DPS build you are required to bring:
Scrolls - Heal, Resurrection or True Resurrection

Other Class Abilities that are Awesome to Keep Running Constantly

Align the Heavens

Inspire Courage (any)
Spellsong Trance (spellsinger only)
Spellsong Vigor (spellsinger only)
Ironskin Chant (warchanter only)

Optional Things That are Really Nice:
Healing Amplification (healer friend for warforged, (Warforged without healing amp of any kind will not be allowed in the group. Bring another toon if viable.)
AC (80-90ish+ or don’t worry about it)
Clikies – (items that cast spells on you, Greater Heroism, Deathward, etc in case you die and need to be rebuffed)
Potions – Resist Fire/Sonic/Elec 20 (do not count on buffs when you die, SP consumption will be stressed as is. If you do need this look to the Pali's, Rangers)
Potions – Cure/Repair Serious, Silver Flame (help out healers a bit and/or save yourself in an emergency)
Regeneration – Tasty Ham, Pouch of Jerky, etc. “Trickle” healing in this raid is helpful
Destruction and/or Improved Destruction

03-09-2012, 01:46 PM
I would like to re-learn the VoD raid.

Please add me to the list.

18 Paladin / 2 Rogue for evasion.

Forgot to add, I have a pair of improved destruction weapons to paint Sally.

03-09-2012, 02:09 PM
Do note that there have been many reports that Suulomades now has rogue levels, so he seems to have gained the ability to Crit regardless of Fort %. So it's more important than ever to have a high AC tank for elite.

03-09-2012, 02:19 PM
Do note that there have been many reports that Suulomades now has rogue levels, so he seems to have gained the ability to Crit regardless of Fort %. So it's more important than ever to have a high AC tank for elite.
That is why I have the tank reserved at the top. That part is least of my worries.

03-09-2012, 02:20 PM
I would like to re-learn the VoD raid.

Please add me to the list.

18 Paladin / 2 Rogue for evasion.

Forgot to add, I have a pair of improved destruction weapons to paint Sally.
Great to have you bro, please include toon name so I can book your spot.

03-09-2012, 02:26 PM
I would like to join in again for this raid, I've only been on this one once before and I need the practice in the Subterrane.

I can bring either Tegor (a 18/1/1 Tempest-Ranger, Fighter, Rouge) or Valask (a 20 light-monk)

03-09-2012, 02:31 PM
Oh snap!

Put me down for something if you need/want.

My tank may be a little lightweight for the job, but I have
hjealz, DPS, or a spellsinger /w mild healing and good scrolling
to contribute.

Holybott – 20 WF FvS
Kyllbott – 18/2 Horc Barb/Ftr
Bangin – 16/2/2 Human Spellsinger/Thief/Fighter (goofy ex-warchanter, needs a TR)
Tobril – 12/6/2 Human Monk/Figher/Pal (AC ~94 /w bard, no-fail intim, massive hate)

I also tweeted the link, so it should make DDOcast but will prolly
be a little late to make the chronicle.

03-09-2012, 02:40 PM
Oh snap!

Put me down for something if you need/want.

My tank may be a little lightweight for the job, but I have
hjealz, DPS, or a spellsinger /w mild healing and good scrolling
to contribute.

Holybott – 20 WF FvS
Kyllbott – 18/2 Horc Barb/Ftr
Bangin – 16/2/2 Human Spellsinger/Thief/Fighter (goofy ex-warchanter, needs a TR)
Tobril – 12/6/2 Human Monk/Figher/Pal (AC ~94 /w bard, no-fail intim, massive hate)

I also tweeted the link, so it should make DDOcast but will prolly
be a little late to make the chronicle.
Brother, you bring who it is you what to bring, I am easy. It is good to see you feeling better, was worried the plague might have taken you out.

03-09-2012, 02:53 PM
Brother, you bring who it is you what to bring, I am easy. It is good to see you feeling better, was worried the plague might have taken you out.


Today is actually the first day in ~two weeks I don’t feel like absolute trash.

Really looking forward to intervals tonight, sitting in front
of a screen all day doesn’t do much for the ‘ol heart and waistline.

Also, adm5893's character is named Phlor.

03-09-2012, 02:58 PM

Today is actually the first day in ~two weeks I don’t feel like absolute trash.

