View Full Version : Since We're on the Topic of Deconstruction...

03-02-2012, 11:50 AM
It's been confirmed a couple times by the devs that we're getting Greensteel Deconstruction. It's something the player base has been asking for for a long time now because, frankly, who wants to be stuck running the Shroud forever (which we do because every time cool new loot comes out, it forces us to reconsider our gear layout all over again)?

But there's another form of construction that could use a deconstruction counterpart: epic gear. As new epics come out, and new gear comes out, it's not just GS stuff that can get shelved. I personally have shelved more epics than I care to admit (including epic Jidz-Tet'ka and epic Spectral Gloves), and in the near future will even shelve an epic Claw set.

Now, no one in their right mind would just vendor or destroy that stuff; it's far too valuable and we put in far too much effort to get it. But it would be nice for that stuff to not just collect dust, too. So, here's something a guildy came up with:

What if we could deconstruct our epic gear? It'd be some kind of ritual in the epic altar, and when you perform it, your epic item is destroyed, you get your seal and shard back, but lose your scroll and base item. That way, when we outgrow our old epic gear, we could still get something of value out of it for our other toons, but not in a way that would equate to unbinding epic gear (you'd have to go through the mess of getting the base item and scroll again--not necessarily hard, but not effortless).

Or perhaps there could be a few options for deconning? Like you could pick one of three decon rituals: one gets you the seal and shard, but you lose the scroll and base item; a second gives you the scroll and base item back, but you lose the seal and shard; the third, you lose the base item, scroll, seal, and shard, and it just gives you a bunch of tokens back, like 20, which would be useful if you didn't want the item at all anymore, but lament over tokens spent augmenting the item, or augmenting other items around that one. The last option would alleviate some of the complaints that are fairly regular on these forums that epic augments cost too many tokens, and that token farming is boring and grindy and feels like a penalty after putting epic gear together.

03-02-2012, 11:57 AM
Im not sure the epics them selves need to be deconstructed but it would be nice if there was less sunk cost in an epic with a crystal that you dont use any more.

03-02-2012, 11:59 AM
I'd like to have ALL shards to be de-constructable. Some shards still cannot be deconstructed.

03-02-2012, 01:17 PM
Greensteel Deconstruction was mentioned a wee bit back as possible for U13-14 but has take the backseat as usual with the Pre-Launch of MOTUD

Exerpt taken from the ddo wiki With dev note from Eldarin


''''''3 Update 14
4 Unspecified Release Date - Likely included in the upcoming expansion
4.2 Green Steel Deconstruction

Quote: Originally Posted by Eladrin (December 2011)
One of my designers is currently in the process of converting the Shroud system over to use a barter style interface, which should reduce these sorts of problems in the long run.
He's also creating a partial-deconstruction system, where you can crush a greensteel item back into a random assortment of ingredients, currently around half of what it took to create a weapon of that tier. (Subject to change! Insert Still In Development Disclaimer here!)

A single shard tier three weapon like the one you mention would (with the current plan) be turned back into 4-8 random smalls, 4-8 random mediums, and 4-8 random larges.

Say hi to Vargouille! He'd shake your hand, but he only has tentacles.

And yes Epic ritual would be sweet also indeed.

A lot of greensteel laying around gathering dust and i fear even more with epic levels coming along with U14.''''

Would be very nice to have a dev post on this and see if its viable and keep our hopes up.

03-02-2012, 02:28 PM
I think all Seals, Shard, and Scrolls should have at least a 10:1 exchange rate....so even if you didn't get the one your are looking for you can eventually get what you want.

They did this for Sands Scrolls and it's 3:1...I don't know why they can't just make the whole system work like that.

This should be done for GS ingredients to......higher exchange rate, lower exchange rate...whatever...but throw us some kind of bone besides a Large Gnawed. This is implemented all over the place in LoTRO...why is it you can get so many things right in that game and not here?

Some grind is fine......grind to the point of monotony is just aggravating and makes the game less appealing.