View Full Version : Zombie! 12 fighter/6 wiz/2 monk
01-06-2012, 12:02 AM
I am looking to TR my toon soon and I was looking to do something fun. I, however, do not want a gimped toon. And I will be fighting monk style with handwraps.
Starting Feat/Enhancement
Abilities Base Stats Modified Stats
(34 Point) (Level 1) (Level 20)
Strength 18 28 (with fighter/Horc)+6(item)+2(tome)+2(exp)+2(fire stance)+2(Zombie Form!)=42
Dexterity 15 17 (with +2 tome)
Constitution 16 16 +2(tome)+2(Zombie form)+6(item)=26
Intelligence 10 11 +6(item)=17
Wisdom 10 10
Charisma 6 6 +6(item) -4(zombie Form!)= 8
1 Stunning Blow, TWF
2 Extend
3 Toughness
6 WF:B, SF:Necro
8 PA
9 Cleave, Imp Sunder
12 IC:B, WS:B
14 Great Cleave
16 GWF:B
18 Toughness, Brutal Throw
20 GWS:B
To hit; 17(bab)+16(str)+2(Kensei)+4(GH)+1(haste)+1(rage)+4 (Power Surge)+3(feats)+2 (good luck)= 50
Stunning Blow DC= 10+16(Str)+4(fighter)+2(kensei)+4(power surge)+10(Item)=46
Imp Sunder DC=14+16(Str)+4(Fighter)+2(kensei)+4(power surge)+10(item)= 50
Health= 334 Base+20(toughness)+30(GFL)+45(GS health item)+60(+6 item)+20(+2 tome)+20(+2 exp)= 529hp
Any and all feedback is welcome but remember: be nice! Good luck to all finding their shiny!
01-06-2012, 12:34 AM
I hate to tell you it would be pretty gimp.
One issue would be that the big reason to go unarmed fighting in undead form is for self healing... however death aura is a 4th level spell and with 6 wiz you'd only have access to 3rd level spells. To get enough healing from lesser death aura (a second level spell), you'd have to be pretty careful about taking damage.
And being in undead form means the average healer can't heal you either. Without a source of inflict serious wound pots or wands or any alternate source of healing, you'd find yourself looking for a safe place to soak up your aura OR coming out of form pretty often.
01-06-2012, 12:41 AM
What does 6 wizard bring to the table that cannot be replaced by clickies? Apart from a need to eat brains, of course :D
6 ranger would be better for ranger buffs and manyshot
6 barb would be better for decent rages
6 pally would be better for increased hate, smites and cha to saves
18 fighter would be better for kensai/stalwart III
8 monk would be better for stances, meditation, feats and light/dark
6 rogue for umd and SA damage
6 wiz= no death aura and slower attack speed. Doesn't like to be any way to ungimp that class split. Either go more wizard (ie 18 for decent DCs and lich form) or none at all.
01-06-2012, 04:49 PM
I hate to tell you it would be pretty gimp.
One issue would be that the big reason to go unarmed fighting in undead form is for self healing... however death aura is a 4th level spell and with 6 wiz you'd only have access to 3rd level spells. To get enough healing from lesser death aura (a second level spell), you'd have to be pretty careful about taking damage.
And being in undead form means the average healer can't heal you either. Without a source of inflict serious wound pots or wands or any alternate source of healing, you'd find yourself looking for a safe place to soak up your aura OR coming out of form pretty often.
I have a nice amount of inflict pot (there is a collector that hands them out), it seems pretty good. I will prolly not go in to form much till I hit Cap. Having Mabar robes waiting on me makes going into form much less of a hassle I would think. While the hit to atk speed is something that is hard to over come, i think that it is going to be a wash dps wise when it comes to killing stunned mobs. I honestly think that this build works, but maybe I am missing something here.
What does 6 wizard bring to the table that cannot be replaced by clickies? Apart from a need to eat brains, of course :D
6 ranger would be better for ranger buffs and manyshot
6 barb would be better for decent rages
6 pally would be better for increased hate, smites and cha to saves
18 fighter would be better for kensai/stalwart III
8 monk would be better for stances, meditation, feats and light/dark
6 rogue for umd and SA damage
6 wiz= no death aura and slower attack speed. Doesn't like to be any way to ungimp that class split. Either go more wizard (ie 18 for decent DCs and lich form) or none at all.
Well you are right on every part on what you say there so thanks for your input. That said I do like the flavor of the "eating brains!" part. While all of your suggestions make sense they do not keep with the flavor of the build, that is to be a zombie! So while this build may be gimp in that it could be better i personally think think having a SB @ 46 and having a 50 to my imp sunder is going to bring its own to the party.
