View Full Version : What's your favorite ingame achievement so far fellow Sarlonians?
03-05-2012, 05:05 AM
For me would have to be running Catacombs on Singh and getting in a argument with somebody in general chat that was Margruite Dryden able to be brought down or not. After about 10 minutes on my paladin, I did manage to kill her, much to the other persons surprise.
Still have to kill whisperdoom in Tanglegroot tho.
So Sarlona, share some good and funny memories. Regale with the tales of your adventures. Heck just tell me of a good prank you pulled on pugs.
03-05-2012, 05:48 AM
I made a few special lists when my guildies invited me of all people to join them and some new friends of theirs in blown to bits. They let me have explosives. I giggled through the whole mission. I got everyone at least once, but this one guy...
... This one guy was teribbly un observant, and a bit paranoid. He kept trying to get away from imagined explosives only to run into the ones I had actually set... He died alot.
03-05-2012, 06:28 AM
My first completion of epic chains of flame pre-U9 (so epic deathward) in a legit party (not 5 caster spamming mass charm).
Most epic quest i've ever ran. Almost wiped everywhere. Just REAL EPIC.
03-05-2012, 06:54 AM
Lately I have been having a blast duoing tempest spine at level with my buddy (arti & paly). Maybe not the greatest acheivement, but its alot of fun.
03-05-2012, 07:21 AM
My barb, Komat pulled SoS on his first von run at lvl 10. It got put up for roll and i rolled a perfect 100 (d100). I thought he would be destined for greatness running him up. But he's been stuck as a capped gimp barb for some time now. Perhaps I should have left that sword in the stone for someone else...
03-05-2012, 07:23 AM
Completing my bards eSoS after giving the seal/shard to an old guildie that doesn't play anymore.
03-05-2012, 08:19 AM
Camlach’s first life was a Tempest ranger (I had been only playing for about six months at the time) one of my first epics was a late night OOB pug. After joining I found that I was the only non-Chinese player in the group. The other five players were very chatty on voice and the only thing I understood was “Run Camrock!” but I kept up, didn’t die and pulled 2 pairs of spectrals AND a seal!
03-05-2012, 08:42 AM
My first completion of epic chains of flame pre-U9 (so epic deathward) in a legit party (not 5 caster spamming mass charm).
Most epic quest i've ever ran. Almost wiped everywhere. Just REAL EPIC. .jpg
03-05-2012, 09:39 AM
Hmm...Could be any of several.
Capping my favour prior to u11 in an elite ToD with Sabotage and elite HoX with QE.
Completing eVoN5 (twice) with Eternal Wrath.
First time I successfully solo'ed eVoN4 on my Cleric.
Going in blind without knowing what to expect into Epic Servants with guildmates, and succeeding first try with minimal resource use, not without a few deaths.
Pulling out a eSpies completion with Mahmood, then getting insulted at not even getting a complete token in the chest.
Finally completing my Cleric's desired equipment set after over six months of eADQ1's, eOOB's, ToD's, and eDeeps.
03-05-2012, 10:03 AM
Still have to kill whisperdoom in Tanglegroot tho.
I actually did that on my AA Ranger about 2 months ago and holy **** I was shocked when whisperdoom dropped dead.
Few other achievements I've really enjoyed...
Soloing Epic Chains of Flame pre-U9 (Deathwards and all)
Soloing Elite Monastery and getting the Devious bonus (5 kills or less)
Saving a shroud run by having cheat death go off in Part 5 of Shroud so I could raise a healer
Tanking Epic DQ on a halfling rogue back when you could intimitank the DQ
03-05-2012, 10:52 AM
Having done almost every quest in the game alone on elite, at level.
(missing only a few, mostly raids)
03-05-2012, 02:25 PM
Having to solo elite freshen the air with 3 rogues soulstones and Thranns soulstone in my inventory yesterday. LOL
That was a fun run.
My first completion of ELOB.
03-05-2012, 03:18 PM
Having to solo elite freshen the air with 3 rogues soulstones and Thranns soulstone in my inventory yesterday. LOL
That was a fun run.
Brings back memories to this time a healer joined our group on epic, this new raid that came out and drank 2 pots forcing the other healer to drink 50+. Those are the days right? Good times.
It has to be my first time tanking horoth in tod, or solo'ing sins hard on my caster.
First chronoscope completion - 12 first timers.
On epic.
