View Full Version : ~|| Roleplayers, show yourself! ||~

02-29-2012, 04:24 AM
Fellow roleplaying Sarlonians, show yourselves!
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Finding roleplayers is hard when you are not in a roleplaying guild.
Maybe you are in a raiding guild, but still enjoy roleplay from time to time?
You want to try roleplaying, but never find anyone to roleplay with?
New to the server and do not have a clue about the community at all?
You happen to be in a roleplaying guild, but would like to expand your list of friends?

The goal of this thread is to help those who have the issues above, especially those new to the server!

A few easy steps to find fellow roleplayers;

1. Post the character(s) you roleplay/want to roleplay with, your guild, maybe a little about yourself(Both in character and out of character.) in this thread.

2. There is a custom roleplaying chat. /joinchannel rp
(If you are not familiar with custom chats in DDO, here's a guide for you; http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Custom_Chat_Channels)

3. Last, but not least, you could join the weekly Sarlona event every sunday 6PM EST. It is an open roleplaying event called 'Sarlona Sul' (Sul is what Sunday is called in Eberron.) in the bogwater Tavern. You need a break from raiding? From farming those **** epic items which takes so long? Well, come over and socialize. If you are new to roleplaying, look for the Tales of the Torchbearers guild, and we could give you a few tips and tricks.(Or check out this guide; http://compendium.ddo.com/wiki/Roleplaying_In_DDO)
Later on, I will make a thread simply for Sarlona Sul, giving out some games and monthly Sarlona Sul events, so stay tuned!

I will start with myself; I play Ferill(Or Sir Silverhilt, as he prefers it.) and I am the leader of Tales of the Torchbearers.
Ferill is a 'fallen' Paladin, who does not want law nor a deity to prevent him from doing what he sees as good.

I hope this will help anyone who are looking for roleplay!
Happy hunting all! :cool:

02-29-2012, 07:03 AM
Blue on black makes my eyes want to kill themselves.

02-29-2012, 07:50 AM
Blue on black makes my eyes want to kill themselves.

Yes, I just noticed myself. Thanks for the '''tip'''.

02-29-2012, 10:43 AM
And by all means all RolePlayers show yourselves.

03-01-2012, 05:05 PM
Character name: Yssidra
Guild: N/a*
basic character concept: Yssidra is an ex underground arena/pit fighter. Who is now trying to find her place.
Character Discription: Yssidra is missing part of one of her fangs and bears many scares. Which are the result of her violent life she led among the underground fighting pits. She bears a necklace with what appears to be small trophies of past conquests. Some of which include fangs, ears, claws and a spoon. Yssidra still wares the metal cuffs around her wrists.
Character Race: Half-orc

That about sums it up. As for Role-play i'm game for most things from in character questing, to tavern and random interaction

03-10-2012, 05:05 AM
Morgulion Erudir (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/morgulion/)
Elf, 18th level Artificer (True Reincarnated from a level 20 Elf Pale Master)

A Half-Drow necromancer and planar scholar from Faerun, Morgulion, along with his half-brother Romenion, became stranded on Eberron when a routine trip to Sigil went awry as The Time of Troubles hit the Forgotten Realms. For years Morgulion tried to find a way to return to Faerun to no avail, learning new forms of arcane power as he journeyed. An encounter with the Lord of Blades left his body and soul shattered and unable to be resurrected. With the help of Kruz and a powerful priestess of the Sovereign Host, Morgulion was reincarnated into a new body. Retaining only vague memories of his past life, he has now set forth on the path of the Artificer.

Romenion Erudir (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/romenion/)
Drow, 14 Ranger (Tempest II), 6 Fighter (Kensei I)

Romenion, along with his half brother Morgulion, were stranded on Eberron when a planar gateway spell went awry as The Time of Troubles hit Faerun. Unlike his brother, who craves more power above all, Romenion is stricken with an insatiable wanderlust that led him out of the Underdark to join his brother in his travels throughout Faerun and across the very planes of existence. Along with his brother, they search for a way home. Recently, he has begun to feel the stirrings of his peoples goddess, Lolth, something he has not felt since leaving the Realms many years ago.

These are the only two characters I created any type of backstory for. Since I was not familiar with Eberron lore, I went with what I knew from the old pen and paper days.

