View Full Version : Hotfix does NOT work at all.

03-02-2012, 01:14 AM
Skip the story, get to the point, shall we? *sigh*

My characters on Cannith who used cakes but got nothing, do NOT get cake replacement. 2 characters in 2 accounts

My characters on Argonessen who used cakes AND got tomes, Do get cake replacement with the tome washed away..... Along with traveller's blessings and tokens, I piled them up with previous year's and they all got washed away. 3 characters in 2 accounts.

Turbine said do NOT submit tickets for these, ok... I will post here.

So.... anyone can gimme an explaination about what happened? And any compensation.... Ah well, never mind that, I dont want another bug as compensation.

03-02-2012, 01:38 AM
They have said if you have already used the items prior to the hotfix to wait for further announcements they are working on replacing the items. Everything is in this thread which the devs have been very active in keeping everyone informed. http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=363827

03-02-2012, 01:45 AM
This fix was not the fix for that.

03-02-2012, 01:47 AM
This fix was not the fix for that.

If I may be so bold, "This was not fix you're looking for."


03-02-2012, 06:26 AM
My characters on Argonessen who used cakes AND got tomes, Do get cake replacement with the tome washed away..... Along with traveller's blessings and tokens, I piled them up with previous year's and they all got washed away. 3 characters in 2 accounts.

tho as being said above, hotfix doesnt solve OPs problem, this part looks really disturbing as it seems the hotfix brought another bug w itself

03-02-2012, 09:06 AM
tho as being said above, hotfix doesnt solve OPs problem, this part looks really disturbing as it seems the hotfix brought another bug w itself

I think there might be some miscommunication in there, otherwise he said that his characters on Arg that already used their cakes to get tomes got new cakes, but the tome is gone. AND the blessing/tokens of the traveller that he put with the others have disappeared.

I do not believe they have yet run the script to replace any items yet so I don't see how the above is even possible. Unless they have run it and haven't announced it.

I, admittedly, haven't been on since around 9pm last night, but nothing was changed on my characters in regards to the above stuff. At least not that I noticed.

If they ran the script I don't see why it would have an effect on the traveller stuff anyway. I don't think anyone has had any problems with that stuff.

03-02-2012, 09:15 AM
I had 1 toon that I didn't get the 5 renown pots for I got 1 prior to the fix.. Nothing as of yet has been replaced. All my toons I have used the Cakes on since the Fix have received all items. I am not worried From this I think waiting will solve it all..
Sleeps :D :) :D

This is a complex fix on our side and is requiring more time to verify to ensure people receive their items. We do not anticipate deploying the fix this evening, as it is still in progress. We will bring more information as soon as it is available!

03-02-2012, 10:55 AM
I am not worried From this I think waiting will solve it all..

With waiting fullness comes.

03-02-2012, 11:55 AM
Yeps that is very true now if no further word comes until a couple weeks from now I may get a bit upset. But is not a live or death matter.. So I will relax and see what and how it comes out..
Sleeps :D :) :D

With waiting fullness comes.

03-02-2012, 02:57 PM
Yeps that is very true now if no further word comes until a couple weeks from now I may get a bit upset. But is not a live or death matter.. So I will relax and see what and how it comes out..
Sleeps :D :) :D

Hopefully very soon: http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?&postid=4344737#post4344737

03-02-2012, 03:09 PM
This fix was not the fix for that.

If only we had some sort of official document that would list all the changes in a release.