Really looking forward to intervals tonight, sitting in front
of a screen all day doesn’t do much for the ‘ol heart and waistline.

Also, adm5893's character is named Phlor.
Sounds good, I'll throw that up. As for the waist line, you need to do what I do. Four hours 3 times a week hit the Gym and Run a few miles. You dont have to run them fast, a quick walk does wonders. Keeps my belly nice and sexy.

03-09-2012, 03:03 PM
Brother, you bring who it is you what to bring, I am easy. It is good to see you feeling better, was worried the plague might have taken you out.



03-09-2012, 03:08 PM
Hen... I don't quite know what to say... I'm blushing.:rolleyes:

03-09-2012, 03:42 PM
Not exactly a 'newbie' as I have run this raid a few times, but I would be interested in learning it better, and the run out there, I always have problems at the wall getting all the pads.

I can bring a FvS or a Ranger.

Zyear is the FvS, I have all the spells you requested.

Orberon is the Ranger, I have DR breakers for both melee as well as ranged weapons.

03-09-2012, 03:46 PM
I'm busy setting up for Wondercon that day, so don't know if I'll make it. Sign me up on Standby.

Bojutsu - Wf Acrobat/Light Monk

03-09-2012, 04:39 PM
Sounds good, I'll throw that up. As for the waist line, you need to do what I do. Four hours 3 times a week hit the Gym and Run a few miles. You dont have to run them fast, a quick walk does wonders. Keeps my belly nice and sexy.

Working on it!

Tonight is basically running/jogging/walking for an hour
at different heart rates, coach calls it “Intervals”.

Tuesday is lower body, Wednesday (power) Yoga, Thursday upper body,
Friday intervals, Saturday upper+lower+yoga, Sunday low heart rate
long duration cardio, Monday rest.

I think coach is trying to kill me, but he says everything is fine.
(hard to trust him when he has that twinkle in his eye though)

03-09-2012, 04:58 PM
Working on it!

Tonight is basically running/jogging/walking for an hour
at different heart rates, coach calls it “Intervals”.

Tuesday is lower body, Wednesday (power) Yoga, Thursday upper body,
Friday intervals, Saturday upper+lower+yoga, Sunday low heart rate
long duration cardio, Monday rest.

I think coach is trying to kill me, but he says everything is fine.
(hard to trust him when he has that twinkle in his eye though)
HAHA awesome

03-09-2012, 10:44 PM
I can bring either Cerussite (LoB FvS, currently 19 will be 20 by raid time) or Ekkehart (20 wizard-pale master)

03-10-2012, 09:44 AM
I'd be interested in learning a caster's role in this raid.

I have many completions on other toons as tank and dps, but my wizard's only completion I was expected to be a solo recon-bot on the WF tank. 75 recon scrolls and 6 major pots. That can't be right.

Nekrahn, first life Drow Wiz20 (AM).

I will know by Tuesday-ish if I'm able to make it or not. Can also bring trapper/dps if necessary, or if the caster spots can be filled will people totally new to the raid who want to learn.

03-10-2012, 11:22 AM
I'd be interested in learning a caster's role in this raid.

I have many completions on other toons as tank and dps, but my wizard's only completion I was expected to be a solo recon-bot on the WF tank. 75 recon scrolls and 6 major pots. That can't be right.

AFAIR, WF barb used to be *the* tank for VOD and then the devs significantly upped Sully's damage output. Now it's a pretty subpar idea but people do it either out of not being able to find a better tank or never bothering to learn.

I keep a minimum of 200 reconstruct scrolls on arcanes. That should get you through norm or hard VOD as a reconstructer without a pot unless the party sucks in some way - most commonly lacking dps. IMO no one should be using pots in hard VOD.

Wizards are brought in to CC. On norm/hard dancing ball works ok if you're enchant specced and have decent spell pen (30+), otherwise stick to web. You need 35+ spell pen on elite in addition to 40+ DCs for dancing ball to do anything, so the vast majority better web. Besides ball/web the other main things you do are cloudkill Sully when he's in the corner to save the healers mana, cloudkill/icestorm/etc the bats when they're up, and keep the melees hasted.

03-10-2012, 12:29 PM
Now that I'm capped, I can actually get in on these.

So, Dhavia, level 20 Artificer. I hope the voice chat requirement just involves being able to hear? I don't have a working microphone...

