View Full Version : No Loot in Abbot

01-12-2012, 10:45 PM
/Rage on

This is actually the 2nd time this had happened.

On Tuesday, 1/10/12, we(guild) ran Abbot on Elite and I was on my caster. It wasn't very pretty but we managed to finish it. However, when I clicked on the end chest, there was no loot in my name. No trash loot, not even a gem or some random spell component. I submitted a ticket and was told by the GM that they can't help with it, and to file a bug report, which I did.

Today, 1/12/12, we ran a hard Abbot (B round!) and I was on my favored soul. It was a whole lot easier, no pots, very smooth run. Again, I clicked the chest after we finished, and guess what? No loot again. Not as frustrated this time because there wasn't much sweat, blood, and tears involved, but still feel some kind of rage.

I submitted another bug report, but I doubt I'll hear anything about the details.
Has this happened to anyone?

</Rage off...maybe>

Edit: This was on Orien

01-13-2012, 12:03 AM
/Rage on

This is actually the 2nd time this had happened.

On Tuesday, 1/10/12, we(guild) ran Abbot on Elite and I was on my caster. It wasn't very pretty but we managed to finish it. However, when I clicked on the end chest, there was no loot in my name. No trash loot, not even a gem or some random spell component. I submitted a ticket and was told by the GM that they can't help with it, and to file a bug report, which I did.

Today, 1/12/12, we ran a hard Abbot (B round!) and I was on my favored soul. It was a whole lot easier, no pots, very smooth run. Again, I clicked the chest after we finished, and guess what? No loot again. Not as frustrated this time because there wasn't much sweat, blood, and tears involved, but still feel some kind of rage.

I submitted another bug report, but I doubt I'll hear anything about the details.
Has this happened to anyone?

</Rage off...maybe>

Had the same happen to me last time we ran it.

Nothing, no loot, was on Ayspam (sorc), we ran it on elite.

01-13-2012, 07:49 PM
Yeah, this sucks Turbine, do something, and do it now!

This is ridiculous, one of the DDO most difficult/PuG unfriendly/lag depending/time expensive/pots consuming raid and:

- sometimes no loot????
- 20th reward with 3-4 items????

People is waiting on their 19th Abbot completion to TR...bah!

Are you pulling our legs? Do you think people are stupid or have time to waste? You like when we pay your "services" right? So give us real services! Or don't cry when people we'll migrate to Newerwinter/Guildwars 2/Diablo III/SWTOR/Pac-man

01-13-2012, 08:01 PM
Hmm...wonder if somehow the Abbot is getting ransacked. Like it is not resetting?

Or if the LAST person to click the chest is getting "Ransacked".

The 11-12th people would put it at Ransack.

Seems improbable...but then again...it is the Abbot.

01-13-2012, 08:15 PM
this happens time to time. i have been hearing of it happen in abbot a few times recently.

ive had it happen to me in epic von6 on the epic chest. not sure if its a related issue or just a lag hickup.

01-13-2012, 11:17 PM
I can understand if it happens once, but twice?
I'm also pretty sure that I was not the last person that clicked the chest. Someone else was underwater and took him a bit to get up and he got loot fine.

We'll be doing Abbot again on Tuesday, so I guess I'll see if it's just my account or some kind of rotten luck.

02-09-2012, 09:39 AM
Forgot to update this but I started getting loot after that.

Guess it was just **** luck that it happened twice in the same week.

02-09-2012, 09:44 AM
I'm guessing the fewer items in the 20th rewards and the 'no loot' are symptoms of the same problem.

Something about particular named items not being properly referenced so instead the game dumps a null in their place.

I'd bet a lot that there are certain items that simply haven't been pulled since the 'upgradeable' change came in. That said, I haven't run Abbott since the change, so can't confirm the theory and have no idea which ones they are if it is true.

02-09-2012, 10:02 AM
Wonder if the coding for the old named items that no longer drop have not been cleanly replaced by the new items.
Chest drop rates are terrible 2 elite runs in a row skunked, and only 3 items on the 20th end reward list.. something is wrong here.

02-09-2012, 10:07 AM
Acknowledgement on the issue by Cordovan HERE (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?p=4304400#post4304400).

Start of the thread with some more conjecture about the topic: Live Bug... No loot in a raid chest? (http://forums.ddo.com/showthread.php?t=360275)