View Full Version : Static eLoB's

02-29-2012, 01:33 PM
Hey Sarlona, wake up out there!! I want to start weekly sign ups for our beloved and hardest epic raid yet. There are a few folks that run it now with who I run with now. Usually it's 6 to 8 people at the most and your always having one hard time trying to fill the raids with pugs because there alts are not anything we really need.
Most off it's folks need to have at least 2 out of 3 main classes. Hjealer, High AC Timi Tank, Kiter.

Most successful raids have 3 healers, 2 casters, 2 Timi tanks, at least 1 Arty, and a Bard, with very little room for melee's. We all love monks don't get me wrong, but when you put up an eLoB and it says healers only and 30 monks hit the lfm. By god one of them better have a healer alt, is all I'm sayin lol.

So in ranting on about all that, if you are interested in running static eLoB's, sign up below and list atleast 3 toons you can bring. (please don't list all melee's lol)

These static runs will be starting on Friday nights and ending on Sunday's due to a lot of folks having to work during the week.

Loves y'all,
Da Witchies

02-29-2012, 01:40 PM
Also open to time suggestions as well, and as soon as we get weekend static eLoB's run consistently the we will work on weekday eLoB's. The reason main I'm posting this is because I don't want to wait around for an hour and folks not knowing what they can bring to contribute. Plan this in advance and it will go a lot quicker and hopefully, everyone can finally bring alts in and get the exquisites they need.

Loves y'all,
Da Witchies

03-01-2012, 08:28 AM
Sabotage running it every wednesday and saturday at 15:00 GMT+1 and we almost always open 2-3 spots for pugs.

I know you have many friends, but i think we would all be up in the guild to work with more people to do MOAR runs.

I'm always up to tank 2-3 runs/week, but i also want spirits on my other toons heheh :D

Friday/Sunday sounds good to me you could count either my artificer, healer or Tarny when he'll be capped

03-01-2012, 03:08 PM
Sabotage running it every wednesday and saturday at 15:00 GMT+1 and we almost always open 2-3 spots for pugs.

I know you have many friends, but i think we would all be up in the guild to work with more people to do MOAR runs.

I'm always up to tank 2-3 runs/week, but i also want spirits on my other toons heheh :D

Friday/Sunday sounds good to me you could count either my artificer, healer or Tarny when he'll be capped

What time is that CST (GMT -6)? 8 am? Id love to join yall on that, but that is just way too early :(

03-01-2012, 03:55 PM
What time is that CST (GMT -6)? 8 am? Id love to join yall on that, but that is just way too early :(

15:00 IS 3 PM CST. CST is GMT+6 not -6. So, that's 8 pm :)

Hope that helped.

03-01-2012, 05:22 PM
15:00 IS 3 PM CST. CST is GMT+6 not -6. So, that's 8 pm :)

Hope that helped.

I don't know where you learned your time zones, but djl had it right. 1500 (3pm) GMT+1 is most definitely 0800 (8am) in CST (GMT-6). CST is most definitely not GMT+6 unless he's living somewhere in the Middle East since GMT+0 is set around the UK and GMT-1, GMT-2, etc. are West of that and GMT+1, GMT+2, etc. are East of the UK.

If you don't believe me, here is an example using Chicago (CST or GMT-6) and Paris (GMT+1).
Paris: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/european-union/france/paris/

Please do some research before misleading people.

03-02-2012, 04:12 PM
I don't know where you learned your time zones, but djl had it right. 1500 (3pm) GMT+1 is most definitely 0800 (8am) in CST (GMT-6). CST is most definitely not GMT+6 unless he's living somewhere in the Middle East since GMT+0 is set around the UK and GMT-1, GMT-2, etc. are West of that and GMT+1, GMT+2, etc. are East of the UK.

If you don't believe me, here is an example using Chicago (CST or GMT-6) and Paris (GMT+1).
Paris: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/time-zone/europe/european-union/france/paris/

Please do some research before misleading people.

