View Full Version : Missile weapon bonus vs. Missile bonus

02-27-2012, 12:49 PM
So I'm aware that bonuses between missiles and missile weapons don't stack, what I'm wondering about is bonuses from abilities - bane weapons and righteousness specifically. Say I've got a +1 bow of righteousness and some +2 arrows and I'm attacking an evil creature, what's my final enhancement bonus going to be? +3 or +4?

02-27-2012, 01:05 PM
Enchantment total is +2. That is coming from your arrows.
Your total to hit will be +4. (total using only what you have listed.)

02-27-2012, 01:31 PM
Well all right, then how about a bane weapon? Righteousness says that it gives +2 attack and damage and you're saying that the damage bonus doesn't apply to missile weapons which... that sounds like a bug, but all right. Bane weapons, however, say that the weapon's effective enhancement bonus is higher.

So given the same situation but using a +1 bow of undead bane, does the +2 bonus from the bane apply to the bow, giving +3 total, and the +2 on the arrows gives no benefit?

03-01-2012, 12:08 PM
I need to come back to this, I did a little experimenting with a few different crossbows and +4 bolts.

+4 crossbow lists as +24 to-hit in my inventory, gives +24 on rolls at range and +25 up close (from point blank shot)

+1 crossbow lists as +21 in my inventory (despite the bolts), gives +22 on rolls at range and +23 up close

+4 crossbow of righteousness lists as +24 and gives the same as the non-righteous +4 bow against both evil and non-evil enemies

These numbers don't make any sense. I also have occasional to-hit numbers that are bizarrely high, I assume from some bonus that I'm not aware of. Testing damage would be more difficult, since they don't give you your rolls for that, but maybe I'll do that later. In the meantime, any further explanations that anyone has to offer would be appreciated.

03-01-2012, 12:13 PM
IIRC known issues list says righteousness not working properly on some weapons. On my phone right now or I'd go find it for you

03-01-2012, 12:26 PM
Well all right, then how about a bane weapon? Righteousness says that it gives +2 attack and damage and you're saying that the damage bonus doesn't apply to missile weapons which... that sounds like a bug, but all right. Bane weapons, however, say that the weapon's effective enhancement bonus is higher.

So given the same situation but using a +1 bow of undead bane, does the +2 bonus from the bane apply to the bow, giving +3 total, and the +2 on the arrows gives no benefit?

Who said that the damage bonus doesn't apply (baring a bug)? I gave you how much total bonus + you would do as well as how much the enhancement bonus would be.

Rule of thumb in DnD is that same name bonus don't stack, only the highest applies.

As for "occasional to-hit numbers that are bizarrely high" You get a bonus for standing still and attacking. +0/+0/+5/+10 for your attack cycle.

In pen and paper you only got an additional attack for every +5 BAB you had after your first +1. DDO doesn't follow that.
BAB of 0 means you get two attacks.
BAB of 1 means you get three attacks.
BAB of 3 means you get all four attack cycle.