03-10-2012, 01:25 PM
Wizards are brought in to CC. On norm/hard dancing ball works ok if you're enchant specced and have decent spell pen (30+), otherwise stick to web. You need 35+ spell pen on elite in addition to 40+ DCs for dancing ball to do anything, so the vast majority better web. Besides ball/web the other main things you do are cloudkill Sully when he's in the corner to save the healers mana, cloudkill/icestorm/etc the bats when they're up, and keep the melees hasted.

Very, very, very true. The dangers in VoD are the trash more than Sully, and controlling the trash is what the arcanes are there for. Aside from the last 10 percent, not damaging the boss and drawing Sully's aggro (then running around) is important.

The trash devils are even more dangerous now because they can sneak attack and bypass fortification.

03-10-2012, 03:48 PM
Now that I'm capped, I can actually get in on these.

So, Dhavia, level 20 Artificer. I hope the voice chat requirement just involves being able to hear? I don't have a working microphone...
Sound is fine as long as I know bro. I generally try to type out instructions as well as voice them, its just a lot easier to be able to voice things.

03-10-2012, 04:21 PM
Would love to join, shame about the voice chat requirement... I do not own a microphone :'(

03-10-2012, 04:44 PM
Cool, Im not new to VoD, but Ive never done elite and would like to learn anything new.

I cant say I can make it for sure, but Ill try, if its open to anyone.

Could bring an assassin for traps, virt for buffs or if there is already a rogue/bard Ill bring my punk.

03-10-2012, 05:00 PM
I'd like to get in on this,

Zenisch (20 pure monk tank build but DPS option, not my preffered choice as he's already got everything he's ever gonna need from it, but if he's needed he'll be there)

Zereck (20 artificer casting specialist build with heavy focus on HP/DPS I can pass loads of buffs and SP shouldn't be an issue for this character, support healing is available from the build but it's better used as a DPS role.)

Zestrata (9 rogue mechanic/8 Light path monk (17 total), past life monk, with self buffed 64 on search and disable, and a solid DPS, this character however will likely spend a lot of time dead, so unless it's a last resort option for a trapper, probably not the best choice until cap)

03-11-2012, 12:26 PM
I would like to get in on this one as well. I was in on the first one, but I would like to do it on elite. I can offer a 20 fvs evoker (Zzyzzxy), a 20 warchanter (Hargl ), or a 20 kotc warforged pally(Zzyzzxx). I also have a 18/2 warforged wiz/rogue (Einnore), but I don't think his dc's are high enough to be effective on elite.

03-12-2012, 04:45 PM
I would love to learn this better and help out if I can.
I can bring any of the following.
BoloGrubb – level 20 fighter. AC buffs to 75 or so. Intim also 75. Dr breakers, decent dps
Gijo – level 17 Rogue (may be higher level by raid time, recently TR’d) dr breakers
Captcaveman – level barbarian with DR breakers
DJgrubb – 15 bard warchanter/2 fighter/3 rogue DR breakers, have yet to try the traps in there on elite on this toon.
Sycraft – level 20 fvs evoker build with request spells and I will make sure has the correct scrolls.

03-12-2012, 04:53 PM
Would love to join, shame about the voice chat requirement... I do not own a microphone :'(

Not to put words in his mouth, but based on his other posts I think Kages
mainly wants people to be able to hear, so you should be good.

I would love to learn this better and help out if I can.
I can bring any of the following.
BoloGrubb – level 20 fighter. AC buffs to 75 or so. Intim also 75. Dr breakers, decent dps
Gijo – level 17 Rogue (may be higher level by raid time, recently TR’d) dr breakers
Captcaveman – level barbarian with DR breakers
DJgrubb – 15 bard warchanter/2 fighter/3 rogue DR breakers, have yet to try the traps in there on elite on this toon.
Sycraft – level 20 fvs evoker build with request spells and I will make sure has the correct scrolls.

Only people with their defender rings can apply, sorry. :p

j/k :)

03-12-2012, 04:59 PM
Not to put words in his mouth, but based on his other posts I think Kages
mainly wants people to be able to hear, so you should be good.

Only people with their defender rings can apply, sorry. :p

j/k :)

What he said xP

03-14-2012, 11:02 AM
If you need a cleric I have a level 20 that would be happy to participate. You already have 2 favored souls so I am assuming you are set with heals.

