View Full Version : 0 Mournlands, 0 stun hard LoB, lil personal milestone

02-26-2012, 02:32 PM
Was just a hard and not an epic, but achieved something I hoped to do since last time tanking hard LoB had one mournlands debuff and 1 stun, got both down to zero. Can't prove it in a screenshot, but w/e, not trying to brag, just happy about this personal milestone.

Did it with Drawlton, a kensei/ninja build that keeps his enhancements at defender most of the time these days since the update that changed defensive stance, since raids more often need a tank than a bit more damage from an off-tank. Don't have shield bash, since its a stun/handwraps build, so have to choose between blocking and attacking.

Special thanks to Remiee, who did something I hope to see more of: he made a pair of flametouched iron weapons, one imp cursespewing gcb, one cursespewing (which reportedly stacks with imp cursespewing, not sure if that has been changed) of imp destruction. I think that much of a debuff is also better than a bit more damage.