View Full Version : Epic Time is money cloud giant broken?

02-09-2012, 08:08 PM
I've been running level 25 time is money, and every single time the cloud giant is around he does not aggro at all. Furthermore, he is an ENORMOUS bag of hitpoints and does no real damage to you.

Devs, is this what you guys intended? A gigantic mass of hitpoints that does not aggro on anything but kobolds? What a pain he is. There's nothing difficult about him, he's just a pillar of hitpoints that aggros on kobolds.

02-09-2012, 08:22 PM
He doesn't seem to have any recognizable aggro patterns at all - he randomly aggroes on some kobold, then starts shooting at another, then he runs up to me and whacks me a few times, then runs off and starts swinging at kobolds. All the while I'm triple dotting and polar raying him. Weird stuff.

And as for his HP, I'd rather not think about that.

02-09-2012, 08:25 PM
It's not just the Epic version. He pretty much ignores normal patterns of aggro at every level. Same with the Lich in Extraplanar mining... he hates Kobolds more than the guys killing him.

02-09-2012, 08:36 PM
From day one he has been like this and I think he used to be bigger.

I haven't tried him at L25.

Quite often when I've fought him, I've shrined in the middle of the fight and got more time from the Foreman.

Maybe he is a DPS tester.

02-10-2012, 12:41 PM
It does seem a bit off. I'm hoping that the devs just didn't fully test the scaling on some of the bosses. Even on level 21 solo, it can take well over 2 minutes of pure beatdown on a well geared toon to take this boss down. It doesn't get any better by adding more party members as scaling kicks in and boosts his hp. I've done the run with Durnak as a two man group and I just can't imagine why the boss is the way he is.

So a few questions for the devs

1. Is the boss supposed to be defeatable in a reasonable amount of time? Are we intended to kite/distract him instead? Level 25 two man, extremely well geared melee are taking upwards of 3 - 4 minutes of pure beatdown to defeat him. Obviously the rest of the challenge goes to crud if you focus all your attention on one mob.

1a. If kiting/distracting is the preferred method of dealing with this boss, why is it we cannot establish aggro?

2. Is the boss intended to have infinite aggro on kobolds? The only time I can get his aggro is when no kobolds are around. Even the hate magnet buff does nothing.

3. Is the intention of this boss to cause an inevitable end to the challenge? Basically you get quota, then anything over quota becomes harder because of the cloud giant boss, eventually forcing you to stop once he nails enough kobolds (or freezes them in place just by being in proximity). I'm not saying that's a bad thing. It's the only logical purpose I can see to a boss with a bajillion hp, practically no offence, no possible player aggro and with a spawn related to quota.

4. Feel free to just replace this giant with the soon to be unemployed lich from extraplanar mining. The lich's hp actually are quite reasonable and the poor fellow needs a good home after U13.

02-10-2012, 12:50 PM
Why does "Cloud Giant" make me think of Google and Amazon?

02-10-2012, 01:57 PM
4. Feel free to just replace this giant with the soon to be unemployed lich from extraplanar mining. The lich's hp actually are quite reasonable and the poor fellow needs a good home after U13.

What's happening to the lich in update 13?

02-10-2012, 02:00 PM
What's happening to the lich in update 13?

Lich is gone, Marilith is back in. I've been farming extraplanar mining on live as much as I can right now on my monk. Once the Marilith is back in, I'll either have to bring a hireling to keep me healed or a caster friend to actually deal with it. The other option is to just wait on a ladder for 10+ minutes. So, yeah, not happy the lich is leaving, but there are just as many people that want the Marilith back so, meh.

02-10-2012, 02:04 PM
Lich is gone, Marilith is back in. I've been farming extraplanar mining on live as much as I can right now on my monk. Once the Marilith is back in, I'll either have to bring a hireling to keep me healed or a caster friend to actually deal with it. The other option is to just wait on a ladder for 10+ minutes. So, yeah, not happy the lich is leaving, but there are just as many people that want the Marilith back so, meh.