Class: Cleric
Level: 20
Name: YMCA

my.ddo.com doesn't work for this toon because I made him, deleted him, and then started from scratch again. Somehow this messed up my.ddo.com, If you need any details please ask.

03-14-2012, 01:50 PM
****, I've got to bail on tomorrow night. I was just 'invited' to a meeting starting at 5:30 and going to god-knows-when. I wouldn't bet on being home by the time the raid starts.... yeah that's by 9pm EST. So you might want to open up that #1 slot.

After the end of the month such meetings should no longer be a problem. :o

03-15-2012, 09:11 PM
This will be done on ELITE. If you have interest post here or find me in game. Toons in Sig.
Please include Toon name, Class, and Levels when registering.

This run will be the closest to easy as I can put together with only 1 or 2 roles reserved. The tank will either be me or a trusted friend so that SP consumption can atleast be minimized for the purposes of this training excersize.

Thursday, March 15th, 2012 - 19:00 MST (That means 7:00 P.M. Mountain Time, 8 Central, 9 Eastern, etc)

1 - Tegor / Valask (Tempest / Light Monk)
2 - Phlor (Pali)
3 - Zyear / Orberon (FvS / Ranger)
4 - Cerussite / Ekkehart (FvS / Wizard)
5 - Thug (Pali)
6 - Dhavia (Arti)
7 - Nekrahn (Fleshy Wizard)
8 - Zenisch / Zereck / Zestrata (Monk / Arti / Rogue)
9 - Bolo_Grubb;4359765
11 - Tobril
12 - Kages

Bojutsu - Wf Acrobat/Light Monk

Mandatory Things to Bring: (I will ask you to link items when joining, you don’t get in without them)

All characters
Voice Chat is a requirement for these runs.
30+ remove curse potions (must be guild versions if you plan to use barbarian rage or madstone boots)
100% Fortification or Better
Featherfall (Spell or clicky is fine, only needed twice.)

A weapon with some combination of silver and good for the boss. (If an arti is not in group you will need both silver and good on the same weapon, be prepaired for this. If an arti is in group then one or the other will be fine.)
(see http://ddowiki.com/page/Damage_reduction (http://ddowiki.com/page/Damage_reduction) or ask if your weapon will work)

Greater Heroism
Resist Energy
Fire Shield (cold version is what you will use)
Reconstruct Scroll - (A Warforged tank will not be used unless he has HP's and or AC high enough to be worth it.)

Mass Deathward
Mass Heal
Mass Cure
Blade Barrier
Mass Protection from Elements
Resist Energy
Resurrection or True Resurrection (don’t use raise dead)
Scrolls – Heal, Resurrection or True Resurrection (these save on SP consumption, again do not use raise dead.)

Silver Weapons spell
Aligned Weapons spell
(These allow people who have a weapon that only bypasses Silver or Good damage types, this increases the toons ability to do a lot more damage on account of bypassing Damage Reductions.)
Curative Admixture – Remove Curse (Not required as everyone should have their own pots before joining.)
Scrolls – Heal, Resurrection, True Resurrection (To help preserve healer SP, not a requirement exactly, just nice to have incase the fat gets hit with brown stuff.)

Thief Tools, Search and Disable Items

If you are a DPS build then you are required to do DPS.
If you are not a DPS build you are required to bring:
Scrolls - Heal, Resurrection or True Resurrection

Other Class Abilities that are Awesome to Keep Running Constantly

Align the Heavens

Inspire Courage (any)
Spellsong Trance (spellsinger only)
Spellsong Vigor (spellsinger only)
Ironskin Chant (warchanter only)

Optional Things That are Really Nice:
Healing Amplification (healer friend for warforged, (Warforged without healing amp of any kind will not be allowed in the group. Bring another toon if viable.)
AC (80-90ish+ or don’t worry about it)
Clikies – (items that cast spells on you, Greater Heroism, Deathward, etc in case you die and need to be rebuffed)
Potions – Resist Fire/Sonic/Elec 20 (do not count on buffs when you die, SP consumption will be stressed as is. If you do need this look to the Pali's, Rangers)
Potions – Cure/Repair Serious, Silver Flame (help out healers a bit and/or save yourself in an emergency)
Regeneration – Tasty Ham, Pouch of Jerky, etc. “Trickle” healing in this raid is helpful
Destruction and/or Improved Destruction

SIgn me up plz

03-15-2012, 10:13 PM
I'm making a note here: HUGE SUCCESS.

