View Full Version : Reward system for PvP match fights

01-24-2012, 02:11 AM
A crafting system using ingredients gained from PvP matchups.
That way people might actually PvP more, and learn to like it.

01-24-2012, 02:19 AM
No because it can be really exploitable.

01-24-2012, 02:35 AM
because there are way to many lowbies who wil get killed buy 1 spell so no..unless its against same lvl group...

01-24-2012, 06:59 AM
So people can just dual box and get whatever the items are? nah no thanks.

Maybe if PvP was really a part of the game and not just a blip of a sideshow then maybe....

01-24-2012, 07:57 AM
A crafting system using ingredients gained from PvP matchups.
That way people might actually PvP more, and learn to like it.

Not even...

Not til PvP has it's own server, and everyone is allowed a Wayfinderesque free transfer (permanent one-way) of whatever characters they want there.
Then ya'll can bork the game up on that server with PvPisms in any way ya want.

01-24-2012, 08:11 AM
if said resulting crafted items are useable in pvp only, and become greyed out/broken/unequiped as soon as you leave a pvp zone, then sure, am all for it.

But the second you try to make the broken 'rejects from counterstrike' pvp we have here a must-do to get stuff for pve? No. Never. Ever.

01-24-2012, 08:35 AM
...That way people might actually PvP more, and learn to like it.

as long as the crafted items remain PvP, maybe, but i'd prefer not to "learn to like it"

01-25-2012, 07:44 AM
PVP is its own reward.

01-25-2012, 07:56 AM
No, because I hate PVP and my opinion is the only one that matters (/sarcasm for those with low sense motive checks)

01-28-2012, 01:36 AM
PVP is fine how ddo has it.

PVP has destroyed a bunch of MMO's the main reason people leave mmo's is constant Nerf's that make you respec till you throw up. PVP in most mmos is the cause of nerf's due to one class being dominant at it for whatever reason.
Ddo is good all around currently my only problem with this game so far is LAG! if they fix that I will be so so so happy and I bet i will finally be able to get some of my friends to join this game.

01-28-2012, 02:19 AM

01-30-2012, 07:34 PM
/not signed

04-16-2012, 12:25 PM
PVP is its own reward.

i agree completely, leader boards, rewards etc. can all easily be exploited. pvp has never and never will need any type of reward system. except the occasional **** necklace.

04-16-2012, 12:29 PM
/not signed

A leader boards system would be nice for pvp players, but pvp should not influence the rest of the game in any way shape or form.

04-16-2012, 12:37 PM
No, because I hate PVP and my opinion is the only one that matters (/sarcasm for those with low sense motive checks)

If you lowered your sarcasm shield a bit you might see the point about exploitability. 2 boxing FTW.

04-16-2012, 12:39 PM
No because it is as some else said very exploitable and for other reasons that have been said before

04-16-2012, 01:14 PM
/not signed

A leader boards system would be nice for pvp players, but pvp should not influence the rest of the game in any way shape or form.

mine was NOT a suggestion to add a leader board. leader boards are allways broke jokes. but something like a string of ears would be cool. something that did nothing except display the name of the dead player of whom it came from..

04-16-2012, 02:20 PM
1 word.


If people can take the initiative to farm thousands and thousands of kills on some xbox game, imagine what you could do in real life time not having to refind a server and load er up?

Any rewards worth having would ultimately make the pve equivalent null and void.

Then theirs the economy aspect. I'm sure as soon as it happened people would advertise, I'll let you kill me for cash lol.

Ive seen where try and implement this good gear for pvp. A couple of games that are solely pvp based in instanced matches still just screwed it up. I really don't think a pve game can ever be really a pvp in any form without combining the 2 much like rallos on eq1. And even then that takes a certain player base because all it really is, is a pvp server to troll anything.

lotr has this whole monster pvp sub game. Head over there and feel what real p's v p is.

04-16-2012, 03:50 PM
1 word.