03-05-2012, 06:25 PM
2 that I can think of:
An at-level Tempest Spine run (on hard I think) in which half the group left when we nearly wiped less than halfway through. My AA ranger went on a rescue/soul stone recovery mission and got the group back together, then we went on to complete.
That was some of the most fun I've ever had in a raid.
At-level Chrono on elite, with hardly any deaths. Insanely fun.
03-05-2012, 07:07 PM
Finishing t3 alchemical wraps from 3 completed elobs.
Reaching over 5 million guild renown on one of my toons.
03-05-2012, 07:24 PM
Beating the abbot legit with the puzzles back in 07 with RG when no one on any server could...
Good prank- Having klemm think that i was getting attack by the dummy on the boat when i was using my frenzy on thrann..oh boy i still laugh that one up good
03-05-2012, 08:58 PM
Imploding 2 different raiding guilds
2 manning abbot with my good friend Jozza
03-05-2012, 09:00 PM
My first completion of epic chains of flame pre-U9 (so epic deathward) in a legit party (not 5 caster spamming mass charm).
Most epic quest i've ever ran. Almost wiped everywhere. Just REAL EPIC.
i must say that is probably on the top of my list as well. that quest was truly epic then
03-06-2012, 01:57 AM
When Pale Master Prestige FIRST came out. I am the self proclaimed first on Sarlona to be tanking elite VoD (intimidate) & HoX (solid fog) on a pure 20 (Wizard) Pale Master in Lich form a year-ish ago.
At level Elite Undermine with Atmadarkwolf. As he planted the next detonation for quest progression, I planted another one in a location where I believed he would retreat to. I was correct and so he got blown up.
03-06-2012, 01:59 AM
At level Elite Undermine with Atmadarkwolf. As he planted the next detonation for quest progression, I planted another one in a location where I believed he would retreat to. I was correct and so he got blown up.
Epic Win.
03-06-2012, 10:25 AM
The first Epic Sirocco I completed after grinding for the parts for a year, pre scroll turn in.
Solo healing the end fight of tod when the other healer got banished right after sully dropped. Not so bad if you plan it but when you'er trying to get both bosses together while winging back and forth to heal both tanks til they can get the bosses closer, also realizing that no one else there seems to be able to scroll heal.
First time tanking epic Abishai
03-06-2012, 11:56 AM
On an achievement note, I managed to run 56 quests on elite (Since I TR'd and with with streak) without dying. Last night, wiped in Delirium. Lol
03-07-2012, 10:02 AM
my greatest achievement and the best feeling from the game so far was getting my first toon to cap, now ive got others there the feeling just aint the same :(
your friend sil :)
03-07-2012, 12:28 PM
When Pale Master Prestige FIRST came out. I am the self proclaimed first on Sarlona to be tanking elite VoD (intimidate) & HoX (solid fog) on a pure 20 (Wizard) Pale Master in Lich form a year-ish ago.
At level Elite Undermine with Atmadarkwolf. As he planted the next detonation for quest progression, I planted another one in a location where I believed he would retreat to. I was correct and so he got blown up.
Hate to bring the mood down but we have been doing that for years before PM came out. But yes I agree you could of been first to do as pale master considering it had just come out.
This my friend, made my day. Old boy got what was coming to him! :D
03-07-2012, 04:35 PM
I made it to lvl 14 on my 9th TR life without a single death, about 40 quests all on elite as well as several hours of farming.
I am now lvl 15 and have died 16 times total.
Something went very wrong that level...
03-07-2012, 10:48 PM
...on a pure 20 (Wizard) Pale Master in Lich form...
Hate to bring the mood down but we have been doing that for years before PM came out. But yes I agree you could of been first to do as pale master considering it had just come out.
Indeed, I chose my words carefully to claim doing so in Lich form and on a pure wizard. But looks like you already pointed out that was probably what I meant, so all is well.
I have to also note though, that I was self sufficiently healing myself (Lich Form) without the aid of anyone nor mana potions. This isn't new, but it's part of my personal achievement to not use mana potions like certain other players do. In fact, the only time I've ever use mana potions was during my cleric life when PuGs simply went Terrible but I'm not the type of person to quit on them ;)
03-08-2012, 12:32 AM
The first time I ever ran Von5/6 (on elite). I liked the game before then, but I was hooked after that.
I had never seen either quest and it was the last favor a guildie of mine needed to hit 1750 (He was first in the guild to do it).
So there were a few reasons it was memorable.
