View Full Version : Advice on I Dream of Jeets

01-23-2012, 12:58 PM
I'm trying to solo "I Dream of Jeets" with a paladin. I can get through everything no problem until I have to take down the Damsel in Distress. She has a ton of hp and gets cured every few seconds by one of Jeets' egos or superego or something. I can't seem to dps her fast enough to overcome that even on casual. I've made sure to have Jeets' id on my side and it's still too much of an uphill battle for me. Any advice? (Aside from, "Don't use a paladin, you idiot!" :-) ) Is there a hireling of any level that would be really good here? Thanks in advance.

01-24-2012, 03:14 AM
Everything in that room is kiteable, if I remember right, so you might try a hireling with blade barrier. I think one of the level 16 clerics has it as an active ability.

Alternately: don't be a paladin. (In all seriousness, the IQ quests are super easy with a necro-specced wizard, but can be fairly tough on a melee.)

01-24-2012, 03:33 AM
Bring a blaster sorcerer hireling, set him on offensive, and focus on healing him. Try them out in other quests to see who likes to spam which spells, and find the one who uses spells useful to your quest.

However, I have to question not having enough DPS on a paladin... on casual ... you may seriously look at what is wrong, your gear, or stats or character concept or whatever, but seriously..

01-24-2012, 07:53 AM
However, I have to question not having enough DPS on a paladin... on casual ... you may seriously look at what is wrong, your gear, or stats or character concept or whatever, but seriously..

He's a Paladin, not a Fighter or Barb. No massive damage increase on non-evil mobs, and the Damsel in Distress is non-evil. It takes ~200DPS to take out the Damsel once all the Jeets copies start healing her, and that's not the easiest to do on a first life Paladin.

The problem is the scaling, and self-healing or mobs with respawning healer assist mobs don't scale according to difficulty or the amount of people in the party.

01-24-2012, 07:59 AM
I just find it funny that everyone is telling him to take a sorc hireling and heal the hireling. Pally < Hireling. :D

01-24-2012, 08:26 AM
Maybe craft an Unholy of Greater Human Bane weapon, and use a Ring of the Stalker since Manslayer works on her (despite her being a woman).

That should up dps a bit.

01-24-2012, 09:04 AM
till level 12/13 you can play all toon solo
after is much better play the game as is: MMRPG (team play)

01-24-2012, 09:44 AM
Whenever you're facing a healing mob on a melee, save your burst effects for the last 30%, or at least the ones that have a cooldown. I'm 70% certain that holy works on her, so she's evil and thus smite able. Smites are perfect KO effects, save those for her last 20% and unload all of them.

Or get a party.

01-24-2012, 11:54 AM
Maybe craft an Unholy of Greater Human Bane weapon, and use a Ring of the Stalker since Manslayer works on her (despite her being a woman).

Is she Good? And if yes, any idea if she is lawful or chaotic? Depending on the answer, a good-aligned toon may use Anarchic or Axiomatic weapon on her without losing a level.

[Edited] Seems like a lot of disagreement on this thread. Well, I was/am about to buy this pack, so may test her alignment soon.

01-24-2012, 12:01 PM
I can't believe the people advocating AOEs like Blade Barrier OR Hirleings on offensive.

Set your hirelings to passive otherwise they will kill Jeets.

Do not use Blade Barrier - Jeets has to survive.

The annoying thing for my Battle Cleric is a 3 stacked DP won't beat her healing - I got a friend to bring his AA and profited.

01-24-2012, 12:18 PM
I can't believe the people advocating AOEs like Blade Barrier OR Hirleings on offensive.

Set your hirelings to passive otherwise they will kill Jeets.

Do not use Blade Barrier - Jeets has to survive.

You can't kill Jeets, he just falls to the ground when he hits 0 HP.


01-24-2012, 12:26 PM
You can't kill Jeets, he just falls to the ground when he hits 0 HP.


Really? If this is true then it makes that fight much much easier as avoiding killing Jeets is the biggie.

I'd like corroboration of this if possible.

01-24-2012, 12:56 PM
Really? If this is true then it makes that fight much much easier as avoiding killing Jeets is the biggie.

I'd like corroboration of this if possible.

Definitely true. AOEs make that fight much easier. Blade Barrier, especially, trivializes it.

01-24-2012, 01:02 PM
Definitely true. AOEs make that fight much easier. Blade Barrier, especially, trivializes it.

If you give the mobs something else to heal other than the damsel, it makes things quite a bit easier. May try the FVS that likes to comet fall and firestorm continuously, think its Larafay.


01-24-2012, 01:07 PM
I'm trying to solo "I Dream of Jeets" with a paladin.

I'll ask what kind of paladin, there are so many.

TWF Drow with Rapiers?
TWF Half Orc with Khopeshes?
THF Human?
THF Dwarf with a great axe?


Dex based finesse?
Str based?
Cha based?


Some combinatinos will be better than others at DPS'ing. From a quick glance, you weapon is not doing enough damage. What are you using? Try something else. Holy burst of human bane, or something. Even your Holy Sword should be adiquate.

Just a bit more information would be helpfull.

Good luck!

01-24-2012, 01:53 PM
Really? If this is true then it makes that fight much much easier as avoiding killing Jeets is the biggie.

I'd like corroboration of this if possible.

I can confirm that Jeets doesn't die. If he hits 0 hp, he just flops over like a little deflated halfling balloon, then hops back up as soon as the fight is over.

01-26-2012, 12:00 PM
I had one hell of an experience doing this on elite solo for Bravery on my TR cleric... in the end a buddy came in to help. My friend being the smarter one in the group made such a simple suggestion that I felt quite noobish for using THOUSANDS of SP worth of blade barriers and divine punishments fighting the heals (and losing)...

Pull the trash back to where you come in to the area, and they will be out of range to heal her.

Granted some of the casting jeets dont like to move much, but they Will move a little bit at a time.... in theory comet-falling the **** out of them to keep them on the floor would be nice, but they are all rogues and tend to evade alot... in retrospect spamming greater command may also be a viable solution since rogues tend to have weak will saves ( i have one, i know)


01-31-2012, 04:31 AM
I did the very same thing as Glowbug the first time I soloed that Quest when it was first released. On my cleric I stood at the back and threw a returner at her - takes a while but she's out of range for heals.

I can also confirm she is non-evil and human. I suspect you just need to use a different weapon on her. Didn't see anything really wrong with your gear apart from the fact you had only one axe of Famine equipeed. What weapons are you using? Two-weapon or Two-handed with PA?