View Full Version : Templar
02-27-2012, 07:15 AM
Templar is actively scouting out new talent.
Eligibilty for joining Templar
If you are interested in joining us simply look for our LFM's. We do have a screening process so if you don't get an immediate response or "accept" through the outstanding request panel it's because a member is looking at your my ddo or will send you a couple of responses with questions. Should you be accepted into our groups myself or another officer will be watching your actions should it be healing, casting, or simply your dps build. Also members that you may already be aquainted with may bring it to our attention for eligibility on joining us, We will usually send you an invite with a personal voucher from a long time member at the officer's discretion.
Policies and Procedures
When in Templar do what your supposed to do and do it well.
Listen and communicate with guildies effectively.
Be self sufficient, however it's understandable to not be able too solo or zerg
everything in the game by yourself so if you need help with flagging, raiding, or questing say something and myself or a fellow guildie will be appointed to help you accordingly.
Not a hand holding guild but also falls back on the guideline above.
Think for yourself.
Set goals for yourself meaning work towards your end game gear because Templar is driven on what end game content we have now.
Raid when a good majority of other guildies are online this is because there are no scheduled times for raiding or mandatory meetings for guild members.
Use our TS server when required "the only time required would be for raiding" for those of you not familiar with this feature we will be glad to explain when the time comes.
Have thick skin this one is important because we like to joke with each other never forget this one, if you don't like what someone has said or you feel it was insulting. Then talk to myself or one or the other officers and we will take action.
If the majority of the guild is in party then raid loot may be passed to fellow Templar for whoever may need the loot as part of end game gear or it may be put up for roll for other Templar accordingly, Some may see this as not fair for pugs but it is a necessary action. Besides lifes not fair.
When setting up grouping through LFM's use a effective screening process new such as my ddo, sending tells asking if they know it, dr breakers or whatever it may be.
You will have access to our raid channel so use it accordingly.
This long boring list is over now, however we do take the game serious, so serious in fact i consider Templar a business but always remember that this is still a game. For those of you still interested in us i look forward to seeing you all in game. Cheers!
02-27-2012, 08:54 AM
so serious in fact i consider Templar a business (
02-27-2012, 09:59 AM
in the wayward lobster
great new sig though :D
02-27-2012, 07:37 PM
Shadow, you inbred hillbilly. There's already a Templar recruit thread -_-
Move your post, derp.
02-27-2012, 09:08 PM
Shadow, you inbred hillbilly. There's already a Templar recruit thread -_-
Move your post, derp.
Third %$#@! country thread's don't count mines better. I was and still am wearing high socks btw lol ;)
02-27-2012, 10:42 PM
02-27-2012, 11:26 PM
Sorry, can i ask if this is a perma death group?
And as for hand holding do you mean like not helping people out?
Another question i have is during raids, do you require members to listen and speak, or can they just listen and type?
1. No, we're not PD. End game raiding and epics make PD very hard to pursue.
2. You're coming from the wrong angle in regards to no hand-holding. No hand-holding doesn't mean you don't help out party members if you are able to. No hand-holding means you don't walk into a quest EXPECTING to be carried through by your team mates; that you will do what it takes to keep yourself alive and contributing to the party's success.
3. In Templar, the guildies who type instead of talk are referred to as "Canadians". You don't want to be a Canadian... That being said, they're still in the guild and they still raid with the guild.
02-27-2012, 11:37 PM
02-28-2012, 12:47 AM
There's always going to be new quests and raids, and we as a guild like to learn them. It's not a requirement that you know all the raids/quests by heart on your first run through. You are expected, however, to be smart enough to know your role and how to contribute effectively. Learning a quest through ROTE deminishes a person's ability to react, so we prefer smart players who can handle the "oh-****" moments, when things don't go 100% to plan.
If you're interested in joining, send any Templar members a /tell and we'll fill you in with our Teamspeak server details. Generally, you hang out on the teamspeak server, hear our inane rants, run quests with us and from there you can decide if you like hanging out with the crew and if the crew think you're a positive addition.
As for guild affiliation - that's in a constant state of flux. Some guilds are auto-accept, some are auto-decline. Generally, other guilds don't have much of a bearing on our questing and raiding. I don't mean to come off arrogant, but currently there aren't too many guilds on Cannith that can raid like we can. ATCZ and Ordo come to mind - and we don't mind raiding with them every now and again, so it's all good.
02-28-2012, 02:37 AM
No hand-holding means you don't walk into a quest EXPECTING to be carried through by your team mates; that you will do what it takes to keep yourself alive and contributing to the party's success.
Awww.. no more ToDs for my gimp ranger I guess :(
02-28-2012, 03:09 AM
02-28-2012, 06:56 AM
Yep that was quite the claim :D
02-28-2012, 09:23 PM
Bumping to the top.
02-29-2012, 07:42 PM
and if you do get accepted don't do the following.