Yeah, the games that use factions and prevent direct communication combined with open instances can control for this pretty well. DDO doesn't (and shouldn't) have this kind of thing.

Just *maybe* if they could engineer a "battleground" server that could pit server vs. server and, therefore, prohibit communication with a permanent PvP flag against other server players then, well, maybe that could work. I'm not sure there would be enough interest in that...maybe as an event? Sounds like a lot more work would be required that it would be worth.

Server v Server PvP sounds like it could be fun to do once in a very great while. Maybe server rewards for winning. XP, loot bonuses for a couple of days. Again, though, no idea what that would take to setup.

04-16-2012, 05:42 PM
lotr has this whole monster pvp sub game. Head over there and feel what real p's v p is.

nonono REAL PVP HERE. (http://www.pogo.com/marketing/landing/lp-chess-mt.jsp)

no rly what is thie REAL pvp business people throw out.....

if you want Real pvp in an rpg then go duel in diabloii lod hardcore(permadeath).

i dont see any reason to go anywhere else to pvp when very simple lines of programing could make ddo perfectly viable.

04-16-2012, 06:07 PM
There should never, ever be PvP only rewards in DDO because as soon as there are people will scream for PvP balance among classes. It works now because a) it's rock, paper, shotgun and b) no one cares that it is.

That is all,

04-16-2012, 06:57 PM
cracks me up how pvp brings out so much anger among ddo'ers. not sure why that is but imo ddo lends itself to the best pvp game out there if they would put some time into it. the fact that you can customize your build like no other game makes pvping a fun idea. unfortunatly the pvp enviroment in this game is terrible. need to open it up so every class can use every tactic available in fights and have to go in on certain levels like 1-4, 5-8 and so on.

as far as getting rewards for pvp ya that might make it easy to exploit. should be someway for incentives but not sure really what that would be. i kind of think it is sort of fun just to go over to wayward on friday nights and have at it the way it is. usually pretty busy on fridays.

04-16-2012, 08:00 PM
Want a reward for pvp? Join Congo Bowl and win your reward.

04-16-2012, 08:47 PM
i looked and those rules..... nty. what's the point with no blur items? those rules... ummm. just.... no :)

04-16-2012, 09:41 PM
i looked and those rules..... nty. what's the point with no blur items? those rules... ummm. just.... no :)

to understand what the point with no blur items u need to under stand what blur does.

once you understand what blur does then you would know the point of removing blur items.

04-16-2012, 11:31 PM
to understand what the point with no blur items u need to under stand what blur does.

once you understand what blur does then you would know the point of removing blur items.

does it do something besides what it says it does?

04-16-2012, 11:55 PM
Why no? This idea is brilliant if we can go back to street fighting like it was in Beta.

Just pure raw talent. Any one with ship buffs cannot street fight.

I like this idea and it brings back our roots.

04-17-2012, 12:34 AM
/Not signed. Currently PvP in DDO is quite alright. If attracting more people in the PvP is the issue then I would suggest make the fights level and class specific. That would solve the problem.

04-17-2012, 11:30 AM
making fights class specific. how would you code for that? a wizard is just as likly to be an AA as much as any helf anything else. far too complicated.

04-17-2012, 11:40 AM
PVP is its own reward.


... the fact that you can customize your build like no other game makes pvping a fun idea. unfortunatly the pvp enviroment in this game is terrible. need to open it up so every class can use every tactic available in fights...

So the benefit to being able to customize your build is to make all classes the same thing with different skins? No thanks.

If you want to improve your build, take a break from the PvP pits and do some questing.

04-17-2012, 05:41 PM
Not even...

Not til PvP has it's own server, and everyone is allowed a Wayfinderesque free transfer (permanent one-way) of whatever characters they want there.
Then ya'll can bork the game up on that server with PvPisms in any way ya want.

Please mother of god make this happen. I would log over there just for entertainment reasons.