Ah, you are correct sir. It's been a while since I've had to regularly convert. I was in Europe. Hence my brain fart. Ty for the correction

03-02-2012, 11:18 PM
I try to run with you guys whenever i see one of these go up. I like to get hargrave in but i am always willing to switch to whatever is needed.

03-03-2012, 02:41 AM
Sabotage hosting one in 5 hours from now.
Will prolly have around 2 or 3 spots, kinda w/e is welcome.
Send a tell to Tarnesh if you want to be saved. I dont totally guarantee your spot but if you are on when we start you'll be welcome.

03-03-2012, 05:55 AM
Sabotage running it every wednesday and saturday at 15:00 GMT+1 and we almost always open 2-3 spots for pugs.

I know you have many friends, but i think we would all be up in the guild to work with more people to do MOAR runs.

I'm always up to tank 2-3 runs/week, but i also want spirits on my other toons heheh :D

Friday/Sunday sounds good to me you could count either my artificer, healer or Tarny when he'll be capped

Not many tanks can handle ELOB effectively....as we both saw yesterday....and seems not many are willing to put the time/effort into a real tank.

03-03-2012, 06:13 AM
Not many tanks can handle ELOB effectively....as we both saw yesterday....and seems not many are willing to put the time/effort into a real tank.

whats a real tank ?

03-03-2012, 09:35 AM
Not many tanks can handle ELOB effectively....as we both saw yesterday....and seems not many are willing to put the time/effort into a real tank.

I agree with you Rat. Those of use that have tanks for elob only run with the guild and may pug a couple spots but its usually out of our chat channels. The real issue is that people dont want to put the time/effort or they cant handle the pressure. I know a lot of peeps that are solid players but they never make REAL Tanks because they dont like the pressure. IF you play more than 2hours a day and dont have a healer, tank, and caster than you are lazy and not a team player. I hate playing my tank in anything other than the main tank roll of a raid(and thats only so my guild can be better). I have much better toons like a monk or caster that are much more fun to play in every quest.

03-03-2012, 10:33 AM
I agree with you Rat. Those of use that have tanks for elob only run with the guild and may pug a couple spots but its usually out of our chat channels. The real issue is that people dont want to put the time/effort or they cant handle the pressure. I know a lot of peeps that are solid players but they never make REAL Tanks because they dont like the pressure. IF you play more than 2hours a day and dont have a healer, tank, and caster than you are lazy and not a team player. I hate playing my tank in anything other than the main tank roll of a raid(and thats only so my guild can be better). I have much better toons like a monk or caster that are much more fun to play in every quest.

Tanking well eLOB is not just a tank. It also makes u understand the raid from any class point of view, and you are of great help to the average tank because you are actually playing your toon so that it is as easy as possible for the actual tank to do his job smoothly.

Not clear, but that is it

03-03-2012, 12:38 PM
Tanking well eLOB is not just a tank. It also makes u understand the raid from any class point of view, and you are of great help to the average tank because you are actually playing your toon so that it is as easy as possible for the actual tank to do his job smoothly.

Not clear, but that is it

100% agree

03-10-2012, 07:20 PM
I'd love to get in on some Elobs, my guild rarely ever runs either of the raids, and epic difficulty? No sir it's like talking a cat into wearing pants and taking a shower. I do have a monk that tanks normal lob but could NOT handle Elob I'm willing to put in the time and effort to making a good tank, it's finding the groups to do the gear runs I have problems with, if anyone would be willing to help me configure gear options and get the stuff I need for it I could have an Elob tank up to 20 in a couple months, geared in however much longer it takes I suppose. However, My monk tank can take a DPS role.

At present I have 2 20's
20 Pure arti (Zereck)
20 Pure Monk (Zenisch)

I'd love to run Elob just for the challenge of it, I work best under pressure so I dig the more difficult content, I just don't have a lot of static friends willing to try at things that take any real effort or resources. Please feel free to look me up in-game (Zenisch's myddo is broken but I'll be glad to share his gear and build specs) and join in on some of the raids I run to get to know me, I might even have a couple other decent players in the groups and if you like them I'd be willing to wager they're likely up for the challenge as well.