View Full Version : Is my toon bugged ?

02-04-2012, 07:11 AM
first of all: i don't know if this is the right section, if not please move it to another section... thanks in advance.


1 week ago i created a new toon on Orien server named ''raphaello ninja turtle'' with the strenght stat of 13 starting as rogue.


after some quests i noticed that doesn't works as i expected and i decided to reroll it complitely.
But my fault was to create a new toon (with a stat of 17 str this time) with exactly the same name ''raphaello ninja turtle''
Something of wierd is goin on ..since (now it's a 3rougue 2fighter) he doesn't hit much the mobs.
On the beginning i tought it was because he needs to increase the str again.
But now (i am lvl 5 now) he doesn't hit well again.

but the surprise became horror when in game today i opened the myDDO window and looking in the character sheet i noticed the OLD str value of 13 !!!!

what the... ??? O_o

pls tell me it's only a myDDO problem and not of the system who think that the new Raphaello is the old with the old str value.

02-04-2012, 07:16 AM
It's a MyDDO problem, it doesn't update correctly if you delete a character and create another with the same name.

02-04-2012, 07:18 AM
If I understand your post correctly:

1. MyDDO has some issues as far as deleting a toon and making a toon of the same name. In many cases it's been mentioned that the previous version of the toon is what is visible via MyDDO. So, the entry showing your character as it's previous version and not the current version is not related to your to hit issue.

2. A rogue is a 3/4 BAB (base attack bonus) class. Your to hit, without other bonuses available from buff sources (ship/heroism/weapons with and attack and damage bonus) will be lower at the early stages. The BAB of your character will raise with the use of buffs and levels. Not to mention better weapons. If you are also attempting to fight at early levels TWF style, you are giving yourself significant and crippling negatives in your to hit scores.

02-04-2012, 07:18 AM
You're probably carrying two weapons too, right?

02-04-2012, 07:29 AM
You're probably carrying two weapons too, right?

yes yes yes..

thank u guys.. i was really scared this time lol.

probably i must wait to increase the BAB since i just taken the power attack feat too.

two weapons fighting, oversized two weapons fighting, power attack and exotic weapon proficiency: kophlesh

5 level now.. he hits few times, but when he hits ..he punish well lol