04-17-2012, 05:43 PM
nonono REAL PVP HERE. (http://www.pogo.com/marketing/landing/lp-chess-mt.jsp)

no rly what is thie REAL pvp business people throw out.....

if you want Real pvp in an rpg then go duel in diabloii lod hardcore(permadeath).

i dont see any reason to go anywhere else to pvp when very simple lines of programing could make ddo perfectly viable.

It would take a lot more than a few simple lines of programing to make pvp viable in ddo and free from explotation as well as making it balanced for all classes not possible would take way to much dev time for way to little gained.

04-17-2012, 05:45 PM
Why no? This idea is brilliant if we can go back to street fighting like it was in Beta.

Just pure raw talent. Any one with ship buffs cannot street fight.

I like this idea and it brings back our roots.

What roots? street fighting must have been in early beta as I got into beta fairly late and there was no street fighting when I played.

04-17-2012, 06:08 PM
/not signed

A leader boards system would be nice for pvp players, but pvp should not influence the rest of the game in any way shape or form.

Leader boards were promised back at Mod 3. Still waiting. So I'll agree with PvPers who want that, Who'd like some level gating to open arenas. But that is really as far as I'm willing to go.

This game has no fluff, no true cosmetics... so the only thing I could see winning is maybe a small stack of potions/scrolls/components that you could buy at any vender.

i dont see any reason to go anywhere else to pvp when very simple lines of programing could make ddo perfectly viable.
And here with this "simple line" we see how much you actually know about this game and where it came from.

And knowing is half the battle.

04-17-2012, 08:51 PM

w t f ism?

04-17-2012, 08:56 PM
And here with this "simple line" we see how much you actually know about this game and where it came from.

And knowing is half the battle.

anyone read this like a pvp challenge? if you want to improve your build, don't leave the pvp arena to go questing. no instead just stop trying to pvp with pvp forum posts, lol.


04-17-2012, 09:06 PM
It would take a lot more than a few simple lines of programing to make pvp viable in ddo and free from explotation as well as making it balanced for all classes not possible would take way to much dev time for way to little gained.

it's currently just as balanced as it is in pvm. with the exception of a few skill checks. as for exactly how simple it would be, apparently it already was coded at one point as one early beta player posted, brawling was not exclusive to brawling rooms and could also be done in street fights out in the city. that's all it would take. a simple c/p reversion.

but hey, when yall come up with points that aren't total fluffy rhetoric echo chamber nonsense, lemmy know. lol

04-18-2012, 03:35 AM
it's currently just as balanced as it is in pvm. with the exception of a few skill checks. as for exactly how simple it would be, apparently it already was coded at one point as one early beta player posted, brawling was not exclusive to brawling rooms and could also be done in street fights out in the city. that's all it would take. a simple c/p reversion.

but hey, when yall come up with points that aren't total fluffy rhetoric echo chamber nonsense, lemmy know. lol

Okay, call me ignorant as the day is long but a) what in the name of tarhootie does the part in red mean and b) how in tarnation do you do it in the middle of a code base enema that is the xpac release? Further what is pvm? Do you mean Player vs. Monster ala LotRO? Are you trying to say it's just a few simple bits of coding reversion to integrate the two completely dissimilar gaming mechanisms? Any way you cut it's irrelevant. PvP shouldn't be balanced DDO. To do so would sacrifice character creativity and eliminate 'niche' and 'flavor' builds. If you wish to accommodate PvP character balance and maintain the viability of creative character creation I promise it will take more than a few simple lines of code.

Truth is PvP in DDO is an afterthought and trying to force it is like... well like this

BTW, my non-fluffy, non-rhetoric echoing post is here (http://forums.ddo.com/showpost.php?p=4410137&postcount=22).

