View Full Version : This made me laugh .... Server full (on Wayfinder)

01-19-2012, 06:10 PM
Tried to log on to Wayfinder after they said the servers were back up again and couldn't ... system told me server full ! For a second I thought this was like a dream come true ... Tons of people decided to finally start playing on Wayfinder, but no. Once I managed to get on the server was still more less empty :( ... Who knows, maybe one day we'll see more than 100 toons online.

01-20-2012, 03:33 PM
Wishful thinking my friend. Though I've seen about 160 logged in at some times it's still very quite. Ah well, at least you don't have to line up for anything.

04-20-2012, 07:11 PM
I thoguth wayfinder was made for people who spoke german or dutch or somerthign like that never knew so many english speaking people where on this server.

04-21-2012, 02:16 PM
First of all even TV in the Netherlands is partly English (with Dutch subtitles) so their mastery of that language is gernerally high.

Secondly we have ~10 main languages in Europe, so it's standard for (slightly educated) internet users to communicate that way.

My guess is that a quarter of the Wayfinder players is German. "Unfortunately" they called it a German server, so when I started a couple of months ago it seemed a natural choice to me.

And then there is that huge part of US refugees who for whatever reasons chose to leave those realms where you can run an elite shroud every day :)

04-23-2012, 03:53 PM
aye usually English is known round the world. Now that's the young generation. Older not so much. But young English is taught right along side the main language.

Also if I remember right I believe that aside from English, German is the second most common known language over in the EU. So hand in hand.

04-25-2012, 11:02 AM
When they 1st created the server Wayfinder it messed up a lot of people Lottory entries so they stop logging onto it. I know it messed mine up and I don't get on it much since.

04-28-2012, 03:13 AM
When they 1st created the server Wayfinder it messed up a lot of people Lottory entries so they stop logging onto it. I know it messed mine up and I don't get on it much since.

This has changed now. I quite regularly win my.ddo lotteries. I have ten toons. I know of another player who has 40 and he has also stated that he wins on a regular basis.

Hope you return even to only run favor



Hunters of wayfinder.

05-04-2012, 11:43 AM
I never win anything in the Lottery - but then, I'm on Khyber, still.
I do plan to start a character on Wayfinder one day, though.

05-09-2012, 12:58 PM
Heh, I'm on Orien, and my single, solitary level 3 barbarian wins at least a lottery a week on wayfinder. Rarely anything on any other servers.

If I ever play much on wayfinder, I'll be all set with rage potions and essences...

05-10-2012, 06:43 PM
I thoguth wayfinder was made for people who spoke german or dutch or somerthign like that never knew so many english speaking people where on this server.

I play on Wayfinder sometimes. But not ofton cause I dont know anyone there. I pretty much just played it so I could get the whole first time Favor rewards :)