Hope to see you all in the Bogwater.


03-24-2012, 05:02 AM

1. Slindis. This young drow, a recent convert to the Silver Flame, is a slightly reckless Paladin who often sees her companion's needs above her own. Oddly, she seems to always make sure both her arms are covered completely, and there seems to be a history between her and Vulkoor that she will not -or can not- say.

2. Mugitu. Rarely seen without his companion Lupito, this half-elf is always eager to assist anyone or be in a good fight and is unafraid to say his opinion. However, he is cautious around Halflings: the shady little buggers always seem to have a screw loose.

3. Ternesh. Extremely observant, this woodsman is not one for nonsense and only warns against foolishness once. Thinking him a fool due to his mixed ancestry is a mistake, and he has seen more of Eberron in the last six months than many have seen in ten years.

4. Dikastis. A man with an extremely stern outlook on life and a survivor of the Day of Mourning, this soldier turned priest of Dol Arrah is having much difficulty adjusting to the relatively chaotic life on an adventurer. Although he is very blunt at times and still acts like a soldier, he never lets a fellow comrade fall in battle.

As for me, I'm a fairly easygoing RPer and officer of Tales of the Torchbearers and always willing to help someone out with what limited knowledge I can.

03-25-2012, 11:16 PM
Ormadil The Red- A Drow Archmage of considerable power, Ormadil fled from his home of Menzoberranzan using his arcane magics and landed in Xen'drik. Using his magic and considerable intelligence, he has made himself invaluable to the coin lords by creating magical items and creating a merchantile enterprise across xen'drik to increase their wealth and his own.

Aesanon The Orange- An elf and the older twin of Aedanon, Aesanon was raised with his brother in a monastery after they were abandoned there as infants. He quickly became a monk and a hatred of evil quickly grew in him. When the monastery was destroyed by devils, he vowed to travel and destroy evil wherever he found it.

Aedanon The Gray- An elf and the younger twin of Aesanon, Aedanon was raised with his brother in a monastery after they were abandoned there as infants. Unlike his brother, Aedanon became secular and spent his days sneaking away and enjoying his days in the surrounding countryside and wilderness. Bitten by the wonders of nature, after the monastery was destroyed by devils, he left his brother to find his own ways in the jungles of Xen'drik and wound spend the next several decades on his own before making his way to Stormreach.

Aelanon The Black- An elf and the eldest brother of Aesanon and Aedanon, Aelanon abandoned his brothers at a monastery to follow his own ways. A lone wolf by nature, he forsook blood ties with his people to follow the ways of the assassin. Coldly practical, he became well known in the last war for unwaivering loyalty for as long as he was paid. Former employers were known to suddenly become targets when their contract was up.

Faithwarden- A warforged juggernaut from the last war in Cyre, this warforged was heavily damaged in the blast that destroyed Cyre. With no memory, and no sense of purpose, this warforged was considered condemned and most likely to destroy itself by House Cannith, but they let it wander the world. For years it wandered before eventually making it across the sea to Stormreach. It eventually proved its makers wrong, and gained a sense of self. Angered beyond comprehension at the new form of slavery that trapped its brothers, it flew into a fit of rage. Now it stalks through Xen'drik, blessed with unknown divine powers and a hunger to free all warforged and uplift them to their proper place, though it has been halted and been confirmed to hate the Lord of Blades and in fact see it as a rival.

03-26-2012, 04:23 AM
Ashkaa (28 Point Build Level 20 True Neutral, actually "Lawful Evil" Drow Wizard): (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/ashkaa/) This character is influenced by the Australian TV series "Spellbinder". Spellbinders are the ruler elites of Spellbinders' Land, only they are allowed to research, gain knowledge, explore the world, and protect the weak ordinary villagers. Ashkaa, was one of the most intelligent (49 intel) Spellbinders but Jealous Regents betrayed her and made her prisoner in her own country. One day she escaped from the prison camp with an inter-dimensional boat to the Land of the Dragonlord, unfortunately 10 years old Dragonlord thought Ashkaa is an evil-witch and as a punishment he banished her in Necropolis, Xen'drik. Later Black Abbot rescued her, and trained her as his personal apprentice. Now, Ashkaa is an "Honorary Member of The Twelve", and she will do anything and everything to please the Lich God.