And again thanks for you guys quick reply's Maybe I should have made it more clear that i was looking for a flavor build that could contribute to bosses and trash.
01-06-2012, 05:55 PM
That's cool- you said you didn't want a gimped toon, so we were helping point out the areas that will hold you back. If flavor is more of your focus, go for it!
I have built several undead monks and the only one that's not gimped at level 20 is the 18/2 wiz/monk lich build. Halfling helps and 36 pt build lets you cover more stats.
But I'd never tell you not to try! My favorite toon is a 12/5/3 wiz/rogue/monk that gets excellent sneak attack damage and vampire or wraith attributes. Epic level trap skills. I love her for soloing just about anything (that doesn't have too many enemies tossing light damage around) but if she gets in a level 20 raid, it's guild only. She gets declined from Shroud even.
In other words, play what you want but don't expect to be included in the end game stuff unless you are with friends.
01-06-2012, 06:43 PM
I, however, do not want a gimped toon.
You're outta luck, then - melee zombies are gimp. Period. I've never seen a zombie-based melee build which made up for the -20% atk speed penalty. Some interesting vamp / wraith / lich melee builds out there, but zombies get the shaft.
Now, if you wanna do it anyway, go right ahead. Sometimes you should do things just because you think they're cool or weird or fun, IMHO. Just...don't be surprised if you're underwhelmed by the results, that's all.
BTW, have you considered monk 12 / wiz 6 / ftr 2 instead? You lose a bunch of feats & Kensai II, but gain Touch of Death, Ninja Spy II (+3d6 SA & Shadow Fade), Earth III stance for the +1 crit multiplier, etc.
01-06-2012, 08:04 PM
For starters, start with 14 wisdom and take stunning fist, you wont be disappointed. You missed the -2 int from zombie form. Finally, the builds a gimp, go for wraith or lich form instead. It wont be a wash DPS wise, you'll have at least 20% less DPS than other builds due to that lost attack speed.
01-08-2012, 11:32 AM
There is a way to make this idea work. Doing Zombie, though, as pretty much everyone has said already is going to end up being pretty gimp.
I have found wraith form to actually be the most useful. I've built a 12wiz/6ft/2mnk that is actually effective end game. Gear intensive? Oh hell yes. I TR'd my main and it took a lot of the stuff i was able to acquire over the first life. Is he a blast to play? Absolutely. My standing str is 48 and the guy is really REALLY versatile. I can kite TOD, i can dps just about anything fairly effectively (i base at least 60 points of damage a pop, and when something is fully dotted with ice and light i'm doing another 400 damage every 2 seconds), i can tank some things on the fly (25% incorp chance + another 50% from being permantly displaced makes me REALLY hard to hit, and when i do, having both death auras up keeps me healed, using neg energy burst when needed), i can hit anything with my attack bonus (may have to turn off PA from time to time) and i can solo most quests easily.
If you want to know more or are interested in giving it a shot PM and i can give ya more build details. The flavor and fun are definitely there with this build. Enjoy!
01-09-2012, 09:16 PM
i would go 12 wiz for vampire
01-09-2012, 09:20 PM
i would go 18 wiz for vampire
Fixed for you - PM self-healing scales with level. It's much better to be an 18 wiz and use vampire for flavor than be a 12 wiz and have nothing better.
01-09-2012, 09:32 PM
Fixed for you - PM self-healing scales with level. It's much better to be an 18 wiz and use vampire for flavor than be a 12 wiz and have nothing better.
i think you are mistaken.. my main is pm and i just double check in game. both vampire and wraith shroud are from pm II.. lich form is the only one require pm III
plus deaht aura is 2d4 + 1 per 2 caster level. so 2d4 + 10 for pure level 20 wizzard. level 12 would get 2d4+6.. not so much different.
though pm3 grant an additional 10% bonus to negative damage.. but not that big of deal~~
01-09-2012, 09:42 PM
i think you are mistaken.. my main is pm and i just double check in game. both vampire and wraith shroud are from pm II.. lich form is the only one require pm III
plus deaht aura is 2d4 + 1 per 2 caster level. so 2d4 + 10 for pure level 20 wizzard. level 12 would get 2d4+6.. not so much different.
though pm3 grant an additional 10% bonus to negative damage.. but not that big of deal~~
Don't forget the temporary hit points when struck in Lich form, or the extra healing from not taking quadruple damage :D
Interesting, though - DDOWiki lists Death Aura as 2d4 + caster level, not every 2 caster levels. Haven't logged into my PM in a long time - did this change?
Edit: Nevermind - DDOWiki is inconsistent. Once I drill into the actual spell, I see the "per 2 caster levels", while the spell list shows per caster level.