I hate that change... Just leave it as random. Melee can handle lich, casters can handle marilith... No idea why they are making easy just for casters.

(Ranged by the way can handle both easily - the lich is reisitant or immune to many elemental spell attacks, but not a cloud of manyshot arrows to the face!) :)

02-10-2012, 04:48 PM
I will agree though that the cloud giant take way too long to take down and his consistent kobold aggro is annoying. Hopefully it will change.

02-10-2012, 06:46 PM
It does seem a bit off. I'm hoping that the devs just didn't fully test the scaling on some of the bosses. Even on level 21 solo, it can take well over 2 minutes of pure beatdown on a well geared toon to take this boss down. It doesn't get any better by adding more party members as scaling kicks in and boosts his hp. I've done the run with Durnak as a two man group and I just can't imagine why the boss is the way he is.

So a few questions for the devs

1. Is the boss supposed to be defeatable in a reasonable amount of time? Are we intended to kite/distract him instead? Level 25 two man, extremely well geared melee are taking upwards of 3 - 4 minutes of pure beatdown to defeat him. Obviously the rest of the challenge goes to crud if you focus all your attention on one mob.

1a. If kiting/distracting is the preferred method of dealing with this boss, why is it we cannot establish aggro?

2. Is the boss intended to have infinite aggro on kobolds? The only time I can get his aggro is when no kobolds are around. Even the hate magnet buff does nothing.

3. Is the intention of this boss to cause an inevitable end to the challenge? Basically you get quota, then anything over quota becomes harder because of the cloud giant boss, eventually forcing you to stop once he nails enough kobolds (or freezes them in place just by being in proximity). I'm not saying that's a bad thing. It's the only logical purpose I can see to a boss with a bajillion hp, practically no offence, no possible player aggro and with a spawn related to quota.

4. Feel free to just replace this giant with the soon to be unemployed lich from extraplanar mining. The lich's hp actually are quite reasonable and the poor fellow needs a good home after U13.

Also, to add in an additional point:

Once the cloud giant spawns, regardless of his random spawn point, he beelines for the beginning. This seems to be a sort of behavior that had to be coded for, because his inability to aggro on anything doesn't seem consistent with him charging for the beginning every time.

02-13-2012, 12:27 AM
I can manage to pull this guys aggro on epic. He is a pain in the butt due to high hit points and immunities. Once he shows up, it is generally impossible to do anything but hang out near the start and slowly beat him down.

Although, I can grab his aggro he will not follow me too far. Typically I will pull him down toward the foreman. Forget a five star run if he appears.

02-14-2012, 03:28 PM
The Cloud Giant is annoying as....

I can dump my entire mana bar damaging him down on my sorc as he randomly goes around killing all the kobolds and the foreman (all were displaced and invis'd) and he would not chase me around the corner to try and draw him away from the foreman.. even when i tagged him well away from the front entrance he would aggro on a kobold well outside of any viewable range.

Only on one occasion I ran into him while scouting and was able to kite him away from the entrance to the other shrine area then kite him around til i could kill him down. man does he have a f... lot of HP ( on any difficulty).

Sounded like intimidate didnt even work to pull him away.

Got to the point where if he comes to the entrance I would head to another shrine rest up and exit out, reset and start over if I havent already acheved the quest objective.

02-14-2012, 05:57 PM
He got stuck once near the entrance when he was doing that stupid 'run away to shoot an arrow' thing. He ran into the wall near the very first two torches, got stuck and couldn't shoot anything and couldn't get out. It was all pleasant after that.

02-14-2012, 06:43 PM
Sounded like intimidate didnt even work to pull him away.

He pretty much ignores intimidate. He's not immune, and the icon will appear over his head, but most of the time he doesn't even bother to turn around, the rest you can hold him for less than a second before he goes back to the kobolds.