04-18-2012, 09:20 AM
In my opinion to make PvP completely not be a brawl you'd need:

Invisibility/stealth to work against other players.
A method to limit or prohibit in-game communication during PvP activities.
Level-restricted "battlegrounds"
Capture-the-flag or defend the fortress kinds of objectives.
A method to prevent or make difficult/impractical spawn point camping.
Some kind of reward system, I guess, as previously mentioned PvP items or fluff.
Siege engines, maybe?

No, I don't think DDO lends itself to this and yes, it would take a lot of work....
work that some other games have already done.

04-18-2012, 02:03 PM
In my opinion to make PvP completely not be a brawl you'd need:

Invisibility/stealth to work against other players. could easily be done.
A method to limit or prohibit in-game communication during PvP activities. i dont see any reason for this.
Level-restricted "battlegrounds" still not seeing any reason for this.
Capture-the-flag or defend the fortress kinds of objectives. too head in the box.
A method to prevent or make difficult/impractical spawn point camping. also not needed except on ctf maps.
Some kind of reward system, I guess, as previously mentioned PvP items or fluff. pvp is it's own reward.
Siege engines, maybe? nah.

No, I don't think DDO lends itself to this and yes, it would take a lot of work....
work that some other games have already done.

in short, why work to be something else? knock offs are only ever just plain knockoffs. so knock it off.

there are much more easily coded and clever things you could allow players to have access to than just a laundry list of what some other game is doing.

and, even if ddo wanted to go knockoff style pvp from some other game that's already done it, then it wouldn't be very hard to copy/adjustforengine/paste their code, just sayin.

04-19-2012, 11:05 AM
it's currently just as balanced as it is in pvm. with the exception of a few skill checks. as for exactly how simple it would be, apparently it already was coded at one point as one early beta player posted, brawling was not exclusive to brawling rooms and could also be done in street fights out in the city. that's all it would take. a simple c/p reversion.

but hey, when yall come up with points that aren't total fluffy rhetoric echo chamber nonsense, lemmy know. lol

I dont see anyone else backing that claim of early open pvp and I dont think that poster was an early beta player or at least his join date doesnt indicate it. Mine is likely about as early as you can get.

04-19-2012, 12:23 PM
simply applying the already existing tavern brawling room code to apply to a city instance that's held open is nil on the budget. the coding for just one quest that you run once, complain about the loot, and then never run again, vs an insignificant c/p and patch job that adds daily engaging content.... in comparison...... dollars and sense.

pvp being the most popular aspect in online gaming and it should be neglected so completely in ddo? when it could easily be the most diverse and complicated pvp game ever even as just an after thought? that so sounds like some saboteurs. anyone that says pvp should be removed from ddo should probably be set to ignored by the devs.

04-19-2012, 12:44 PM
No to any form of tangible rewards for PvP.

04-19-2012, 12:46 PM
simply applying the already existing tavern brawling room code to apply to a city instance that's held open is nil on the budget. the coding for just one quest that you run once, complain about the loot, and then never run again, vs an insignificant c/p and patch job that adds daily engaging content.... in comparison...... dollars and sense.

pvp being the most popular aspect in online gaming and it should be neglected so completely in ddo? when it could easily be the most diverse and complicated pvp game ever even as just an after thought? that so sounds like some saboteurs. anyone that says pvp should be removed from ddo should probably be set to ignored by the devs.

PVP isnt the most popular its just the most for some and most them I really dotn want to game with and where are you basing you information that its a zero budget item to change pvp from tavern to city or instance? I still see noone else talking about city wide pvp there was a time when spells did work in parts of the city to fight the devils but thats not pvp

YOu have zero to base most of your claims on and most of which your just incorrect about.

04-19-2012, 01:00 PM
name one single competitive rpg that has even less pvp than ddo.

i'm saying it's nil in comparison to make city wide pvp than it is to code one single "trashloot" quest.(btw, quoting "trashloot" as tho it was you whom i was quoting.)

and most them I really dotn want to game with
then don't.

04-19-2012, 04:23 PM
Easy to code? Ah, you're a dev, sorry missed that.