Aakash (28 Point Build Level 20 Lawful Good Human Paladin): (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/aakash/) This character is influenced by the TV series "Legends of the Seeker". Aakash is a true Seeker who was fighting against Lord Rahl and the D’haran army many centuries after the death of Richard Cypher. Unfortunately his Wizard of The First Order turned to a Lich of chaotic evil alignment and betrayed the Seeker, both Aakash and his Confessor (virgin lawful good archmage enchanter) got captured by Mord’Siths (beautiful female warriors with hide armor and vicious light mace weapon) and imprisoned in the Mord’Sith Temple. Confessor was badly injured by crossbow bolts while she tried to escape and later she died. Mord’Siths tried anything and everything possible to break or bend the Seeker but they failed. The more they tortured Aakash, the more he got used to with the zeal. At one point the zeal couldn’t hurt him at all. Lord Rahl thought that, it is impossible to train the Seeker, so he offered him a truce and his friendship. Aakash accepted it and according to the agreement D’haran forces will not attack any innocent people, and all of the Ministers, Generals, and other important people in Lord Rahl’s court will be elected by the vote of the people. In return the Seeker will take the role of Mord’Siths to defend Lord Rahl and D’hara, and seek out evils to smite with his Sword Of The Truth (i.e. Divine Vengeance). The Seeker will also revive dead D’haran soldiers with the breath of live (paladin redemption/raise dead) in case they die in a battle to protect Midlands. In fact Master Aakash The True Seeker Of Good is the first and only male Mord’Sith of Midlands. All other Mord’Siths call him ‘Master’.

Sardaar (32 Point Build Dwarf level 11 Rouge/1 Fighter of Chaotic Good alignment): (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/sardaar/) Sardaar is a Gangster not an ordinary thief! Some people call him a Don others call him an underground rebellious political leader but he really doesn't care. All he cares about is how to make jobs done! From his very childhood he backstabbed so many people that at this stage he's totally friendless, all he has is some really powerful contracts. Nobody has any clue about his whereabouts or what he is currently planning!

Tanveer (32 Point Build Level 7 Chaotic Good Dwarf Barbarian): (http://my.ddo.com/character/sarlona/tanveer/) Tanveer is a hero with a brave and strong body. He likes to eat and drink at the inn, and likes to dance or gossip with beautiful Halfling ladies. He's raised by rebels who stood up against the dark tyrants of Stormreach a.k.a. "Coin Lords". His family has a collection of different types of axes, which Tanveer likes to use to slay his enemies. A message to Tanveer's enemies, "never mess with a dwarf, you may end up crying!"

07-21-2012, 01:10 PM
Dont have time to type up a bio, but my character is Rythur One-Eye a veteran Barbarian. Shoot me a line in-game if youd like to RP, im not always available but, eh, usually i am.
And like the OP says remember to tune the RP channel, lets kick some life back into it aye?

07-21-2012, 01:52 PM
wrong quote *shakes fist at drug filled 80's* :)

07-21-2012, 08:46 PM
My character Draziax, a drow archmage has a quite interesting backstory. They were originally a spy from the Forgotten realms for the lords of dust, primarily Llolth. However, while travelling to eberron she had lost her memory. During the time it took them to regain it, they had become an entirely different person than who they once were, and did not want to harm eberron any further. So she joined the fight against the lords of dust and many other threats poised to strike against stormreach. The manner in which she regained her memory was quite traumatic, and she still has nightmare's on occasion of things she had done while a spy, though she won't say so herself.

07-24-2012, 12:23 AM
I'm just looking for people around my level to play with. If that means having to come up with a story line for my guy, so be it. He is my completionist, currently a level 2monk/ 4druid... a drunk! My dog is pretty kickass also. I am a VIP, so every quest is openable for me. If you want to group up, just contact me.

07-25-2012, 09:00 AM

07-25-2012, 08:19 PM
Dusair is a wizard who seeks always to do the right thing. Had he been born with a more physical or theological bent, he'd have probably become a paladin. As it is, he's clever... which led him into magic. He savors a puzzle more than a good meal, is fiercely loyal to true friends (of which he has few, since many have left Stormreach), and seeks learning far more than fame or fortune.