Come into the channel and talk non stop.
Ask everyone for stuff.
Insult or not listen to another guild member ... he may just be the old guild leader .... and yes he may instant kick you ...(lolz did happen)
You need time to absorb all things Templar ... with Hellcloud back .. some absorbing may take longer than others.
02-29-2012, 08:05 PM
and if you do get accepted don't do the following.
Come into the channel and talk non stop.
Ask everyone for stuff.
Insult or not listen to another guild member ... he may just be the old guild leader .... and yes he may instant kick you ...(lolz did happen)
You need time to absorb all things Templar ... with Hellcloud back .. some absorbing may take longer than others.
Why log into TS if no one is going to talk? /Kick :rolleyes:
03-01-2012, 05:18 PM
03-06-2012, 07:46 AM
Just some more questions that came to mind..
Guild many people are on typically everyday? And what is a standard timezone you guys hold raids? Is there a standard raid you'd do as a guild everyday?
Is greeting people when they logged on expected? Or can you just log on and do your own thing, etc..
Is this a "close-knit guild" where everybody knows everyone in the guild, etc and know each other irl?
Thanks, that is all for now.
Since no one of the big guys answer ya, I'll give it a shot..
The guild is pretty active... depends on timezones.
Most of the guys play at EST evening - I think I'm the only GMT-based, so I'm about to get fired from work due to last night runs... :P I know there's a weekly elob - but I never make it.
Greeting people is always welcome, and 95% of the dudes are welcoming when they log in - checking if there's anything going on. But, few are just logging in and mind their own stuff / doing TRs over and over... *wink* *wink*... which this is very noticeable, and not an accepted way for this guild ----- and if I may say, you should have at least 1 or 2 capped toons in order to run stuff with the guild.
Most of the guildies dont know personal RL info about each other - some do - and some dont - not even RL names. So the answer is no - while there's a chance you get to know some personal info about a guildie from some conversation...
Anotehr point that should be mentioned, we sometimes talk **** to each other.. in a respectful way... just for fun - this doesnt mean you should start curse everyone on your 1st week in guild.
When you get to know someone - you'll know how and when you can talk which stuff.
03-10-2012, 01:44 AM
Don't forget about the "Standard Templar Greeting" whenever you join the TS3 channel:
(in your creepiest pedo-voice): "Heyyyyyyy buuuuuuuuuuddies....."
03-10-2012, 05:21 PM
(in your creepiest pedo-voice)
I never see a different from your regular voice when you say that... really.
03-11-2012, 04:48 PM
i never see a different from your regular voice when you say that... Really.
04-01-2012, 12:09 PM
I'm back, Templar is on the rise again to the top. However we are working on more raids everyday and grinding out gear by running epic quests, any necessity for the guild and to be absolutely nothing but the best at what we do. for any inquiries about further sought out recruitment feel free to shoot me a tell in game or pm here.
04-01-2012, 03:46 PM
I'm back, Templar is on the rise again to the top. However we are working on more raids everyday and grinding out gear by running epic quests, any necessity for the guild and to be absolutely nothing but the best at what we do. for any inquiries about further sought out recruitment feel free to shoot me a tell in game or pm here.
Glad to see you came to your senses! You should have asked me *why* I gave you the welcome I did!
Now get out there and be active Shadow!
04-02-2012, 07:28 AM
Glad to see you came to your senses! You should have asked me *why* I gave you the welcome I did!
Now get out there and be active Shadow!
I never thought to ask, however im glad i woke up too. :D
04-02-2012, 09:53 AM
What a quick turn around Shadow lol
04-02-2012, 02:39 PM
A man is allowed to change his mind.
Not sure about shadow though.... :D
04-03-2012, 02:38 PM
What a quick turn around Shadow lol
Greebles couldn't have said it better, I woke up and came to my senses.
04-04-2012, 01:05 PM
I'm back, Templar is on the rise again to the top. However we are working on more raids everyday and grinding out gear by running epic quests, any necessity for the guild and to be absolutely nothing but the best at what we do. for any inquiries about further sought out recruitment feel free to shoot me a tell in game or pm here.
Glad to see you came to your senses! You should have asked me *why* I gave you the welcome I did!
Now get out there and be active Shadow!
You and I both know that you want to say you have been a guildie of mine, now that are able to say that you backed off again because I'm just too awesome for you ;)
I wish you the best with templar man and when I get back into full swing again I know where to find you!
04-04-2012, 01:27 PM
You and I both know that you want to say you have been a guildie of mine, now that are able to say that you backed off again because I'm just too awesome for you ;)
I wish you the best with templar man and when I get back into full swing again I know where to find you!
Haha while it was short it was cool you guys are great and you need to hurry up and swing this way towards Templar! ;) "Summons Gold Seal Hireling" Reizals.