Griefing/harassment/reports/bans are part of PvP for you?

Lack of level restrictions has been a common complaint. Or maybe you're the "gankapaloosa" type.

Where do you go if you want to just paste someone's code into your engine?

04-19-2012, 04:24 PM
name one single competitive rpg that has even less pvp than ddo.

Maybe this indicates DDO has a particular niche and has found success with a no real PvP model?

04-19-2012, 05:11 PM
i would hear that if it werent that ddo was forced to go free to play and all the people who said as much as you werent moonlighting on tor.

04-19-2012, 05:13 PM
Easy to code? Ah, you're a dev, sorry missed that.

Griefing/harassment/reports/bans are part of PvP for you?

Lack of level restrictions has been a common complaint. Or maybe you're the "gankapaloosa" type.

Where do you go if you want to just paste someone's code into your engine?

just plain reductive.

04-19-2012, 05:16 PM
No to any form of tangible rewards for PvP.

cosmetic rewards for pvp, on the other hand, not a bad idea.

04-19-2012, 05:16 PM
i would hear that if it werent that ddo was forced to go free to play and all the people who said as much as you werent moonlighting on tor.

This would be false, actually it was pretty much the opposite. DDO did not go FTP because it was loosing subscriptions, DDO started loosing subscriptions because it was in the middle of litigation over gaining the rights to go free to play, so they stopped producing content for extended periods of time (8-9 months at a shot without content).
I know , cause I was here.

04-20-2012, 09:38 AM
name one single competitive rpg that has even less pvp than ddo.

i'm saying it's nil in comparison to make city wide pvp than it is to code one single "trashloot" quest.(btw, quoting "trashloot" as tho it was you whom i was quoting.)

then don't.

You have no idea what takes to make pvp city wide and I still say idpt didn't happen before and the amount of pvp ddo had at the start is why many joined you want more than go to where it is

04-20-2012, 04:49 PM
This would be false, actually it was pretty much the opposite. DDO did not go FTP because it was loosing subscriptions, DDO started loosing subscriptions because it was in the middle of litigation over gaining the rights to go free to play, so they stopped producing content for extended periods of time (8-9 months at a shot without content).
I know , cause I was here.

that doesn't sound very plausible. please cite some articles or some other piece of documentation.

you were here so you should be able to find it more readily than i.

04-20-2012, 04:53 PM
You have no idea what takes to make pvp city wide

if u think i'm so inaccurate please explain what it would take and why it would be so difficult.

04-20-2012, 05:02 PM
that doesn't sound very plausible. please cite some articles or some other piece of documentation.

you were here so you should be able to find it more readily than i.

Keywords: ddo atari litigation



There's more if you want to read it...


04-20-2012, 05:03 PM
if u think i'm so inaccurate please explain what it would take and why it would be so difficult.

Better yet, you could just post the code that they could use to implement your idea.

It's easy, after all...

04-20-2012, 06:13 PM
that does for fact state that they were under litigation for becoming f2p. it also states that they anticipated atari attempting to breach contract for doing so. as far as i read, it does not say why they felt they needed to risk litigation to go free to play anyway. i've read most of the first article, is this information as to their needs in the other posts you cited?

04-20-2012, 06:20 PM
Better yet, you could just post the code that they could use to implement your idea.

It's easy, after all...

sure, just as soon as i get payed for all the direction ive provided for thus far :)

04-20-2012, 06:45 PM
that does for fact state that they were under litigation for becoming f2p. it also states that they anticipated atari attempting to breach contract for doing so. as far as i read, it does not say why they felt they needed to risk litigation to go free to play anyway. i've read most of the first article, is this information as to their needs in the other posts you cited?

again your incorrect they were suing atari for not supporting the game they way they should atari was trying to get the case dismissed it had nothing to do with f2p

04-20-2012, 06:49 PM
if u think i'm so inaccurate please explain what it would take and why it would be so difficult.