Hursk is the best thief in the world (in his mind). He has a very strict code of ethics that tends to work out well for employers and friends, and less well for the abusive rich or enemies who want to wreak havoc on the commonfolk. He's very much a man of the moment. Hursk is presently bored of Eberron and wishes to see a new horizon, but lacks the means to accomplish it. Maybe he could steal something from a mage that would transport him to a new world?

07-26-2012, 01:16 PM
Look you gold is just as good in my bag then in yours

I am from Gray hawk a different place then the world I am currently residing in. How I got here from there is a rather long and involved story involving wizards and dragons and other stuff. Lets just say my parents who had taken and espoused some very unpopular opinions in their merchants guild had made secret arrangements with a dragon that in the event of their assassination he would find someplace safe for me. From my understanding they had paid him in advance a considerable amount of gold and gems. Sure enough when I was 15 (about equal to a human child of 7 and a half) they were assassinated and the dragon although annoyed delivered. His last words to me were, "I am sending you to a place where the assassins can never find you. You have two hands and two feet. Make your own way because I am sending you there with no more then the clothes on you back because that is all that won't be destroyed in transit." Well I arrived with my pants and shirt. The hat, backpack and gloves didn't survive the trip.

on Serlona if ya see me

07-26-2012, 02:39 PM
"Some things are less influanced than what is put down on paper. Time can be twisted to ones own needs, but that is not what this story is about. This is about the beginning of the ending of a story. We start back in the age of formation, when Siberys and Khyber fought. Everyone knows this story, the formation of the world. Khyber's power was unmatched even by Siberys. Defeated, the broken body of Siberys was swallowed by Eberron becoming "The Dragon Above" while Khyber formed "The Dragon Below". Siberys then created the Dragons, Eberron the humanoids, and Khyber the demons. This is our past and soon to be a future. Think not of this story as a truth, but an interpritation of a belief. Fact or fake mean no never mind child, for the truth is in the eyes of those willing the listen. Decide for yourself what you believe and do as you wish with what you may know."

~~Kages Namida~Story of a Thought~~

07-26-2012, 03:34 PM
While I like roleplaying in p&p roleplaying games a lot I fail to see how it can be implemented in DDO. After all, you can not make any moral decisions that have any impact on the outcome of a quest.

Let's take the quest "Caged Trolls" as an example:

Now, let's say I enter the quest as a neutral good character. I fight those evil cultists (no problem there), and after a short time I see a troll that is obviously a captive of these evil cultists. As a neutral good character I'd say "well, trolls are usually evil, but it is obvious that this poor creature is a victim of the cultists." And yet I cannot free the troll, the only way to complete the quest is killing an abducted sentient creature.

So regardless of my character's alignment I can only "win" this quest by killing 2 kidnapped creatures, which could even be of a good alignment (I checked the 3.5 Monster Manual, trolls are "usually chaotic evil", meaning individual trolls can have different alignments).

In other words, I fail to see how roleplaying can be established in DDO, as the outcome of a quest doesn't depend on your moral decisions.

Unless you say that, in the above example, one character saying "these trolls deserve to die, they are evil!" and another character saying "It is sad these creatures have to die, but we have no choice" counts as roleplaying.

In other words: If you want to have a roleplaying experience, grab the rulebooks and make your own adventures! A friend of mine has a roleplaying group over a voip channel or somesuch, so apparently you don't need to have players living near you anymore these days (I still prefer my tuesday night roleplaying group, though).

07-27-2012, 11:53 AM
While I like roleplaying in p&p roleplaying games a lot I fail to see how it can be implemented in DDO. After all, you can not make any moral decisions that have any impact on the outcome of a quest.

Let's take the quest "Caged Trolls" as an example:

Now, let's say I enter the quest as a neutral good character. I fight those evil cultists (no problem there), and after a short time I see a troll that is obviously a captive of these evil cultists. As a neutral good character I'd say "well, trolls are usually evil, but it is obvious that this poor creature is a victim of the cultists." And yet I cannot free the troll, the only way to complete the quest is killing an abducted sentient creature.