03-08-2012, 07:22 AM
I found out what DTF means :p
03-08-2012, 02:43 PM
Standing threw two epic Valah breath attacks in a row on my main (before they upped DoS). Guild was basically telling me I couldn't do it. Did it once, they were half way impressed. Did it again and they were laughing. Tried it a third time but wasn't quick enough to the Loh. DOH!
Three other times, I saved my guildies from a party wipe.....they still say I didn't even though I posted screen shots the third time around. :D (more of an inside joke about my toon being completley worthless)
03-08-2012, 04:56 PM
I'm also pretty proud of periodically creating a drama EACH time i run shan-to-kor. I got this curse going for 6 lives in a row so far. Tends to have pug around, first quest is zerged, hard for them but i solo. Second they start to die and complain i solo the full quest and i start trolling them. Third quest i need some help on traps sometimes and they get mad because i can go through it and they can't.
Pug, Zerg, Troll, Win ... STK :D
Forgot also when i made my epic marilith chain pre U10.
Actually when Deadeve pulled that seal of the marilith chain after 6 months of farming. The achievement was more acquiring the seal than making the item :p
03-08-2012, 07:26 PM
TRd with Tarnesh two times, and we are still friends. "Every trap can be avoid... DING"
03-09-2012, 02:08 AM
Forgot also when i made my epic marilith chain pre U10.
Actually when Deadeve pulled that seal of the marilith chain after 6 months of farming. The achievement was more acquiring the seal than making the item :p[/QUOTE]
Same here made mine about a year ago, traded two reds for the scroll. I still feel horrible even tho I didn't know the value then. But I guess Thranns maralith chain and echaosblase pre u10 beats us :-/
03-09-2012, 08:05 AM
One time, i ran an entire quest with Kehgeld without him raging.
The day i was kicked from House V because i splashed 2 monk on my cleric (everyone has a role, and hitting things isn't yours!)
Being squelched by Soloartiste when i had just begun playing for helping someone through the maze in crucible.
These seem negative, but actually they made me the honey badger i am today. I certainly wouldn't make the stands on points i believe in so strongly if i hadn't been raged at most of my ddo career, and constantly being told that i am doing it wrong.
03-09-2012, 11:45 AM
One time, i ran an entire quest with Kehgeld without him raging.
The day i was kicked from House V because i splashed 2 monk on my cleric (everyone has a role, and hitting things isn't yours!)
Being squelched by Soloartiste when i had just begun playing for helping someone through the maze in crucible.
These seem negative, but actually they made me the honey badger i am today. I certainly wouldn't make the stands on points i believe in so strongly if i hadn't been raged at most of my ddo career, and constantly being told that i am doing it wrong.
your doing it wrong :D
03-09-2012, 12:05 PM
My Acrobat has a perfect record of being rejected from 100% of the LFMs I've attempted to join that contain the words "Everyone Welcome." Maybe it's my breath? or did I forget to use deodorant today?
03-09-2012, 12:32 PM
My Acrobat has a perfect record of being rejected from 100% of the LFMs I've attempted to join that contain the words "Everyone Welcome." Maybe it's my breath? or did I forget to use deodorant today?
When this happens to me I like to think that the poor player on the other end is blind. So hard to see a grouping when you can't see the screen. Makes me feel all squashy inside.
03-09-2012, 06:25 PM
For me it was getting my 1st life cleric Hennessey to break 2500 sp well i did it lol 2507sp 1st life fully buffed!!!
03-11-2012, 07:20 PM
First time killing Taeron Rimond solo in Running with the Devils as a 1st life light monk without a DR breaker after two failed attempts. The 20 minutes it took to slowly wear him down was worth it when he finally dropped 8-)
03-12-2012, 07:34 AM
Finally finishing my 13th life back in December for Completionist on Bjriand. Deciding now if I'm crazy enough to do it again on my other character Seyeder. Just TR'd him for the first time on Friday.
03-12-2012, 02:29 PM
Our 19 Min Elite HOX back when lvl cap was 16--we even dragged Dethe's lvl 10 Monk with us, surviving 19 mins back then was quite chaotic and fun.
Also, back when TOD first came out, our first Elite completion, we used 0 pots--thanx to having a gimpy high AC guild.
03-13-2012, 01:15 PM
My most memorable event was a time back when i did my first von 5-6. I was on an 180min pass, and i made it into von6 with 3 seconds left on the clock. Thank you all my old friends in Ascendants.
My second most memorable event also occured during a von 5-6 run. I was fairly new, and someone screamed Inferno. I stuck my head out from behind a rock to see what the heck was going on...
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