You have provide no expertise or evidence that it would be easy to do so what skill or experience to you have in programing a MMO?

I am not a programer nor have I ever been one but in the past I was a hardware specialist for a company that made hard drives for amiga computers

Nor have you shown that there was open pvp in the past other than quoting one person who said there was I say there wasnt and no one else has supported that statement either. If pvp is so important you then you will always be disapointed here at least thats my prediction and I am sticking to it.

04-20-2012, 06:53 PM
PvP=troll land, where even friends **** eachother off over minor things and everyon e who isnt perfect is pretending they enjoy an excersize in frustration. It is a wonderful place where at least 50% of the players lose every few minutes.

DDO is better without meaningful PvP, and I am opposed to its developement in game.

And OP: anyone who wants to make me or anyone else "learn to like it" (edited) has issues.

04-20-2012, 07:02 PM
again your incorrect they were suing atari for not supporting the game they way they should atari was trying to get the case dismissed it had nothing to do with f2p

yes that is more accurate

that does for fact state that they were inciting litigation while changing to f2p. it also states that they anticipated atari attempting to breach contract while doing so. as far as i read, it does not say why they felt they needed to go free to play. i've read most of the first article, is this information as to their needs in the other posts you cited?

to risk litigation


inserted words=red
removed words=blue
unanswered questions=yellow

04-20-2012, 07:18 PM
If pvp is so important you then you will always be disapointed here at least thats my prediction and I am sticking to it.

how do you figure? if the game cannot provide it i have a dozen or so posters like yourself whos interests lie with stopping me from playing the way i and many others like, to pvp with :)

all be it on the forums and not in game, it surely is pvp none the less :)

both your misdirection and your predictions failed you. PWNAGE :)

one more four the win :)

04-20-2012, 08:37 PM
how do you figure? if the game cannot provide it i have a dozen or so posters like yourself whos interests lie with stopping me from playing the way i and many others like, to pvp with ...

It is more like trying to stop someone from running headfirst into a brick wall over and over again.

Other games are designed for it. If you've played them you'd know this, I guess. You want the griefing opportunity, apparently, that DDO would provide.

04-20-2012, 09:42 PM
all your antipvp talking points are baseless rhetoric. i think yes, it's the opertunity.

It is more like trying to stop someone from running headfirst into a brick wall over and over again.

if you ppl could come up with new arguments that weren't so baseless for a change, it wouldn't go unappreciated :)

04-20-2012, 10:58 PM
all your antipvp talking points are baseless rhetoric. i think yes, it's the opertunity.

if you ppl could come up with new arguments that weren't so baseless for a change, it wouldn't go unappreciated :)

You havent come up with anything new yourself nor any facts to back one thing you have claimed you avoid my issues at every point. There was never open pvp in ddo and they will never be. Go play wow or AoC if you want more pvp and leave us to our game

04-21-2012, 05:18 PM
You havent come up with anything new yourself nor any facts to back one thing you have claimed you avoid my issues at every point. There was never open pvp in ddo and they will never be. Go play wow or AoC if you want more pvp and leave us to our game

oh YOUR game hmm? are you a stock holder at turbine? seems to me the biggest problem on ddo is the use of structural violence and as such structural violence needs to be ballenced out with actual pvp violence. it's the players that's driving everyone away. players like this fellow uska no less.

what point have i avoided? "There was never open pvp in ddo" i can't show that there was but you cant show that there wasn't either. there, point completely addressed. there is actualy some dialog at the challenge npc that would also suggest that there was at one point.

as far as i read, it does not say why they felt they needed to go free to play. i've read most of the first article, is this information as to their needs in the other posts you cited? now address mine. i asked you to show the relivant articals, you still havent. nor have you admited that the information you tried to cite was plainly misleading at best.

what i'm saying, open city pvp would encurage existing players to play more, more players to play with, better representation of the most popular aspect of gaming since before the invention of chess, at a fraction of the effort to code even just one measly quest that you run once, complain about the loot, and never touch again. what do you want, a pie chart?

you're saying you'd leave if players were able to pvp with one another across an open map like house D(my personal fav) i'm saying you'll leave anyway if people doing something that doesn't effect you in any way, shape, or form, is enough to make you fed up enough with not having your way with them.

btw just puking this out atm. will be back sometime around monday maybe. playing with an open beta i provided some direction for.