04-04-2012, 02:05 PM
What does that mean? Well Shadow your daddy here says welcome back! I told you "fill in the blank" you were missed you hillbilly. Guess that makes me one too eh since I am your DADDY! Ok enough of that!
To potential fellow recruits:
Please read our guild rules. Please contact any officer in our guild if you have interest in joining Templar. We have been around for years. Please have thick skin, and don't take things too **** seriously, unless I say so :)
In Templar we help each other out, have a good time doing it, and run tons of end-game content. We are helped out at times from our friends from other guilds, and we reciprocate in return.
Forget what some out there say about us! We are all really like little baby bunnies, HARMLESS! Well, I am not, but meh! Seriously though! We have to run with you to get to know you, or know you, and then any officer can invite you to the guild. Don't join just for the ship, don't join to have us help you get geared then leave, and finally give back what you get. If that means you get a verbal smacking by one of us (always friendly with a few bite marks included), or if we say give you end game scrolls etc. It is expected at some time for you to return the favor.
Feel free to hit me up if you have questions about Templar or are interested in running with us! Except one person and you know who you are. You are on eternal ban from anything I ever run! EVER! You lying, misrepresenting drama queen!
Krylor, Lauralinn, Ciinder, Thorriin, Hunii, Holdiin
04-04-2012, 02:22 PM
Except one person and you know who you are. You are on eternal ban from anything I ever run! EVER! You lying, misrepresenting drama queen!
Awww man! but I said I'm sorry!
Can I please have a seco-, err, 100,000,000,004th chance?
04-04-2012, 02:43 PM
You lying, misrepresenting drama queen!
Ooh, Do tell? Ill ask in TS later :confused:
04-05-2012, 07:10 AM
Ooh, Do tell? Ill ask in TS later :confused:
It was me. That's why I quit the game... I'm such a drama queen <_<
04-05-2012, 11:20 AM
It was me. That's why I quit the game... I'm such a drama queen <_<
Thought you quit because you turned into an elitist who RAGE tr'd all his toons and had nobody to play wiff. ;)
04-05-2012, 05:37 PM
Thought you quit because you turned into an elitist who RAGE tr'd all his toons and had nobody to play wiff. ;)
Nah, that was part of my Drama-Queen-iness... <_<
04-11-2012, 11:13 PM
Nah, that was part of my Drama-Queen-iness... <_<
Snarfle, Come back to ddooooooooooooooohh zecks!. All the good players are leaving the game and the current ones rarely play anymore, Hope Motu is good!
04-11-2012, 11:46 PM
04-12-2012, 07:15 AM
04-12-2012, 09:58 PM
Snarfle, Come back to ddooooooooooooooohh zecks!. All the good players are leaving the game and the current ones rarely play anymore, Hope Motu is good!
Nah, I going to spend more time working on my permadeath toon on another MMO - you might know it, it's called Life. Great gfx and zero lag, but the grind is horrible. Takes a year just to level up, and instead of getting stronger with each level, at a certain stage you actually start losing stats - like memory... or bladder control... still, it's pretty awesome at times :P
04-12-2012, 10:43 PM
Great gfx and zero lag
Your machine must be monstrous; I keep getting these lag spikes mid party and end up getting knocked out somehow. When my character comes to, I've lost stats, I'm usually down some money and I may have rude things written on me.
Don't even get me started on the graphics...
04-13-2012, 09:57 AM
Nah, I going to spend more time working on my permadeath toon on another MMO - you might know it, it's called Life. Great gfx and zero lag, but the grind is horrible. Takes a year just to level up, and instead of getting stronger with each level, at a certain stage you actually start losing stats - like memory... or bladder control... still, it's pretty awesome at times :P
Multi-Task! you can do both i know you can...
04-13-2012, 10:18 AM
Your machine must be monstrous; I keep getting these lag spikes mid party and end up getting knocked out somehow. When my character comes to, I've lost stats, I'm usually down some money and I may have rude things written on me.
Don't even get me started on the graphics...
Graphics keep fading out. Swear I lose connection some times for like no reason at all. Pain feedback needs turned down in volume.
The drunk effects are nice though...
04-13-2012, 10:26 AM
3. In Templar, the guildies who type instead of talk are referred to as "Canadians". You don't want to be a Canadian... That being said, they're still in the guild and they still raid with the guild.
Does this mean you refer to people who are loud/obnoxious over mic as "Americans"?
04-14-2012, 05:27 PM
on another MMO - you might know it, it's called Life.
Pfft. I quit this game years ago.
04-14-2012, 11:37 PM
Does this mean you refer to people who are loud/obnoxious over mic as "Americans"?
Pretty much.
04-15-2012, 08:48 PM
Pfft. I quit this game years ago.
Oh, then can I have your stuff?
04-16-2012, 03:19 AM
Oh, then can I have your stuff?
Sure u can!
Be ready to get a stack of bills...
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