View Full Version : 32 pt Clonk Help Please

12-31-2011, 04:11 AM
I've built a pure Cleric with the help of the wonderful people here and want to compare it to a Clonk :)

I'm not sure if I want to go 18/2 (Or 18/3) Cleric/Monk or 17/2/1 Cleric/Monk/Rogue. I like the 17/2/1 a lot for sufficiency but not sure how practical it would be for a 32 pt. build.

Here is what I am looking for:
(a) Multi-Class so that I can compare to my pure Cleric
(b) Race - Human (Healing Amp & +1 Feat) or Halfling (Saves & small AC bonus)

So far this is the best I can come up with:

Halfling 18/2 Cleric/Monk
Starting Stats:
Str - 12
Dex - 16
Con - 14
Int - 10
Wis - 16
Chr - 10 (Chr - 8 if Human)

+1 Dex & +4 Wisdom on level ups (Or I'll eat tombs from AH to meet the pre-req's on TWF line)

Skill ups (In order of importance):

H: Toughness (!!! If Human !!!)
M: Stunning Fists
1: TWF
3: Empower Healing (Pre-req)
6: Empower Spell
9: Maximize Spell
12: ITWF
13M: Weapon Finesse
14MP: Dominion (!!! If I take another Monk level !!!)
15: GTWF
18: Quicken Spell

Things I don't like about this :(
(a)No toughness (on Halfling)
(b)Does Weapon Finesse work in this build. Not sure if Handwraps and/or Kama + weapon finesse = better chance to hit? If not, would Toughness > Weapon Finesse then? Seen a lot of Finesse builds.
(c)Can't seem to get a rogue level with sufficient skills. (i.e. Trying to do too much with too little. Is it even practical?)
(d) Is anything out of place? Feats, priority of skills, stat points?