04-23-2012, 02:47 PM
when they were up I wasnt any happier the only good thing the beta did for me was save me from wasting my money I had long ago quit playing D2 due to boredom and I can see there is nothing really new in D3 to interest me in spending my cash.

I am sure it will be a huge success though it just isnt for me

oh so thats where u were. yaknow, just sayin.

04-23-2012, 02:50 PM
oh so thats where u were. yaknow, just sayin.

Wouldnt be fair to say I didnt like a game if I didnt try it at least in some fashion d3 took little time for me to decide wow I ave a couple of years just because friends were fans KTOR about a month of beta was all I could take.

ddo well I kept playing even when we didnt get new content for 8 months I just like it

04-23-2012, 05:40 PM
oh YOUR game hmm? are you a stock holder at turbine? seems to me the biggest problem on ddo is the use of structural violence and as such structural violence needs to be ballenced out with actual pvp violence. it's the players that's driving everyone away. players like this fellow uska no less.

what point have i avoided? "There was never open pvp in ddo" i can't show that there was but you cant show that there wasn't either. there, point completely addressed. there is actualy some dialog at the challenge npc that would also suggest that there was at one point.

as far as i read, it does not say why they felt they needed to go free to play. i've read most of the first article, is this information as to their needs in the other posts you cited? now address mine. i asked you to show the relivant articals, you still havent. nor have you admited that the information you tried to cite was plainly misleading at best.

what i'm saying, open city pvp would encurage existing players to play more, more players to play with, better representation of the most popular aspect of gaming since before the invention of chess, at a fraction of the effort to code even just one measly quest that you run once, complain about the loot, and never touch again. what do you want, a pie chart?

you're saying you'd leave if players were able to pvp with one another across an open map like house D(my personal fav) i'm saying you'll leave anyway if people doing something that doesn't effect you in any way, shape, or form, is enough to make you fed up enough with not having your way with them.

btw just puking this out atm. will be back sometime around monday maybe. playing with an open beta i provided some direction for.

There has never been open street PVP. This game wasnt planned for it and it never happened. Talk to anyone whose been here since day one and youll get the same answer. How do you "show the relevant evidence that theres never been open ended PVP in this game" exactly? Youre trying to play the no proof = cedes the point to you game, and its not working, because there are many of us still around who played this game since the early days - not to mention that showing hard evidence that something does not exist is not possible.

People complained about the lack of PVP in the past, some was added, and we clearly see what that brought in. Most PVP happens in the pits, which consists of 20 seconds of fighting followed by 25 minutes of general chat banter about how the tactics used by the victor were cheap etc. For some reason it absolutely MUST happen in general chat too, even though their little argument only involves 2 people.

The other thing I constantly point out, is that most of the CURRENT pvp features dont even get used. All this arguing for support of PVP happens by people who dont even use all of the current features for the most part. So not only has the support crowd shown us what we will end up with more of the same of as far as attitude is concerned if they add more PVP, they have also shown us that they either dont use the features they already have, or they arent even fully aware of what in fact is currently available. In either case, thats not being too convincing for adding more PVP.

The last thing thats lacks anything convincing is the forum banter itself, which hasnt really changed for the better regarding this subject. Many threads appeared (and most disappeared) where anyone in the thread not in full support of PVP was called a troll, told to leave the thread, told to ignore it if they didnt like it etc. This was highly evidenced multiple times when the "pile on tactic" backfired and they found out the most people do not in fact support PVP - so the 'pile on" as it were, went completely the opposite direction the PVP supporters wanted it to go, simply due to goading of the opposition who then showed up en masse and had a field day.