01-09-2012, 10:03 PM
Don't forget the temporary hit points when struck in Lich form, or the extra healing from not taking quadruple damage :D
Interesting, though - DDOWiki lists Death Aura as 2d4 + caster level, not every 2 caster levels. Haven't logged into my PM in a long time - did this change?
Edit: Nevermind - DDOWiki is inconsistent. Once I drill into the actual spell, I see the "per 2 caster levels", while the spell list shows per caster level.
the problem is if you go 18 wiz/2 monk your ab will have big problem.... plus save and hp.. well lich form give +4 con which kinda make it up..
the thing is if you have 18 wizzard level you be better off casting then swing your fist..XD
btw. the major healing come from abbot robe.. can't remember the name.. since i never have the luck on my pm T_T i wish those are bta instead of btc
01-09-2012, 10:06 PM
the problem is if you go 18 wiz/2 monk your ab will have big problem.... plus save and hp.. well lich form give +4 con which kinda make it up..
10 AB versus 13 (presuming you take rogue or monk) - both will want Divine Power clickies.
Reflex save is better on a lich that jacks up Int and takes IR.
the thing is if you have 18 wizzard level you be better off casting then swing your fist..XD
Aye, that's why I said go 18 wiz instead of 12. Save the melee for the flavor moments, and stick to the class strengths.
Don't get me wrong, I love 12 wiz builds. I'm just not enough of a fan of vampire to recommend it. 2 spell focus feats for +2 Str and +1 HP per hit? There's better deals out there for me.
01-09-2012, 10:10 PM
btw. the major healing come from abbot robe.. can't remember the name.. since i never have the luck on my pm T_T i wish those are bta instead of btc
Shroud of the Abbot, or the Mabar Docent for the toasters.
01-09-2012, 10:17 PM
10 AB versus 13 (presuming you take rogue or monk) - both will want Divine Power clickies.
Reflex save is better on a lich that jacks up Int and takes IR.
Aye, that's why I said go 18 wiz instead of 12. Save the melee for the flavor moments, and stick to the class strengths.
Don't get me wrong, I love 12 wiz builds. I'm just not enough of a fan of vampire to recommend it. 2 spell focus feats for +2 Str and +1 HP per hit? There's better deals out there for me.
haven't been playing for a few month.. this is my fifth account XD gonna come back when they release something new =P and will make a new account for that hehe
i tried this combo but doesn't find it much interesting....hard to build up good decent health on a wizzard which is d4.. sigh.. btw monk are consider as full ab here i think, they change below of fury to add 1 ab every 4 monk level.
01-09-2012, 11:23 PM
i think you are mistaken.. my main is pm and i just double check in game. both vampire and wraith shroud are from pm II.. lich form is the only one require pm III
plus deaht aura is 2d4 + 1 per 2 caster level. so 2d4 + 10 for pure level 20 wizzard. level 12 would get 2d4+6.. not so much different.
though pm3 grant an additional 10% bonus to negative damage.. but not that big of deal~~
The lost CLs on death aura is 20% less healing and then 10% from PMIII on top of that which puts your self healing at roughly 2/3 of what an unarmed 18/2 build have. Considering that you'll often have to use NEB anyway as an 18/2 to heal you're just making the problem worse by dropping down to 12 wizard for a few benefits which aren't much better than what lich form adds (DPS wise).
01-09-2012, 11:44 PM
The lost CLs on death aura is 20% less healing and then 10% from PMIII on top of that which puts your self healing at roughly 2/3 of what an unarmed 18/2 build have. Considering that you'll often have to use NEB anyway as an 18/2 to heal you're just making the problem worse by dropping down to 12 wizard for a few benefits which aren't much better than what lich form adds (DPS wise).
three thing
first: in vampire form you gain +2 str, which equal to 1 ab and damage. every attack heal you for 1 point of health.. plus Constitution damage on cri hit
second: splash monk means more bab, including Flurry of Blows bonus ab~~ also your fist become 1d10 damage at level 8
third: you may choose path shintao or ninja spy~~ plus your stance are more efficient. you will have more monk enhancement that enhancement your melee ability too.
i havce test it already 12/8 is way stronger then 18/2 melee wise
p.s. the reason to go 12 wizzard is because most of the best buff are level 6.. like GH, TS..etc
01-10-2012, 02:15 AM
three thing
first: in vampire form you gain +2 str, which equal to 1 ab and damage. every attack heal you for 1 point of health.. plus Constitution damage on cri hit
second: splash monk means more bab, including Flurry of Blows bonus ab~~ also your fist become 1d10 damage at level 8
third: you may choose path shintao or ninja spy~~ plus your stance are more efficient. you will have more monk enhancement that enhancement your melee ability too.
i havce test it already 12/8 is way stronger then 18/2 melee wise
p.s. the reason to go 12 wizzard is because most of the best buff are level 6.. like GH, TS..etc
BAB means nothing when you're addicted to DP scrolls/clickies (which this build should be).
