View Full Version : Now that level 25 is close to come: What epic feats have you set hopes for?
01-23-2012, 06:28 AM
As the title says, what feat(s) does your main character craves the most?
My Barbarian has his hopes up for "Terrifying Rage".
01-23-2012, 06:29 AM
Devastating Critical.
01-23-2012, 06:52 AM
Devastating Critical.
OMG! OMG! No... don't... open that can... agghhh! Worms everywhere!
Epic Warding, Epic Dodge, Devastating Critical... Ah yes, those were the days...
*loses himself in nostalgia*
01-23-2012, 06:52 AM
Fast Healing
01-23-2012, 07:10 AM
Extra Magic Item slot
01-23-2012, 07:12 AM
OMG! OMG! No... don't... open that can... agghhh! Worms everywhere!
Epic Warding, Epic Dodge, Devastating Critical... Ah yes, those were the days...
*loses himself in nostalgia*
You think DC is nothing people would implement?
01-23-2012, 08:28 AM
Devastating Critical.
I Don't think that my TWF Dwarven Barbarian is able to get there without paying Fred a visit (eg I have to respec some feats for that one). And even then I have to redo the planning to see if he's able to make it at level 25. That feat has a whole lot of prefeats as a requirement.
At the same time I'm wondering what they're going to do with the enhancements and the presige enhancements at those levels.
01-23-2012, 08:34 AM
I Don't think that my TWF Dwarven Barbarian is able to get there without paying Fred a visit (eg I have to respec some feats for that one). And even then I have to redo the planning to see if he's able to make it at level 25. That feat has a whole lot of prefeats as a requirement.
At the same time I'm wondering what they're going to do with the enhancements and the presige enhancements at those levels.
Well, being epic should have its price. A pure Ftr can achieve it without problems.
01-23-2012, 10:23 AM
Bonus Domain
Dire Charge
01-23-2012, 10:35 AM
This thread makes me realise that a lvl 21+ Ftr might actually be very powerful.
01-23-2012, 11:13 AM
If you prohibit epic spellcasting then maybe.^^
01-23-2012, 11:29 AM
This thread makes me realise that a lvl 21+ Ftr might actually be very powerful.
I can't wait!
Completionist damage boosting level 25 Human kensei ravager anybody?
01-23-2012, 11:39 AM
Keen Strike and Vorpal Strike for my Monk.
01-23-2012, 12:19 PM
Music of the gods
Automatic Metamagics
Great (Insert stat name here)
Epic Toughness
Epic skill focus
Epic Prowness
Epic Inspiration
Epic Dodge
Enhance Spell
Dexterous Will
Dexterous Fortitude
Death Of Enemies
Deafening Song
Hindering Song
Epic Weapon Specialization
Exceptional Deflection
Ignore Material Components
Improved Heighten Spell
Improved Manyshot
Improved Spell Capacity
Improved Spell Resistance
Incite Rage
Infinite Deflection
Inspire Excellence
Instant Reload
Intensify Spell
Lasting Inspiration
Lingering Damage
Mighty Rage
Multiweapon Rend
Penetrate Damage Reduction
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
Permanent Emanation
Rapid Inspiration
Reflect Arrows
Ruinous Rage
Spell Stowaway
Tenacious Magic
Trap Sense
Uncanny Accuracy|
'Nuff said
01-23-2012, 01:31 PM
Music of the gods
Automatic Metamagics
Great (Insert stat name here)
Epic Toughness
Epic skill focus
Epic Prowness
Epic Inspiration
Epic Dodge
Enhance Spell
Dexterous Will
Dexterous Fortitude
Death Of Enemies
Deafening Song
Hindering Song
Epic Weapon Specialization
Exceptional Deflection
Ignore Material Components
Improved Heighten Spell
Improved Manyshot
Improved Spell Capacity
Improved Spell Resistance
Incite Rage
Infinite Deflection
Inspire Excellence
Instant Reload
Intensify Spell
Lasting Inspiration
Lingering Damage
Mighty Rage
Multiweapon Rend
Penetrate Damage Reduction
Perfect Two-Weapon Fighting
Permanent Emanation
Rapid Inspiration
Reflect Arrows
Ruinous Rage
Spell Stowaway
Tenacious Magic
Trap Sense
Uncanny Accuracy|
'Nuff said
You're supposed to pick one and only for one of your characters. If you want to post the entire list you might as well point to a wiki or something. So, of your list, which one is the one you desire most?
01-23-2012, 02:03 PM
Epic mobs meet my Dualweilding ESOS's
01-23-2012, 02:09 PM
You're supposed to pick one and only for one of your characters. If you want to post the entire list you might as well point to a wiki or something. So, of your list, which one is the one you desire most?
Yes, absolutely.
01-23-2012, 02:16 PM
Fast Healing. +3 HPs a tick (in PnP that's every 10 seconds, so not bad) but with decent healing amp, that's probably close to +6 HPs every ten seconds. Add some fun items in the mix, and you get back to full health just hanging out.
Devastating Critical. OMG.
Hell, even Epic Toughness, extra 30 HPs aint bad (ain't great either, but just for kicks)
Epic Trapfinding makes traps so much more convienient.
And monks, EPIC DEFLECTION. No longer will spell casters rule PvP. Oh, wait, that's really not important, is it?
And Holy Strike. That'll make pure capstoned paladins obsolete! YEAH! (Oh, wait, that'll suck)
01-23-2012, 02:19 PM
Keen Strike and Vorpal Strike for my Monk.
Assuming they relax a bit on Vorpal effects or they allow Epic Vorpals to work regardless of the number HPs a regular or Orange-named Mob has, these two feats are what I'm looking forward to most.
For Vorpal Strike, it will be difficult to meet the natural 25s in both STR and WIS though.
For most races they will have to start out with 18s in both, get +4 Tomes for both, AND put 3 leveling points into STR and three leveling points into WIS (the sixth leveling point comes at 24th level).
Half-Orcs will have a bit of an easier time of it as they can meet the STR requirement more easily.
01-23-2012, 02:22 PM
Death March: Foes are so enraptured by your divine playing skills that they keel over and die in awe. Saving prevents outright death, but instead wander aimlessly until snapped out of their death like trance.
01-23-2012, 02:23 PM
Epic mobs meet my Dualweilding ESOS's
Monkey Grip is NOT an Epic feat nor would it help you anyway. What you REALLY want is an Epic Feat called "Wield Oversized Weapon." See pg. 153 of The Complete Warrior.
Monkey Grip is a Prerequisite feat for "Wield Oversized Weapon."
01-23-2012, 05:17 PM
If I had to pick one...
Improved Manyshot, one more arrow :D
And the other two that I would get in PnP...
Improved Slaying Arrows, doesn't translate directly as it grants +2 to DCs.
Bane of Enemies, 2d6+2 to go along with the extra favored enemy and damage at 25.
01-23-2012, 05:38 PM
I Don't think that my TWF Dwarven Barbarian is able to get there without paying Fred a visit (eg I have to respec some feats for that one). And even then I have to redo the planning to see if he's able to make it at level 25. That feat has a whole lot of prefeats as a requirement.
At the same time I'm wondering what they're going to do with the enhancements and the presige enhancements at those levels.
Maybe when you hit 20 and go down the Epic path the game provides you a free respec for feats/skills (but once done, you must go down the Epic path and cant then back out having used it as a dodgy way to respec).
01-23-2012, 06:18 PM
You're supposed to pick one and only for one of your characters. If you want to post the entire list you might as well point to a wiki or something. So, of your list, which one is the one you desire most?
Oh. Well, I guess Intensify Spell would be pretty good.
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