View Full Version : Looking for a hard core guild - looking to go the distance.

01-14-2012, 08:58 AM
Returning to the game after a long absence, left shortly after they introduced F2P, deleted everything, vowed never to come back. I'm back.

Rolling a pure Cleric, I've enjoyed playing many characters over my time in DDO, but healing is probably the most fun for me.

I've got nothing, no ties to anyone, no "toonz w/ lootz", just a good internet connection and almost all of my spare time. Silly snow, winter is for kids.

My girlfriend and I work opposite shifts, I'm a Tire Technician working the nine to five grind, she works twelve hour over night shifts with mentally disabled children. Since she'll be working nearly every night for the next month, the only nights you more than likely won't see me on, are Tuesdays. Even then, I may still make an appearance.

I have the time and the shack happy winter energy to put into capping a Cleric and doing what I'm good at, healing yo silly asses!

It should also be noted.. I'm vocal, I prefer voice chat over typing. Looking to play with people who don't mind a little cursing.

01-16-2012, 03:04 AM
Check out Children of Chaos, you seem to be what we are looking for in a guildmate.
You can also e-mail me at darkearth69@msn.com if your interested.
We play most evenings and weekends, as jobs allow.

01-16-2012, 02:27 PM
Interesting to see that you quit when the game went free to play...considering the game was almost shut down before that. Since going free to play lots of good new packs have become available and the game has regained a following. However, most "hard core" guilds on khyber won't recurit you unless you have an established account or you really know someone that will help power up your account.

As for guilds with some of the highest quality players and are pretty hard to get into would be like Revenants, Wonderlust, and Philrids.
Guilds with high quality players with moderate to high recuritment standards would be like Crimson Eagles, Elite Raiders, Helpers Guild, Prophets(PNR), Ransack.
Some large guilds with a full range of experience in their players would be like Mature adventures club, Loreseekers, Legends, etc.

Also, the guilds mentioned above are just based off my own opinions and it was made off the top of my head during my lunch break at work. So don't get offend if I did or didn't mention your guild above for whatever reason. Its just general info.

Heltzer, Helltzer, Healtzer, Heltzsinger, VanHeltzer - The Helpers Guild Senior Officer.

01-16-2012, 06:55 PM
Poor Philrids :(

05-01-2012, 02:32 PM

05-02-2012, 07:14 AM
Poor Philrids :(

LoL! And I thought Wonderlust was bad :P


05-02-2012, 07:28 AM
Probably the best place to start is to realise that clerics aren't healers specifically, they're divines. Most characters in the guilds that it sounds like you want to get in to won't need healing and instead want you to be self sufficient and able to contribute to quest objectives rather than baby sit them.

I'd suggest to just play and get back into the game and look at the list of guilds you've got above (which isn't exclusive by any means) and check the "who" list when you have a chance to see if any of those guilds have characters in your level range and if so send a polite tell asking if they have a spot in their group.

Feel free to look me up anytime on the TR I'm currently leveling Nilak for advice or anything, also happy to help with basic crafting needs.

Welcome back to the game :)