Healing for 1 on hit is not going to make up for the 30% healing that you're missing from the 6 wizard levels.
1d10 damage fists is only 2 average damage higher than 1d6 from base. If you include (Epic) Jidz Tet-ka and Earth stance it becomes a little more interesting (2d6 which is +1.5 damage), add PL: Disciple of the Fist to put it up to 2d8 (+2 damage) for some real benefit.
Shadow Fade doesn't stack with Wraith form afaik so is rather superfluous. Light side buffs are fine but underwhelming.
8 monk levels doesn't actually add a huge amount to melee DPS. Ranger adds more but still isn't particularly interesting. To get GTWF on the 12/8 split you have to be 8 monk / 10 wizard at level 18 which means you don't actually get vampire form until level 20 which is when the fun is mostly over.
18 wizard / 2 monk has more HP, it is WAY more fun to level (as you can get zombie/vampire/wraith form (much) sooner), is more likely to get you into groups, has WAY better CC/debuffs/self healing/burst DPS and is missing out on only a small amount of sustained melee DPS.
If for no other reason that to enjoy the ride to 20 I wouldn't go past the 18/2 build, screw staying in zombie form until level 20 with that -20% attack speed.
01-10-2012, 02:40 AM
BAB means nothing when you're addicted to DP scrolls/clickies (which this build should be).
Healing for 1 on hit is not going to make up for the 30% healing that you're missing from the 6 wizard levels.
1d10 damage fists is only 2 average damage higher than 1d6 from base. If you include (Epic) Jidz Tet-ka and Earth stance it becomes a little more interesting (2d6 which is +1.5 damage), add PL: Disciple of the Fist to put it up to 2d8 (+2 damage) for some real benefit.
Shadow Fade doesn't stack with Wraith form afaik so is rather superfluous. Light side buffs are fine but underwhelming.
8 monk levels doesn't actually add a huge amount to melee DPS. Ranger adds more but still isn't particularly interesting. To get GTWF on the 12/8 split you have to be 8 monk / 10 wizard at level 18 which means you don't actually get vampire form until level 20 which is when the fun is mostly over.
18 wizard / 2 monk has more HP, it is WAY more fun to level (as you can get zombie/vampire/wraith form (much) sooner), is more likely to get you into groups, has WAY better CC/debuffs/self healing/burst DPS and is missing out on only a small amount of sustained melee DPS.
If for no other reason that to enjoy the ride to 20 I wouldn't go past the 18/2 build, screw staying in zombie form until level 20 with that -20% attack speed.
totally not true
first. you don't have to go dark monk, yes shadow fade don't stack. but it is 25% while wraith is 20%. plus we are talking about vampire shroud. also light monk have various of buff and help you bypass dr which are also useful.
second. true lich form have +4 con but wizzard class is d4 while monk is d8. 6 extra monk level = 4X6 = 24 hp plus you get an additional martial art feat at level 6(thoughness is one of martial art feat) 24 + 20 = 44 > 40 hp (4 con)
third. monk have high save to all, while wizzard have low fort and reflex. since you do have evasion this do have some meaning and when facing certain spell.
fourth you need atleast level 11 wizzard level for GH which is ab, save and temp hp. which is why i choose 12/8
fifth (Epic) Jidz Tet-ka and Earth stance + 1d10 base will make it 2d10.. there is also a robe which does the samething~~ which is 4 damage average higher.. plus 1 ab/damage from +2 str you are average 5 damage higher~~ 5 damage = 10 strength, and do you really consider this to be meaningless?
sixth fun depend on what people perfer, usually people stick with one form. warith form require additional feat to acquire~~
01-10-2012, 02:59 AM
10 AB versus 13 (presuming you take rogue or monk) - both will want Divine Power clickies.
Don't get me wrong, I love 12 wiz builds. I'm just not enough of a fan of vampire to recommend it. 2 spell focus feats for +2 Str and +1 HP per hit? There's better deals out there for me.
Not to mention the x4 increase to light damage that vamp form takes. It makes it COMPLETELY unviable late game, even with a New Shroud upgraded with 30 light resist, as most mobs are going to one shot you or nail you hard enough that a stiff breeze will kill you. Having played with it some late game it just isn't one bit worth it. Standing next to Horoth in wraith form is risky business. He'll sunburst and just about kill me with almost 600 HP. In vamp form? Dead.
