View Full Version : build assistance

01-06-2012, 09:30 PM
i am looking at going for my fourth life on the toon im trying to get completionist for and heard of a really cool build idea, i have heard it mentioned it was on the forums and havent found it no matter how hard i have searched so i figured i would ask for some help.

build would be 12 Cleric / 6 Artificer /2 Rogue

i would like to do it as a Half Elf with Paladin Dilettante (for extra Saves)

i will have the following past lives:

my plan is to have empower and empower healing going and to throw pots for my main healing at low levels so i would need to get 2 rogue levels, 6 artificer levels and 1 cleric level by level 10 and then switch to scrolls at higher level

skills i would like
Concentration (its a must)
Open Lock

can someone help me design this?

01-06-2012, 10:16 PM
(Not me, but if you put "TR4: 12 Cl/ 6 Arti/2 Rog" in the subject line you might get more nibbles. The "need assistance" part is kinda assumed once you post on these boards.) ;)

01-06-2012, 10:24 PM
thank you, changed the title