View Full Version : The Newest Hardest Quest to Date?
02-27-2012, 10:01 PM
As I was blasting through the first quest in the new chain on elite on Ormadil with a group that was fairly free flowing, even without a cleric, I thought that much of the pack would be a breeze. I was rather painfully pointed out that that would not be the case in Servants of the Overlord. As I watched a group of rangers start to blast holes in many of my companions, I realized something. There was not a single enemy in that dungeon that was under a 25, which was the rangers that hit us for 40-60 damage per hit. For a L18 quest on elite, isnt it a little strange that the monsters would have such high CR? We made it to the end room and survived the first major fight, before getting wiped on the second. I honestly think that this quest might just be the new hardest quest to complete on elite at level. Even bypassing shroud.
Let the discussion begin!
02-27-2012, 10:18 PM
Any particular reason why you feel this way?
02-27-2012, 10:26 PM
It is definitely the hardest six-person Epic.
Try it again on a lower difficulty to learn the ropes. Refine your tactics, then try Elite again if it appeals to you. (Hint: Almost none of the mobs in the quest have much Elemental resistance. Look for no SR, no save spells that do a lot of elemental damage.)
And if you don't end up enjoying Elite or Epic - no big deal. Not every difficulty setting is for every player.
02-27-2012, 10:36 PM
It is definitely the hardest six-person Epic.
Try it again on a lower difficulty to learn the ropes. Refine your tactics, then try Elite again if it appeals to you. (Hint: Almost none of the mobs in the quest have much Elemental resistance. Look for no SR, no save spells that do a lot of elemental damage.)
And if you don't end up enjoying Elite or Epic - no big deal. Not every difficulty setting is for every player.
I thought that the disrupting the ritual opt was quite insane. The reavers spawned very quickly, and there is almost no way to stop and pull the lever before they overwhelm you. I did tate advantage of high elemental damage spells, though I did notice that the drow monsters were surprisingly overpowered for a race of reputedly low con warriors.
02-27-2012, 10:41 PM
I thought that the disrupting the ritual opt was quite insane. The reavers spawned very quickly, and there is almost no way to stop and pull the lever before they overwhelm you. I did tate advantage of high elemental damage spells, though I did notice that the drow monsters were surprisingly overpowered for a race of reputedly low con warriors.
The optional is very difficult above Hard, AFAICT. It is, however, optional.
The drow are generally almost killed by a 2-stack of Niac's or Eladar's on Epic. Incidental damage finishes them off. You can take the quest slowly, breaking line of sight, sneaking out to fire stacking DoTs at mobs, and if some of them come closer to you then you sick your pet melees onto them.
It was the Hezrou I found nastiest, but they are few and far between. Power Word Kill gets them unless you roll poorly on Spell Pen, and usually it's off timer when you need it next.
02-27-2012, 10:45 PM
The optional is very difficult above Hard, AFAICT. It is, however, optional.
The drow are generally almost killed by a 2-stack of Niac's or Eladar's on Epic. Incidental damage finishes them off. You can take the quest slowly, breaking line of sight, sneaking out to fire stacking DoTs at mobs, and if some of them come closer to you then you sick your pet melees onto them.
It was the Hezrou I found nastiest, but they are few and far between. Power Word Kill gets them unless you roll poorly on Spell Pen, and usually it's off timer when you need it next.
Good point. Perhaps it is best not to bother with them period. I agree on the Hezrou though. I always fled in terror as soon as I saw one of them. They tend to teleport right up to you and try to give even a hardened melee a one or two shot kill. As for the spell selection...Ormadil is sitting at L16 for this life, so perhaps I might need to spend a little more time out in the vale and get those last ranks filled up. I am curious however, to see the quest on epic.
02-28-2012, 03:53 AM
Hardest quest: Threnal Library
02-28-2012, 03:55 AM
I found all of them to be pretty easy even on epic which is the only setting I have run them on, none of the mobs do really exceptional damage and the saves are low all the way around if you can bypass the 45 SR the drow have. We ran it cold first time and just kind of ran around like idiots getting a completion easily. That being said I can see how a pug group could wipe in a few spots.