01-10-2012, 03:00 AM
totally not true
first. you don't have to go dark monk, yes shadow fade don't stack. but it is 25% while wraith is 20%. plus we are talking about vampire shroud. also light monk have various of buff and help you bypass dr which are also useful.
second. true lich form have +4 con but wizzard class is d4 while monk is d8. 6 extra monk level = 4X6 = 24 hp plus you get an additional martial art feat at level 6(thoughness is one of martial art feat) 24 + 20 = 44 > 40 hp (4 con)
third. monk have high save to all, while wizzard have low fort and reflex. since you do have evasion this do have some meaning and when facing certain spell.
fourth you need atleast level 11 wizzard level for GH which is ab, save and temp hp. which is why i choose 12/8
fifth (Epic) Jidz Tet-ka and Earth stance + 1d10 base will make it 2d10.. there is also a robe which does the samething~~ which is 4 damage average higher.. plus 1 ab/damage from +2 str you are average 5 damage higher~~ 5 damage = 10 strength, and do you really consider this to be meaningless?
sixth fun depend on what people perfer, usually people stick with one form. warith form require additional feat to acquire~~
Ahh, please learn the game.
Wrong, Wraith form is 25% incorporeality.
The light buffs are moderately useful but for this build the healing part is useless, the blur is useless, the boost to skills which is great for self healing UMD is not needed, 25% SP savings from buff doesn't make up for 6 wizard levels and finally i think GotED is less useful for this build as you may be immune to some of the affects on account of form?
Wrong, It's 50 HP, PMIII gives +10 HP so it's 40+10>44.
Saves are important but going from 2 monk to 8 monk is +3 saves and going from 12 wizard to 18 wizard is +2 fort/refl so the 18/2 build is only down 1 point on fort and refl, hardly a deal breaker (I suggest an Infused Chaosrobe with +10 reflex save on it for situational use).
Fourth what? That isn't a rebuttal to anything I've said it's just taking character levels for something that most people scroll.
Wrong. Jidz tet'ka + Earth increases the die step so 1d10 becomes 2d6. That's an increase of +1.5 average damage. The robe (Garments of Equilibrium) don't stack with Jidz (nor does bykesh alchemical handwraps). With PL: DotF (which is tricky to fit in), reinforced fists and the +2 strength from vampire form you're up to 6.5 damage which is certainly not meaningless. However, Lich form gives +1d8+1 damage/hit so in fact after giving up an inventory slot, a feat and making yourself vulnerable to 1 hit kills from light spells you're only up 2 damage.
Sure, everybodies idea of fun is different. However, being 1 shotted from light spells isn't fun, playing a character that is primarily flavour and not particularly viable at end game only to only get the best things that the build offers at end game isn't fun, running out of SP isn't fun, being a one trick pony isn't fun (as your build can only really do melee DPS compared to mine which has slightly less melee DPS but much better CC/burst DPS).
Just my 2 cents.
01-10-2012, 03:36 PM
The other day I created this kind of melee wiz for a guy who asked, I thought at 12/8monk but the 7-8 monk give nothing special while 2 fighter give +1 str, haste boost, more hp, 2 FEATS. Anyways the sun stance is the way to go in my opinion. Halfelf dps seems higher than halforc due to sneak attack that is synergic with vampire form...
I started with 8 int so in the early levels you need an int item to reach 11-12 int and cast spells. You will end with 20 int that is more than enought for a build like this.
DPS should be pretty good: with normal gears STR is 27+7(epic brawling gloves are perfect in this build) +2vampire+2stance+2rage=40 --> 42 with ship buffs. This is +16 to hit/damage. Add psyonic +6 and yugo +2 for a wizard with 50 strenght, +3 exc +3 echrono for a wizard with 56 strenght (+23)
1d8 base fist damage+16str+5pa+5wraps=1d8+26 that is around 30/hit +4d6sneak attack+various bursts effect. Then add recitation and good bard buffs, an aoe spell like ice storm and double death aura up. DOTS vs single target. Enought DPS? If you add fighter haste boost+human damage boost(+25% damage) you will see you can hit for around 60 I think.
Survivability: 25%miss chance from shadow fade+50%from displacement+20%blur...all this stacks. lvl 12 aura with a superior potency 6 item(on a bard neckle for example) should hit for 20-22 every 2 seconds and with -25% threat reduction from vampire you should not generate too much aggro but if needed you have a quicken negative burst to heal you for 120-130, 250 on crit. And don't forget that vampire form gives you lesser vampirism that is a nice addition: +1hp/hit with the monk attack speed. If you have a robe with boon of undead (like epic mabar) you should have no problem at all, I love boon + the dr from the golden greaves.
