View Full Version : Sarlonian Trolls

02-09-2012, 04:58 PM
/rant on

Me, a lvl 8, 32-build, Divine Avenger Favored Soul, with a stack of cure critical scrolls , handful of cure serious wands and a crappy cure moderate spell, ventured into VON1 on elite - and because we did so well, then ventured into VON2 , also on elite (me for both being the healer).

Our Zerger of course could not wait for a full party (we had one or two drop off between VON1 and VON2 and even so, not all of us remaining were yet inside) and instead, plowed into Beholder #1 - just after the air bridge and close to the shrine - and of course died. I rushed over to help but our Beholder friend decided to cross the bridge, and promptly quelled my attempt to help.

At this point and still not a full party, already at least 2 of us are now without ship buffs and for me (imho), even lighter on healing than before.

The four or five of us finally group up and hit the ladder to take on the dogs.

Our Zerger buddy goes down 1st as does one other, and Zerger friend has the nerve to ask about my healing. Heck, by the time I got there the battle was already in full swing! While we're discussing the situation, another player joins the party and hearing our dialog, drops group - no sweat I guess.

However, said dropper engages me through IM and has no end of criticism regards the situation – I finally felt it necessary to squelch him (godz I haven’t done that in years - literally). Pointedly, and according to him, my mana bar wasn't low enough, insinuating that I was doing no healing when really, my primary healing mechanism was wands and scrolls that I was using to target multiple players with (don’t even get me started on our arcane party leader , later on, attempting to take out the Arcane Oozes with mana!).

Anyway, not really sure where I'm going here but we did eventually finish… and of course on the last fight, more players go down trying to avoid damage by running around the fountain – and of course out of my “healing” sight.

/rant off

02-09-2012, 05:13 PM
You have to learn the difference between zergers and noobs.

02-09-2012, 09:13 PM
You have to learn the difference between zergers and noobs.

You beat me to it!

02-09-2012, 10:17 PM
Real zergers don't need someone else to heal them. Intelligent players keep track of their positioning in regards to any healers they might be relying on. Heck these guys weren't even skillful noobs, because a skillful noob needs not rely on crutches like line of sight blockage to suicide through heals. I must conclude that these were players of subhuman intelligence.

02-09-2012, 10:20 PM
I wasn't online earlier, so I don't know what trolls were around. I'll check with the union, and get back to you later. K?

02-09-2012, 10:22 PM
Zergers don't fight the beholder after the air bridge. That is all.

02-09-2012, 10:48 PM
Zergers don't fight the beholder after the air bridge. That is all.
I thought a barrier imposed itself between the platform and the ladder up after this beholder?

Can you just ignore and jump past?

Always killed it so honestly don't know

02-09-2012, 11:49 PM
If you walk around on the ledge, it doesn't spawn.

Very handy for epic.

02-10-2012, 02:23 AM
I thought a barrier imposed itself between the platform and the ladder up after this beholder?

Can you just ignore and jump past?

Always killed it so honestly don't know

If you walk around on the ledge, it doesn't spawn.

Very handy for epic.

It is done like this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDYf0NVwFK4)

02-10-2012, 03:34 AM
And people wonder why there are so few available healers. I got fed up of this kind of attitude and TRed my cleric into another class just to avoid this kind of situation. Unfortunately, after a few months I got the healing itch again and rolled another cleric (level 11 at the moment), hoping that the player base had learned to love their healers after the dry spell we're experiencing. To no avail, I'm still taking a lot of **** because I don't heal out of range, out of LoS dudes. I'm just learning to stop caring about them and being fully dedicated to those happy few who choose to stay within range and appreciate what I do for them.

02-10-2012, 03:49 AM
If you walk around on the ledge, it doesn't spawn.

Very handy for epic.

It is done like this. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDYf0NVwFK4)

Many thanks both. Never knew you could do that :)

02-10-2012, 09:11 AM
So someone who wasn't even in the group was criticizing your healing? Just squelch the idiot and move on. You did the right thing.

02-10-2012, 04:39 PM
You have to learn the difference between zergers and noobs.

Noobs also have to learn that difference. Its hilarious when some of them get picked up by a great PUG full of real zergers who can handle themselves, and see the crazy pace at which they can complete quests. Then they get into another PUG with a buncha average players and try to plow at the same rate, get killed, then harp on the healer.

Its always someone elses fault too when they die isnt it? The healer should have had those robin hood men in tights style heal spells loaded, you know, the ones that you cast and they turn two corners to land on the person who needed the healing?

02-10-2012, 09:23 PM
Wow there are groups with healers?!? I must have been grouping with Ang and Thrann too long I thought healers were extinct :)

02-10-2012, 10:17 PM
lol - a day after I jumped into an elite Delara's, part 4 I think, with two Half-Orc barbarians.

They asked, "can you take care of yourself", well I think so I replied.

So they brought along two cleric NPC's to keep them up and before I even got inside, both were dead, along with one of their cleric pets. They'd run through the fire trap just before the double doors and all three were toasted good.

So I used my FVS RAISED DEAD clickie to bring one of them back up, and almost instantly, he goes down again, setting off the trap yet again - this time taking out the 2nd hired cleric... would have raised cleric instead but apparently , not high enough to resurrect.

With the BIG cooldown on said clickie I decided to wade through the trap and push onward - the lfm ws still up so I suppose there was still a chance.

So I buff up (little to no FVS buffs available at this point , as you know - then again guild lvl 75 ship buffs more than compensated), drank a HEROISM pot, HASTE pot, etc and plowed though the trap, barely scratched, grabbed the stones and moved into the main chamber.

I hit the 2nd switch on the left and plowed through the 2 or three undead relatively well.

Then I hit the stairs, the arcane skellies popped along with the wight... taking my time I battled said nasty wight under the stairs, held once, but succeeded in taking him down - on to the arcane skellies... no too big a deal and really at this point, barely dented my consumables.

However, seeing what was going on, one of the party members was inspired to purchase a rez cake and then, all hell broke loose... zerging through the poison trap and into the next round of undead, his health bar was going down fast - really, keeping him up was a challenge.

And without really recovering from that battle, he charges into the next battle, into the next two traps (cold and poison?) as well, swarmed by undead - it was just too much and we both went down.

As much as it was a fail, perhaps I should at least take pleasure in knowing it cost someone some turbine points : )