03-15-2012, 10:15 PM
SIgn me up plz
We where already forming with no spots left when this post was made. Another raid will be posted tomorrow. Sign up before its to late.

03-15-2012, 10:16 PM
Congratulations to all that where able to make it. It was a beautiful run and everyone listened quite well. Want to note that 1 person that signed up did not make it and I hope you make it to the next you sign up for. Beautiful run.

03-16-2012, 11:42 AM
Want to note that 1 person that signed up did not make it and I hope you make it to the next you sign up for. Beautiful run. That was me, as I predicted I didn't make it home till 9:30ish yesterday. Late night panic meetings FTL. Glad it worked out and I really appreciate the concept of training raids, and how you guys are running them.

03-18-2012, 08:27 AM
I just wanted to say thank you to Kages and others who organized this event.

I look forward to learning about the Abbot raid.

Just curious, are you going to have a lesson on the HoX raid? It seems the prevailing sentiment is "H never works" "O always works"

Also, in the Shroud have you ever heard of the tactic, instead of splitting the four mobs, the group just runs north. Apparently as the group runs north the mobs die off because each mob moves at a different rate. And when they die the fastest becomes the slowest and the slowest becomes the fastest.

I think in concept it works and the person/guild leading the raid swears by it. It didn't work in the pug I was in but it sounds like it could work.

03-18-2012, 11:40 AM
Just curious, are you going to have a lesson on the HoX raid? It seems the prevailing sentiment is "H never works" "O always works"

It depends on who you talk to. Each method has advantages and disadvantages or they wouldn't exist.

I prefer "O" in pugs since it's easy to communicate and follow. Most puggers IME don't really know the classical "H" method and just do whatever they think it sounds like it means - and that almost always leads to heartbreak. There's even more methods than O or H, but they're best avoided unless you have excellent communication and skilled players - ie not pug groups.

What's most needed IMO is a LOB training - I see vastly more failed PUGs of that than any other raid and it's almost entirely from puggers not knowing it. Very little learning ever happens because few if any people that pug actually know the raid and so many runs fail.

03-18-2012, 11:57 AM
It depends on who you talk to. Each method has advantages and disadvantages or they wouldn't exist.

I prefer "O" in pugs since it's easy to communicate and follow. Most puggers IME don't really know the classical "H" method and just do whatever they think it sounds like it means - and that almost always leads to heartbreak. There's even more methods than O or H, but they're best avoided unless you have excellent communication and skilled players - ie not pug groups.

What's most needed IMO is a LOB training - I see vastly more failed PUGs of that than any other raid and it's almost entirely from puggers not knowing it. Very little learning ever happens because few if any people that pug actually know the raid and so many runs fail.

I am up for LoB. It would be my first time and would appreciate a vet run through to learn it properly. Where do I sign up?

03-18-2012, 01:25 PM
I just wanted to say thank you to Kages and others who organized this event.

I look forward to learning about the Abbot raid.

Just curious, are you going to have a lesson on the HoX raid? It seems the prevailing sentiment is "H never works" "O always works"

Also, in the Shroud have you ever heard of the tactic, instead of splitting the four mobs, the group just runs north. Apparently as the group runs north the mobs die off because each mob moves at a different rate. And when they die the fastest becomes the slowest and the slowest becomes the fastest.

I think in concept it works and the person/guild leading the raid swears by it. It didn't work in the pug I was in but it sounds like it could work.

the two tactics you've spoken of do work, but both of them require more planning out and have a greater margin for error.

our method for pulling all mobs south in shroud then splitting is actually better than what some other servers do, and has quite a good amount of room for margin of error.

H method increases the amount of "important roles" and nets less planar shards, mostly because of reason B i'm not actually a big fan of it.

03-18-2012, 01:48 PM
Not to put words in his mouth, but based on his other posts I think Kages
mainly wants people to be able to hear, so you should be good.


Really ticked I did not look back at this thread until after the raid was done now...

03-23-2012, 03:23 PM

Really ticked I did not look back at this thread until after the raid was done now...
No worries my brother, stay tuned for more amazing adventures with "some other raid". I'll have another one up soon, work hit me kind of hard lately and had a death in the family so I have been a little worked over. Hoping to have one put up by next friday for the following week after.