Spells: normal self buff is expeditious+jump+nighshield+blur+gh+stoneskin+rage +haste+displacement.
Niac or eladar for single target, aoe like ice storm and firewall. No-save spells are the best.
I think this can really work well, for high level content divine power clikie are needed if you want to keep pa on. And to-hit sets like shintao/greater raven/morgana's help.
For level up I always suggest anger's wrath set at the beginning then move to plaza set for +2hit/damage and greater potency6. For high levels bard neckles with wiz6 and sup pot6 are perfect.
Wizard 12 / Monk 6 / Fighter 2 Female Half-Elf (Lawful Good)
HP: 308
SP: 721
AC: 15
FORT: 16
REFL: 12
WILL: 13
BAB: +12/+12/+17/+22
STR: 18+2tome+1human+5lvl+1fighter=27 (+8)
DEX: 15+2tome=17 (+3)
CON: 15+2tome+1human=18 (+4)
INT: 8+2tome+2wiz=12 (+1)
WIS: 8+2tome=10 (0)
CHA: 8+2tome=10 (0)
Balance: 24
Bluff: 0
Concentration: 29
Diplomacy: 2
Disable Device: n/a
Haggle: 0
Heal: 0
Hide: 3
Intimidate: 2
Jump: 12
Listen: 1
Move Silently: 3
Open Lock: n/a
Perform: n/a
Repair: 1
Search: 2
Spot: 1
Swim: 8
Tumble: 4
UMD: n/a
Race Selected: Female Half-Elf
Alignment Selected: Lawful Good
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 18, DEX: 15, CON: 15
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +4 (4), Concentration +4 (4), Jump +4 (4)
Feats Selected: Dodge, Half-Elf Dilettante (Rogue), Toughness
Class Selected: Wizard (Monk 1 / Wizard 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (5)
Feats Selected: Extend Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 2 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (6)
Feats Selected: Mental Toughness
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 3 / Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 19
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (7)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 4 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (8)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 5 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (9)
Feats Selected: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Maximize Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 6 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (10)
Tomes Applied: STR: +2, DEX: +2, CON: +2, INT: +2, WIS: +2, CHA: +2
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 7 / Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 22
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4.5), Concentration +1 (11)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 8 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5), Concentration +1 (12)
Feats Selected: Empower Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 9 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5.5), Concentration +1 (13)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 10 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6), Concentration +1 (14)
Feats Selected: Quicken Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 11 / Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 23
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6.5), Concentration +1 (15)
Feats Selected: Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 12 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (7), Concentration +1 (16)
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 2)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (10), Concentration +1 (17)
Feats Selected: Two Weapon Fighting
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 3)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (13), Concentration +1 (18)
Feats Selected: Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Path of Inevitable Dominion
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 4)
Abilities Raised: STR: 24
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (16), Concentration +1 (19)
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 5)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (19), Concentration +1 (20)
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 6)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +2 (21), Concentration +1 (21), Tumble +1 (1)
Feats Selected: Improved Critical (Bludgeoning), Power Attack
Class Selected: Fighter (Wizard 12 / Monk 6 / Fighter 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (22)
Feats Selected: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Class Selected: Fighter (Wizard 12 / Monk 6 / Fighter 2)
Abilities Raised: STR: 25
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (23)
Feats Selected: Weapon Focus (Bludgeoning)
Favor Bonus Granted: Coin Lord Finishing School (400 Coin Lord Favor)
Favor Bonus Granted: Draconic Vitality (15 Agents of Argonnessen Favor)
Enhancements Selected: Human Versatility I, Fighter Toughness I, Fighter Strength I, Fighter Haste Boost I, Way of the Patient Tortoise I, Wizard Intelligence I, Racial Toughness I, Wizard Energy of the Scholar I, Human Versatility II, Wizard Improved Maximizing I, Wizard Improved Empowering I, Human Adaptability Strength I, Racial Toughness II, Improved Rogue Dilettante I, Human Versatility III, Way of the Patient Tortoise II, Wizard Pale Master I, Fighter Attack Boost I, Human Versatility IV, Wizard Intelligence II, Wizard Energy of the Scholar II, Wizard Pale Master II, Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I, Racial Toughness III, Adept of Flame, Improved Rogue Dilettante II, Shroud of the Wraith, Shroud of the Vampire, Improved Jump II, Improved Tumble II, Monk Ninja Spy I
You still have around 30 ap to spec into 1 element or 2... I prefer full spec into ice and just 1st tier of some other.
what do you think?