So regardless of my character's alignment I can only "win" this quest by killing 2 kidnapped creatures, which could even be of a good alignment (I checked the 3.5 Monster Manual, trolls are "usually chaotic evil", meaning individual trolls can have different alignments).

In other words, I fail to see how roleplaying can be established in DDO, as the outcome of a quest doesn't depend on your moral decisions.

Unless you say that, in the above example, one character saying "these trolls deserve to die, they are evil!" and another character saying "It is sad these creatures have to die, but we have no choice" counts as roleplaying.

In other words: If you want to have a roleplaying experience, grab the rulebooks and make your own adventures! A friend of mine has a roleplaying group over a voip channel or somesuch, so apparently you don't need to have players living near you anymore these days (I still prefer my tuesday night roleplaying group, though).

I agree and I disagree.

Alright, I will use the quest "Caged Trolls" as an example myself;

So, the poor trolls are trapped and the party decides to free them and help them out.
They try to reason with the Troll, but he/she is too scared and terrorized to communicate fully.
The party members look at each other and discuss further what to do... In the end, they decide that to release the poor soul to gain some positive affection. The bars rise, and the Troll roars at them in a furious rage and attacks the group."You small ones trap me and torture me, now you die!" The troll shouts. Johan the human fighter decides that he has to protect the party, and he can only do that by killing the troll. He cleaves the skull of the troll and the beast is slain.

In the example above, the party members wanted to do something different, but the ravaging Troll left them no choice! This could have been solved differently, but the DM didn't like the Trolls and sent them at the party instead. You may not enjoy this kind of play, but we certainly do! :D The role play may also occur in taverns, where different events happens and characters share their stories.

By the way, who said anything about not creating your own adventure? I have held various D&D P&P campaigns over DDO with the fantastic '/roll command', so there is room for that as well. My old guild actually had a campaign for months over DDO, with two P&P events every week. You use quests, different spots in Stormreach and slayer areas for your stories.. Then let the players make their decisions. It sounds funky, but it works very well and it is highly enjoyable.

There is a lot more to it, but I'd like to avoid a wall of text here. I am open for discussion over private messages here or /tell in-game. Last; I fail to see why you decide to post here if you are not interested in RP on DDO, but just want to tell us that there is little to no point in it. :rolleyes:

Have a good day and happy roleplaying! :cool:

08-05-2012, 11:16 AM
Although I am a little new to the RP community I have started to learn fast! I am loving the RP thing.

Here are my Charaters:

Jeighsin - Halfling Rogue - Specializing in traps and locks. Was pronounced leader of the guild Disciples of the Silver Dragon.

Memolie - Elf Rogue - No real bio yet...but he does talk to inanimate objects from time to time for some reason.

Look forward to seeing everyone!

08-05-2012, 11:19 AM
Although I am a little new to the RP community I have started to learn fast! I am loving the RP thing.

Here are my Charaters:

Jeighsin - Halfling Rogue - Specializing in traps and locks. Was pronounced leader of the guild Disciples of the Silver Dragon.

Memolie - Elf Rogue - No real bio yet...but he does talk to inanimate objects from time to time for some reason.

Look forward to seeing everyone!

Welcome to the RP Community here. Remember to come to Sarlona Sul, great place to meet other RPers :D

08-20-2012, 10:43 AM
I'm VIP I can actually post here now.

Short History: Grimnal has been a part of the order of the god Dol Dorn since even before they left Stormreach 20 years ago. He watched as the current Captain of the Order rose through the ranks. Happy to stay in his chosen station as healer, all thought still longs for the combat that lead to his "spiritual awareness". Since he has been in the order for most of his life it has been a strain for the past 5 years. There was a strange reason why they didn't want him on the front line. Even when he appeared willing and able he would be ordered to stand down and return to the infirmary. He never disobey an order. When he heard that there was an expedition planned to go to back to Stormreach he volunteered to go. He needed a break from healing and looked forward to bashing in some skulls for a change. Even this act took every favored owed to him to get the authorization. ......more in game

If you ever need help questing, or new to RP or bored and want to rp I have been known to stop what I am doing and return to the tavern for a drink....as long as you dont ask me to drink a dirty kobold *BLECH*.

**Edit** Play time Fri & Sat 10ish pm - 2ish am (hey I have a family or I'd be on all the time :D )