View Full Version : Solo Tempest Spine Elite, lvl 13 (7 Rgr / 6 Arti)

02-19-2012, 10:43 AM
Solo Tempest Spine Elite, lvl 13 (7 Rgr / 6 Arti)


It took 90 minutes coz I was trying to do all optionals and bonuses. Also got blown off 3x. Wish I'd done it at lvl 12 on streak as I first wanted to, but I already had more than enough exp to level up then...

Also, I'm pure F2P (Free to Play) account. TRed twice. Farmed Artificer by buying Secrets of the Ancients pack (free TP from favor) + grinded Cannith Challenges via free daily tokens. I don't really have "uber" gear or buffs like Yugo pots, really just Lit2 GS Hvy Repeater + 2 GS accessories (one even Tier 2 only).

Maybe I'll try it again, won't do optionals and cut it down to 45 mins or something.

02-19-2012, 09:11 PM
Tried it again, got it down to 45 minutes only.

No "purge mountaintop" optional, but I did go for all other optionals and traps (I need the exp) and chests (I want the guild renown =D).

I didn't get blown off this time. Learned from first run to simply put my back to stairs/wall and tower Sor'jek from there.



02-19-2012, 09:55 PM
nice, you've inspired me, I'm going to try this on my lvl 12 arty/ranger for the BB. Tempest Spine isn't a quest I think about soloing much.

02-20-2012, 04:21 AM
Tempest Spine isn't even hard to solo, i did it on a couple lives myself, since most enemies are as hard/weak as any elite mob in a 2-manned elite dungeon. Intelligence and open lock/knock are needed to get the doors, deathblock and trap skills are helpful. The only real difficulty is Sor'jek on the end fight especially with his blowing attack which might require some patience and being careful.

02-20-2012, 07:52 AM
I'll agree to a certain degree - Tempest Spine Elite isn't really hard to solo.

I've done it 3x now, the only parts I might have really died is in some places when giants do an Otto's Irresistable Dance on you and you're being swarmed by mobs (e.g. Lair of Fire and Ice when you're rushing to kill the Fire Reaver/Ice Flenser). Sor'jek is a pushover aside from his push-you-off-the-ledge trick. Otherwise, rest of quest is not really hard.

I actually found soloing Von3 Elite a bit more challenging simply because of end boss red-named beholder which is unusually high AC, stat-helpless proof and kept doing de-level numbers on me. (Of course it would have been way easy if I was Warforged. Also, end boss Inevitable was a pushover - for ranged DPS.)

But hey, this is Tempest Spine - usually the first Raid of most people, particularly the Free to Play players. Alot of F2P players would have gone in a PUG, no "uber" equips, likely no/poor ship buffs. I remember (way) back when I first did Tempest Spine and parties were still being wiped out by this raid... :D