In order to convince Turbine two things have to happen.

1. The PVP crowd needs to show a level of maturity in game.
2. Turbine will need to be convinced its a good decision financially.

Plenty of time has passed for the level of convincing that is needed to come to pass on those two fronts, and it hasnt happened since the first PVP features were put in.

04-25-2012, 02:15 AM
1 yes but you're completely biased and therefore i cant take your word for it. as i said, point addressed.

2 oh that's always the way it is? you seem like an expert. lets pvp and find out :)

3 while it's true that you and many others repeat the same baseless argument in regards to the arena pits, it's for the difficulty in using them that they aren't used. you not knowing this only furthers my point. 3bc almost never gets used, i guess it should just be removed rather than improved?

4 in mass? well ya the majority of the people that do play ddo sure, very small percentage of the total gaming community tho as most gamers find ddo's lack-there-of to be a killing point evidenced by them not being here to argue with you :)

5.1 why?
5.2 turbine, it's a good financial decision. make it and they (redacted to make modification for better accuracy: will come)might not all leave.
5.3 i would hear that as a point if they functioned correctly and weren't so difficult to use. having the option to enter any cityscape at any time under the pvp selection, problem solved cheep and easy as sin.

04-25-2012, 04:24 PM
turbine has already been working on it. Check out this preview.


Now get over there and play it.

04-25-2012, 04:26 PM
A crafting system using ingredients gained from PvP matchups.
That way people might actually PvP more, and learn to like it.

So, the only people who can actually use these ingredients are casters who can overwhelm an unsuppressed Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, bow-based Rangers, and people with friends willing to let themselves get killed? You do realize that this game doesn't HAVE a real PVP system because it's not balanced to a real PVP system, right?

04-25-2012, 06:00 PM
turbine has already been working on it. Check out this preview.


Now get over there and play it.

comment added by Denxien.

04-25-2012, 06:03 PM
So, the only people who can actually use these ingredients are casters who can overwhelm an unsuppressed Pale Lavender Ioun Stone, bow-based Rangers, and people with friends willing to let themselves get killed? You do realize that this game doesn't HAVE a real PVP system because it's not balanced to a real PVP system, right?

minor ajustments for ez fix. unless you're saying it's unbalenced for pvm aswell.....?
the crafting mats could be used for things that would only be useable for pvp too yaknow thus negating said issues entirely.
i was thinking tho that the crafting hall could allow anyone to craft anything they want with this type of idea. the catch being that the item could then only be used in pvp.

some players have come up with a tourny on thalanis. the primary problem with said tourny is that you have to have some good crafting levels built up on telanis to even consider entry with the intent of victory. if you could craft pvp only items an interserver pvp base could possibly form from it. the idea is you roll a vet2 or build to lvl 7, gear up, and do what you can do in the event and maybe win some turbine points while yer at it. if you could even bring your crafting levels over you'd be pretty well off, but as it stands, an interserver pvp culture is a bit starved by the confines of the game. being able to craft pvp only gear would help solve a lot of issues.

04-25-2012, 06:54 PM
Black you only see what you want to see and pretend nothing else excists....

There a ton of people that have offered and are offering to help craft items, get favor, and pass along some plat to help those along there way that are not originaly from thelanis that want to be competative in congo bowl.

Just because you cant read very well or understand very little of what you are able to read does not make your imagined scanrios that you use to fill in the blanks in your head true.

04-25-2012, 10:26 PM
Black you only see what you want to see and pretend nothing else excists....

it's more of what i didn't see that made the issue. i didn't see that the master craftsmanship mod was on the banned list. nor were guild sockets if i remember correctly. thus completely favoring the home team, as it were.

these are perfectly viable things that could still be used with my suggestion.