View Full Version : Sorcerer Gearing up - Levels 16-20
03-01-2012, 12:00 PM
So I've started a WF Earth Savant (First Life) and I'm trying to lay out my gears for Levels 16-20 (Level 14 now and pretty well geared leveling).
Here's my thoughts. Sorcs are OP anyway, so why do the grind when you can get most everything pretty quickly and cheaply without grinding. I haven't really put everything on paper to see how it works out:
Helm - ??? Katra's Wit or Pirate Hat (Heavy Fort and Balance +15), Minos Legens?? Who knows here
Neck - Torc or Shaman's Beads
Trinket - ???
Cloak - Magewright or Epic Cloak of the Silver Concord or Stormreaver Napkin
Belt - Thamor's Belt (L18 - what until then?)
Ring 1 - Ring of master Artifice (Build as I level so it will eventually be Epic Tier III)
Ring 2 - Thamor's Ring (when it falls) - Sora Kell Ring for now (Possibly E Shaman's Band)
Gloves - Sora Kell Gloves
Boots - Rock Boots (Also Build as I go)
Bracers - ???
Armor - Quorforged Docent (L18) Unsuppressed
Goggles - Magewright or GS ConOp
Wep 1 - Skiver or Epic Greenblade (if I can ever get it built)
Wep 2 - Epic Ornamental Dagger
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated - Like I said, I haven't put everything on paper yet so this is a work in progress.
03-01-2012, 03:45 PM
Why sora kel set? Looks like a terribe loss to me. You can use minos legens if you don't have the epic items to slot heavy fort + toughness on.
Besides, sora kel set gives you Greater potency IV, the epic ornamented dagger gives you superior potency VII already, so it's a waste.
03-01-2012, 07:52 PM
The Sora Kell set is worthless for you... you don't need two of the three stats it grants, you don't need the melee boost, and you don't need the Potency.
Check out the Epic Ring of Elemental Essence. Nice boost to elemental damage for if/when you don't have a clicky going, Archmagi, and a yellow slot. Bracers, gloves, and goggles are good places to slot greensteel.
03-01-2012, 08:02 PM
The Sora Kell set is worthless for you... you don't need two of the three stats it grants, you don't need the melee boost, and you don't need the Potency.
Check out the Epic Ring of Elemental Essence. Nice boost to elemental damage for if/when you don't have a clicky going, Archmagi, and a yellow slot. Bracers, gloves, and goggles are good places to slot greensteel.
Yeah I like that ring too.
Clickies for your main element or anything else you plan to extensively use in a given quest, 60% static boosts for all the off elements.
03-01-2012, 08:38 PM
Yeah I like that ring too.
Clickies for your main element or anything else you plan to extensively use in a given quest, 60% static boosts for all the off elements.
Pity the seal is a pain to get.
OP: If you're not also attacking w/ weapons, the Sora Kell set is pretty sub-par.
You've got the opportunity to get a bit funky if you choose. Or Mad, depending on how you see it.
Bracers: Bracelet of Madness (hound)
Armor: Infused Chaos Docent (slot with Reflex +10 maybe)
Weapons: Belwhoever's Scepters / Mad Trickery / Greenblade / Ornamental
Trinket: Shard of Xoriat
The Bracelet is somewhat of a pain to get, but the others are moderately reasonable and will work at end game if you're on a budget and want to farm/equip other toons mostly.
If the bracelet is out of reach you can sub in the Sustaining Symbiont in your Trinket slot (GFL, +1 CON exceptional).
03-02-2012, 03:09 PM
OK - Sora Kell set was in there for leveling up to 16 - so I'm still wearing it at level 14.
Bracers of Madness look great once I can start running Hound on this toon - Too bad the items in hound still BTC since I run Hound all the time on one of my alts - but I've never rolled on it because he's melee.
Have been eyeing the E Ring of the elements I have the base item and I have the shard and scroll on the above alt - but I still need the Seal - which is a pain to farm as has been mentioned above.
With the bracers of madness I can see the Docent being worthwhile - but I'm not sure it's better than the Quorforged Docent o Battle - which gives me my con +6, basically +8 AC, free toughness and superior false life
If I was running with the Infused Chaos Docent, would it be worthwhile to farm out the Sustaining Symbiont instead of the Shard of Xoriat... or should I really be looking for an Eardweller?
Tanks for all the advise so far - I'll be looking forward to the item farming now that I can just do quests 3X instead of farming for eternity and never getting the item I want like before the update.
03-02-2012, 03:24 PM
Before I TR'd, on my sorc (water savant with electrical secondary) this is what i was running around with at cap
Epic Blademarks Docent w/ CON +6, Toughness (unlocked Quorforged is next best thing)
Epic Rock Boots w/ Feather Falling crystal
TOD Ring and Belt set, upgraded with Greater Glaciation VIII
Epic Ring of Elemental Essence w/ Ex CON +1
Epic Bracers of Wind w/ STR +6, Resistance +4
Magewrights Cloak & Goggles
Epic Winters Wrath
Epic Ornamented Dagger w/ Fear Immunity
Mineral II GS Helm (+45 HP)
Positive II GS Gloves (+300 SP & Raise clicky)
Trinket swapped out as necessary, usually a selection of Greater Focus trinkets, and the Epic Spyglass w/ -15% ASF crystal for when I pull out the Lorriks and turtle up
As an Earth, other than swapping out the water savant TOD set for Thamors (wouldnt need that EX CON +1 on the elemental ring either) I'd get the Epic Cloak of Flames since your weak with electrical and the bracers dont do you as much good (the free blur, air guard, elec resists and slots are still good so prolly still wear em). The magewrights goggles I'd keep for concentration bonus and spell pen. The spell focus mastery and efficency proc are nice but a sorc can live without em.
Ring of Master Artifice is nice but overkill on a WF arcane; you should be healing for at least half your HP with a single reconstruct (superior potency VI + Repair Manipulation I) and the regeneration wont help you in a fight, and the free recon only procs like 2% of the time; that slot is MUCH better used on an elemental essence ring
03-02-2012, 04:48 PM
Thanks for the info on the Ring of Master Artifice - I'll therefore use it for leveling and trying to get the Seal of the Ring of Elemental Essences unless it procs for my alt - (I hate running E. Small Problem, but I guess it must be done)
I took Earth Savant and water as a secondary element - so I'm not sure the E. Cloak of Flames would help much - Plus I've already got both Magewrights items. - What about the E. Silver Concord? - Worth the grind?
I'll look into the bracers - challenge items are easy enough to get so building a set wouldn't be bad since I may LR or TR into Water Savant anyhow. Although I'm liking Earth - I'm not sure how I will do in end game content.
Would you take MinII helm over Minos Legens?
GS Gloves make sense - I've been trying to figure out where to put my GS Items.
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