01-10-2012, 03:40 PM
I have nothing to add other than looking at the title it dawned on me how to make a zombie monkey pirate ninja.
mins necessary
wizard 6
monk 6
pale master, way of the monkey, ninja spy, and wear a pirate hat.
01-10-2012, 03:47 PM
I have nothing to add other than looking at the title it dawned on me how to make a zombie monkey pirate ninja.
mins necessary
wizard 6
monk 6
pale master, way of the monkey, ninja spy, and wear a pirate hat.
lolol wanna just use him for go fishing?
01-10-2012, 03:50 PM
I don't know about you guys, but until Turbine finishes the PrE changes, I completely lost my appetite for character building.
It's like a blind man painting on the beach as a hurricane moves in.
01-10-2012, 03:52 PM
lolol wanna just use him for go fishing?
Heck if I know. For all I know it could be fun. Just one of those wacked builds just because it could have an amusing build name.
I don't know about you guys, but until Turbine finishes the PrE changes, I completely lost my appetite for character building.
It's like a blind man painting on the beach as a hurricane moves in.
meh, I haven't. Mostly because they are works in progress any way. we were getting tidbits of PrEs to begin with, and knowing they'll be finsihing more at a much faster rate than any before, and the fact we know level gating of tiers is still going to exist, it is called build up the TRs or cap in the mean time in wait for it to be there.
There is no fluff in this game, so I play it when I feel like and for fun. So I'm still having fun oddly.
01-10-2012, 05:11 PM
what do you think?
See my post above. In theory this would be an awesome build and a ton of fun to play. By the time you hit vale, and things start doing light damage, you are pretty much screwed. The x4 to light damage that vamp form gives you just let's pretty much any caster tear you to bits. I only speak from experience. :P Continue at your own peril!
01-10-2012, 06:36 PM
The other day I created this kind of melee wiz for a guy who asked, I thought at 12/8monk but the 7-8 monk give nothing special while 2 fighter give +1 str, haste boost, more hp, 2 FEATS. Anyways the sun stance is the way to go in my opinion. Halfelf dps seems higher than halforc due to sneak attack that is synergic with vampire form...
I started with 8 int so in the early levels you need an int item to reach 11-12 int and cast spells. You will end with 20 int that is more than enought for a build like this.
DPS should be pretty good: with normal gears STR is 27+7(epic brawling gloves are perfect in this build) +2vampire+2stance+2rage=40 --> 42 with ship buffs. This is +16 to hit/damage. Add psyonic +6 and yugo +2 for a wizard with 50 strenght, +3 exc +3 echrono for a wizard with 56 strenght (+23)
1d8 base fist damage+16str+5pa+5wraps=1d8+26 that is around 30/hit +4d6sneak attack+various bursts effect. Then add recitation and good bard buffs, an aoe spell like ice storm and double death aura up. DOTS vs single target. Enought DPS? If you add fighter haste boost+human damage boost(+25% damage) you will see you can hit for around 60 I think.
Survivability: 25%miss chance from shadow fade+50%from displacement+20%blur...all this stacks. lvl 12 aura with a superior potency 6 item(on a bard neckle for example) should hit for 20-22 every 2 seconds and with -25% threat reduction from vampire you should not generate too much aggro but if needed you have a quicken negative burst to heal you for 120-130, 250 on crit. And don't forget that vampire form gives you lesser vampirism that is a nice addition: +1hp/hit with the monk attack speed. If you have a robe with boon of undead (like epic mabar) you should have no problem at all, I love boon + the dr from the golden greaves.
Spells: normal self buff is expeditious+jump+nighshield+blur+gh+stoneskin+rage +haste+displacement.
Niac or eladar for single target, aoe like ice storm and firewall. No-save spells are the best.
I think this can really work well, for high level content divine power clikie are needed if you want to keep pa on. And to-hit sets like shintao/greater raven/morgana's help.
For level up I always suggest anger's wrath set at the beginning then move to plaza set for +2hit/damage and greater potency6. For high levels bard neckles with wiz6 and sup pot6 are perfect.