02-28-2012, 05:04 AM
I found all of them to be pretty easy even on epic which is the only setting I have run them on, none of the mobs do really exceptional damage and the saves are low all the way around if you can bypass the 45 SR the drow have. We ran it cold first time and just kind of ran around like idiots getting a completion easily. That being said I can see how a pug group could wipe in a few spots.
So you have no interest in the new named loot? Seeing as it is bugged and nothing is dropping on Epic. We got seals and shards on our Epic runs but not one named item, Elite however dropped lots of stuff.
02-28-2012, 05:54 AM
I haven't ran these on anything but epic yet, will have to try them on elite at level when my midbie gets there, or for named loot if I decide I need something before then. I did run through twice with guildies and friends on epic in very very arcane/divine caster heavy groups (2nd group was all casters if I remember right, 1st group had a monk and melee bard + casters)
The first quest was easier than I would expect of epic difficulty, so started out a bit disappointed as we were looking for more challenges.
The second quest was by far the hardest of the chain, our 1st run took awhile since noone knew where to go and we got a bit sidetracked with some optionals especially since the map is a tad confusing, 2nd run was much faster. One of the big fights was chaotic esp on the first run and can see how it could be a mess, especially in a group with more dependant melees you would def need some decent cc or something.
I enjoyed the last quest most out of the 3 as it was something a bit different :) and the boss looks cool!
We didn't see a single shard drop and only 1? seal. 3 or 4 scrolls dropped and Morfane didn't even hog them all :D
I saw some of the named items linked in channel chats, and some look interesting. Does anyone know if there is a list somewhere of base and or epic items yet? I failed to find one.
02-28-2012, 06:06 AM
Does anyone know if there is a list somewhere of base and or epic items yet? I failed to find one.
It's been compiled on Lamannia by Ovrad.
Link to the original post (, obligatory posts calling items trash - further in the thread.
02-28-2012, 06:10 AM
it is definitely the hardest six-person epic.
Try it again on a lower difficulty to learn the ropes. Refine your tactics, then try elite again if it appeals to you. (hint: Almost none of the mobs in the quest have much elemental resistance. Look for no sr, no save spells that do a lot of elemental damage.)
and if you don't end up enjoying elite or epic - no big deal. Not every difficulty setting is for every player.
02-28-2012, 06:11 AM
Hardest quest: Threnal Library
Pffft, did that yesterday, was easy!
02-28-2012, 06:48 AM
It's been compiled on Lamannia by Ovrad.
Link to the original post (, obligatory posts calling items trash - further in the thread.
02-28-2012, 06:58 AM
I found the first quest to be not too bad on epic, though the final boss hits for wicked damage.
The second quest was a quite fun and intense end fight. Bring a Bard, it's like eVoN3.
The third quest was a resource drain, but part of it was not being familiar with the quest and the use of the throwing weapon. The 20-30 fragment reward was also VERY insulting.
02-28-2012, 07:27 AM
The third quest was a resource drain, but part of it was not being familiar with the quest and the use of the throwing weapon. The 20-30 fragment reward was also VERY insulting.
Yes 30 fragments for that quest was way off the mark IMO, esp since the first one gave a full token.
We didn't have any resource issues in quest 3 as far as I am aware? and never got any use from the throwing wep, I only discovered it on our 2nd run near the end, and my wizard was useless as a thrower and never hit her when I was trying it out, will give it a better try next time. We did make good use of blade barrier and DoT spells tho :D
02-28-2012, 08:01 AM
Hardest quest: Threnal Library
You mean Binder rescue.
02-28-2012, 08:55 AM
On elite that quest is much easier if you have an arcane with a solid spell pen and enchant dc charming everything. We tried it with holds and blasting and just got overrun. Popped a cake after discussing strategy and decided to charm stuff instead and it was smooth as silk.
Rest of the quest (including the ritual disruption) is very easy with a decent enchanter. I've got low 30's spell pen and a 39-43 enchant dc (depending on ship buffs and consumables) and I could basically lock down the place at level 18 on elite.
02-28-2012, 03:21 PM
It was fun on epic. We really didn't have any issues in my guild run. The spider queen was a little bit of a pain for our healer....he went threw a decent amount of pots. Then instead of having a tank tank her...after we finished, we thought maybe it would be better to kite her around. :p Of course that was after the fact.
