View Full Version : Hireling of Quicktoe is now open to favor farmers or those on server holidays.

01-13-2012, 08:07 PM
Hireling of Quicktoe is now open to favor farmers or those on server holidays.

HoQ is basically a guild of my inactive characters, experiments or situational dualboxers. It's just hit 20 and I'm opening it up to anyone who wants a level 20 guild just to get guild pots and another form of access between houses. I am also happy to help out with a little plat (5k) and some cure serious wounds pots (20 of) and maybe other bits and pieces (tools for example). I can also craft a little bit of stuff for you. (ff for one and whatever else you can get with unbound shards with my crafting levels of around 100 in all schools). Just PM me here.

It's not really a guild so much - just a ship and a leg up. You're left to your own devices. Having holidayed on other servers I know how such a small leg up can help. If you're a new player you're welcome to take advantage of what is on offer - but I really do encourage you to look around and join a real guild with people who can spend time with you.

Who is this Quicktoe? Quicktoe is an extremely good player who has moved onto bf3. Described as a "one man army", this little halfling has the respect of a lot of good long time players in DDO on Khyber. He used to out-kill Shade. An extremely good player with a quirky sense of humour, very speedy and greatly addicted to haste pots. I learnt many of my first DDO lessons at his knee (well shoulder really... as I'm the non-halfling player). He created this guild as a joke during one of the times that he left one of the more established guilds due to his quitting the game (he still comes back occasionally to say 'hi'... never say 'quit' I guess). I threw a character in there so that I kept the guild tag when he reguilded elsewhere. He was however amused by this and put one of his unused characters back in there. I discussed with him opening up the guild to favour farmers when I hit 20 and he approved of this.

01-13-2012, 08:53 PM
Quicktoe needs to come back.... that is all

01-13-2012, 08:55 PM
Quicktoe needs to come back.... that is all

Yeah I wish he would too :(

01-14-2012, 04:25 AM
Who is this Quicktoe?


01-14-2012, 04:27 AM

Laeris, thought you were dead or something.

You continue to disappoint.

01-14-2012, 04:38 AM

yeah i was looking him up as i knew his handle. tell him 'hi' from me and point out that i've *finally* got this guild to 20 lol

01-14-2012, 05:25 AM
Quicktoe is an extremely good player who has moved onto bf3.

****, one of the people I was looking forward to seeing again when I came back. :( I can still remember dual Rogue tanking the epic Abishai Destroyer with him. Such good times. Think that was the run with a single Bard healing too, but I forget who. :(

01-16-2012, 02:01 AM
Laeris, thought you were dead or something.

You continue to disappoint.

I think I spit up a little at this one.

01-16-2012, 07:28 PM
Laeris, thought you were dead or something.

You continue to disappoint.

I might as well be

yeah i was looking him up as i knew his handle. tell him 'hi' from me and point out that i've *finally* got this guild to 20 lol

He probably reads this anyway so I'm sure you're okay

03-11-2012, 03:32 PM
Just wanted to say thats pretty nice of you and congratz on hitting lvl 20!