Wizard 12 / Monk 6 / Fighter 2 Female Half-Elf (Lawful Good)
HP: 308
SP: 721
AC: 15
FORT: 16
REFL: 12
WILL: 13
BAB: +12/+12/+17/+22
STR: 18+2tome+1human+5lvl+1fighter=27 (+8)
DEX: 15+2tome=17 (+3)
CON: 15+2tome+1human=18 (+4)
INT: 8+2tome+2wiz=12 (+1)
WIS: 8+2tome=10 (0)
CHA: 8+2tome=10 (0)
Balance: 24
Bluff: 0
Concentration: 29
Diplomacy: 2
Disable Device: n/a
Haggle: 0
Heal: 0
Hide: 3
Intimidate: 2
Jump: 12
Listen: 1
Move Silently: 3
Open Lock: n/a
Perform: n/a
Repair: 1
Search: 2
Spot: 1
Swim: 8
Tumble: 4
UMD: n/a
Race Selected: Female Half-Elf
Alignment Selected: Lawful Good
Class Selected: Monk (Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 18, DEX: 15, CON: 15
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +4 (4), Concentration +4 (4), Jump +4 (4)
Feats Selected: Dodge, Half-Elf Dilettante (Rogue), Toughness
Class Selected: Wizard (Monk 1 / Wizard 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (5)
Feats Selected: Extend Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 2 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (6)
Feats Selected: Mental Toughness
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 3 / Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 19
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (7)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 4 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (8)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 5 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (9)
Feats Selected: Spell Focus (Necromancy), Maximize Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 6 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (10)
Tomes Applied: STR: +2, DEX: +2, CON: +2, INT: +2, WIS: +2, CHA: +2
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 7 / Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 22
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (4.5), Concentration +1 (11)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 8 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5), Concentration +1 (12)
Feats Selected: Empower Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 9 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (5.5), Concentration +1 (13)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 10 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6), Concentration +1 (14)
Feats Selected: Quicken Spell
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 11 / Monk 1)
Abilities Raised: STR: 23
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (6.5), Concentration +1 (15)
Feats Selected: Greater Spell Focus (Necromancy)
Class Selected: Wizard (Wizard 12 / Monk 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +0.5 (7), Concentration +1 (16)
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 2)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (10), Concentration +1 (17)
Feats Selected: Two Weapon Fighting
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 3)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (13), Concentration +1 (18)
Feats Selected: Improved Two Weapon Fighting, Path of Inevitable Dominion
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 4)
Abilities Raised: STR: 24
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (16), Concentration +1 (19)
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 5)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +3 (19), Concentration +1 (20)
Class Selected: Monk (Wizard 12 / Monk 6)
Skills Ranks Raised: Balance +2 (21), Concentration +1 (21), Tumble +1 (1)
Feats Selected: Improved Critical (Bludgeoning), Power Attack
Class Selected: Fighter (Wizard 12 / Monk 6 / Fighter 1)
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (22)
Feats Selected: Greater Two Weapon Fighting
Class Selected: Fighter (Wizard 12 / Monk 6 / Fighter 2)
Abilities Raised: STR: 25
Skills Ranks Raised: Concentration +1 (23)
Feats Selected: Weapon Focus (Bludgeoning)
Favor Bonus Granted: Coin Lord Finishing School (400 Coin Lord Favor)
Favor Bonus Granted: Draconic Vitality (15 Agents of Argonnessen Favor)
Enhancements Selected: Human Versatility I, Fighter Toughness I, Fighter Strength I, Fighter Haste Boost I, Way of the Patient Tortoise I, Wizard Intelligence I, Racial Toughness I, Wizard Energy of the Scholar I, Human Versatility II, Wizard Improved Maximizing I, Wizard Improved Empowering I, Human Adaptability Strength I, Racial Toughness II, Improved Rogue Dilettante I, Human Versatility III, Way of the Patient Tortoise II, Wizard Pale Master I, Fighter Attack Boost I, Human Versatility IV, Wizard Intelligence II, Wizard Energy of the Scholar II, Wizard Pale Master II, Human Greater Adaptability Constitution I, Racial Toughness III, Adept of Flame, Improved Rogue Dilettante II, Shroud of the Wraith, Shroud of the Vampire, Improved Jump II, Improved Tumble II, Monk Ninja Spy I
You still have around 30 ap to spec into 1 element or 2... I prefer full spec into ice and just 1st tier of some other.
what do you think?
good point.. forget we have no multi class penalty here.. usually i multi class as less as possible XD been playing nwn series lately =P
01-24-2012, 10:42 PM
The build you've got there is interesting, OP. I kinda like it...
With personal experiance in the Gimpy Zombie build area. I'd like to refer you to the linked build in my SIG, The Thriller(12 Monk/7 Wizard/1 Fighter). The build was so much fun to level, I got declined for groups all the time, and would conqure Elite quests at level. When I did make it into PUGs, they were astonished at the builds capabilities. Iirc, the only time I had a problem with death(before U11/12), was trying to stay in with the melee durring part 4 of the Shroud and the healers refused to heal me(So I healed myself, with Aura/Burst/Circle of Hatred).
Big thing about a gimpy zombie build....Heavy Gear Requirement to keep yourself alive(most of it from the Abbot Raid).
...It's been a while since I've tweaked the build, but the general idea is there.
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