Side note, anyone know what attack the Spinner of Shadows attack is that does massive points of damage....i.e. killing my paladin with over 700 hit points in 2 hits? I quickly looked and thought it said demon something something. It only seemed to hit when I wasn't shield blocking and it didn't hit my guildie either, but he is true neutral.
02-28-2012, 03:30 PM
My group started out by kiting her, but that was a massive SP drain to take her HP down to spawn spiders. After that, we moved to tanking her inside the flame, and she would occasionally run off in fear.
The thrower did a form of debuff that really let us get some good damage on her, we ended up wasting too many so the melees had a bit more difficulty in taking her HP down.
She apparently has Rogue levels, so can now sneak attack and possibly crit you with the fort bypass things. Anyone tanking or kiting her would do well to have exceptional fort.
Toward the end, when all the Hezrou's started spawning, I ended up having to Blade Barrier kite everything just to try to control things a bit.
02-28-2012, 03:31 PM
I ran through the epics in sequence last night with a bunch of friends and guildies, moderately geared, after doing 1 run on hard to flower sniff. 1st quest I 2-manned with another melee and the others were 1 death each, 0 pots (I fell in the spikes in overlord and let a melee due in spinner because I wasn't paying attention). If that's not easy then I don't know what is. I think once people learn them they'll be comparable to VON epics in difficulty. I was actually rather disappointed that there were no nasty surprises on epic that wiped full parties.
02-28-2012, 03:47 PM
She apparently has Rogue levels, so can now sneak attack and possibly crit you with the fort bypass things. Anyone tanking or kiting her would do well to have exceptional fort.
I doubt it was that, I have a 150% fort on my guy.
02-28-2012, 03:50 PM
I ran it for the first time yesterday with three other first timers and two people who had done it before... we managed to have no deaths on elite. Do not think it is all that bad when done right
The spinner uses a very potent poison spell that does about 500 damage and can't be prevented/reduced. You'd do well to have someone with very high HP and intimidation tank her with a CCer on the platform to control Hezrous and a dedicated healer for the tank, while the other two members of the party go around killing spiders.
The spinner is weak to force damage, so magic missile and Lucid Dreams are very effective on her.
The 2nd quest is extremely hard on epic. Between the archers, the renders, the hezrous, and the huge waves of spiders which will cause alerts, you have your hands full.
02-28-2012, 10:51 PM
It was fun on epic. We really didn't have any issues in my guild run. The spider queen was a little bit of a pain for our healer....he went threw a decent amount of pots. Then instead of having a tank tank her...after we finished, we thought maybe it would be better to kite her around. :p Of course that was after the fact.
Side note, anyone know what attack the Spinner of Shadows attack is that does massive points of damage....i.e. killing my paladin with over 700 hit points in 2 hits? I quickly looked and thought it said demon something something. It only seemed to hit when I wasn't shield blocking and it didn't hit my guildie either, but he is true neutral.
You probably got hit with the the greater Demon Venom. And I decided to try a different venue and run epic on my monk, and I did notice that things went much smoother on epic. I have confirmed though that kiting the Spinner is easiest. And I even discovered a nice kiting method that works beautifully.
02-28-2012, 10:57 PM
New quests hard? No... Tedious? Yes
02-29-2012, 12:02 AM
As I was blasting through the first quest in the new chain on elite on Ormadil with a group that was fairly free flowing, even without a cleric, I thought that much of the pack would be a breeze. I was rather painfully pointed out that that would not be the case in Servants of the Overlord. As I watched a group of rangers start to blast holes in many of my companions, I realized something. There was not a single enemy in that dungeon that was under a 25, which was the rangers that hit us for 40-60 damage per hit. For a L18 quest on elite, isnt it a little strange that the monsters would have such high CR? We made it to the end room and survived the first major fight, before getting wiped on the second. I honestly think that this quest might just be the new hardest quest to complete on elite at level. Even bypassing shroud.
Let the discussion begin!
These quests were a bit challenging to solo on elite, but by far not the hardest elite quests to solo. The optional was challenging, and I struggled a bit until I came up with a decent strategy.
I can only imagine a good party has a lot less difficulty. I'd rate them above sins elite and below new invasion elite, for example.
I found the third quest far more difficult to solo.
02-29-2012, 12:05 AM
Hardest quest: Threnal Library
I agree. There is no quest I fear more.
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